Would you like a chance to get involved and trained in K-12 outreach? Would you 
like to help 
stimulate an appreciation of science in tomorrow's scientists, without ever 
leaving your desk? 

The Ecological Society of America has teamed up with the Botanical Society of 
America for the 
2014-2015 PlantingScience Master Plant Science Team  (MPST) program. The MPST 
is a great way 
for graduate students to lead in an online mentoring experience for middle and 
high school 
students. Your involvement will help support inquiry-based science in our 
schools.  The overall 
time commitment is small, but the impact you make can be substantial. 

Sponsored by the ESA Education Section, five  selected students will receive: 
- FREE ESA membership and 
- 50% ESA 2015 Annual Meeting registration and 
- a Planting Science T-shirt! 

Please see to learn about the PlantingScience 
program, or to learn about serving as a mentor. 

Applications are due August 29, 2014 
More details can be found at:

Questions, please contact

Teresa Mourad
Director, Education and Diversity Programs
Ecological Society of America

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