I have one of my 6-week online writing classes (aka magazine writing boot
camp) starting Jan 18, with a signup deadline a week earlier ­ Jan 11. Great
Christmas present! :) As I have just received a 6-month Mongabay reporting
grant, I may not be teaching it for a while after this, but that's up in the
air. It includes several assignments with my feedback (query letter,
topic-spoking to generate good angles on story ideas, outdoor observation
journal, magazine analysis etc), many editor Q&As (High Country News,
Audubon, The Daily Climate, Smithsonian, Discover, Yale Environment 360,
Conservation, many many more), and a lot of other helpful resources to get
you to understand how magazine writing (or writing for online pubs) works,
or how to kick your writing up a notch.

More info here: www.wendeenicole.com/nature.htm
Outline here: www.wendeenicole.com/outline.htm

Let me know if you have any questions!
Wendee (wendeenicole AT nasw dot org)

Wendee Nicole, M.S. Wildlife Ecology
Freelance Writer * Photographer * Bohemian
Web:  http://www.wendeenicole.com
Adventures Blog: http://bohemianadventures.blogspot.com
Writing Green ~ online class  http://www.wendeenicole.com/nature.htm

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