Re: what type of distribution on this sampling

2001-09-20 Thread Jay Warner

Not to disagree with Randy Poe completely, but I think we can say something,
especially if we make _some_ assumptions (mainly, that this comes from an intro

"@Home" wrote:

> I am trying to solve a ? which basically gives the following facts:
> population of unknown number
> popu std dev of 27
> pop mean of 78
> sample of size n=81
> 2000 random samples
> The ? is:
> what is the sample mean?

It will be an average of your 81 measurements, which will be pretty close to
the pop. mean of 78.

> what is the std error (std dev of sample means)

It will _estimate_ the stdev of the pop stdev/sqrt(n) = (pretty close to)
27/sqrt(81) = 3.

> what shape would the histogram be?

Central Limit Theorem, Randy!  Distribution of sample averages will _tend_
toward a Normal, regardless of underlying pop dist.  for n=81, 'tend' will be
pretty darn close.

Since 81 is 3 stdevs from 0, I expect some degree of asymmetry in the original
dist., but it won't be huge.   The original dist., of course, could be almost
anything, and still prodcue those two values of the mean and stdev.  Without
knowing anything about how the numbers were obtained, we can't say much.

> The sample mean is obviously 78 and I calculate the std error of the sample
> means to be 3.

OK.  these do _not_ require any assumption of Normality.

> However I can't put the whole picture together. I suspect the distrib would
> be normal given the 81 samples, but is 3 a low number for a std error.

Could be 0.03, and it would still tend toward a Normal.  Just pretty narrow

> Is it possible to translate it into a z score without any addtional data.

Yes.  This may require the assumption of Normal, but thanks to the CLT, you've
pretty much got that.

> Also I assume that the population itself could take any form skewed, normal
> etc and you still end up w/the same std deviation.


> In other words is the std deve of 27 and mean of 81 in any way predictive of
> what a histogram of a distribution would look like?

Only tells you the 'central tendency' and the 'dispersion tendency.'  Does not
say anything about the rest of the shape.

> Finally what difference does it make how many random samples you take (ie.
> 100 or 1000).

the more repeat samples, the more smooth your eventual histogram may become -
more 'bins.'  What counts with the CLT is n = 81, or lots.

> What statistic or parameter does this speak to?

You tell me, OK?

BTW, I couldn't send an email to your address.  Did I get it wrong?

Jay Warner
Principal Scientist
Warner Consulting, Inc.
 North Green Bay Road
Racine, WI 53404-1216

Ph: (262) 634-9100
FAX: (262) 681-1133

The A2Q Method (tm) -- What do you want to improve today?

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the problem of INAPPROPRIATE MESSAGES are available at

Re: what type of distribution on this sampling

2001-09-20 Thread dennis roberts

normal populations result in normal sampling distributions of means ... if 
one considers all possible samples

non normal populations never result in exactly normal sampling 
distributions regardless of sample sizes (though to the naked eye you might 
not be able to tell the difference)

the central limit theorem states ... that as n increases ... regardless of 
the shape of the non normal population ... that the normal distribution is 
a more and more reasonable APPROXIMATION
to the shape of the sampling distribution ... but, it does not say that if 
n is sufficiently large ... the sampling distribution WILL be normal

there is NO magical n size where it is ok or it is not ok to treat the 
sampling distribution of the mean as being (close enough) normal ... 
though, if you look at simulations you will find that even with small ns 
... from rather non normal distributions ... the shapes of the sampling 
distributions look mighty darn similar to the nd

i took 5000 samples of n=25 ... not very big samples ... from a chi square 
distribution with 2 degrees of freedom ... found the means and then made a 

first you see what the chi square (population) distribution looks like ... 
then the sampling distribution of means

  ...  . .  .  ..
0.0   3.5   7.0  10.5  14.0  17.5

MTB > dotp c26

Dotplot: C26

 :. :::..
 ..: .
   0.60  1.20  1.80  2.40  3.00  3.60

At 12:18 AM 9/21/01 +, @Home wrote:
>Thanks for the detailed explanation. I have one follwoup ?. You say,
>"If the original population is normally distributed, the sample means
>will also be normally distributed. Even if the original population
>is skewed, the sample means will still be approximately normally
>distributed given some assumptions, such as that the sample size
>(81) is small compared to the population size (unknown). I don't
>know enough to state all the conditions precisely."
>Asssume the facts already given. Suppose the population was some demographic
>aspect of each person living in  India, - n = 1 billion. The _mean_ of
>sample means stays at 3. If the one billion population was badly skewed, is
>it possible that a sample size of 81 would NOT result in a normal
>distribution and would require a larger sample size.
>"Stan Brown" <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote in message
> > I'm just a journeyman in this area, but I'm going to presume to
> > answer in hopes that if I make any errors the real gurus will
> > correct me and the shame will facilitate my learning. :-)
> >
> > @Home <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote in
> > >I am trying to solve a ? which basically gives the following facts:
> > >population of unknown number
> > >popu std dev of 27
> > >pop mean of 78
> > >sample of size n=81
> > >2000 random samples
> > >
> > >what is the sample mean?
> > >what is the std error (std dev of sample means)
> > >what shape would the histogram be?
> > >
> > >The sample mean is obviously 78 and I calculate the std error of the
> > >means to be 3.
> >
> > I think you mean the _mean_ of sample means? The mean of one sample
> > could obviously be anything, though we expect it to be within 78-2*3
> > to 78+2*3 about 95% of the time.
> >
> > I calculate the standard error or the mean (sigma-sub-xbar) the same
> > way you do, as sigma/sqrt(n) or 27/9 = 3.
> >
> > >However I can't put the whole picture together. I suspect the distrib
> > >be normal given the 81 samples, but is 3 a low number for a std error.
> >
> > If the original population is normally distributed, the sample means
> > will also be normally distributed. Even if the original population
> > is skewed, the sample means will still be approximately normally
> > distributed given some assumptions, such as that the sample size
> > (81) is small compared to the population size (unknown). I don't
> > know enough to state all the conditions precisely.
> >
> > >Is it possible to translate it into a z score without any addtional data.
> >
> > If the population mean and standard deviation are known, that's all
> > you need for a z score. The formula is
> > z = [ xbar - mu ] / [ SEM ]
> > For your scenario,
> > z = (xbar-78)/3
> >
> > A sample mean of 60 has a z score of -6, so it is quite unlikely
> > that you'd draw a s

Re: Free program to generate random samples

2001-09-20 Thread @Home

Rand really doesn't help. You need to put in separate arguments for the
sample size n, number of repetitions,
and location of the population array.

