**With apologies for cross-posting***
Dear All, 
A final CfP for the Second Biennial Conference of the Political Ecology
Network (POLLEN) is below. We have already received many excellent
abstracts, and a number of very interesting panel proposals are now in
circulation. An overview of sessions already proposed is available here:
The deadline for submitting both individual abstracts and complete session
proposals is 15 December. Presenters and session organizers will be notified
of their acceptance as soon as possible thereafter, and we expect conference
registration to open in January. For more information, or to sign up for
(free!) membership in the network, please visit
https://politicalecologynetwork.com/ or contact politicalecolog...@gmail.com
Second Biennial Conference of the Political Ecology Network (POLLEN)
POLLEN18: Political Ecology, the Green Economy, and Alternative
When: 20-22 June 2018
Where: Oslo and Akershus University College, Oslo, Norway
Organised by: The Political Ecology Network (POLLEN) Secretariat; Oslo and
Akershus University College; Centre for Environment and Development (SUM),
University of Oslo; Noragric, Norwegian University of Life Sciences
Abstract/Panel Submission Deadline: 15 December 2017
Conference Website:
Contact: politicalecolog...@gmail.com <mailto:politicalecolog...@gmail.com> 
Twitter Hashtag: #pollen18

Over the past two decades, political ecologists have provided extensive
critiques of the privatization, commodification, and marketization of
nature, including of the new forms of accumulation and appropriation that
these might facilitate under the more recent guise of the so-called green
economy. These critiques have often demonstrated that such approaches can
retain deleterious implications for certain vulnerable populations across
the developing world and beyond, including in urban centres and within the
interstices of the ‘Global North’. With few exceptions, however, political
ecologists have paid decidedly less attention to exploring, critically
engaging, and ‘planting the seed’ of alternative initiatives for pursuing
both sustainability and socio-environmental justice. Surely, many scholars
have begun to both support and study movements pursuing alternative
socio-ecological relations rooted in critical traditions such as degrowth,
postcolonialism, feminism, anarchism, and eco-Marxism. Yet much more could
be done to understand and illuminate the prospects for these movements, as
well as potential sources of tension and synergy between and amongst them.
Accordingly, this second biennial conference of the Political Ecology
Network (POLLEN) aims to engage the emergence of the green economy or green
growth in their various iterations explicitly as a terrain of struggle. In
doing so, we invite empirical, conceptual, political, and methodological
contributions appraising the ways in which there are many potential
‘alternative sustainabilities’ for pursuing human and non-human well-being
in the context of global economic and ecological crises. Each of these
reflects often quite variable constellations of social, political, and
economic relations. However, there are also diverse efforts underway to
pre-empt or to foreclose upon these alternatives – as well as tensions,
contradictions, and fissions within movements aiming to actualize or enact
them – highlighting an implicit politics of precisely whose conception of
sustainability is deemed to be possible or desirable in any given time and
In pursuit of this objective, proposals for papers and panels are invited
that address one or more of the following themes and issues:
*      Concrete forms and effects of green economy practices including the
translation of global discourses into place-based projects and programmes
for – inter alia – carbon pricing and forestry schemes or other payments for
ecosystem services (PES) initiatives; diverse urban socio-ecological
metabolisms in the form of ‘green’ gentrification, resilience, or
‘sustainable cities’ planning arrangements; mobilities related to
ecotourism, refuge-seeking, and/or environmental displacement; biofuels and
renewable energy; ‘climate smart agriculture’ and landscape conservation
approaches; ‘neoliberal’ conservation or environmental governance
*      Drivers and consequences of the emergence of green capitalism, such
as effects on socioeconomic inequality; conflict, contestations, and ‘green
violence’; environmental securitization or militarization; altered patterns
of resource access, including along class and gender lines; shifting
relations between capital, civil society, and the state; financial crises
under conditions of global environmental change; dynamics of land, ‘green’
and water ‘grabbing’ or acquisition; intersections between past and present
varieties of green capitalism and ‘environmental’ colonialism.
*      Challenges for and pathways to alternative sustainabilities, such as
those rooted in degrowth, postcolonialism or decolonial thought,
eco-Marxism, feminism, anarchism, and environmental justice; synergies and
tensions between movements of workers, peasants and indigenous peoples;
support and opposition to various alternatives from both ‘above’ and
‘below’; prospects for resistances and contestations operating locally as
well as across places, spaces, and scales; emerging or mutating forms of
rural and urban populism on the political ‘right’ as well as the left; new
racisms and identity-based antagonisms in both the Global North and South.
*      Conceptual, political and methodological reflections about the role
of twenty-first century political ecologies vis-à-vis alternative
sustainabilities, including those examining promises and complications of
‘engaged’ political ecologies; methodological implications of combined
scholarship and activism, as well as other methodological and study design
challenges in political ecology; the prefiguration of ‘alternative political
ecologies’ and scholarly practices to synergize with ‘alternative
We invite paper and full panel proposals for this conference. Abstracts for
paper proposals should be approximately 300 words and include author
affiliations and contact information. Panel proposals should include a brief
description of the session theme, and a maximum of 4 paper abstracts for 1
panel. Please send these to politicalecolog...@gmail.com
<mailto:politicalecolog...@gmail.com>  before 15 December 2017.
