Communicating Climate Change: Being Articulate without Knowing Everything
The Wildlife Society 18th Annual Conference, November 5th 2011
Waikoloa, Hawaii

Have you ever been asked if you "believe" in global warming on a day when
it's unseasonably cold out? Wanted to explain how cool weather is a product
of global climate change, but you were lost for words? Well, this workshop
is for you and many others...Like many other threats to biodiversity,
climate change is intertwined with social and political actions. However,
unlike many other threats, the miscommunication and misinformation of the
science of climate change is a major impediment to management action.
Despite mounting research and observations of changing animal and plant
populations, skepticism, from colleagues, policy-makers, and the public,
remains common. To counter misinformation and misunderstanding, scientists
and natural resource managers must learn to communicate the complex,
multi-scale nature of climate change in an accurate, concise, and engaging
manner to their stakeholders. In this workshop, an expert in climate
communication, Susan Hassol (Director, Climate Communication) will guide
wildlife scientists and natural resource managers in the following: knowing
your audience, "packaging" your research/work, countering
misinformation/misunderstanding, and developing effective responses for
climate-related questions.  The day will feature a mix of presentations,
discussions, and hands-on role playing. By the end of the day, participants
will have a good grasp of the basic techniques and skill involved in
effectively communicating climate change and will have practiced the
techniques and skills they learn.

Workshop Fee: $60 Professional, $40 Student
To Register:
Questions: Olivia LeDee, ledee at

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