"Jay Warner" <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote in message
> In Excel, the random number generator is =RAND()
> Produces a number between 0 and 1, inclusive.  Some peole dislikie its
> of randomness, but for class purposes, it seems to work well.
> 2000 x 100 cells to get your sampel set is going to be big, but I think
> do-able.
> Or, set up say 100 of the 100 sets.  Then re-calculate 20 times.
> Jay
> "@Home" wrote:
> > Is there any downloadable freeware that can generate let's say 2000
> > samples of size n=100 from a population of 100 numbers.
> >
> > Is this conceivable? for excel etc.
> >
> > =
> > Instructions for joining and leaving this list and remarks about
> > the problem of INAPPROPRIATE MESSAGES are available at
> >
> > =
> --
> Jay Warner
> Principal Scientist
> Warner Consulting, Inc.
>  North Green Bay Road
> Racine, WI 53404-1216
> Ph: (262) 634-9100
> FAX: (262) 681-1133
> web:
> The A2Q Method (tm) -- What do you want to improve today?
> =
> Instructions for joining and leaving this list and remarks about
> the problem of INAPPROPRIATE MESSAGES are available at
> =

Instructions for joining and leaving this list and remarks about
the problem of INAPPROPRIATE MESSAGES are available at

Re: what type of distribution on this sampling

2001-09-20 Thread @Home


Thanks for the detailed explanation. I have one follwoup ?. You say,

"If the original population is normally distributed, the sample means
will also be normally distributed. Even if the original population
is skewed, the sample means will still be approximately normally
distributed given some assumptions, such as that the sample size
(81) is small compared to the population size (unknown). I don't
know enough to state all the conditions precisely."

Asssume the facts already given. Suppose the population was some demographic
aspect of each person living in  India, - n = 1 billion. The _mean_ of
sample means stays at 3. If the one billion population was badly skewed, is
it possible that a sample size of 81 would NOT result in a normal
distribution and would require a larger sample size.

"Stan Brown" <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote in message
> I'm just a journeyman in this area, but I'm going to presume to
> answer in hopes that if I make any errors the real gurus will
> correct me and the shame will facilitate my learning. :-)
> @Home <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote in
> >I am trying to solve a ? which basically gives the following facts:
> >population of unknown number
> >popu std dev of 27
> >pop mean of 78
> >sample of size n=81
> >2000 random samples
> >
> >what is the sample mean?
> >what is the std error (std dev of sample means)
> >what shape would the histogram be?
> >
> >The sample mean is obviously 78 and I calculate the std error of the
> >means to be 3.
> I think you mean the _mean_ of sample means? The mean of one sample
> could obviously be anything, though we expect it to be within 78-2*3
> to 78+2*3 about 95% of the time.
> I calculate the standard error or the mean (sigma-sub-xbar) the same
> way you do, as sigma/sqrt(n) or 27/9 = 3.
> >However I can't put the whole picture together. I suspect the distrib
> >be normal given the 81 samples, but is 3 a low number for a std error.
> If the original population is normally distributed, the sample means
> will also be normally distributed. Even if the original population
> is skewed, the sample means will still be approximately normally
> distributed given some assumptions, such as that the sample size
> (81) is small compared to the population size (unknown). I don't
> know enough to state all the conditions precisely.
> >Is it possible to translate it into a z score without any addtional data.
> If the population mean and standard deviation are known, that's all
> you need for a z score. The formula is
> z = [ xbar - mu ] / [ SEM ]
> For your scenario,
> z = (xbar-78)/3
> A sample mean of 60 has a z score of -6, so it is quite unlikely
> that you'd draw a sample with a mean of 60. (My TI-83 says that the
> area in the tail past z=-6 is just under 10^-9.)
> >In other words is the std deve of 27 and mean of 81 in any way predictive
> >what a histogram of a distribution would look like?
> I assume you meant to say "mean of 78 and sample size of 81"?
> Assuming that, the histogram of sample means should be normal or
> nearly so, with mean (mu-sub-xbar) 78 (same as population mean) and
> standard deviation (standard error of the mean, sigma-sub-xbar) 3.
> >Finally what difference does it make how many random samples you take
> >100 or 1000). What statistic or parameter does this speak to?
> None that I know, in a formal sense. If you take 100 random samples
> of size 81, or 100,000 random samples of size 81, your histogram of
> sample means will have the same shape, though the curve will be a
> bit smoother with 100,000 samples.
> --
> Stan Brown, Oak Road Systems, Cortland County, New York, USA
> My reply address is correct as is. The courtesy of providing a correct
> reply address is more important to me than time spent deleting spam.

Instructions for joining and leaving this list and remarks about
the problem of INAPPROPRIATE MESSAGES are available at

Re: what type of distribution on this sampling

2001-09-20 Thread dennis roberts

At 06:28 PM 9/20/01 -0400, Stan Brown wrote:

>None that I know, in a formal sense. If you take 100 random samples
>of size 81, or 100,000 random samples of size 81, your histogram of
>sample means will have the same shape, though the curve will be a
>bit smoother with 100,000 samples.

this is for sure ... here i generated 100 samples of n=25 from nd 50, 10 
... and then 10 samples of same size ... here are the dotplots and desc 

Dotplot: 100, 10

. .
.   : :. :
  ..:. :: :: : . .
...:.::.. .
Each dot represents up to 496 points
 ... .:::..
 42.0  45.5  49.0  52.5  56.0  59.5

MTB > desc c27 c26

Descriptive Statistics: 100, 10

Variable N   Mean Median TrMean  StDevSE Mean
100100 50.224 50.036 50.190  1.941  0.194
10  10 50.006 50.017 50.007  2.003  0.006

Variable   MinimumMaximum Q1 Q3
100 46.283 55.307 49.042 51.504
10  40.947 58.238 48.653 51.355

>Stan Brown, Oak Road Systems, Cortland County, New York, USA
>My reply address is correct as is. The courtesy of providing a correct
>reply address is more important to me than time spent deleting spam.
>Instructions for joining and leaving this list and remarks about
>the problem of INAPPROPRIATE MESSAGES are available at

dennis roberts, penn state university
educational psychology, 8148632401

Instructions for joining and leaving this list and remarks about
the problem of INAPPROPRIATE MESSAGES are available at

Bayesian estimation - variance function

2001-09-20 Thread Karin Meyer

I am estimating variance components for a model with heterogeneous
error variances using Gibbs sampling. This is straightforward for
a model where we simply classify records as to which error variance
they represent, sampling from inverse chi-square distributions.
Assuming error variances change with time, it would be
preferable though to fit a variance function, e.g. a polynomial function of
time, to model changes in error variance with time.
Question is, how to do this ? what is the distribution of these polynomial 
coefficients to sample from (assuming data are multivariate normal).
I would appreciate any pointers to publications dealing with this particular
problem - to be honest, I am looking for a 'recipe' at this stage rather than
in-depth theoretical treatment.
Karin Meyer, Animal Genetics and Breeding Unit,
University of New England,  Armidale, NSW 2351, Australia,   
Phone (+61) (02) 6773-3331  Fax (+61) (02) 6773-3266  

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WTC 9-11 stats show paranormal connection

2001-09-20 Thread jeff rasmussen

>Subject: WTC 9-11 stats show paranormal connection (Report from Princeton U)
>please read and comment

I'm not surprised by the results.  The "materialistic" viewpoint that most extant science still clings to is clearly wrongheaded as shown by quantum physics as well as anticipated by numerous eastern philosophies.  

