Re: [Elecraft] CCFL and Ballast

2008-10-05 Thread Henk Remijn PA5KT
Interesting to see the calculations. I pay around € 0.22/kWh. Purchase 
prices are about the same as in the USA.
Dont know what other prices are in EU, but for us it is more interesting 
to not use the old light bulbs.

In some countries it is forbidden to sell the old light bulb.

Henk PA5KT

Jack Smith schreef:
A few months ago, I looked at the power consumption and radiated 
interference from a typical inexpensive CCFL. Also disassembled the 
lamp to look at the ballast PCB.

Details are at

Jack K8ZOA
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Re: [Elecraft] K3 HRD lastest beta not working with LP-Bride

2008-10-05 Thread Simon (HB9DRV)

Hi Larry,

Here's 1989 -

This implements everything available in Wayne's CAT support, as the radio 
stays in K31 all the time I hope your bridge is no longer broken - let's 

Simon Brown, HB9DRV

- Original Message - 
From: "Simon (HB9DRV)" <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>

New kit in about 30 minutes, I'll be in K31 mode all the time (as 
pre-1988) with the exception of the FW command where I'll send 

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Re: [Elecraft] K3 HRD lastest beta not working with LP-Bride

2008-10-05 Thread Simon (HB9DRV)

Hi Larry,

New kit in about 30 minutes, I'll be in K31 mode all the time (as pre-1988) 
with the exception of the FW command where I'll send K30,FW;K31;.

Simon Brown, HB9DRV

- Original Message - 
From: "Larry Phipps" <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>

Sent: Monday, October 06, 2008 2:51 AM
Subject: Re: [Elecraft] K3 HRD lastest beta not working with LP-Bride

Hi Simon. I have not implemented the $ commands yet, or some of the other 
new commands discussed on the developer's reflector. I plan to do that 
when I get caught up on orders. Because the K3 might be talking to up to 
five different applications, I generally don't allow meta commands to be 
passed to the K3. I keep it in one mode for K2* and K3* commands. I can 
add this as an option for one "main" program, but that could cause 
problems with other programs. I could also add a slew of commands to fill 
in the "virtual K3" that I create so that it can answer either K30 or K31 
commands, but that's a lot of work that will have to wait. I have about 45 
"GET" commands implemented, but I think there have been at least a dozen 
added in the last few weeks by Wayne. Most "SET" commands are passed on, 
except for some of the dev commands and meta commands.

In the meantime, I will download and test your latest beta to see what's 
going on. It seems that it should still work at the level it used to, even 
without the added command support.

Larry N8LP

Message: 22
Date: Sun, 5 Oct 2008 17:39:41 +0200
From: "Simon (HB9DRV)" <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>
Subject: Re: [Elecraft] K3 HRD lastest beta not working with LP-Bride
To: <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>, "'Doug Alspaugh'"
Content-Type: text/plain; format=flowed; charset="iso-8859-1";

Also I am switching the K30 / K31 quite a bit so that I can use the 
various filtering options. Maybe Larry's not expecting this.

Simon Brown, HB9DRV

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[Elecraft] kx1 - receive high current drain only with dummy load

2008-10-05 Thread Bob Tomas
I have had a KX-1 for about a year now and it seems to be working OK.

However, I was testing the transmitter and connected a 50 ohm dummy load.
 During the course of my transmitter tests, I noticed that the dummy load
got warm when I wasn't transmitting.  I measured the KX-1 input current and
found that the I was drawing about 0.300 A with the dummy load attached
while receiving.  With a random wire attached in place of the dummy load,
the current draw dropped to 0.040A, which is close to the tolerances
specified in the manual.  Does this indicate there is a problem with the

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[Elecraft] Elecraft CW Net Report for October 5th & 6th, 2008

2008-10-05 Thread Kevin Rock
Good Evening,
   Forty meters was not too noisy tonight; that was nice!  It did take some 
effort to work stations however.  Luckily Tom was available tonight and he got 
over half of the stations on the lists.  Having a rotatable beam on 20 meters 
and power on both bands does make a difference.  Plus he has this geographic 
advantage of living in the middle of the US :)  Thirty-two check ins is pretty 
good any way you count it.  From reports I received the weather is turning 
toward fall; rain and chilly in many places today.
   There was some QSB on the eastern stations and those west of me had it on 
me.  QRN was lower than normal but then so was signal strength.  The solar 
stream we have been in for most of the week is going to cease soon from what I 
can see from Hinode.  That should mean conditions will improve in a couple of 
ways.  First the noise will go down and second the signals should be a little 
stronger.  On Friday my contact in Alabama was hearing EU stations as strong as 
he was hearing me.  If the noise would go down I could hear them too.  There 
are also a few teeny sunspots poking up.  Never can tell but maybe we are 
getting past the bottom of the cycle.  

