[ECOLOG-L] Shirley C. Tucker Herbarium website upgrade at Louisiana State University

2017-04-26 Thread Timothy Jones
All plant identification keys at the Shirley C. Tucker Herbarium @
Louisiana State University are now entirely JavaScript-based and work
painlessly without downloads or security-back-flips.   Mobile works too.
Caveat - iPhone users using Sarfari, my apologies :(  But just use
Chrome/Mozilla and it will work. :) Additionally now providing open source
data files via Github.  See the small grey cat icon at the bottom of the

[ECOLOG-L] LSU Keys update

2015-05-04 Thread Timothy Jones
Howdy All,

Just wanted to inform everyone about a recent update to LSU Keys.   We
almost avoided mobilegeddon, as at least all the image keys will now work
on a w-ifi refrigerator.  All phones?  Not so sure.  Any feedback
appreciated but do realize that the tap-targets are too small for  the
average finger.



PS  Dissertation complete and seeking new challenges.  Hint, hint.

Timothy M. Jones
Life Science Annex Building, Room A257
Louisiana State University
Baton Rouge, LA 70803
Website - http://www.herbarium.lsu.edu/keys/

[ECOLOG-L] Google analytics and searchable databases

2014-11-20 Thread Timothy Jones
Announcing a  new study that shows seven years (see discussion) of Google
Analytics data for plant biodiversity websites that includes specimen data
from over four hundred institutions.
The article is available via open access here:

Timothy M. Jones
Life Science Annex Building, Room A257
Louisiana State University
Baton Rouge, LA 70803
Website - http://www.herbarium.lsu.edu/keys/

[ECOLOG-L] Help with winged bug ID

2014-03-03 Thread Timothy Jones
Howdy All,

Noticed these smallish bugs today in some old photos from last year, Sept
2013 in Baton Rouge, Louisiana, US., on a lawn-turf partially comprised of
Eremochloa ophiuroides and Kyllinga sp., both were at anthesis -   and have
no clue what they are.  Any help?  Both under five millimeters long.

Small cropped images of the two bugs;



Big image for context, showing the fly at ten o'clock.  Tiny!


Timothy M. Jones
Life Science Annex Building, Room A257
Louisiana State University
Baton Rouge, LA 70803
Website - http://www.herbarium.lsu.edu/keys/

Re: [ECOLOG-L] Virginia tree guide

2014-01-26 Thread Timothy Jones
Dear Gary,
A big list of trees you will see - here with factsheets.

On Sun, Jan 26, 2014 at 2:02 PM, Mike Nolan wrote:

>  Gary
> Should get you started. Thanks.
> https://www.google.com/search?hl=en&q=tree%20identification%20guides%20for%20virginia
> Mike Nolan
> On 1/26/2014 1:35 PM, Gary Roller wrote:
> Hello,
> I will be working in coastal Virginia this spring from Virginia Beach south
> to the North Carolina border. I was wondering if someone could recommend a
> tree guide for this area. I will be there March through June so a guide that
> has bark descriptions would be helpful as I don't think most of the trees
> will have leaves on them at the start. Thanks in advance for any suggestions.
> Gary Roller
> Research Scientist
> Spatial Informatics Group sig-gis.com
> --
> If we are on another line or away from the phone, please leave your number, 
> best time to return your call and your e-mail address.
> After hours and weekend phone appointments are available upon request.
> Sincerely,
> J. Michael Nolan, Director
> Rainforest and Reef
> "Twenty years from now you will be more disappointed by the things you didn't 
> do than by the ones you did do. So throw off the bowlines. Sail away from the 
> safe harbor. Catch the trade winds in your sails. Explore. Dream. Discover."
> -Author Unknown (Mark Twain is often given credit for this quote, but did not 
> say it)
> *
> "Outstanding-Affordable Field Courses in Rainforest & Marine Ecology"
> References/Comments from past Group Leaders and Individual Participants can 
> be found at: http://rainforestandreef.org/comments.htm, many more available 
> upon request.
> Endorsement from Jack Hanna, Director of the Columbus, Ohio Zoo and Aquarium: 
> http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=mpMK8UxERAE
> http://www.vipexpeditionsecuador.com/
> U.S.:
> Rainforest and Reef
> 161 Main St.
> Coopersville, MI 49404
> International Phone from outside the U.S. or Canada: 011.616.604.0546
> Toll Free U.S. and Canada: 1.877.255.3721
> Fax: 1.616.604.0546
> Skype: rainforestandreeffieldcourses
> E-mail: mno...@rainforestandreef.org or travelwithra...@gmail.com
> Note: Please send inquiries to both e-mail addresses
> Web: http://rainforestandreef.org (under revision for 2014 and beyond)
> Europe:
> Rainforest and Reef
> Haguenau, France
> Att: Marion Stephan
> Local/International Phone: 49.(0).177.1747485
> Skype: walli044
> E-mail: mstep...@rainforestandreef.org
> *