The implications of the work remind me of F Scott Fitzgerald's:

"A universe of ineffable gaudiness spun itself out in his brain while the clock ticked on the washstand and the moon soaked with wet light his tangled clothes upon the floor. Each night he added to the pattern of his fancies until drowsiness closed down upon some vivid scene with an oblivious embrace. For a while these reveries provided an outlet for his imagination; they were a satisfactory hint of the unreality of reality, a promise that the rock of the world was founded securely on a fairy's wing." (from, The Great Gatsby)

Jeff Rasmussen
website & graphic design
quantitative software
spirit of tao te ching paperback & taoism

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Re: what type of distribution on this sampling

2001-09-20 Thread Stan Brown

I'm just a journeyman in this area, but I'm going to presume to 
answer in hopes that if I make any errors the real gurus will 
correct me and the shame will facilitate my learning. :-)

@Home <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote in
>I am trying to solve a ? which basically gives the following facts:
>population of unknown number
>popu std dev of 27
>pop mean of 78
>sample of size n=81
>2000 random samples
>what is the sample mean?
>what is the std error (std dev of sample means)
>what shape would the histogram be?
>The sample mean is obviously 78 and I calculate the std error of the sample
>means to be 3.

I think you mean the _mean_ of sample means? The mean of one sample 
could obviously be anything, though we expect it to be within 78-2*3 
to 78+2*3 about 95% of the time.

I calculate the standard error or the mean (sigma-sub-xbar) the same 
way you do, as sigma/sqrt(n) or 27/9 = 3.

>However I can't put the whole picture together. I suspect the distrib would
>be normal given the 81 samples, but is 3 a low number for a std error.

If the original population is normally distributed, the sample means 
will also be normally distributed. Even if the original population 
is skewed, the sample means will still be approximately normally 
distributed given some assumptions, such as that the sample size 
(81) is small compared to the population size (unknown). I don't 
know enough to state all the conditions precisely.

>Is it possible to translate it into a z score without any addtional data.

If the population mean and standard deviation are known, that's all 
you need for a z score. The formula is
z = [ xbar - mu ] / [ SEM ]
For your scenario,
z = (xbar-78)/3

A sample mean of 60 has a z score of -6, so it is quite unlikely 
that you'd draw a sample with a mean of 60. (My TI-83 says that the 
area in the tail past z=-6 is just under 10^-9.)

>In other words is the std deve of 27 and mean of 81 in any way predictive of
>what a histogram of a distribution would look like?

I assume you meant to say "mean of 78 and sample size of 81"? 
Assuming that, the histogram of sample means should be normal or 
nearly so, with mean (mu-sub-xbar) 78 (same as population mean) and 
standard deviation (standard error of the mean, sigma-sub-xbar) 3.

>Finally what difference does it make how many random samples you take (ie.
>100 or 1000). What statistic or parameter does this speak to?

None that I know, in a formal sense. If you take 100 random samples 
of size 81, or 100,000 random samples of size 81, your histogram of 
sample means will have the same shape, though the curve will be a 
bit smoother with 100,000 samples. 

Stan Brown, Oak Road Systems, Cortland County, New York, USA
My reply address is correct as is. The courtesy of providing a correct
reply address is more important to me than time spent deleting spam.

Instructions for joining and leaving this list and remarks about
the problem of INAPPROPRIATE MESSAGES are available at

Re: what type of distribution on this sampling

2001-09-20 Thread @Home

"The sample mean is the average of your actual sample
values. It isn't "obviously" 78 or anything else, though
it might be close to 78. And how did you calculate the standard

I stand corrected on this point. Thanks.

"Randy Poe" <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote in message
> "@Home" wrote:
> >
> > I am trying to solve a ? which basically gives the following facts:
> >
> > population of unknown number
> > popu std dev of 27
> > pop mean of 78
> With what underlying distribution?
> > sample of size n=81
> > 2000 random samples
> >
> > The ? is:
> >
> > what is the sample mean?
> > what is the std error (std dev of sample means)
> > what shape would the histogram be?
> How can you possibly know this without having the actual
> sample? It's a random variable, it depends on your
> sample.
> >
> > The sample mean is obviously 78 and I calculate the std error of the
> > means to be 3.
> The sample mean is the average of your actual sample
> values. It isn't "obviously" 78 or anything else, though
> it might be close to 78. And how did you calculate the standard
> error?
> >
> > However I can't put the whole picture together. I suspect the distrib
> > be normal given the 81 samples, but is 3 a low number for a std error.
> Now I'm really lost. From the fact that there are 81 samples,
> you conclude the distribution is normal? And all you
> know about the samples is that there are 81 of them?
> >
> > Is it possible to translate it into a z score without any addtional
> It isn't possible to say anything at all without additional data.
>   - Randy

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Re: Free program to generate random samples

2001-09-20 Thread Rich Ulrich

 [ stripping a couple of Newsgroups from the list ]

On Thu, 20 Sep 2001 17:08:42 -0300, Gus Gassmann

> Randy Poe wrote:
> > "@Home" wrote:
> > >
> > > Is there any downloadable freeware that can generate let's say 2000 random
> > > samples of size n=100 from a population of 100 numbers.
> > >
> >
> > Um.
> >
> > A sample of 100 from a population of 100 is going to
> > give you the entire population.
> Um^2. Only if you sample without replacement.


google  for  > .

I know there are examples for SPSS and SAS.


