Dear Colleagues,
  We invite you to submit an abstract for the Fall 2016 American Geophysical
Union GLOBAL CHANGE Session 13826:

"Scale-dependent ecological dynamics in a rapidly changing Arctic"

The abstract submission deadline is Wednesday, 3 August 2016. Abstracts can
be submitted at

Session description:
The Arctic is rapidly changing as the climate warms, yet how this change
is altering ecological dynamics across scales is poorly understood.
Decades of plot- and satellite-based studies underpin our understanding
of change in Arctic systems, but linking patterns and processes across
levels of ecological organization has traditionally been hampered by a
lack of moderate-scale data.

The application of emerging methods - including the integration of
unmanned aerial systems (UAS), time-lapse photography, multi-platform
satellite observations and cross site ecological data synthesis * are
filling a long-standing gap in our understanding of how scale affects
observed and predicted ecological change.

This session will provide a forum for researchers from the fields of
tundra remote sensing, phenology, population- and ecosystem- ecology to
address concepts of scale-dependent ecological dynamics in high-latitude
ecosystems. Each presentation will address how working across scales
can improve our understanding of the ecological processes reshaping the
rapidly changing Arctic.

Conveners: Jeffrey Kerby, Isla Myers-Smith, Andrew Cunliffe, and Howard

For further session information, go to:

For additional questions/information please email:
Jeff Kerby at 

(note: Jeff Kerby will be out of contact for fieldwork from July 15 until
after the submission deadline.  For questions that arise after July 15,
please email Howie Epstein at )

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