Application deadline is this Friday, September 2, 2016​.
Please direct questions to Rory McFadden:<>.

​Apply today for the Teaching Computation in the Sciences Using MATLAB workshop 
focused on building students' ability to solve problems with computation using 
MATLAB in their STEM courses. Participants will share their successes 
developing computational skills using MATLAB in the undergraduate classroom and 
discuss best practices for the community. By attending the workshop, you will 
be part of a community effort to bring together best practices and teaching 
materials that will be made freely available through the SERC website. 
MathWorks (makers of MATLAB) is sponsoring the workshop.

Workshop:                        Teaching Computation in the Sciences Using 
Location:                           Carleton College, Northfield, MN
Date:                                  October 23-25, 2016 (5 PM Sunday to 2 PM 

Learn more from the workshop website:

Workshop Description:
This workshop will bring together faculty from the sciences, including 
Chemistry, Geoscience, Physics, Biology, and allied fields, who teach 
computation and quantitative thinking skills using MATLAB. Computation is 
broadly defined as using computers in scientific work to understand and solve 
problems, or formulating problems in ways that can be computed. Learning how to 
process data and develop quantitative models are critically important for 
students to perform calculations, analyze data, create numerical models and 
visualizations, and more deeply understand complex systems, ?all essential 
aspects of modern science. These skills require students to have comfort and 
skill with languages and tools such as MATLAB. To achieve comfort and skill, 
computation and quantitative thinking must build over a 4-year degree program 
across courses and disciplines. Participants will help build a collection of 
teaching activities that showcase computation, quantitative thinking, and 
applied math using MATLAB and design approaches to integrating these skills 
throughout science degree programs.

The workshop target is 30 college educators (by application).
​ ​
There is no registration fee to attend.

To apply, go to:<>

We hope to see you there!
If you have additional questions, direct them to Rory McFadden 

Thank you,

Lisa Kempler
MATLAB Community Strategist, MathWorks

Cathryn A. Manduca
Director, Science Education Resource Center
Executive Director, National Association of Geoscience Teachers

Kristin Jenkins
Executive Director, BioQUEST Curriculum Consortium

Kelly Roos
Professor, Department of Engineering Physics, Bradley University
PICUP Leadership Council

Frederik J. Simons
Associate Professor, Department of Geosciences, Princeton University

Wendy Thomas
Associate Professor, Department of Bioengineering, University of Washington

Teresa Mourad
Director, Education and Diversity Programs

ESA Office of Education and Diversity 
SEEDS - Diverse People for a Diverse Science<>
EcoEd Digital Library (beta)  – Advancing Outstanding Ecology 

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