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Re: Free program to generate random samples

2001-09-20 Thread dennis roberts

why does everything have to be free???

but ... go here first ...

scroll down to random number generators ...

one example is

regular stat software does these sorts of things easily ... in minitab for 
example ... let's say i wanted to generate a sample of n=100 from a chis 
dist. with 3 degrees of freedom

—   9/20/01 5:50:36 PM   

Welcome to Minitab, press F1 for help.
MTB > rand 100 c1;
SUBC> chis 3.
MTB > dotp c1

Dotplot: C1

   :  :.: ..:  .  ..
   :  :::.:: .::  ::..   .
   :.:::  .. :  .. .  ..  . .
0.0   2.5   5.0   7.5  10.0  12.5

MTB > desc c1

Descriptive Statistics: C1

Variable N   Mean Median TrMean  StDevSE Mean
C1 100  3.399  2.785  3.219  2.404  0.240

Variable   MinimumMaximum Q1 Q3
C1   0.144 11.483  1.549  5.048

or, 100 samples of n=100 from the same chisquare distribution

MTB > rand 100 c1-c100;
SUBC> chis 3.
MTB > rmean c1-c100 c101
MTB > dotp c101

Dotplot: C101

 ::   .
. :
 :.. .  :.:  ::: .
.  :  .:.:::.::..: ... : .  . .
 2.40  2.70  3.00  3.30  3.60  3.90

h ... looks like the sampling distribution of the mean ... when the 
population is shaped like a chisquare 3 distribution ... has that funny 
looking normal like shape

MTB > desc c101

Descriptive Statistics: C101

Variable N   Mean Median TrMean  StDevSE Mean
C101   100 2.9789 2.9525 2.9733 0.2393 0.0239

Variable   MinimumMaximum Q1 Q3
C1012.3895 3.7689 2.8695 3.1187


At 06:09 PM 9/20/01 -0300, Voltolini wrote:
>I am interested in the same programs and if possible,
>one that can generate normal, binomial, etc distributions 
>Thanks for any suggestions !!!
>Prof. J. C. Voltolini
>Grupo de Estudos em Ecologia de Mamiferos - ECOMAM
>Universidade de Taubate - Depto. Biologia
>Praca Marcellino Monteiro 63, Bom Conselho,
>Taubate, SP - BRASIL. 12030-010
>TEL: 0XX12-2254165 (lab.), 2254277 (depto.)
>FAX: 0XX12-2322947
>- Original Message -
>From: @Home <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>
>Sent: Thursday, September 20, 2001 2:50 PM
>Subject: Free program to generate random samples
> > Is there any downloadable freeware that can generate let's say 2000 random
> > samples of size n=100 from a population of 100 numbers.
> >
> > Is this conceivable? for excel etc.
> >
> >
> >
> >
> > =
> > Instructions for joining and leaving this list and remarks about
> > the problem of INAPPROPRIATE MESSAGES are available at
> >
> > =
> >
>Instructions for joining and leaving this list and remarks about
>the problem of INAPPROPRIATE MESSAGES are available at

dennis roberts, penn state university
educational psychology, 8148632401

Instructions for joining and leaving this list and remarks about
the problem of INAPPROPRIATE MESSAGES are available at

Re: what type of distribution on this sampling

2001-09-20 Thread @Home

"Is it possible to translate it into a z score without any addtional data."


If all you have to go on is a standard error for the sample of 3 and a mean
of 75, does that give you any hint how bunched at the mean the population
is? Suppose the std error of the sample was 25 or something?

"Edward Dreyer" <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote in message
> >
> >At 05:48 PM 9/20/2001 +, you wrote:
> >>I am trying to solve a ? which basically gives the following facts:
> >>
> >>population of unknown number
> >>popu std dev of 27
> >>pop mean of 78
> >>sample of size n=81
> >>2000 random samples
> >>
> >>The ? is:
> >>
> >>what is the sample mean?
> >>what is the std error (std dev of sample means)
> >>what shape would the histogram be?
> >>
> >>The sample mean is obviously 78 and I calculate the std error of the
> >>means to be 3.
> >>
> >>However I can't put the whole picture together. I suspect the distrib
> >>be normal given the 81 samples, but is 3 a low number for a std error.
> >
> >2000 samples of size 81 according to info you provided; and sample
> >standard deviation should be
> >smaller than population standard deviation according to central limit
> >
> >
> >>Is it possible to translate it into a z score without any addtional
> >>
> >>Also I assume that the population itself could take any form skewed,
> >>etc and you still end up w/the same std deviation.
> >
> >All possible
> >
> >
> >>In other words is the std deve of 27 and mean of 81 in any way
predictive of
> >>what a histogram of a distribution would look like?
> >>
> >>Finally what difference does it make how many random samples you take
> >>100 or 1000). What statistic or parameter does this speak to?
> >
> >The sampling distribution will always approximate a normal distribution
> >regardless of the shape of the
> >population distribution -- again, the central limit theorem.
> >
> >hope his helps...   ECD
> >
> >
> >
> >
> >
> >
> >
> >
> >
> >>=
> >>Instructions for joining and leaving this list and remarks about
> >>the problem of INAPPROPRIATE MESSAGES are available at
> >>
> >>=
> >
> >___
> >Edward C. Dreyer
> >
> >Political Science
> >The University of Tulsa
> >
> >
> ___
> Edward C. Dreyer
> Political Science
> The University of Tulsa
> =
> Instructions for joining and leaving this list and remarks about
> the problem of INAPPROPRIATE MESSAGES are available at
> =

Instructions for joining and leaving this list and remarks about
the problem of INAPPROPRIATE MESSAGES are available at

Re: what type of distribution on this sampling

2001-09-20 Thread @Home

what about if n is only 15 and the population distribution is heavily
skewed? Isn't there a balancing here. Of course w/81 samples, it is hard to
conceive anything but a normal distrib based on the CLT.

"Edward Dreyer" <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote in message
> >
> >At 05:48 PM 9/20/2001 +, you wrote:
> >>I am trying to solve a ? which basically gives the following facts:
> >>
> >>population of unknown number
> >>popu std dev of 27
> >>pop mean of 78
> >>sample of size n=81
> >>2000 random samples
> >>
> >>The ? is:
> >>
> >>what is the sample mean?
> >>what is the std error (std dev of sample means)
> >>what shape would the histogram be?
> >>
> >>The sample mean is obviously 78 and I calculate the std error of the
> >>means to be 3.
> >>
> >>However I can't put the whole picture together. I suspect the distrib
> >>be normal given the 81 samples, but is 3 a low number for a std error.
> >
> >2000 samples of size 81 according to info you provided; and sample
> >standard deviation should be
> >smaller than population standard deviation according to central limit
> >
> >
> >>Is it possible to translate it into a z score without any addtional
> >>
> >>Also I assume that the population itself could take any form skewed,
> >>etc and you still end up w/the same std deviation.
> >
> >All possible
> >
> >
> >>In other words is the std deve of 27 and mean of 81 in any way
predictive of
> >>what a histogram of a distribution would look like?
> >>
> >>Finally what difference does it make how many random samples you take
> >>100 or 1000). What statistic or parameter does this speak to?
> >
> >The sampling distribution will always approximate a normal distribution
> >regardless of the shape of the
> >population distribution -- again, the central limit theorem.
> >
> >hope his helps...   ECD
> >
> >
> >
> >
> >
> >
> >
> >
> >
> >>=
> >>Instructions for joining and leaving this list and remarks about
> >>the problem of INAPPROPRIATE MESSAGES are available at
> >>
> >>=
> >
> >___
> >Edward C. Dreyer
> >
> >Political Science
> >The University of Tulsa
> >
> >
> ___
> Edward C. Dreyer
> Political Science
> The University of Tulsa
> =
> Instructions for joining and leaving this list and remarks about
> the problem of INAPPROPRIATE MESSAGES are available at
> =

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Re: Free program to generate random samples

2001-09-20 Thread @Home

" A sample of 100 from a population of 100 is going to
> > give you the entire population"

Right my example was flawed, assume n=80 and you run the sampling 1000
times. The random generated list you are sampling has 200 number.

