Re: [Elecraft] K1 Backlight a WINNER

2005-09-09 Thread Tom Hammond


The only problem I had was with the length of the LED backlight. Page 4
shows an illustration that says to cut it to 1-1/4, but doesn't say
anything about having to cut it in the directions. Mine had obviously
already been cut...poorly. It was cut at an angle and was about 1-1/2 long.
This is a little too long for the space it fits in, but probably would work.
I recut it squarely to 1-1/4 with a razor saw before removing the masking
tape used during the original cutting.

The mis-cutting is MY FAULT! And for that I sincerely apologize. Elecraft 
was anxious to get this mod out to users and I volunteered to cut the (K2) 
backlights into K1-sized pieces for them on my desk-top bandsaw. Apparently 
I must have mis-measured when I placed the center point on your backlight.

Sorry about my error. Though I'm glad to hear you were able to recover cleanly.

I'll be much more diligent in the future when cutting the next batch of 


Tom HammondN0SS

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Re: [Elecraft] WSJ article

2005-09-09 Thread N2EY
In a message dated 9/8/05 5:14:53 PM Eastern Daylight Time, 

 Just look what the Walmart Super Stores and the Home Depot's have done to
 the local grocery stores and hardware/lumber yards.  And what Mc Garbage has
 done to the local burger joint.  It's the power of advertising.

I disagree!

It's the power of people's buying habits, plus the economies of scale, plus 

Wally World et al survive and flourish because people - customers - take
their business from the established stores and bring it to WW. 

The short-term gain is that WW can offer lower prices and a bigger selection. 
long-term consequence is that local businesses are wiped out.

And it's not just local businesses. The big chains dominate the 
forcing them to cut costs or lose the contract. (Look what WW did to 
Rubbermaid). They go overseas for products, forcing US manufacturers out of 
And then folks wonder where the good jobs went...

Also in order to keep costs down, quality is sacrificed. Also serviceability, 
so that you have to buy a new one because the old one wasn't meant to be 


We saw a version of this happen in amateur radio 30-odd years ago. The 
old-line US ham radio manufacturers were mostly pushed off the shelves by 
rigs from Japan. The same happened in consumer electronics.

Fortunately a few US ham mfrs. survive, like TenTec. The success of Elecraft 
proff that at least part of the market looks beyond the price tag, at things 
like simplicity, performance, serviceability, etc.

We don't just vote at the polls - we vote economically every time we buy 

73 de Jim, N2EY
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[Elecraft] N2CQ QRP Contest Calendar: Sept 10-26, 2005

2005-09-09 Thread Ken Newman
September 10-26, 2005
Worked All Europe DX Contest (SSB)   100W Power Category
Sep 10, z to Sep 11, 2400z
Swiss HTC QRP Sprint (CW) *** QRP Contest ***
Sep 10, 1300z to 1900z
Arkansas QSO Party (CW/SSB/PSK31) ... QRP Category
Sep 10, 1400z to Sep 11, 0600z and
Sep 11, 1800z to Sep 12, 0200z
ARRL September VHF QSO Party (All)  Low Power Category
Sep 10, 1800z to Sep 12, 0300z
Second Class Operator Club Marathon (CW) *** QRP Contest ***
Sep 10, 1800z to 2400z
NA Sprint (CW)... QRP Category
Sep 11, z to 0400z
Tennessee QSO Party (SSB/CW/Dig) ... Qrp Category
Sep 11, 1800z to Sep 12, 0100z
End of Summer PSK31 Sprint *** QRP Contest ***
Sep 11, 2000z to 2400z
PODXS 070 Club 80m Autumn Sprint (PSK31) ... QRP Category
Sep 16, 2000 Local to 0200 Local
Scandinavian  Activity Contest (CW) ... QRP Category
Sep 17, 1200z to Sep 18, 1200z
South Carolina QSO Party (ALL) ... QRP Category
Sep 17, 1300z to Sep 18, 2100z
QRP Afield (All) *** QRP Contest ***
Sep 17, 1500z to Sep 18, 0300z (Enter your best 6 hours)
Washington State Salmon Run (CW/SSB) ... QRP Category
Sep 17, 1600z to Sep 18, 0700z
Sep 18, 1600z to Sep 18, 2400z
NA Sprint (SSB)... QRP Category
Sep 18, z to 0400z
Sep 19, 0100z to 0300z
NACC 80M/40M Straight Key/Bug Sprint *** QRP CONTEST! ***
Sep 22, 0030z to 0230z
CQWW RTTY DX Contest ... 150w Category
Sep 24, z to Sep 25, 2400z
Tesla Cup  ... QRP Category
Sep 24, z to 2400z  (SSB)
Sep 25, z to 2400z  (CW)
Scandinavian  Activity Contest (SSB) ... QRP Category
Sep 24, 1200z to Sep 25, 1200z
Texas QSO Party (All) ... QRP Category
Sep 24, 1400z to Sep 25, 0200z
Sep 25, 1400z to Sep 25, 2000z
AGCW VHF/UHF CW Contest ... QRP Category
Sep 24, 1600z to 1900z (144 Mhz)
Sep 24, 1900z to 2100z (432 Mhz)
Alabama QSO Party (CW/SSB) ... QRP Category
Sept 25, 1800z to 2400z
Fall QRP Homebrewer Sprint (CW/PSK31) ***QRP CONTEST***
Sep 26, z to 0400z 
Thanks to SM3CER, WA7BNM, N0AX(ARRL), WB3AAL and others 
for assistance in compiling this calendar. 

