Normalization procedures

2002-02-20 Thread Niko Tiliopoulos

Hello everybody,

Has anybody heard of the Bell-Doksum test? If so could you please give
me a reference or a short descriptiion of it. Some one mentioned it to
me and it's driving me crazy not to be able to find any info either on
the net or in my references.


Niko Tiliopoulos

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Re: which test to use

2001-11-28 Thread Niko Tiliopoulos

Dear Kathy,

You slightly confuse me with all that detail, but if what I get is
right, and that is that you have two continuous variables (one IV 
one DV), then why don't you use a simple regression analysis? Is there
something I overlooked or does this appear to solve your query?


Niko Tiliopoulos

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Re: When one should stop sampling?

2001-11-13 Thread Niko Tiliopoulos

Dear all,

In light of the very interesting and highly appreciated response I
received in my mailbox, allow me to attempt to be more clear. First I
should say that I am not aware of the deep details of the study (it is
indeed someone else's and I am not trying to cover up my errors).

Ss are put into a half an hour or so deep relaxation state in a
soundproof environment and are asked to speak loud their thoughts.
After that they are presented with four photographs and asked to rate
them for their similarity to what they were thinking during the
relaxation stage. The photos are pre-selected by the computer and the
experimenter is blind to their content. The computer has also
pre-selected and registered the winning photo (again the researcher
knows only that this photo is one of the presented four, but not which
one). After these two sessions the subject fills in a few
questionnaires and the testing ends. What she is trying to see is
whether the Ss have an above chance hit on the winning photo (though
this is probably very simplistically stated). Apparently there is a
foundation behind this rationale, but I am not familiar with it, and
frankly I do not think it is relevant to the issue raised. Also there
may be more conditions in the study that I am not aware of, but once
again I do not think they matter here. Finally, I know that there was
a pilot prior to the study.

The intended sample of 200 was stated in an approved grand proposal
and in the proposal to the ethics committee. And as I mention in my
previous posting, potential Ss are very precious since they have to
fulfil certain requirements.

The potential flaw has to do with a condition during the relaxation
session. Drumbeats are used as a background noise because some
evidence suggests that this harmonises with ones heartbeat. However,
Ss tend to complain that it distracts their attention or that instead
of relaxing them, it produces the opposite effect (I trust the volume
levels have been checked). Should this be the case, then this may be
the (a) reason why she is not getting the expected effect. Therefore
she is considering changing this to simple and well-tested white
noise (don't ask me why, but there has to be some background sound).

Initially I had suggested to split-half her intended sample and
randomly assign half of the Ss to the drumbeat condition and the other
half to the white noise one. However, when I was told that 40 people
had already been sampled and that the results were really (and perhaps
surprisingly) discouraging, the issue shifted to the one I presented
here in my initial post.

I would like to make two additional comments/clarifications:

In response to a mail from Dennis who wrote: if she has run 40 Ss
with no results ... that certainly will NOT get published , I ensure
you that from what I know of that area (precognition, PK, etc.), no
results are as good (and indeed much more common) as some results -
though I will agree that one should perhaps be more concerned with
getting positive and replicable results. However, in this particular
instance (only) I find it hard to subscribe to the view that perhaps
it is still too early for an effect to show up and that perhaps she
should indeed meet the 200 target and check again. The thought of this
being an unnecessary waste of valuable resources really scares me.

Finally replying to Donald's mail who said:

we keep being reminded that the null hypothesis is never actually
true, which
implies that the ES is not exactly zero, which implies that with a 
sufficient sample size (maybe ten million or so?) the power curve
indeed level out -- near power = 1.0.)  If one wanted to invoke a 
statistical argument (in the face of whatever logical argument and/or
evidence exists of a design flaw and/or of an ES an order of
smaller than one had reason to expect in the beginning), it might be
persuasive to show that an upper bound on ES (say, the top of a 95% 
confidence interval) would imply no practical value whatever for so
an ES.  (Presumably the presence of an interestingly large ES would
implied some change, or recommendation for change, in practice 

I do agree with all of this, and in fact, as I say to my students, if
I could have a million participants I would probably be able to detect
a significant association between, say, schizophrenia and banana
consumption. However, I was hoping in this particular instance that
the power curve would show signs of levelling already with a sample
size of, say, 100 Ss (perhaps too optimistic, I know).