"Gus Gassmann" <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote in message
> Randy Poe wrote:
> > "@Home" wrote:
> > >
> > > Is there any downloadable freeware that can generate let's say 2000
> > > samples of size n=100 from a population of 100 numbers.
> > >
> >
> > Um.
> >
> > A sample of 100 from a population of 100 is going to
> > give you the entire population.
> Um^2. Only if you sample without replacement.
> ---
> gus gassmann  ([EMAIL PROTECTED])
> "When in doubt, travel."
> Remove NOSPAM in the reply-to address

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Re: Free program to generate random samples

2001-09-20 Thread jim clark


On Thu, 20 Sep 2001, @Home wrote:
> Is there any downloadable freeware that can generate let's say 2000 random
> samples of size n=100 from a population of 100 numbers.
> Is this conceivable? for excel etc.

Easily done with various statistical software (e.g., SPSS, SAS), 
if you have access to such programs.  Here is a basic Basic
algorithm that does the trick
randomize timer !seed random number generator
ns = 2000   !number of samples = 2000
ops = 100   !number of observations per sample = 100
for s = 1 to ns
  for o = 1 to ops
score = int(rnd*100)+1   !generate score from 1 to 100
next o,s

Should be possible to do something similar with excel or
database software.

Best wishes

James M. Clark  (204) 786-9757
Department of Psychology(204) 774-4134 Fax
University of Winnipeg  4L05D
Winnipeg, Manitoba  R3B 2E9 [EMAIL PROTECTED]

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Re: Free program to generate random samples

2001-09-20 Thread Voltolini

I am interested in the same programs and if possible,
one that can generate normal, binomial, etc distributions 

Thanks for any suggestions !!!

Prof. J. C. Voltolini
Grupo de Estudos em Ecologia de Mamiferos - ECOMAM
Universidade de Taubate - Depto. Biologia
Praca Marcellino Monteiro 63, Bom Conselho,
Taubate, SP - BRASIL. 12030-010

TEL: 0XX12-2254165 (lab.), 2254277 (depto.)
FAX: 0XX12-2322947

- Original Message -
Sent: Thursday, September 20, 2001 2:50 PM
Subject: Free program to generate random samples

> Is there any downloadable freeware that can generate let's say 2000 random
> samples of size n=100 from a population of 100 numbers.
> Is this conceivable? for excel etc.
> =
> Instructions for joining and leaving this list and remarks about
> the problem of INAPPROPRIATE MESSAGES are available at
> =

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Re: Free program to generate random samples

2001-09-20 Thread Jay Warner

In Excel, the random number generator is =RAND()

Produces a number between 0 and 1, inclusive.  Some peole dislikie its amount
of randomness, but for class purposes, it seems to work well.

2000 x 100 cells to get your sampel set is going to be big, but I think

Or, set up say 100 of the 100 sets.  Then re-calculate 20 times.


"@Home" wrote:

> Is there any downloadable freeware that can generate let's say 2000 random
> samples of size n=100 from a population of 100 numbers.
> Is this conceivable? for excel etc.
> =
> Instructions for joining and leaving this list and remarks about
> the problem of INAPPROPRIATE MESSAGES are available at
> =

Jay Warner
Principal Scientist
Warner Consulting, Inc.
 North Green Bay Road
Racine, WI 53404-1216

Ph: (262) 634-9100
FAX: (262) 681-1133

The A2Q Method (tm) -- What do you want to improve today?

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Re: Free program to generate random samples

2001-09-20 Thread Gus Gassmann

Randy Poe wrote:

> "@Home" wrote:
> >
> > Is there any downloadable freeware that can generate let's say 2000 random
> > samples of size n=100 from a population of 100 numbers.
> >
> Um.
> A sample of 100 from a population of 100 is going to
> give you the entire population.

Um^2. Only if you sample without replacement.


gus gassmann  ([EMAIL PROTECTED])

"When in doubt, travel."

Remove NOSPAM in the reply-to address

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Re: how to compare generated values with the specified distribution basis

2001-09-20 Thread Rich Ulrich

On 20 Sep 2001 11:05:08 -0700, [EMAIL PROTECTED] (Jon Cryer) wrote:

>(quoting Robert:   "even when N=20,  a uniform distribution can be treated as
> normal for most purposes.")
> I assume you meant to say that for N=20, the sample mean based on a random
> sample from a uniform distribution can be assumed to have a normal
> distribution for most purposes.
> Right?

I thought he was intending the stronger statement:  a lot of 
uniforms can be treated as normal, especially for small N 
and for moderate effect size.  Conover, et al., showed the
equivalency between doing (a) the old rank-order tests (like the 
MWW), and  (b) simple t-tests, etc., on the rank-transformations.  

Robert waffles by saying 'most' purposes, so I have to
find it easy to agree.  When might you *not*  treat  a uniform,
N=20  as normal?  - perhaps when the R^2  is too high
(above .90)?


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Re: for students (biology et al.) that hate numbers

2001-09-20 Thread Jerry Dallal

> You can have them count the colors of candies in bags of M&Ms. The M&M
> web site has the expected proportions published so they can do a
> ChiSquare test against those proportions.

Does anybody really care about the proportions of different colors
in bags of M&Ms? 
> Do a class of brainstorming to find out what kinds of things they are
> interested in. 

Now, this is advice that is impossible to improve upon!  Do this and
the battle's won.

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Re: Prerequisite for stats (was Re: for number haters)

2001-09-20 Thread Jerry Dallal

> the level of mathematics
> often does not go much beyond cross-multiplying to solve for an > unknown,

There's part of the problem in a nutshell.  There's no such thing as
"cross-multiply". It's..what?..a trick?  It epitomizes the shortcut
that hides the rigor behind what's really going on--two application
of "When equals are multiplied by equals, the products are
equal"--and guarantees that the rigor is neither appreciated nor
mastered.  Is it any wonder that students brought up under such a
system have problems with logic, understanding, and the proper way
to formulate and solve a problem?

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Re: Free program to generate random samples

2001-09-20 Thread Randy Poe

"@Home" wrote:
> Is there any downloadable freeware that can generate let's say 2000 random
> samples of size n=100 from a population of 100 numbers.


