M.Sc. research opportunity – Forest management effects on carbon

Applications are invited for a 2-year M.Sc. position with University of 
Northern British Columbia in a funded collaborative project with the BC 
Ministry of Forests, Lands, Natural Resource Operations & Rural 
Development (FLNRORD).

The project

Forest management can play a role in mitigating climate change by 
increasing natural carbon sinks in the forests and by reducing emissions 
caused by management. However, empirical studies of forest management 
effects on total carbon stocks are sparse and often short-term. The Date 
Creek Experiment, established in 1992, offers an ideal opportunity to 
collect data on longer-term carbon stock changes due to various levels 
of partial harvesting , clear cut and unharvested sites. This work will 
contribute to the basic scientific knowledge of forest carbon and be 
highly relevant to decision makers interested in climate change 

The student will conduct field work at the Date Creek Experiment, (near 
Hazelton in north western BC) on the sites that were mature forests 
before treatment and mesic sites to reduce the potential confounding 
variables. Field sampling  will include   trees, snags, coarse woody 
debris, and forest floor. The student will also have access to existing 
pre-harvest and post-harvest data to estimate carbon stocks in over time 
either directly or based on existing models such as estimating tree 
biomass from prism plots. If time permits, the empirical data could be 
compared against LANDIS-II carbon model output.

The student
•       Completion or expected completion by May 2018 of a bachelor’s 
degree in ecology, forestry, biology, or related subject.
•       Strong analytical skills.
•       Field work experience.
•       Driver’s license.
•       Excellent written, verbal, and digital communication skills.
•       Ability to work independently.

Successful applicants will be working with Dr. Oscar Venter and Dr. Ché 
Elkin (University of Northern British Columbia), Caren Dymond 
(University of Calgary; B.C. Ministry of Forests, Lands, Natural 
Resource Operations & Rural Development (FLNRORD)), Erica Lilles 
(FLNRORD).  Two years of funding are guaranteed for this position.

Interested students should contact Dr. Oscar Venter for further 
information on this research opportunity and position.  Applicants for 
this position will be asked to send a letter of interest, detailed CV, 
transcripts, and names of 3 references to Oscar.Venter at unbc.ca.   The 
preferred start date for this position will be April/May 2018, with the 
potential for a Sept. 2018 start.

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