Please foreward the contest info you sponsor to [EMAIL PROTECTED] and
we will post it and give it more publicity.
Anyone may use this N2CQ QRP Contest Calendar for your website,

RE: [Elecraft] OT: Public Service Radio

2005-09-09 Thread David Mitchell

To all,

I took the CERT training course last fall.  I was the only ham from my town 
in attendance, but there were a number of hams from a nearby town (with a 
very active ARES and EMS community)there as well.  I had a great time and 
learned a few things, but most importantly it confirmed for me that there 
are some EMS folks out there who recognize the contribution that we can 

The gentleman who taught the course is also the CERT coordinator in his 
town.  He is very proactive with his volunteers in many respects.  In 
particular, many in his group were newly licensed hams as a result of a 
course he ran after a presentation on ham radio by some local volunteers.

After we finished the course, we were told to get in touch with the CERT 
coordinators in our towns and about the opportunities for additional 
training, and of course I did so.  I'm still waiting for someone to return 
my phone calls and emails g.

My point is not to discourage anyone, but if you can't get something going 
in your town, don't give up - some neighboring town can use someone with 
your skills.  In my case, I think the CERT training was worth my time and I 
was surprised at how happy they were to have hams in their group.  Every 
towns' emergency services have their own culture - some welcome hams, others 
don't.  Don't be discouraged and keep looking until you find a good place.


From: Larry Makoski W2LJ [EMAIL PROTECTED]
Subject: [Elecraft] OT: Public Service Radio
Date: Thu, 08 Sep 2005 20:12:39 -0400

Fellow Elecrafters,

Since Katrina unleashed her wrath upon the Gulf states; there has been a 
lot of discussion on this list and others about the value of Ham Radio and 
emergency communications.  This post is not intended to stir up any 
controversy or debate; it's purpose is, however, to get you to think.

We are ALL vulnerable to natural disaster, whether it be a hurricane on the 
south or east coasts.  Blizzards in the temperature appropriate areas of 
our country, earthquakes and brush fires out west; flooding in the Midwest; 
or a tornado just about anywhere.  When these things happen and devastation 
is widespread; your help is needed!  We are seeing that this week more than 

Please consider volunteering your time and talents.  There are many ways 
you can do this.  Hook up with your local Office of Emergency Management 
and see if there is a CERT program (Community Emergency Response Team) in 
your area.  If there is none; then maybe there's a ARES or RACES group in 
existence.  Where these do not exist contact your local branch of the Red 
Cross or Salvation Army as both of these organizations have letters of 
understanding with many local Ham radio Emcomm groups.

The point is that Ham Radio is as valid and valuable as it has ever been.  
Maybe it's not done by Morse Code or maybe not even HF SSB anymore.  Maybe 
it will all be done in your area with VHF/UHF FM communications or packet. 
Maybe Amateur Radio  doesn't get the press that it deserves and maybe it's 
not as valued as it ought to be.  But when all is said and done with 
Katrina, the stories WILL come out.  You will hear instances of where 
communications systems failed and how Amateur Radio was the only way that 
rescues were performed, services delivered, families reunited.  The ARRL 
had a slogan on their T-shirts for Field Day a few years ago, Amateur 
Radio - When All Else Fails.  That has never been more true.

But all that said, YOUR help is needed.  Volunteer communicators are needed 
on a nationwide basis, starting with your own local communities.  Get 
trained and be prepared.  The best side benefit gained is the knowledge 
that you will receive that will not only help keep your community safe; but 
your own family safe as well.  You folks who subscribe to this list and 
other QRP and Homebrew lists are among the most knowledgeable, brightest, 
most versatile, most adaptable, best trained Hams we have out there.  You 
build, test and repair equipment.  You set up and operate stations from 
fields, forests, oceansides, backyards, parking lots and even from inside 
EOCs. You are an asset to this country and its communities.

For more information about CERT - please visit:

Thanks for the bandwidth; and for allowing me to go off topic for a bit.

