I know that I mentioned on here a while back that I received the first
Mongabay Prize for Environmental Reporting
<http://news.mongabay.com/2013/1116-sri01-winner-announced.html>  , a
6-month grant to report on innovative approaches to tropical forest
conservation. My  main reporting focus is how Elinor Ostrom¹s Nobel-winning
theories can not only help forest conservation but also benefit people¹s
livelihoods (of course they can be applied to other ³common pool resources²
such as fisheries, as well, but my focus is tropical forests). Several more
articles will be coming out in the next weeks and months, but I wanted to
belatedly share a couple projects I did surrounding Jane Goodall¹s 80th
birthday which was April 3. (she has been a lifelong inspiration of mine
since I was in high school in the late 1980s!)

I got to interview Dr Jane herself the Sunday before her birthday (on the
phone) as she was in transit from Montreal to California. How cool was
that?! It wasn¹t the lengthiest interview in the world but it was really
amazing to talk to her! That and another ³top 10² list (that has some meat
in it, including some very cool projects happening in Africa by the Jane
Goodall Institute) are at Animal Planet ­ see links below.
* Q&A with Dr Jane Goodall
* 10 Reasons Why Everyone Should Love Jane Goodall!
day.htm>  (if link doesn¹t work the URL is:
And I was really happy with how this feature on CBS Smart Planet turned out:
How Jane Goodall¹s legacy is alleviating poverty
-alleviating-poverty/> .
-alleviating-poverty/). I highlighted a cool project I saw in the field
being facilitated by the Jane Goodall Institute-Uganda.

 I wanted to also pass along the link to the page that lists the
current/open Special Reporting Initiatives, because Mongabay will continue
to have these over the next months for writers. Check out
http://mongabay.org/special-reporting-initiatives/. You can see one
Reporters Journal: The forests of Uganda
/>  I did for the Mongabay blog tooŠ

And last but not least my next 6-week online writing class is May 24! :)


Wendee Nicole, M.S. Wildlife Ecology
Freelance Writer * Photographer * Bohemian
Web:  http://www.wendeenicole.com
Adventures Blog: http://bohemianadventures.blogspot.com
Writing Green ~ online class  http://www.wendeenicole.com/nature.htm

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