Timothy M. Jones
Life Science Annex Building, Room A257
Louisiana State University
Baton Rouge, LA 70803
Website - http://www.herbarium.lsu.edu/keys/

[ECOLOG-L] 3D stuff

2013-12-15 Thread Timothy Jones
Howdy All,
Recent work seen below

Timothy M. Jones
Life Science Annex Building, Room A257
Louisiana State University
Baton Rouge, LA 70803
Website - http://www.herbarium.lsu.edu/keys/

[ECOLOG-L] Visual and translatable key in HTML5 to a small group of grasses

2013-06-21 Thread Timothy Jones
Howdy All,

A visual and translatable key that should work on all devices without a
run-time.   http://www.herbarium2.lsu.edu/grass2/

Hello hornets nest?

Malus domestica phones are a bit small but seem to work.  All tablets shine
here.   Please do not use Mozilla based browsers for the translate
function, it only works on IE, Safari, and Chrome. Mozilla will handle the
image tiles, but not the translate.


Timothy M. Jones
Life Science Annex Building, Room A257
Louisiana State University
Baton Rouge, LA 70803
Website - http://www.herbarium.lsu.edu/keys/

[ECOLOG-L] Touch, visual, and textual keys

2012-05-06 Thread Timothy Jones
Announcing three new identification keys that feature three interfaces -
touch, visual, and textual.
*Touch-based *Key to Life, V.001* via Jquery / Ajax.  Device independent,
phones as well as computers.  App stores or downloads not required.

*Visual Study Plantae sensu lato, V.2.* Computer-based via Silverlight and
Pivot Viewer.

*Textual Plantae sensu lato, V.6.*  Matrix-based traditional Lucid 3.4 via


Timothy M. Jones
Life Science Annex Building, Room A257
Louisiana State University
Baton Rouge, LA 70803
Website - http://www.herbarium.lsu.edu/keys/

[ECOLOG-L] Woody plant identification workshop @ LSU

2011-09-12 Thread Timothy Jones
The Louisiana State University Herbarium is offering a woody plant
identification workshop on October 10-12, 2011.  It will consist of a field
study of native and exotic trees, shrubs, and vines of wetland and upland

Prior experience in plant taxonomy or botany is not a requirement.

More information is available at http://www.herbarium.lsu.edu/keys/

Timothy M. Jones
Life Science Annex Building, Room A257
Louisiana State University
Baton Rouge, LA 70803
Website - http://www.herbarium.lsu.edu/keys/

[ECOLOG-L] Visual generic grass guide to Louisiana

2011-06-07 Thread Timothy Jones
Announcing a generic visual grass identification guide to Louisiana that
features full resolution specimen images, line drawings from  Flora of North
America Volumes 24 & 25,  and field images. The project utilizes Silverlight
and Deepzoom developed by Microsoft, enabling users to zoom in on full
resolution imagery.
Best experienced with a scroll mouse - use your mouse wheel to zoom in an
out on images.
Helpful hints -
1. By left clicking once on "quantity" under the facet "Genus" you change
the list to "A-Z".
2. Upper right corner contains two icons - a "grid view" and a "graph view"
- select a few genera and then click the "graph view" icon.  Now easily do
side by side comparisons.
3. Select "One to one comparison" at the bottom of the character list.  This
normalizes the image data (only one image per genus) thereby allowing for
equal character comparisons across all taxa.
4. Requires Silverlight - if you do not have it, it will prompt you to
install it.  Takes about a minute and it is a Microsoft product.

