I am working on an article (under my Mongabay Special Reporting Initiative
grant) about how people have been displaced in the name of conservation
(³conservation refugees²) including ³soft evictions² where people stay on
the land but their rights of access to local resources are taken away.

One example I am seeking an expert on is the Monarch Butterfly reserve in
Oaxaca Mexico. Locals (some indigenous) have land tenure but their rights to
access the forest were taken away with the reserves creation, without any
consultation. As a result (and in line with Nobel Laureate Elinor Ostrom¹s
theory) logging has INCREASED since the certain of the reserve (see this
aerial image: http://visibleearth.nasa.gov/view.php?id=8506).

I have read research by Anthropologist Catherine Tucker about this, but it
was in the 2000s. I would like to talk to someone who is currently working
on the butterflies in the region so that I can get an update. I know WWF
works there (and can to some extent be ³blamed² for the ill-planned reserve
planning that occurred without any consultation with the locals) so I would
love to talk to someone with them, or a scientist who can give me the
low-down on how logging is continuing or has it reduced lately?

Email me at wendeenicole AT gmail DOT com. Thanks!

And for old hippies like me (OK I am ³hippie spawn²) check out my latest
article ­ Ecotopia Emerging (how research has backed up the utopian hippie
classic novel! 


Wendee Nicole, M.S. Wildlife Ecology
Freelance Writer * Photographer * Bohemian
Web:  http://www.wendeenicole.com
Adventures Blog: http://bohemianadventures.blogspot.com
Writing Green ~ online class  http://www.wendeenicole.com/nature.htm

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