A sample of 100 from a population of 100 is going to
give you the entire population.

  - Randy

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Re: Free program to generate random samples

2001-09-20 Thread Edward Dreyer

At 12:27 PM 9/20/2001 -0700, you wrote:
>This Message was undeliverable due to the following reason:
>Each of the following recipients was rejected by a remote mail server.
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>   for <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>; Thu, 20 Sep 2001 12:27:35 -0700
>At 05:50 PM 9/20/2001 +, you wrote:
>>Is there any downloadable freeware that can generate let's say 2000 random
>>samples of size n=100 from a population of 100 numbers.
>>Is this conceivable? for excel etc.
>Both Excel XP and Quattro Pro 10 have routines for generating random 
>numbers; I don't know about earlier versions.
>>Instructions for joining and leaving this list and remarks about
>>the problem of INAPPROPRIATE MESSAGES are available at
>Edward C. Dreyer
>Political Science
>The University of Tulsa

Dr. Edward C. Dreyer
Department of Political Science
The University of Tulsa

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Re: what type of distribution on this sampling

2001-09-20 Thread Edward Dreyer

>At 05:48 PM 9/20/2001 +, you wrote:
>>I am trying to solve a ? which basically gives the following facts:
>>population of unknown number
>>popu std dev of 27
>>pop mean of 78
>>sample of size n=81
>>2000 random samples
>>The ? is:
>>what is the sample mean?
>>what is the std error (std dev of sample means)
>>what shape would the histogram be?
>>The sample mean is obviously 78 and I calculate the std error of the sample
>>means to be 3.
>>However I can't put the whole picture together. I suspect the distrib would
>>be normal given the 81 samples, but is 3 a low number for a std error.
>2000 samples of size 81 according to info you provided; and sample 
>standard deviation should be
>smaller than population standard deviation according to central limit theorem.
>>Is it possible to translate it into a z score without any addtional data.
>>Also I assume that the population itself could take any form skewed, normal
>>etc and you still end up w/the same std deviation.
>All possible
>>In other words is the std deve of 27 and mean of 81 in any way predictive of
>>what a histogram of a distribution would look like?
>>Finally what difference does it make how many random samples you take (ie.
>>100 or 1000). What statistic or parameter does this speak to?
>The sampling distribution will always approximate a normal distribution 
>regardless of the shape of the
>population distribution -- again, the central limit theorem.
>hope his helps...   ECD
>>Instructions for joining and leaving this list and remarks about
>>the problem of INAPPROPRIATE MESSAGES are available at
>Edward C. Dreyer
>Political Science
>The University of Tulsa

Edward C. Dreyer

Political Science
The University of Tulsa

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the problem of INAPPROPRIATE MESSAGES are available at

Re: what type of distribution on this sampling

2001-09-20 Thread Randy Poe

"@Home" wrote:
> I am trying to solve a ? which basically gives the following facts:
> population of unknown number
> popu std dev of 27
> pop mean of 78

With what underlying distribution?

> sample of size n=81
> 2000 random samples
> The ? is:
> what is the sample mean?
> what is the std error (std dev of sample means)
> what shape would the histogram be?

How can you possibly know this without having the actual
sample? It's a random variable, it depends on your

> The sample mean is obviously 78 and I calculate the std error of the sample
> means to be 3.

The sample mean is the average of your actual sample
values. It isn't "obviously" 78 or anything else, though
it might be close to 78. And how did you calculate the standard

> However I can't put the whole picture together. I suspect the distrib would
> be normal given the 81 samples, but is 3 a low number for a std error.

Now I'm really lost. From the fact that there are 81 samples,
you conclude the distribution is normal? And all you
know about the samples is that there are 81 of them?

> Is it possible to translate it into a z score without any addtional data.

It isn't possible to say anything at all without additional data.

  - Randy

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Re: how to compare generated values with the specified distribution basis

2001-09-20 Thread Rich Ulrich

On Thu, 20 Sep 2001 15:54:24 +0200, "JHWB" <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>

> Hm, hope I didn't make that subject to complex, resulting in zero replies.
> But hopefully you can answer this:
> I have a N(20,5) distribution and based on that I generated 25 values using
> Minitab and the Calc>Random data>Normal function. The result yielded a mean
> of 19,083 and a standard deviation of 6,0148.
> Now, how can I compare these results numerically and graphically?

Compared numerically:  
generating parameters were mean=20, SD=5; 
for N=25, the observed sample has mean= 19, SD= 6,

If you assume there is a known, fixed mean=20 and SD=5, 
then the SE for N=25 is 1; and the t-test is 1.0

A graphical comparison of 2+2 points is dull, and usually 
is a waste of space.  Especially to illustrate "nothing interesting."
There's more potential if you draw 10 or 100 samples.

> I mean, in the back of my head I have an image of a graph with a straight
> line (the basis for the values) and the plotted dots of the actual generated
> data following the line.

It is hard to describe a one-dimensional plot of 25 points, 
since there is hardly anything *there*  that is interesting 
or useful.  - I don't parse the description, above, on first try; 
I don't generate a description that sounds like that one when 
I do the task myself, even after several tries; so I don't know 
what you are describing.  

"Box-and-whisker"  is a style that structures some 
information.  Still, one plot is not as interesting as a dozen.


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Free program to generate random samples

2001-09-20 Thread @Home

Is there any downloadable freeware that can generate let's say 2000 random
samples of size n=100 from a population of 100 numbers.

Is this conceivable? for excel etc.

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what type of distribution on this sampling

2001-09-20 Thread @Home

I am trying to solve a ? which basically gives the following facts:

population of unknown number
popu std dev of 27
pop mean of 78
sample of size n=81
2000 random samples

The ? is:

what is the sample mean?
what is the std error (std dev of sample means)
what shape would the histogram be?

The sample mean is obviously 78 and I calculate the std error of the sample
means to be 3.

However I can't put the whole picture together. I suspect the distrib would
be normal given the 81 samples, but is 3 a low number for a std error.

Is it possible to translate it into a z score without any addtional data.

Also I assume that the population itself could take any form skewed, normal
etc and you still end up w/the same std deviation.

In other words is the std deve of 27 and mean of 81 in any way predictive of
what a histogram of a distribution would look like?

Finally what difference does it make how many random samples you take (ie.
100 or 1000). What statistic or parameter does this speak to?

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Re: how to compare generated values with the specifieddistributionbasis

2001-09-20 Thread Robert J. MacG. Dawson

Jon Cryer wrote:
> Robert:
> "even when N=20,  a uniform distribution can be treated as
> >normal for most purposes."
> I assume you meant to say that for N=20, the sample mean based on a random
> sample from a uniform distribution can be assumed to have a normal
> distribution
> for most purposes.
> Right?

