The UCLA La Kretz Center for California Conservation Science <> invites applications for its 2018 Postdoctoral Fellowship in California Conservation Science. We seek a postdoctoral scholar who conducts innovative biological research to work with the La Kretz Center and our partner agencies to achieve outcomes that will direct and lead California conservation efforts. Candidates may work in any discipline that provides the scientific underpinnings for the preservation, protection, management, or restoration of at-risk species, environments, or ecological communities in California. Our current emphasis is focused on research related to (i) conservation science at the urban/wildland interface, (ii) urban biodiversity, ecosystems, and ecosystem services, and (iii) California conservation science that leverages networks of protected areas, and successful candidates will most likely perform research at La Kretz that is related to one or more of these themes.

One of the hallmarks of our postdoctoral program is collaborating with local agencies and NGO leaders, and the successful applicant will be expected to conduct research with our partner agencies that is focused on applied conservation outcomes. To accomplish this, we seek Fellows whose research interests overlap with at least one UCLA faculty member who is a La Kretz affiliate <> and one agency partner in California. Successful projects require input from both faculty and agency partners, and we encourage applicants to contact partners to discuss their project prior to the deadline. Our current list of agency partners and contacts includes:

The Nature Conservancy: Sophie Parker <> (restoration; urban conservation; invasive species)

LA Natural History Museum: Jann Vendetti <> (mollusk ecology and evolution; species natural history)

U.S. Geological Survey: Robert Fisher <> (applied conservation; biodiversity; ecology and evolution)

US Bureau of Land Management: Mike Westphal <> (applied conservation, climate change)

US Fish and Wildlife Service: Cat Darst <> (endangered species management)

Tejon Ranch Conservancy: Bob Reid <>(conservation planning; restoration ecology)

Nature Reserve of Orange County: Milan Mitrovich <> (protection and recovery of sensitive species)

National Park Service: Katy Delaney <> (amphibian and avian ecology, evolution, and conservation)

National Park Service: Seth Riley <> (mammalian ecology, evolution, and conservation)

Department of Defense: Robert Lovich <> (conservation on DoD lands)

We will consider candidates who have recently completed their Ph.D. or will have completed it by August 2019. We envision hiring at least one Fellow this year that will interact with and contribute to our growing team of conservation scientists at the La Kretz Center <>. The Fellow is expected to work on the UCLA campus and engage with the faculty, postdocs, and graduate students in the Departments of Ecology and Evolutionary Biology and the Institute of the Environment and Sustainability. Candidates are also expected to meet with agency partners either on campus or at the agency partner’s offices as project timelines require.

The La Kretz Fellowship is for two years, subject to review after the first year. The planned start date is September 2019. The position has an annual salary of ~ $50,000 (depending on experience) plus full benefits, an annual research fund of $5,000, and an additional travel allowance of $1000/year to present at a scientific meeting. The Fellow has the option to reside at the newly renovated La Kretz Field Station <> (~ 25 miles from campus), located in the Santa Monica Mountains at a very modest rate. The La Kretz Field Station is adjacent to numerous hiking and biking trails and a short 10-minute drive from beaches, restaurants, and shops.

To apply, please email to Will Zou, Administrative Assistant at ( <>), a single PDF file that includes (i) a cover letter, (ii) your CV, (iii) a research and management accomplishments statement (1-2 page), (iv) a project proposal that includes La Kretz affiliates and agency partners of interest (2-pages max, single-spaced, plus references), and (v) two relevant publications. We also ask that you have two letters of reference (one from your Ph.D. advisor), plus a letter from your proposed faculty mentor and your proposed agency collaborator indicating their interest in your work and its relevance to California conservation efforts. Please arrange to have letter writers deliver their reference to Will Zou under separate emails with the subject line “La Kretz Postdoc letter for XXX (your last name)”. The deadline for completed applications is 4 January 2018. Please e-mail questions to Brad Shaffer <>, Director of the La Kretz Center.


UCLA La Kretz Center for California Conservation Science

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