Dear ECOLOG Community,

Please invite your students to participate in Antioch Education Abroad's
Brazilian Ecosystems Program. It is an outstanding opportunity for direct
field experience with the ecology and biodiversity of Brazil's preserved
environments, and with real world conservation problem solving where those
preserved areas are under threat.

Besides being a really exciting cultural experience, the program appeals to
students with a broad range of interests. While we focus on the ecological
concepts at work in conservation science, the program also includes a hard
look at the sociopolitical factors that are key to addressing the
environmental problems facing Brazil.

The program is a 16-credit fall semester for undergraduate students that
takes place from 30 August to 29 November.

The program travels to the Atlantic Forest, Cerrado Savanna, Amazon
Rainforest, and Pantanal Wetland, across four different states: Paraná,
Goiás, Amazonas, and Mato Grosso.

Students return to campus inspired and energized about continuing their
education towards more realistically defined career goals.

Please encourage your students to learn more about this program by
directing them to

*Also please note that we will continue to accept applications past the
March 31st deadline until the program is full.*

Thank you for your time,

Suzanne Kolb, Ph.D. Ecology
Associate Professor of Environmental Science
Director, Brazilian Ecosystems Program

Antioch Education Abroad
Antioch University
900 Dayton Street
Yellow Springs, OH 45387

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