*PhD position at the University of Montana, Wildlife Biology Program*

The Eby lab at the University of Montana in Missoula is recruiting a quantitatively oriented PhD student in the Wildlife Biology Program for a collaborative project with Dr. Blake Hossack (U.S. Geological Survey).

Please visit the Wildlife Biology graduate page to learn more about the program and the application process. https://www.cfc.umt.edu/wbio/graduate/phd-wbio/default.php

This student will enter the program as a UM-BRIDGES PhD Fellow. The UM-BRIDGES program is an NSF Research Traineeship (NRT) program for training interdisciplinary scientists. This fellowship will provide two years of support. The student must be a US Citizen. Please check out the Bridges website to learn more about the program and the admissions procedures. http://www.umt.edu/bridges/default.php and admissions: http://www.umt.edu/bridges/admissions/default.php

In addition to the Bridges Fellowship, the student will be funded on a mix of TA support and RA support that Hossack and Eby have established. The RA project (and therefore, parts of the dissertation) will be focused on assessing the role studylength and life-history traits on the reliability of management recommendations. The student will assume lead field responsibility of an 18-yr capture-mark-recapture project focused on Columbia Spotted Frogs in the Bitterroot Mountains, Montana. The student is expected to design their own questions based on the existing study system and to secure long-term data sets work from other researchers and management agencies to meet project objectives.

Start Date: 08/01/2019

Last Date to Apply: 01/15/2019

Qualifications:  Applicants who have completed a Master’s degree, have interest an interdisciplinary training program, and have experience in population modeling are encouraged to apply.

Interested students are encouraged to email Dr. Eby (_lisa.eby@umontana.edu_) and Dr. Hossack (blake_hoss...@usgs.gov). Please include a cover letter with a brief description of your research interest, your CV, unofficial transcripts in your email, and GRE scores. Note that applications for Fall 2019 admission to the Wildlife Biology Program must be submitted by January 15th.

Contact:  Dr. Lisa Eby, _lisa.eby@umontana.edu_,

    Dr. Blake Hossack, blake_hoss...@usgs.gov

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