Yes; I was writing in the context of standard inferential techniques.
(t tests, etc)


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Re: Prerequisite for stats (was Re: for number haters)

2001-09-20 Thread Herman Rubin

In article <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>,
Bruce Weaver  <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote:

>On 20 Sep 2001, Jay Warner wrote:

>> true math phobes may not like the idea of putting the equation details &
>> number crunching up to software.  the thinking involved in Dennis' list above
>> is much harder.

Even BC (before computers), it was not that important for
the user of statistics to be able to do the calculations.
However, setting up the problem is what is important.

>> But I'd like to see what happens if a class could let go of the numeracy
>> issues, and look at what is happening - the logic of the questions.  Wonder if
>> 'learning theory' can address the possibility of that happening.

I question the use of "logic" here.  It is not totally
incorrect, but it does not fit into the framework of any
kind of logic course.  What is involved is the ability to
use precise symbolic language, which is sadly lacking, 
even in those who have had computational mathematics classes.
The general use of variables belongs with beginning reading;
it is an augmentation of language.

>Jay's last paragraph reminded me of something I question just about every
>time I teach an introductory stats class:  Why the heck have we made
>successful completion of a 1st year math course the prerequisite in so
>many cases?  Certainly for intro stats classes aimed at non-math majors
>(e.g., psychology & social science students), the level of mathematics
>often does not go much beyond cross-multiplying to solve for an unknown,
>and maybe coming to grips with logarithms.

Why do they have to SOLVE equations?  What is needed is the 
ability to take a complex problem, and FORMULATE the problem
in symbols.  Also, they do not need to know HOW to add or
multiply, but what it means.  The same holds for logarithms;
you will find that most students, even with much more than a
year of college mathematics, do not understand logarithms as
exponents, but just as something to manipulate formally, and
to use for calculations.

I think that many of the
>number haters can be helped over those hurdles.  I think a greater problem
>for intro stats students is understanding the LOGIC--the logic of
>hypothesis testing, for example.  (Some readers of this group might call
>it the illogic of hypothesis testing, of course.)  So in my opinion, a
>BETTER prerequisite, if we must have one, would be a course in symbolic
>logic.  Just my two cents.

A course in symbolic logic at the sentential calculus level
will not help.  At the predicate calculus level it might, but
few have had this, and this is again not what is needed.  This
can be taught in elementary school (it has been), but finding
teachers who can learn it might be a problem.

What is needed is first to be able to use variables as the
linguistic entities they are; it has nothing to do with 
mathematics.  Secondly, they need to understand what the
operations mean, and be able to formulate arbitrarily 
complicated problems with no idea of how to solve them;
I would make this the "mathematics" requirement for college
entrance, and at this time, most college graduates cannot
do this.  Third, to do anything intelligent with statistics,
they need to understand the probability CONCEPTS, not the
computations or equations.  They do not need to know the
formula for a binomial distribution or a hypergeometric
distribution; they need to know when these occur.  One of
the problems with students (and even PhD philosophers) is
that they assume equally likely far too often; avoid this.

How many people with statistical problems realize that there
are probability assumptions involved?  And if they do, are
they aware of which are the important ones?  Transformations
to make things normal are common, but they are likely to 
destroy whatever reasonable relations hold, and it is usually
the case that normality is of little importance.
This address is for information only.  I do not claim that these views
are those of the Statistics Department or of Purdue University.
Herman Rubin, Dept. of Statistics, Purdue Univ., West Lafayette IN47907-1399
[EMAIL PROTECTED] Phone: (765)494-6054   FAX: (765)494-0558

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WTC 9-11 stats show paranormal connection (Report from Princeton U)

2001-09-20 Thread Cato
please read and comment

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Re: how to compare generated values with the specified distribution basis

2001-09-20 Thread Jon Cryer


"even when N=20,  a uniform distribution can be treated as
>normal for most purposes."

I assume you meant to say that for N=20, the sample mean based on a random
sample from a uniform distribution can be assumed to have a normal
for most purposes.


Jon Cryer

At 01:16 PM 9/20/01 -0300, you wrote:
>JHWB wrote:
>> Hm, hope I didn't make that subject to complex, resulting in zero replies.
>> But hopefully you can answer this:
>   The gotcha is that while these may be roughly equivalent questions for
>(say) N=20, for N small deviations from normality are important and the
>test is poor at detecting them; for N large, deviations from normality
>do not matter very much but the test is hypersensitive.
>   For instance: even when N=20,  a uniform distribution can be treated as
>normal for most purposes. However, it will generally fail the
>Ryan-Joiner test at a 5% level!
>   -Robert Dawson
>Instructions for joining and leaving this list and remarks about
>the problem of INAPPROPRIATE MESSAGES are available at
--- |   \
Jon Cryer, Professor Emeritus  ( )
Dept. of Statistics \\_University
 and Actuarial Science   office 319-335-0819 \ *   \of Iowa
The University of Iowa   home   319-351-4639  \/Hawkeyes
Iowa City, IA 52242  FAX319-335-3017   |__ )
---   V

"It ain't so much the things we don't know that get us into trouble. 
It's the things we do know that just ain't so." --Artemus Ward 

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Re: how to compare generated values with the specified distributionbasis

2001-09-20 Thread Robert J. MacG. Dawson

JHWB wrote:
> Hm, hope I didn't make that subject to complex, resulting in zero replies.
> But hopefully you can answer this:
> I have a N(20,5) distribution and based on that I generated 25 values using
> Minitab and the Calc>Random data>Normal function. The result yielded a mean
> of 19,083 and a standard deviation of 6,0148.
> Now, how can I compare these results numerically and graphically?
> I mean, in the back of my head I have an image of a graph with a straight
> line (the basis for the values) and the plotted dots of the actual generated
> data following the line.

What you have in mind is a normal scores plot. This appears under Graph
> Probability Plot as the default option.

The hypothesis tests that come with this should be treated with great
caution (though testing the output of a RNG supposed to yield normally
distributed output *is* perhaps a valid use!)  People have been known to
do one of these tests to see whether they must use a nonparametric
inference technique such as a sign or WMW test on a certain data set. 
However, the hypothesis test answers the question "are these data
improbable under conditions of perfect normality?" and by extension "is
there evidence against perfect normality?".  What you want to ask is
"are these data probably from a population that is normal enough for the
method to work?"

The gotcha is that while these may be roughly equivalent questions for
(say) N=20, for N small deviations from normality are important and the
test is poor at detecting them; for N large, deviations from normality
do not matter very much but the test is hypersensitive.

For instance: even when N=20,  a uniform distribution can be treated as
normal for most purposes. However, it will generally fail the
Ryan-Joiner test at a 5% level!

-Robert Dawson

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Re: Definitions of Likert scale, Likert item, etc.

2001-09-20 Thread Rich Ulrich

 - about the citation; and some musing.