73 de Larry W2LJ

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Re: [Elecraft] WSJ article

2005-09-09 Thread Dave Balla

  There's enough blame to go around, but I'm blaming 1's and 0's.  In my
  opinion,  it's  the  root cause of the world changing.  Some call this
  process  Globalization. I know. I was there. I laid off hundreds. Then
  I got laid off.

  We can jam a lot of 1's and o's into a digital pipe and transfer it in
  nanoseconds.  We call it bandwidth. It's much easier now for a digital
  receiver to read a signal sqare wave that goes up for a 1 and down for
  a  0.  Now  we  have  digital video and satellite T.V.  And so can the
  poorest of nations around the world.

  Satellite  T.V.  for the economically poor-the 'have-nots'-opened up a
  window  on  the  world.   Now  they  saw  for  the first time what the
  have's  really  had,  how they lived, their freedom and culture, and
  the  cars  and  trucks  they drove.  Then the 'have-nots' decided they
  wanted  some of this and a better life.  So they decided to work for a
  meager  wage  and change.  American companies liked this because their
  stock  holders  wanted  the  stock  to  rise and pay bigger dividends.
  Reduce  labor  costs  was  the  mantra of the 90's.  Send it to Mexico
  where  a  welder  makes  2.50  an hour versus 23.50 in the U.S.  In 15
  years  Thailand  went from a rice producer to being the second largest
  producer   of   pick   up   trucks,   and   the   fourth   largest  of  the  world!  We know where GM and Ford are right
  now, don't we? One night while watching National Geographic Explorer a
  shoeless  peasant  in  the  Amazon digging in the mud for gold nuggets
  walked  to  his  grass  hut to check the spot price of gold on the New
  York Stock exchange via the Bloomberg channel.

  Many  of the 'have-not' countries can't get all the jobs from the U.S.
  or  elsewhere,  so  are  starting  to  get frustrated and mad at their
  leaders.  The  Middle  East is a good example.  Amy Chua calls it The
  World  on  Fire.   Who would have imagined that a lousy 1 and 0 would
  have this impact on jobs and raw emotions.

  Demand is up for these developing countries because they was big shiny
  cars  and  maybe  a pickup truck.  Just like the millions in China are
  buying  right now.  If Wal-Mart where a country, it would be the third
  largest trading country in the world with China.  The Chinese want oil
  from  the same place we get ours. And the other have-not countries are
  going  to  want  it some day too.  More politics.  See how 1's and 0's
  got us into this?  Who would have thunk it?

  Then  we  hooked  our  computers  to  the  Internet.  More 1's and 0's
  running  around the world.  Instant post offices.  Instant transfer of
  money  to the have-not countries and withdrawl from failing countries.
  Instant  drawing  transfers  and  engineering  changes.  Take software
  development:   In  1977  IBM was developing the same piece of software
  AROUND  THE  WORLD.  Programmers from Beijing sent their work over the
  Internet  at the end of each day to Seattle.  Then they zapped it over
  the  net  5,200  miles  to  Belarus  in Latvia.  From there it went to
  Bangalore,  India  who  passed  it back to Beijing by morning, back to
  Seattle  and so on 24/7 in a global relay that never stopped until the
  project   was   completed.Think  Ten  Tec  does  this  Have  a
  manufacturing  problem  in  a foreign plant these days?  Just get on a
  video conference  call.  Sell your airline stock.  NOW.

  Globalization,  exporting  of jobs, foreign investment, huge increases
  in  demand,  pressure  from stock holders, Iraq, Afghanistan, the rise
  and  fall of ham radio manufacturers in the U.S.:  I'm blaming 1's and

  73's DAve, KW4N

Subject:  Re: [Elecraft] WSJ article
Date:  Fri, 9 Sep 2005 06:18:56 EDT
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In a message dated 9/8/05 5:14:53 PM Eastern Daylight Time,

Just  look what the Walmart Super Stores and the Home Depot's
have done to
the local grocery stores and 

[Elecraft] Re: WSJ article: END OF THREAD

2005-09-09 Thread wayne burdick
This thread is fascinating, but it has deviated well beyond ham radio 
in general and Elecraft in particular. Let's take it off-line.


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[Elecraft] Before I buy another K2...

2005-09-09 Thread Roger Marrotte
I'm getting ready to order another K2.  I've built two, one for me and one
for a friend.  I'm sorry to say I sold my K2, but now I'll have the pleasure
of building another one!  Anyhow, before I order one I have to ask, is there
a new and improved model Elecraft radio coming down the pike anytime soon?
If so I might just wait for it, otherwise I'll gladly order another K2 now,
but I sure wouldn't mind a new and improved model.