Once again I do appreciate your input, and I hope you forgive my
unintended verbosity.


Niko Tiliopoulos

Department of Psychology
The University of Edinburgh
7 George Square
Edinburgh, EH8 9JZ

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When one should stop sampling?

2001-11-12 Thread Niko Tiliopoulos

Dear all,

I am acting as the stats advisor for my unit in the psychology department of
the University of Edinburgh, UK. Last week a colleague of mine presented me
with the following issue, and I am not quite sure how to respond:

She is running a psychological experiment, in which she a priori specified
her sample size as 200 people. She has already sampled 40 participants and a
preliminary effect size (ES) analysis suggests an almost zero effect. Based
on previous research, she was expecting a detectable effect even with 40
subjects - though I suspect she was not expecting enough power to get a
significant result at that stage. In addition, it appears that the reason
the ES she gets is nowhere close to the expected figure may be because of a
design flaw. So she asked me whether it is justified to go up to, say, 100
participants, check again her ES and if it's still near zero, stop sampling,
or whether she had to sample all 200 people because she had says so in her

I do think it would be foolish to keep sampling when one has grounds to
believe that there is no effect or that there is a flaw in the study. I
believe that if the plot of subjects versus power, suggested that the power
curve levelled after a given sample size, that would be enough justification
to stop sampling (needless to say that participants that satisfy her
protocol are precious and hard to find). Her query though sounds to me
more like a methodological (if not ethical) one, rather than a true
statistical problem, and thus this bottom-up justification may not suffice.
However, I have failed to think of a top-down, theoretical approach to this
problem, and since she will try to publish the results of this study
regardless, she would like references that back up my position (or in that
sense falsify it).

I would really appreciate your comments on this.


Niko Tiliopoulos

Department of Psychology
The University of Edinburgh
7 George Square
Edinburgh, EH8 9JZ

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the problem of INAPPROPRIATE MESSAGES are available at

Re: MDS, the radex, and indices of multidimensionality agreement

2001-08-29 Thread Niko Tiliopoulos

Thanks a lot John,

Indeed Gutman has worked on the radex, so I get something out of his
papers. I also found your suggestions on the agreement very helpful
(haven't tried them yet).

Once again cheers

Niko Tiliopoulos

Psychology Research

The University of Edinburgh


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MDS, the radex, and indices of multidimensionality agreement

2001-08-24 Thread Niko Tiliopoulos

Dear all,

I was not sure in which of the forums the following two queries should
be posted, so I have put them in all of them - I do apologise if they
are not appropriate for the current list.

Q1. I have run a multidimensional scaling analysis (MDS) and the
2D-map suggests that the variables are arranged in a circular-like
fashion. I have found a paper that presents a 2D-map showing a similar
arrangement. In that paper the author has drawn on the 2D-map a number
radii and two concentric circles that divide the variables in
theoretically meaningful regions (e.g. the area between two radii may
represent a specific psychological trait). This whole structure is
called (in that paper) the radex. However, it is not mentioned how
these lines were drawn and my attempts to find out were so far

Does anyone know the formulae I can use to draw these lines, or
whether there is a software package that can do it for me?

Q2. I have also run a factor analysis on the same dataset, and I would
like to compare the level of agreement between the  FA factors and the
MDS dimensions.

Has anyone come across the coefficient of congruence and the
Borg-Leutner alienation coefficient? If so, I would be obliged if you
tell me where I can find their formulae.

Thank you in advance

Niko Tiliopoulos
Psychology Research
The University of Edinburgh

Instructions for joining and leaving this list and remarks about
the problem of INAPPROPRIATE MESSAGES are available at

Alscal vs. NCSS

2001-07-14 Thread Niko Tiliopoulos

Dear all,

I have two questions regarding MDS:

1. I have run an NMDS through Alscal (SPSS) and NCSS, and the
representations of the variables on a 2-dimensional map look
completely different. As far as I can tell, I am using the same
procedure in both algorhythms, so I cannot understand why I get
different results, and which one I should prefer as more accurate.

2. Does anyone know which of the following two stress indices should
be used with data from psychometric instruments (e.g. personality

Kruskal's or Guttman-Lingoes?

Thank you

Niko Tiliopoulos

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