Title: Genetic basis of adaptive evolution and incipient speciation

This project aims to investigate the role of genomic architecture in species’ 
adaptive evolution and incipient speciation. To this end, we will focus on the 
ecological model organism, the three-spined stickleback. This fish has 
repeatedly invaded the freshwater system since the last glaciation and evolved 
into distinct ecotypes. Using a large number of genomes and transcriptomes 
readily available, we will investigate rates of evolution, the role of 
alternative splicing and copy number variation in species' adaptive evolution 
and incipient speciation.

This PhD will be performed in collaboration between the Max Planck Institute 
for Evolutionary Biology (Ploen, Germany, supervisor Prof. Manfred 
Milinski<http://www.evolbio.mpg.de/employees/12050/2169>) and Queen Mary 
University of London (QMUL, London, Uk, supervisor Dr. Christophe Eizaguirre). 
The student will be based on the Mile End Campus of QMUL and several long 
visits to Ploen are anticipated.

The studentship is restricted to UK and EU citizens and will cover tuition fees 
as well as provide an annual tax-free maintenance allowance for 3 years at 
Research Councils UK rates (£16,057 in 2015-16).

Skills required:
- Motivation
- Strong background in evolutionary biology and eagerness to learn 
- or bioinformatic background and eagerness to learn evolutionary biology.

To apply, students should have received a MSc in a relevant field (i.e. 
evolutionary biology, bioinformatics). We will also consider students who are 
about to finish their MSc. Both organizations seek to increase the number of 
women in those areas where they are underrepresented and therefore explicitly 
encourage female candidates to apply for this position.

For informal requests, do not hesitate to contact me at c.eizagui...@qmul.ac.uk 
***Deadline for application: 16.09.2016***

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