Roger, W1EM

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[Elecraft] KXPD1

2005-09-09 Thread N0tk
Great order support from Elecraft. A local ham (WI6T) let me use his KXPD1  
on Sunday, and I placed an order for mine on Sunday night. Got an email on  
Tuesday that said it was shipped. Arrived in the mailbox on Thursday. Got it  
built Thursday night and it works well (took a test run at 20 wpm, 25 wpm,30 
and 35 wpm with no sending errors and the paddle has a great feel). A very 
nice  addition to the KX1.
Moral of the story. The Elecraft products sell themselves OR Elecraft has  
built a reputation for exceptional design and service.
Highlands Ranch,CO 
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Re: [Elecraft] Before I buy another K2...

2005-09-09 Thread Ian Stirling, G4ICV, AB2GR
On Friday 09 September 2005 15:07, Roger Marrotte wrote:
 I'm getting ready to order another K2.  I've built two, one for me and one
 for a friend.  I'm sorry to say I sold my K2, but now I'll have the pleasure
 of building another one!  Anyhow, before I order one I have to ask, is there
 a new and improved model Elecraft radio coming down the pike anytime soon?
 If so I might just wait for it, otherwise I'll gladly order another K2 now,
 but I sure wouldn't mind a new and improved model.

  That's not information that a commercial company
would divulge. They wouldn't sell the older models
in stock if everyone waited. Stock is tied up money.
I heard twenty years ago that Toyota operated on
one hour of stock. 
  It's a different matter announcing a 500W linear
for the future: for many, 100W is enough and less
expensive - it wouldn't bite into sales of the
100W version significantly.
  Back in 1980 or thereabouts, Sinclair infuriated
lots of ZX80 buyers who bought their machines the
day before the ZX81 went on sale.

Ian, K2 4962
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Re: [Elecraft] KXPD1

2005-09-09 Thread Leigh L Klotz, Jr.
My KX1 has trouble receiving CW reliably at more than 20WPM, and by 
25WPM it only gets isolated words  ..  ..

Leigh / WA5ZNU
On Fri, 9 Sep 2005 8:36 am, [EMAIL PROTECTED] wrote: works well (took a test run at 20 wpm, 25 wpm,30 wpm and 35 wpm 
with no sending errors...

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[Elecraft] OT: Oscilloscopes

2005-09-09 Thread Howard W. Ashcraft
I currently considering replacing my existing oscilloscope with an older Tek 
model.  Two possibilities would be a reconditioned 465b or a 475.  I am 
acquainted with the 465.  I can't find any discussion of the distinctions 
between the 465b and the 465 other than a vague statement of improved 
electronics and the differences in panel layout.  Other than bandwidth, the 
475 appears to be identical to the 465 and there doesn't appear to be an 
improved electronics b version.  Any opinions on the relative advantages and 
disadvantages of these scopes would be appreciated.  

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[Elecraft] RE: K2/100 power maxes out

2005-09-09 Thread Brian F. Wruble
Don, that did it!  I got a 1N5711 and replaced D16.  It was easiest to mount
it on the bottom of the board.  That solved the problem.  Your diagnosis was
right on the button.

Thanks so very much for your time, wisdom and patience. 

73 de Brian W3BW

-Original Message-
From: W3FPR - Don Wilhelm [mailto:[EMAIL PROTECTED] 
Sent: Monday, September 05, 2005 3:22 PM
Subject: RE: K2/100 power maxes out


Sorry I forgot to mention subs on my last post - as a temporary sub, you can
use a 1N34 as the best choice, but a 1N914 or 1N4148 will work too - at
least enough to get you over the hump.  You should replace it with a 1N5711
when you are done because they have a bit more uniform response over the HF
range - your indicated power may be off a bit with the sub, but that is the
only consequence.


 -Original Message-
 From: Brian F. Wruble [mailto:[EMAIL PROTECTED]
 Sent: Monday, September 05, 2005 3:46 PM
 Subject: RE: K2/100 power maxes out

 OK.  R26 shows only a bit over 2 volts, and not varying with
 power setting.
 I assume that D16 is the culprit.  T4 seems to be fine.  Unfortunately, I
 can't find any 1N5711s in my box.  Are there any acceptible substitutes?
 Otherwise, I'll order some and try again next weekend.

 Thanks again.  Brian

 -Original Message-
 From: W3FPR - Don Wilhelm [mailto:[EMAIL PROTECTED]
 Sent: Monday, September 05, 2005 1:11 PM
 Subject: RE: K2/100 power maxes out


 0.5 volts is not enough voltage at those points - If your KPA100 is
 developing 100 watts (or the base K2 is developing 15 watts with the power
 set for 10 watts) the voltage should be about 4 volts during transmit.

 OK, so what we know is that the path is continuous and likely OK - next
 thing to do is check the diodes in the wattmeter circuit - they could have
 been zapped with a static discharge.  If you have 1N5711s in your bag of
 spare parts, I suggest that you arbitrarily replace them if there is any
 chance they could have been zapped.

