Dear colleagues,

Registration is open for the course "THE USE OF PHYLOGENIES IN THE STUDY OF 
MACROEVOLUTION – 5th edition".

Dates: October 16th-20th, 2017.

Instructor: Dr. Juan López Cantalapiedra (Museum für Naturkunde, Germany).

This course is aimed at postgraduate students, postdoctoral researchers and 
established academics.

The course will introduce the use of phylogenetic information to reconstruct 
ancestral characters and biogeographic histories, using different phylogenetic 
comparative methods. It will also tackle trait evolution modeling and the 
assessment of phylogenetic signal. Finally, we will learn about the shape of 
phylogenetic trees and its evolutionary causes, and how to estimate the rates 
of diversification throughout the history of groups. 

The course includes an optional first introductory day to basic R.

Important note: Please bear in mind that this course is not about 
reconstructing (building) phylogenetic trees.

Software: Mesquite, FigTree, R (ape, TreeSim, TreePar, Geiger, OUwie, 

Participants are encouraged to bring their data sets to use in the practical 

Place: Facilities of the CRIP at Els Hostalets de Pierola, Barcelona (Spain).

Organized by: Transmitting Science, the Centre de Restauració i Interpretació 
Paleontologica and the Institut Catalá de Paleontologia Miquel Crusafont.

Please feel free to distribute this information between your colleagues if you 
consider it appropriate.

Best regards


Soledad De Esteban-Trivigno, PhD.
Scientific Director
Transmitting Science

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