On 19 Sep 2001 18:11:59 -0700, [EMAIL PROTECTED] (dennis roberts) wrote:

> At 05:14 PM 9/19/01 -0400, Rich Ulrich wrote:
> >It has Likert's original observations on writing
> >an attitude scale (1932, which I had not seen elsewhere).

dmr > 
> likert's work appeared in the archives of psychology ... #141 i think ... 
> in 1932 ... it was his dissertation work ... under the direction i think of 
> gardner murphy

One of the 3 references cited is Murphy.  It says #140, 1932,
Archives of Psychology.
> the intention of likert's work was NOT to validate in any way ... the 3 
> scales he used in that dissertation ... but, to show that a simpler method 
> of attitude item scaling would be about as useful as the much harder to do 
> ... thurstonian scaling ... equal appearing intervals i think
> for sure, it is simpler
> however, we have to keep in mind that this was 70 years ago ... i hope we 
> have learned a few things since then ... but, sometimes i wonder
>   [snip, start of my cited 'race' example, and sig.]

We have learned that social attitudes are not -- contrary to
the regard of some social scientists in the 1930s -- they are 
not permanent, essential parts of the soul;  which might be 
measurable to nice precision.  Attitudes on race and attitudes
on sex roles underwent a sea-change during  WW II, and the
recognition of variability undermined the notion that re-measuring
would pin down some useful 'true scores' for those attitudes.

By comparison -
the people today who think that what we measure as IQ is 
inherent-and-fixed  are making approximately the same mistake.

The political surveys that predicted Truman would lose to Dewey
(famous error in the 1948 Presidential race) were based on 
questions asked 6 weeks (I think it was) before the election.
 - that should have been wise enough, if attitudes were fixed.
Moreover, in order to less-offend a person's privacy, the pollsters
asked, "Who do you think will win?"  instead of the modern, 
"Who would you vote for if the election were today?"

I'm saying we have learned something about attitudes, and that
improves the logical manipulations we do, and conclusions that 
we are willing to draw.  But look at the discussions we have had
about the scoring of performance for students (and their schools).
As statisticians, we are pleased with neither the measurements 
nor the uses made of them.  

Our direct tools for item development and scoring now include 
methods that  
(a) definitely:  are more computer-intensive and 
(b) hopefully:  yield scales that are more precise and reliable.
But scale developers and attitude surveyors still mess up.

I guess I am concluding that what we have learned about 
scoring, since then, has had some notable successes.  
But it is hard to keep an eye on successes -- compared to the 
everyday failures.  We still see botch-ups  people make when 
composing their items, and, later, when using their results.


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Re: Factor analysis - which package is best for Windows?

2001-09-20 Thread Robert Ehrlich

you may wish to consider NCSS (they have a web site)  provides essentially the same 
output as SAS but is run from  templates not SAS
language.  Less expensive, good documentation, excellant support. However does not 
provide an audit trail--a necessary feature for
some governmental / legal groups.

PeterOut wrote:

> [EMAIL PROTECTED] (Magill, Brett) wrote in message 
>news:<[EMAIL PROTECTED]>...
> > Also check out R, a GNU implementation of the S language, most prominently
> > known through its use in S-Plus.  R is a fully featured statisitical
> > programming environment.  In its MVA (Multivariate) package, it includes
> > routines for factor analysis using maximum liklihood estimation with varimax
> > and promax rotations.
> >
> I have installed R1.3.0 on  my Windows system and have noted that MVA
> is an add-on.  The FAQ tells how to obtain these add-ons but only for
> UNIX.  Is this add-on actually available for Windows?  If so, how do I
> obtain it?
> Thanks,
> Peter

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how to compare generated values with the specified distribution basis

2001-09-20 Thread JHWB

Hm, hope I didn't make that subject to complex, resulting in zero replies.
But hopefully you can answer this:

I have a N(20,5) distribution and based on that I generated 25 values using
Minitab and the Calc>Random data>Normal function. The result yielded a mean
of 19,083 and a standard deviation of 6,0148.

Now, how can I compare these results numerically and graphically?

I mean, in the back of my head I have an image of a graph with a straight
line (the basis for the values) and the plotted dots of the actual generated
data following the line.


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Re: Viruses in EdStat

2001-09-20 Thread Jerry Dallal

"E. Jacquelin Dietz" wrote:
> The EdStat list is not moderated -- no human sees the messages before
> they are automatically forwarded to the list.
> Jackie Dietz
> Jerry Dallal wrote:
> >
> > "E. Jacquelin Dietz" wrote:
> >
> > > We have investigated the possibility of removing attachments from
> > > messages before they are distributed to the EdStat list.  This appears
> > > to be impossible using our current majordomo software.
> >
> > What about not transmitting any message with an attachment?

Right, but there's software and there's software.  Even unmoderated
lists can use filters.  I realize that stripping attachments is a
operation, but I wondered whether filtering the entire message might
be simple and straightforward.  Apparently it's not.

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Re: for students (biology et al.) that hate numbers

2001-09-20 Thread William B. Ware

>From an old post...

Plain   Peanut
Red 20% 10%
Orange  10% 10%
Yellow  20% 20%
Green   10% 10%
Blue10% 30%
Brown   30% 20%


William B. Ware, Professor and Chair   Educational Psychology,
CB# 3500   Measurement, and Evaluation
University of North Carolina PHONE  (919)-962-7848
Chapel Hill, NC  27599-3500  FAX:   (919)-962-1533  EMAIL: [EMAIL PROTECTED]

On Thu, 20 Sep 2001, Rob MacTurk wrote:

> Would you happen to have the exact location for the expected proportions of
> M&M colors?  I went to the M&M site and couldn't seem to locate it.
> Rob MacTurk
> "Paul Bernhardt" <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote in message
> >
> > You can have them count the colors of candies in bags of M&Ms. The M&M
> > web site has the expected proportions published so they can do a
> > ChiSquare test against those proportions.
> =
> > Instructions for joining and leaving this list and remarks about
> > the problem of INAPPROPRIATE MESSAGES are available at
> >
> > =
> =
> Instructions for joining and leaving this list and remarks about
> the problem of INAPPROPRIATE MESSAGES are available at
> =

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Re: for students (biology et al.) that hate numbers

2001-09-20 Thread Rob MacTurk

Would you happen to have the exact location for the expected proportions of
M&M colors?  I went to the M&M site and couldn't seem to locate it.

Rob MacTurk

"Paul Bernhardt" <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote in message
> You can have them count the colors of candies in bags of M&Ms. The M&M
> web site has the expected proportions published so they can do a
> ChiSquare test against those proportions.

> Instructions for joining and leaving this list and remarks about
> the problem of INAPPROPRIATE MESSAGES are available at
> =

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