 The other things that could cause low voltages in the wattmeter is T4 -
 there is really not that much else that could cause a complete failure to
 get a power level indication of some sort from the wattmeter.  Check that
 all the leads of T4 are well soldered (there are 6 leads and one
 is the red
 wire coming from the SO239 to terminal 5, and the other is the
 bare wire to
 terminal 6).

 BTW, D16 is the only diode that must work to provide power
 control - D17 is
 for the reflected power.  You may also have a bad connection to R26.

 One other thought that you may want to check for a voltage reading - the
 high end of R26 should show a substantial voltage (it does depend on the
 power output) if the forward power portion of the wattmeter is working -
 i.e. if diode D16 is OK and properly rectifying the output of T4.
  Check the
 schematic and I believe you can follow the circuit.

 Don W3FPR

  -Original Message-
  From: Brian F. Wruble [mailto:[EMAIL PROTECTED]
  Sent: Monday, September 05, 2005 11:27 AM
  Subject: RE: K2/100 power maxes out
  OK.  I have about 0.5 volts at every one of those points.  U6 Pin
  8 is 4.9v
  on both transmit and receive, which I assume is ok.  I have
 continuity on
  pin 10 of the ribbon cable.  On the control board, I have 1 volt
  at C11 and
  also at U6 pin 2 during transmit.  So, it appears that the V
  RFDET signal is
  getting to the control board.  What do think I should try now?
  de Brian
  -Original Message-
  From: W3FPR - Don Wilhelm [mailto:[EMAIL PROTECTED]
  Sent: Monday, September 05, 2005 9:49 AM
  Subject: RE: K2/100 power maxes out
  Sorry for the confusion, look at the KPA100 for those points -
 the KPA100
  wattmeter or the circuits that pass the wattmeter output to the
  base K2 are
  likely the culprit.  On the KPA100 schematic they are located
 in the upper
  right corner of the 1st sheet.
  Don W3FPR
   -Original Message-
   From: Brian F. Wruble [mailto:[EMAIL PROTECTED]
   Sent: Monday, September 05, 2005 10:31 AM
   Subject: RE: [Elecraft] K2/100 power maxes out
   Don, I'm confused, and feeling a little dumb.  I spent the last
  hour going
   over the schematics, and can't seem to figure out where these
  points are.
   U5 on the RF board has pin 5 as a ground.
   Is the U6 you refer to the MCU on the Control Board?  Or is it
   the U6 in the
   PLL Synthesizer area of the RF board?
   Where is the wattmeter calibration pot?
   Tnx in advance.  73, Brian W3BW
   -Original Message-
   From: W3FPR - Don Wilhelm [mailto:[EMAIL PROTECTED]
   Sent: Sunday, September 04, 2005 9:59 PM
   Subject: RE: [Elecraft] K2/100 power maxes out
   If I understand your wording correctly, no 

Re: [Elecraft] OT: Oscilloscopes

2005-09-09 Thread Jim Wiley

Howard et al -

Another option for you to consider:   The Tek 7603 series plug-in scopes 
are substantially  more versatile than a 465 or 475 series unit.  
Depending on the prices you are seeing for the 465/475,  it is quite 
possible that you could find a 7603 at lower cost.  Also, you can use 2 
dual-channel vertical amplifiers (a pair of  7A26 units are a good 
choice) and a dual time base sweep generator (the 7B53A is the best 
choice here) and have a true 4-channel 100 MHz scope.   100 MHz is fast 
enough for most normal logic stuff, and the scope will still give 
useful response well past 2 meters for checking radios and such.   You 
will also need a good set of probes.  The best option overall is a set 
of 10X probes that have 2 meter (6.5 foot) cables. Unless you are 
working on modern (very fast) logic circuits, a 100 MHz analog scope 
will do virtually anything you might need. It certainly is good enough 
for the usual TTL and CMOS logic found in most ham gear.I

There is also the storage tube version, the 7623A.  It has a storage 
type CRT, very useful for slow sweep work, such as when using one of the 
spectrum analyzer modules (I have one for that purpose).   The 7623A 
tends to be more expensive, typicially, about twice what plain 7603 
units go for.   It also has a smaller display area  (approx. 7 X 9 cm)  
as opposed to the 7603 (approx. 10 X 12 cm), which is due to the storage 
tube.   The 7623A has the same 100 mHz performance as the 7603.

Disadvantages:  the 7603 types are physically larger that the 465 
series.  Also bit heavier, but still easily transportable.

Advantages:   MUCH larger screen size.  Good for old timers like me. 
But, here's the best part:  Plug-ins!  Available units include a very 
broad selection of vertical amplifier and and horizontal time base 
units, plus a set of very competent spectrum analyzers (the 7L13, 
covering 1 KHz to 1800 MHz  is most useful for hams), a DVM unit,  and 
even blank modules that you can build your own custom stuff into.  
Should repair ever be necessary, the 7603 is much easier to service than 
the 465 series.