Timothy M. Jones
Louisiana State University
Baton Rouge, LA 70803
Website - http://www.herbarium.lsu.edu/keys/

[ECOLOG-L] Grass Identification Workshop at LSU

2011-05-12 Thread Timothy Jones
The Louisiana State University Herbarium is offering a workshop on grasses
(POACEAE -  GRAMINEAE) on JUNE 1-3, 2011.  It will consist of an intensive,
hands-on approach with about equal time spent in the classroom and in the
field. Participants will be instructed in detail on vegetative and
reproductive features of grasses. A considerable amount of the time well be
spent in the workshop on identification through the use of traditional and
interactive keys. Determination of major groups and common genera by use of
diagnostic characteristics will also be emphasized.  Prior experience in
plant taxonomy or botany *is not required*.

For more information visit the LSU Herbarium Website:
   http://www.herbarium.lsu.edu/keys/NATIVE PLANT ID WORKSHOP 2011_5_11.pdf
or http://www.herbarium.lsu.edu/k eys/

Timothy M. Jones
Louisiana State University
Baton Rouge, LA 70803
Website - http://www.herbarium.lsu.edu/keys/

[ECOLOG-L] Visual identification of true sedges

2011-01-05 Thread Timothy Jones
Announcing a new, interactive visual identification key to the Carices of
North America with over 1200 images in a "resolution-free" format. Requires
Microsoft Silverlight and best experienced with a scroll mouse to zoom-in on
images. http://www.herbarium2.lsu.edu/aaa/index.html


Timothy M. Jones
Louisiana State University
Baton Rouge, LA 70803
Website - http://www.herbarium.lsu.edu/keys/

Carex data request

2007-04-19 Thread Timothy Jones
Regarding my last post requesting global Carex data for the Carex 
Interactive Key at

Thank you to all that have contributed both data and time. 
A  web page that lists the individual contributors  is now posted at  
All contributed data is in the authors original format and also as a 
converted text file for those leery of .doc and .xls files (tab 

This collaboration is truly making the regional data much easier to 
check and double check.  Thanks to the contributions thus far,
the Carex key can now effectively be used in the US, Canada, Greenland, 
Iceland,  Sweden, Norway, Finland,  and the U.K. 
Plus all GBIF, GRIN, KEW, and MOBOT regional data are now  incorporated 
for  taxa currently within the key. 
Thank you also to all that recommended these websites.

I encourage anyone with Carex databased or with species checklists for a

region  to contribute to this collaboration. 
As before, any format is acceptable. 
Additionally, to those who had spam filter issues with my original post,
I will not use the word "desire" in the subject line again! 
Lesson learned,

A request for global Carex range data

2007-03-27 Thread Timothy Jones
Hello All,

This is a request for species lists for the genus Carex to all the
of the world outside of Canada and the US.  The list may be for any
political or geographical area. I have never seen this approach at
collaboration attempted before, but
thought it might be worth a try. The data will be used in the following

The primary reason for the appeal is to confirm published data. Any
format is fine; a text (.txt) file would be best but obviously I will
take what I can get.  All contributors will be cited at the following
website http://utc.usu.edu/keys/default.htm.

I will set up a web page to post all the species lists made available at
above URL and document the involvement of all those that have

Timothy M. Jones

New website for interactive identification keys

2007-02-20 Thread Timothy Jones
Hello All,
Just a note to announce our revamped website at http://utc.usu.edu/keys/

The site now features 
* a web based demonstration of a Lucid based key
* an illustrated glossary to select genera of sedges, grasses and
* fact sheets to accompany all listed above
* many high quality images 
* Google interactive mapping for distribution data

Keys currently available

* Carex - 500 species of North America
* Platanthera - all of the 33 species present in North America

* Poaceae - with complete North American keys to:

* Panicum
* Dichanthelium
* Bromus
* Pooid Genera of North America
* Many others

T. M. Jones

Online interactive key, fact sheets, and illustrated glossary for Carex.

2007-02-02 Thread Timothy Jones
The interactive key and fact sheets for Carex at
http://utc.usu.edu/keys/ has been expanded to include taxa outside of
North America and is now linked to an illustrated glossary.  The 500
species currently in the key now include their full global distributions
based upon both countries and floristic regions.  This represents over 
twenty-five percent of the worlds known species.  

The reason for the post is that I am interested in collaborating with
others in making this a global resource. If you are interested in
participating in such an effort, please contact me directly.  

The four major needs at present are for:

a) High quality, vouchered images;
b) Detailed descriptions, comparable to those in the Flora of North
America; these will be posted (and credited to author) in addition to
being used as a source of data for expanding the key;
c) Documented distributional data;
d) Feedback from users.  

Timothy M. Jones