Call for Proposals: Symposium, Organized Oral Session, and Organized Poster 

96th Annual Meeting of the Ecological Society of America
Austin, Texas
August 7-12, 2011

Deadline for Submission: September 16, 2010

The theme for the ESA Annual Meeting in 2011 is "Planetary stewardship:  
Preserving and enhancing earth's life-support systems". Human society currently 
faces global-scale issues including climate change, loss of biodiversity, 
population pressures, food production, energy acquisition, and resource use 
that threaten earth's life-support systems.  Resolution of these issues will 
require integration of knowledge from many sources and simultaneous 
consideration of multiple problems, in contrast to the individualistic approach 
to problems commonly used in the past.  Ecologists are challenged to provide a 
scientific basis for addressing these issues and to lead in developing a sense 
of planetary stewardship.

Symposium, Organized Oral Session, and Organized Poster Session proposals 
related to the meeting's theme are highly encouraged, but any timely and 
coherent subject of broad interest will be considered. We also welcome 
proposals that explore interdisciplinary connections with areas of social and 
natural science outside of ecology or that relate to ecological education at 
any level.

Please visit the homepage for the 2011 ESA Annual Meeting for additional 

SYMPOSIA are the scientific centerpiece of the meeting. They are limited to 
half-day sessions (3.5 hours). Individual talks in symposia range from 15 to 30 
minutes in length at the discretion of the symposium organizer. Time devoted to 
synthesis, summary, and discussion is strongly encouraged. This meeting will 
include 24 symposia, and all proposals will be peer-reviewed. For additional 
information and to begin the submission process, please visit:

ORGANIZED ORAL SESSIONS are organized around a specific topic with most of the 
speakers invited by the organizer. These sessions are distinguished from 
symposia in that 1) there is less emphasis on breadth of appeal and overall 
synthesis; 2) they may be comprised largely of related case studies; 3) talks 
are set at 15 minutes each, with 5 minutes following for discussion (as in 
contributed oral sessions); and 4) at least 2 time slots out of the 10 
available in an organized oral session are reserved for the Program Chair to 
place related talks from the contributed abstracts. Organized oral sessions are 
limited to half-day sessions (3.5 hours). There is no set number of accepted 
Organized Oral Session proposals for the meeting, and all proposals will be 
peer-reviewed. For additional information and to begin the submission process, 
please visit:

ORGANIZED POSTER SESSIONS are sets of posters (in multiples of 5) organized 
around a specific topic. Presenters are invited by the organizer. Organized 
poster sessions will be scheduled during one of the regular poster sessions at 
the annual meeting. All posters in each organized poster session will be placed 
as a group in a designated area of the exhibit hall. For additional information 
and to begin the submission process, please visit:

If you have any questions, please contact the Program Chair, Tom Jurik, at, or the Program Coordinator, Jennifer Riem, at

Jennifer Riem
Science Programs Coordinator
Ecological Society of America
202.833.8773 x 218

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