I have seen mainframes on Ebay in the $500 range for guaranteed good 
working condition,  and vertical and horizontal plug-in units from $15 
to $75, depending on model and condition.  I have also seen much lower 
(and higher) prices at hamfests.   The last 7603 I purchased (I now have 
3) was $400 for the base unit, and  $30 each for 3 plug-in units.

I would stay away from the Tex 5000 series.  They are good, but the 7000 
series offer substantially better performance and the selection of 
option modules is much better.  At surplus prices, the price difference 
is usually not enough to make the savings worthwhile. .

You will never be sorry that you purchased a Tek scope.   There are 
indeed some fine instruments from other manufacturers, but Tek is the 
Gold Standard when it comes to scopes.My personal test bench is 
almost all Hewlett-Packard,  except for the scopes.   IMHO, a clean used 
Tek is to be preferred over a new anything else.

Just my 2 cents worth. 

- Jim, KL7CC

Howard W. Ashcraft wrote:

I currently considering replacing my existing oscilloscope with an older 
Tek model.


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Re: [Elecraft] KXPD1

2005-09-09 Thread Fred Jensen

Mine has the same problem. I discovered the headphones were clogged by a
large dense hairy object between the two earphones. Unfortunately, it can't
be fixed.

Odd, all of my headphones exhibit that same problem ... but the large 
dense object is not hairy.

Fred K6DGW
Auburn CA CM98lw

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Re: [Elecraft] News covering Ham operations on Katrina damage...

2005-09-09 Thread Rob Locher
I called Mr. Gorecki to hear Motorola's side of the affair.  I was  
referred to someone else, who is apparently handling public relations for  
this issue.  He apologized for five minutes to me.  (That was way more  
than I needed for my own satisfaction.)  He said that the remark was  
completely taken out of context, and that they had received hundreds of  
calls, letters, and emails about the remark.

He also said that Motorola want to issue an apology via the web  
site, but haven't heard back from the ARRL leadership yet, possibly  
because many of them are also in the hurricane-damaged area helping out.

In other words, this is another tempest in a teacup.

- Rob
K2 #5004, in construction

On Wed, 07 Sep 2005 21:51:31 -0700, EricJ [EMAIL PROTECTED] wrote:

Your post didn't include this quote from Mr. James Screeden who is a Vice
President at Motorola working in the field, drawing a salary, and  
tending to

the needs of his commercial accounts, NOT the suffering people of New

The hams also get little respect from telecommunications-equipment
companies, such as Motorola Inc. Something is better than nothing,  

right, says Jim Screeden, who runs all of Motorola's repair teams in the
field for its emergency-response business. But ham radios are pretty  

to nothing. Mr. Screeden says ham radios can take a long time to relay
messages and work essentially as party lines, with multiple parties
talking at once.

I think Mr. Screeden owes an apology for demeaning the hard work and
dedication of those hams who go unpaid and unreimbursed to help in this  
other disasters. Mr. Screeden should be ashamed, Motorola should be  

and this mean-spirited insult should not go unanswered.

You can contact the following person to let your views be known:

Media Center
Steve Gorecki
Motorola, Inc.

I think the ARRL should demand a formal apology from Mr. Screeden and his
superiors at Motorola, but I think every amateur radio operator should
contact Mr. Gorecki and express your own thoughts.


-Original Message-
[mailto:[EMAIL PROTECTED] On Behalf Of Rick Commo
Sent: Wednesday, September 07, 2005 7:23 PM
Subject: [Elecraft] News covering Ham operations on Katrina damage...

Highlights from a story in today's Wall Street Journal, As Telecom Reels

From Storm Damage, Ham Radios Hum:

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Re: [Elecraft] News covering Ham operations on Katrina damage...

2005-09-09 Thread Thom R LaCosta

On Fri, 9 Sep 2005, Rob Locher wrote:

I called Mr. Gorecki to hear Motorola's side of the affair.  I was referred 
to someone else, who is apparently handling public relations for this issue. 
He apologized for five minutes to me.  (That was way more than I needed for 
my own satisfaction.)  He said that the remark was completely taken out of 
context, and that they had received hundreds of calls, letters, and emails 
about the remark.

In other words, this is another tempest in a teacup.

Without the actual statement of Mr Screeden, are you willing to acccept the
statement of the PR guy?

Remember, one of the roles of the PR types is damage control.

But, I suppose there are some of us that are more willing to accept the PR stuff 
as truth, with no substantiation of actual fact.

From a PR/Spin perspective, the unamed someone else earned his money.

73,Thom-k3hrn Home of QRP Web Ring, Drakelist home page,
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[Elecraft] Re: Anything regarding Motorola's comments in WSJ

2005-09-09 Thread wayne burdick

END of thread, please. We've beat this to death.



