Dear colleagues,

Transmitting Science is offering a new course that can be of your interest: 
Ecological Niche Modelling and Comparative Macroecology using ENMTools.

Instructors: Dan Warren (Senckenberg Biodiversity and Climate Research Center, 
Germany) and Neftalí Sillero (Centro de Investigação em Ciências Geo-Espaciais, 

Dates: January 14th-18th, 2018.

Place: Capellades, Barcelona (Spain).

In this workshop the instructors will review the basics of Ecological Niche 
Modelling, focusing on the pros and cons of each type of model.

They will be introduced to new aspects of the ENMTools R package that 
streamline the ENM process and implement new methods for model visualization 
and evaluation.  Then they will move forward into comparative macroecology, 
learning how to compare different models and test hypotheses regarding patterns 
of niche evolution and the environmental significance of biogeographic 
boundaries.  Finally, students will learn new age-overlap correlation functions 
that allow us to visualize and test patterns of range overlap, niche overlap, 
and species co-occurrence in the context of a phylogeny.

This workshop will be hands-on, with practical exercises and time for 
discussion of students´ case study and data.

Participants are encouraged to bring their own data to analyse.

More info and registration:

With best regards


Soledad De Esteban-Trivigno,PhD.
Scientific Director
Transmitting Science

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