
Three working group leaders are needed for the Woodstoich 4 Workshop to be held in August 2019 at Flathead Biological Station, Montana.  The meeting is being organized by Dr. Michelle Evans-White (University of Arkansas) and Dr. Jim Elser (University of Montana)

*Responsibilities:* Group leaders will lead small, diverse groups of early-career scientist in analyses and manuscripts featuring innovative ideas that can invigorate ecology and evolution by improving and expanding the use of stoichiometric theory.  It is generally expected that group leaders will be postdocs or senior (close to completion) PhD students. Group leaders will be selected and notified prior to December 31, 2018.  Group leaders will meet with workshop co-organizers remotely to produce a rough draft prior to the workshop.  The manuscript draft will be completed during the 5-day workshop in August 2019. Resulting manuscripts will be submitted and rapidly peer-reviewed (24-h) during the workshop for potential publication in Frontiers in Ecology and evolution (FEE).  The workshop is free to all accepted participants (incl food and lodging) and travel expenses for USA participants will be compensated.

*Application Materials:* Please submit the following application materials in one pdf document to woodstoich2...@gmail.com <mailto:woodstoich2...@gmail.com>: a letter of interest, curriculum vitae including a list of contact information for 3 references, and a woodstoich project proposal (2-page limit describing potential project(s) you would lead by 15 November 2018 for priority consideration. Additional information about workshop timeline and location can be found here (woodstoich.org <http://woodstoich.org>). Please direct any questions to the organizers via woodstoich2...@gmail.com <mailto:woodstoich2...@gmail.com>.

*Required Qualifications:* Demonstrated record of innovative research productivity in area of ecological/biological stoichiometry. Team-leadership skills.

Starting Date: Group leaders should be available for monthly meetings with workshop co-organizers starting January 2019.

We encourage applications from all qualified candidates, especially individuals who contribute diversity to the workshop. We welcome early-career applications without regard to age, race, national origin, disability, religion, marital or parental status, protected veteran status, military service, genetic information, sexual orientation, or gender identity.

Michelle A. Evans-White
Professor and Graduate Studies Coordinator
Director of EcoREU Program
University of Arkansas
Department of Biological Sciences
601 Science Engineering
Fayetteville, AR 72701
Office Phone: 479-575-4706
Laboratory Website: https://sites.uark.edu/mevanswh/
REU Website: htt[s://ecoreu.uark.edu <http://ecoreu.uark.edu>

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