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[Elecraft] KX1 Fuse Size

2005-09-09 Thread Dan Romanchik


I'm running my KX1 from a Vector VEC018 Battery Pack 
It's actually a pretty nice battery pace. It comes with some 
nifty accessories and also is fused.

The fuse, however, is a 10A fuse, and I'm thinking that 
maybe it should be a bit smaller since I only plan to use it 
with the KX1. I'm thinking 3A would be a more appropriate 
value. What say?


President, ARROW Comm. Assn. (
ARRL MI Section Affiliated Club Coordinator
Candidate for GL Division Vice Director, Fall 2005
Read my ham radio blog at

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[Elecraft] KX1 Antenna Idea

2005-09-09 Thread Dan Romanchik

Hi again--

Last night, I worked a guy who also is a KX1 owner, and we 
got to talking about antennas. I mentioned that while the 
antenna suggested in the antenna tuner manual (24-28-ft. 
driven element with a 16-ft. counterpoise) tunes up OK, I 
was kind of disappointed in the performance. The other guy 
mentioned that he uses a 40-meter doublet, usually in an 
inverted vee configuration, fed with ladder line, and that 
it tunes up well on all three bands.

I asked him whether or not he used a balun, and he said no, 
he just fed it directly into the radio. I suppose his 
antenna could be fairly well-balanced or that the KX1 is 
able to tolerate a fair amount of imbalance.

Whatever the case, I was thinking that it shouldn't be too 
difficult to build a small balun--and it really could be a 
small one since the maximum power level it needs to handle 
is just 5W--into a small plastic project box. On one end, 
the box would have two binding posts to connect the ladder 
line, and a panel-mount male BNC (if they make such a thing) 
on the other.

Does this seem reasonable to do or is it overkill?


President, ARROW Comm. Assn. (
ARRL MI Section Affiliated Club Coordinator
Candidate for GL Division Vice Director, Fall 2005
Read my ham radio blog at

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RE: [Elecraft] KX1 Antenna Idea

2005-09-09 Thread Steven Pituch
Hi Dan,
I would just use the dipole.  If you want a balun just coil up about 5 turns
of the coax (use RG-8x) near the T of the antenna in about a six inch
diameter and tape the coil together.  I think that’s what Louis Varney (Mr.
G5RV) recommended for his antenna.  I have a picture of it on my 40 meter
dipole at:'s%20Page/Radio/Antenna/Antenna.htm

Steve, W2MY

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RE: [Elecraft] KX1 Antenna Idea

2005-09-09 Thread W3FPR - Don Wilhelm

Actually, in my experience, the tuner could care less whether the load is
balanced or unbalanced, it will just do its best job of matching the
impedance it sees regardless of balance.

OTOH, if you are concerned about radiation patterns, or 'RF-in-the-shack',
it would be prudent to install a balun.  For most situations (multiband
use), I recommend a 1:1 balun over a 4:1 because it and the tuner will
handle a greater variety of loads compared to the 4:1.  The only important
parameter that you need in a blaun is the ability to reduce or eliminate RF
on the outer side of the coax shield (common mode current), and a simple
choke made by coiling up a length of coax will do the job fine, as will the
type with a ferrite beads on the coax (W2DU type).  One thing that is
certain, use a current type balun, the voltage type balun will not handle
reactive feedpoint impedances very well, where the current type
(particularly the 1:1 balun) will handle it much better (note that
everything is a compromise when multiband antennas are addressed).


 -Original Message-
 Hi again--

 Last night, I worked a guy who also is a KX1 owner, and we
 got to talking about antennas. I mentioned that while the
 antenna suggested in the antenna tuner manual (24-28-ft.
 driven element with a 16-ft. counterpoise) tunes up OK, I
 was kind of disappointed in the performance. The other guy
 mentioned that he uses a 40-meter doublet, usually in an
 inverted vee configuration, fed with ladder line, and that
 it tunes up well on all three bands.

 I asked him whether or not he used a balun, and he said no,
 he just fed it directly into the radio. I suppose his
 antenna could be fairly well-balanced or that the KX1 is
 able to tolerate a fair amount of imbalance.

 Whatever the case, I was thinking that it shouldn't be too
 difficult to build a small balun--and it really could be a
 small one since the maximum power level it needs to handle
 is just 5W--into a small plastic project box. On one end,
 the box would have two binding posts to connect the ladder
 line, and a panel-mount male BNC (if they make such a thing)
 on the other.

 Does this seem reasonable to do or is it overkill?


 Dan KB6NU

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[Elecraft] Second Class Operator's Club Marathon Sprint Tomorrow (Saturday)

2005-09-09 Thread Bob Patten
Reminder, the SOC Sprint will begin tomorrow, Saturday at 1800Z (2PM 
EDT, 1PM CDT, Noon MDT, 11AM PDT).
Participation should be good since I've seen a lot of e-mails flying 
back and forth.


