Call for Proposals
Submit your Teaching Ideas by Sept 30, 2018
Microbiomes to Ecosystems: Evolution and Biodiversity across Scale, Space, and 

Teaching biodiversity? What has worked for you? What has not?

Biodiversity concepts span microbiomes to broad landscapes. Today, we have many 
sources of data and new tools for teaching and learning the amazing 
biodiversity of life on earth. The 5th Life Discovery- Doing Science Education 
conference (LDC) welcomes proposals for short presentations and workshops.  All 
are welcome to present at our unique interactive Education Share Fair for 
teaching ideas at any stage of development.

So whether you have solutions or are struggling to teach biodiversity with 
scale, space or time in mind, LDC welcomes your contribution!

Teresa Mourad
Director, Education and Diversity Programs

1990 M St NW Ste 700
Washington DC 20036
Tel: 202-833-8773 x 234 | Fax: 202-833-8775<><>

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