Re: Which is faster? ziggurat or Monty Python (or maybe something else?)

2002-02-20 Thread George Marsaglia

Ian Buckner [EMAIL PROTECTED] wrote in message
 The Box-Muller algorithm rejects roughly 22.5% of the
 generated points. I'm not aware of any bound on the number
 of consecutive rejections, other than a statistical one, hence
 my statement. I would welcome correction if this is not the case.


 Radford Neal [EMAIL PROTECTED] wrote in message
  Box-Muller does not work for real time requirements.
  This isn't true, of course.  A real time application is one where
  one must guarantee that an operation takes no more than some
  maximum time.  The Box-Muller method for generating normal random
  variates does not involve any operations that could take arbitrary
  amounts of time, and so is suitable for real-time applications.
  This assumes that the time needed for Box-Muller is small enough,
  which will surely often be true.  If the time allowed is very small,
  then of course one might need to use some other method.
  Rejection sampling methods would not be suitable for real-time
  applications, since there is no bound on how many points may be
  rejected before one is accepted, and hence no bound on the time
  required to generate a random normal variate.
 Radford Neal

What is usually called the Box-Muller method is
the transformation of normal variates to polar coordinates
that we all owe to Laplace for showing us how to evaluate
\int_0^\infty  e^{-x^2}.   To get a pair of independent
standard normal variates x,y, use two [0,1) uniform variates
U1,U2 and put
 x = sqrt(-2*ln(U1))*cos(2pi*U2)
 y = sqrt(-2*ln(U1))*sin(2pi*U2).

This is a fixed-time procedure.

The random-time procedure, often mistakenly
called Box-Muller,  was developed in 1956
by Marsaglia:

Generate uniform (-1,1) variates V1,V2 until
  S = V1^2 + V2^2 1
then return
x = V1*sqrt(-2ln(S)/S)
y = V2*sqrt(-2ln(S)/S).

George Marsaglia

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Re: Which is faster? ziggurat or Monty Python (or maybe something else?)

2002-02-15 Thread George Marsaglia

Glen [EMAIL PROTECTED] wrote in message
 Alan Miller [EMAIL PROTECTED] wrote in message
news:K1Fa8.25709$[EMAIL PROTECTED]...
  The fastest way to generate random normals and exponentials is to use George
  Marsaglia's ziggurat algorithm.

 I've seen both ziggurat and Monty Python approaches claimed as being
 about the fastest or close to the fastest among reasonably general
 algorithms (not restricted to a single distribution), and they are
 both nice and easy to understand and reasonably easy to code.

 But in the case of gaussian distributions, which is faster?

(3-year old) Timings, in nanoseconds,  using Microsoft Visual C++
 and gcc under DOS on a 400MHz PC.   Comparisons are with
methods by Leva and by Ahrens-Dieter, both said to be fast,
using the same the same uniform RNG.

Leva  307384
RNOR55  65 (Ziggurat)
REXP 77  40 (Ziggurat)

The Monty Python method is not quite as fast as as the Ziggurat.

Some may think that Alan Miller's somewhat vague reference to
a source for the ziggurat article suggests disdain.   The source is
Journal of Statistical Software Vol 5, Issue 8,
available on the Web.

Potential articles for this journal seem as fully refereed and
seriously considered as are those in more conventional
(but glacial) journals, at least based on my experience,
and I have published papers in over forty different
math/stat/CS/IEEE  journals, seven  medical, two physics and
one law journal as well several  general purpose journals.

George Marsaglia

(I don't have a web page, so the above can be considered
 my way to play Ozymandius.)

Instructions for joining and leaving this list, remarks about the
problem of INAPPROPRIATE MESSAGES, and archives are available at

Re: Which is faster? ziggurat or Monty Python (or maybe something else?)

2002-02-15 Thread George Marsaglia

Art Kendall [EMAIL PROTECTED] wrote in message 
 I tend to be more concerned with the apparent randomness of the results than with 
the speed
of the algorithm.

 As a thought experiment,  what is the cumulative time difference in a run using the 
vs the slowest algorithm? A
 whole minute? A second? A fractional second?

I agree; the time to generate normal
variates used in most simulations is a
small part of the overall running time.
More important are convenience and fit
to the true distribution.

As for the latter, most methods are
functions of the presumed uniform [0,1)
variates U1,U2,... used in the
generating process,  and their fit to
the underlying distribution is a direct
consequence of the suitability of the
U's.   There have been few reported
problems, except perhaps when integers
from congruential RNGs are floated
then used via polar coordinates to
provide pairs of normal variates in
the plane. The lattice structure of
pairs of points from the congruential
RNG may cause patterns in the
resulting normal points in the plane.

Most problems with integer RNG's arise
from from their suitability as iid
uniform---usually 32-bit---integers.
After they are floated to [0,1),
problems are much less frequent.

Speed can be an important factor for
exponential variates---for example,
when using them to generate a large
set of ordered uniform [0,1) variates
or when providing points in a Poisson

As long as methods are easy to use,
(via libraries, downloads, etc.),
and seem to produce the required
distributions well within the limits
of single precision, then one may
as well make a choice based on
elegance and speed, criteria for
which there are wide variations
and challenges for improvement.
Assessing the two can be likened
to pairs skating and the downhill.

George Marsaglia

Instructions for joining and leaving this list, remarks about the
problem of INAPPROPRIATE MESSAGES, and archives are available at