SOC Marathon Sprint
Most sprints run four hours, but since we're Second Class Op's, we need 
more time!

Date/Time: September 10, 2005, 1800Z through 2400Z

Exchange:  Member - RST, State/Province/Country, SOC Number
Non-Member - RST, State/Province/Country, Power Out

QSO Points:Member = 5 Points
Non-Member, Different Continent = 4 Points
 Non-Member, Same Continent = 2 Points

Multiplier:SPC (State/Province/Country) total for all bands.
  The same station may be worked on more than one band for 
QSO  points and SPC credit.

Power Multiplier:  0 - 250 mW = X 15;
  250 mW - 1 Watt = X 10;
   1 W - 5 W = X 7;
   5 W = X 1.

Suggested Frequencies:

160 Meters 1810 KHz
80 Meters 3560 KHz
40 Meters 7040 KHz
20 Meter 14060 KHz
15 Meters21060 KHz
10 Meters28060 KHz

Points (total for all bands) X SPCs (total for all bands) X Power Multiplier

Apply an additional multiplier of 1.5 if using a homebrew paddle (kits 
such as the NorCal and AZ ScQRPions paddles qualify).

All entries are Multi-Band to promote maximum participation.

Entry includes a copy of the log and a separate summary sheet.
Indicate total time-on-the-air, and include a legible name, call, SOC 
Number (if any) and address. 
All entries must be received within 30 days of thecontest date.  The 
highest output power used will determine the power multiplier.
Include a description of homebrew  equipment (including paddle or key), 
commercial equipment, and antennas used  with each entry.

Results may be posted on QRP-L and on the SOC Website.  The final decision
on all maters concerning the contest rests with the contest manager.
Entries are welcome via E-Mail to N4BP mailto:[EMAIL PROTECTED], or by 
snail mail to:

   Bob Patten, N4BP
   2841 N.W. 112 Terrace
   Plantation, FL  33323

73, Bob Patten, N4BPPlantation, FL

E-Mail: [EMAIL PROTECTED]   Website:
QRP ARCI #3412SOC #1ARS #799SMIRK #6625  FISTS #7871

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Re: [Elecraft] KX1 Antenna Idea

2005-09-09 Thread Lyle Johnson

... One thing that is
certain, use a current type balun, the voltage type balun will not handle
reactive feedpoint impedances very well, where the current type
(particularly the 1:1 balun) will handle it much better (note that
everything is a compromise when multiband antennas are addressed).

Then there is the hybrid balun described in this month's issue of QEX 
which tries to cover both cases...

Lyle KK7P

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Re: [Elecraft] KX1 Fuse Size

2005-09-09 Thread W0rw
Hi Dan,
What is the voltage of the fully charged VEC018?
A 1 amp fast blow external fuse would be appropiate for the KX1.
Put it at the battery output connection and keep the voltage below 14VDC.
Paul  w0rw
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Re: [Elecraft] OT: Oscilloscopes

2005-09-09 Thread Robert
For a real versatile scope, I use a Bitscope made in Austrailia.  It 
connects via USB to your computer and gives you not only a 100Mhz BW Dual 
channel scope, but a Spectrum analyzer and a Digital Analyzer as well. 
There is even a cheaper single channel scope available.

I've owned and used several Tek and phillips scopes and the Bit Scope is 
truly excellent for the money.  Professional quality.

Click the URL for more info:

Robert VE3RPF

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Re: [Elecraft] KXPD1

2005-09-09 Thread k4zm

Could it be caused by the person with the headphones on?...LOL

Jim K4ZM

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RE: [Elecraft] KXPD1

2005-09-09 Thread EricJ
Mine has the same problem. I discovered the headphones were clogged by a
large dense hairy object between the two earphones. Unfortunately, it can't
be fixed.


-Original Message-
[mailto:[EMAIL PROTECTED] On Behalf Of Leigh L Klotz, Jr.
Sent: Friday, September 09, 2005 9:01 AM
Subject: Re: [Elecraft] KXPD1

My KX1 has trouble receiving CW reliably at more than 20WPM, and by 25WPM it
only gets isolated words  ..  ..
Leigh / WA5ZNU
On Fri, 9 Sep 2005 8:36 am, [EMAIL PROTECTED] wrote: works well (took a test run at 20 wpm, 25 wpm,30 wpm and 35 wpm 
 with no sending errors...
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RE: [Elecraft] KXPD1

2005-09-09 Thread Paul T. Rubin
Mine has the same problem. I discovered the headphones were clogged by a
large dense hairy object between the two earphones. Unfortunately, it can't
be fixed.

True, large dense hairy objects cannot be fixed, but they can be divorced.

This is humor. No Flames Please.

Paul N8NOV