Keynote speakers:
1. Paige West (Barnard College and Columbia University, USA)
2. Tania Murray Li (University of Toronto, Canada)
3. Ashish Kothari (Kalpavriksh, India)
Organizing committee 
Noragric, Norwegian University of Life Sciences: Tor A. Benjaminsen, Connor
Joseph Cavanagh, Mikael Bergius, Jill T. Buseth, Shai Divon
Oslo and Akershus University College: Hanne Svarstad, Roy Krøvel, Thorgeir
Kolshus, Andreas Ytterstad, Berit Aasen
Centre for Environment and Development (SUM), University of Oslo: Mariel
Aguilar Støen, Susanne Normann, Jostein Jakobsen
Advisory board
Bram Büscher (Wageningen University, the Netherlands)
Christine Noe (University of Dar es Salaam, Tanzania)
Denis Gautier (CIRAD, Montpellier, France)
Sian Sullivan (Bath Spa University, UK)
Nitin Rai (ATREE, India)
Kathleen McAfee (San Francisco State University, USA)
Simon Batterbury (Lancaster University, UK)
Tracey Osborne (University of Arizona, USA)
Wendy Harcourt (ISS, Erasmus University, the Netherlands)
Adrian Nel (University of KwaZulu-Natal, South Africa)
Andrea Nightingale (University of Agricultural Sciences, Sweden)
Wolfram Dressler (University of Melbourne, Australia)
Rosaleen Duffy (University of Sheffield, UK)
Ashish Kothari (Kalpavriksh, India)
Susan Paulson (University of Florida, USA)
Robert Fletcher (Wageningen University, the Netherlands)
Amber Huff (IDS, University of Sussex, UK)
Amita Baviskar (Institute for Economic Growth, India)
Paul Robbins (University of Wisconsin-Madison, USA)
Frances Cleaver (University of Sheffield, UK)
Maano Ramutsindela (University of Cape Town, South Africa)
Peter Wilshusen (Bucknell University, USA)
Noella Gray (University of Guelph, Canada)
Marta Irving (Federal University of Rio de Janeiro, Brazil)
Dan Brockington (University of Sheffield, UK)
Kristen Lyons (University of Queensland, Australia)
Esteve Corbera (ICTA, Autonomous University of Barcelona, Spain)
Elizabeth Shapiro-Garza (Duke University, USA)
Scott Prudham (University of Toronto, Canada)
Lyla Mehta (IDS, University of Sussex, UK)
Jim Igoe (University of Virginia, USA)
Catherine Corson (Mount Holyoke College, USA)
Elizabeth Lunstrum (York University, Canada)
Jun Borras (ISS, Erasmus University, the Netherlands)
Leah Horowitz (University of Wisconsin-Madison, USA)
David Tumusiime (Makerere University, Uganda)
Ken MacDonald (University of Toronto, Canada)
Marja Spierenburg (Radboud University, the Netherlands)
Ben Neimark (Lancaster University, UK)
Isabelle Anguelovski (Autonomous University of Barcelona, Spain)
Robin Roth (University of Guelph, Canada)
Christos Zografos (Johns Hopkins University - Pompeu Fabra University,
Jessica Dempsey (University of British Columbia, Canada)
Bill Adams (University of Cambridge, UK)
Place and venue: The Norwegian capital of Oslo is beautifully situated on
the coastal Oslofjord, straddling the scenic Akerselva river and surrounded
by forests and cultural landscapes. The Oslo and Akershus University College
is exceptionally well-situated in the centre of the city, within walking
distance of major landmarks and attractions.
About POLLEN: The Political Ecology Network (POLLEN) is an umbrella
organisation of political ecology researchers, groups, projects, networks
and ‘nodes’ across the globe. As the name suggests, POLLEN seeks to provide
a platform for the ‘cross fertilization’ of ideas where the world’s many
rich and diverse intellectual traditions of environmental thought can come
together, discuss, and debate the latest developments in the field. For more
information or to sign up for (free!) membership in the network, please
visit https://politicalecologynetwork.com/
Dr. Connor Joseph Cavanagh
Postdoctoral Fellow
Department of International Environment and Development Studies (Noragric),
Norwegian University of Life Sciences (NMBU)
NMBU Staff Profile <https://www.nmbu.no/ans/2766>  | Google Scholar
<http://goo.gl/KXP03j> | ResearchGate <http://goo.gl/EIuhdR>  | Twitter
Latest publications: Cavanagh, C.J. and A. Chemarum, P. Vedeld, and J.G.
Petursson. (2017). Old wine, new bottles? Investigating the differential
adoption of ‘climate-smart’ agricultural practices in western Kenya
<http://www.sciencedirect.com/science/article/pii/S0743016716304697> .
Journal of Rural Studies 56: 114-123.
Cavanagh, C.J. (2017). Anthropos into humanitas: civilizing violence,
scientific forestry, and the ‘Dorobo question’ in eastern Africa
. Environment and Planning D: Society and Space 35(4): 694-713.
Cavanagh, C.J. and T.A. Benjaminsen. (2017). Political ecology, variegated
green economies, and the foreclosure of alternative sustainabilities
<http://jpe.library.arizona.edu/volume_24/Greeneconomiesintro.pdf> . Journal
of Political Ecology 24: 200-216.
Cavanagh, C.J. (2018). Land, natural resources, and the state in Kenya's
Second Republic
<https://link.springer.com/chapter/10.1007/978-3-319-62443-3_6> . In A.
Adeniran and L. Ikuteyijo (eds), Africa Now! Emerging Issues and Alternative
Perspectives. New York: Palgrave MacMillan, pp. 119-147

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