   On to the lists =>

   On 14050 kHz at 2300z:
K9DMV - Joe - IL - K2 - 5628
N0SS - Tom - MO - K3 - 008   ** QNI #280 **
K1THP - Dave - CT - K3 - 686QNI #60!!!
K4JPN - Steve - GA - K2 - 1422
AK2B - Tom - NY - K3 - 109
N3ND - Dan - FL - K3 - 1567
WA7BOC - Roger - WA - K3 - 75
K6PJV - Dale - CA - K3 - 1183
N6JW - John - CA - K3 - 936
VE3XL - Ric - ON - K1 - 968
TF3KX - Kristinn - Iceland - K2 - 6425
VE6ITA - John - AB - K2 - 5384
KJ7BS - Mark - AZ - K2 - 539
N0AR - Scott - MN - K2 - 4866
WS7L - Carl - OR - K3 - 486
AB9V - Mike - IN - K3 - 398
KL7AI - Mike - AK 

   On 7044.5 kHz at 0200z:
K1THP - Dave - CT - K3 - 686
N0SS - Tom - MO - K3 - 008
W0CZ - Ken - ND - K3 - 457
KL7CW - Rick - AK - KX1 - 798
W0RSR - Mike - CO - K2 - 5767
K9ZTV - Kent - MO - K3 - 021
N0AR - Scott - MN - K2 - 4866
WA7BOC - Roger - WA - K3 - 75  QNI #95
AB9V - Mike - IN - K3 - 398
VE6ITA - John - AB - K2 - 5384
W0JFR - John - CO - K3 - 994
N2YC - John - NY - K2 - 5949
NS7P - Phil - OR - K3 - 1826
WI6O - John - CA - K1 - 922
K6PJV - Dale - CA - K3 - 1183

   Thank you for the continuing support.  I am glad to hear you all and to hear 
your reports each week.  As ever if there are any errors please send them to me 
via email and I will repair the database.  There is a century award from the 
Elecraft folks.  ECN has approximately 600 serial numbers.  I wonder what the 
award would be for collecting a thousand separate serial numbers?  Millenary 
springs to mind ;)
   I keep looking at my extended weather forecast and keep seeing more of the 
same.  Rain, showers, rain, cloudy, showers, rain; these guys need a thesaurus! 
 But, as I told Scott, antennas and roofs are better if they are created and 
repaired under inclement conditions.  At least my bucket can be smaller today 
because I spent a soggy few hours on the roof yesterday.  There is still a 
small leak but nothing like the steady stream which was plaguing me for the 
previous two days.
   Until next week stay warm, dry, and well,
 Kevin.  KD5ONS  (Net Control Operator 5th Class & Apprentice Roofer! )


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[Elecraft] CA QP result

2008-10-05 Thread Dale Putnam

Wow, that was fun, with pretty much good signals the whole time through. Wish I 
could have stayed up for the whole night... Even heard a bunch on 160, although 
that must be asking a lot for the antenna system here, the big vertical is not 
here now. But the EDZ for 80 - 20 work pretty well, although I didn't realize 
that Ca was that much of the compass. 
  What is interesting to me, is that with the K2, I had a number of times that 
only one call was needed to get the Q. Ran 5 watts on Bird, and indicated, for 
power out, with only a couple times that calls were made that didn't result in 
Qs. I heard the mobile signal layer, below the "killer" stations... sometimes 
right next to the big boys... and still got the Q... 
  The NM, AFIL, and cw filter combo, makes a very nice and very workable 
system, Thanks to the whole crew in Aptos. m... I wonder... would they ever 
rename the Ca Qp to the Ca Elecraft QP?... *G*
Final claimed = 158 Q - 45 Counties, and 21,330 ... 
Fun stuff, when it all works... and it all works with the K2.--... ...--Dale - 
WC7S in Wy
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[Elecraft] Re: K2: Frequency Counter Problem (Was PLL Ref Oscillator Problem)

2008-10-05 Thread Jon Perelstein
I had the subject wrong when I wrote my first post on this.  It is the 
Frequency Counter that's a problem and not the PLL Ref Oscillator.
I've checked my soldering and all is okay.  Where possible, I've also run 
continuity tests, and all is okay.  In addition, I've checked to make sure that 
I've used the correct components for the Frequency Counter.  
We had this discussion about soldering when I was building my K1, and the 
problem turned out to not be my soldering.
I have tested the 4MHz crystal with an HT by holding the HT's antenna right 
near the 4MHz crystal.  The HT was picking up a signal at 4MHz when near the 
4MHz crystal (a trick you taught me).
I'm in the processing of borrowing a signal generator and a frequency counter 
from another ham, and possibly an oscilloscope.  Can I use them for the testing 
and aligning in place of the internal frequency counter, or is the frequency 
counter being used in other ways?
 The manual says that there may be a frequency counter probe problem.  I've cut 
the shrink wrap off the probe to check it, but don't see anything wrong.  Any 
suggestions as to what I should look for or test in the construction of the 
Assuming that I've soldered everything correctly, what other possibilities are 
there that might be causing the frequency counter problem?  What else can I 
I did notice one strange thing -- when I tested RP5, I tested all the pairs, 
even though some are not used for the frequency counter.  Pairs 7&8 and 9&10 
each tested out at 248 ohms and not 470 ohms.  Pairs 1&2, 3&4, and 5&6 did test 
out at 470 ohms.  I have to admit to being rusty at reading complex schematics 
like the K2, but I don't see anything that would cause pairs 7&8 and 9&10 to 
test out at 248 ohms when mounted on the Control Board (especially because the 
Control Board was NOT plugged into the RF board when I tested the resistance in 
RP5).  Is this a problem?

--- On Sat, 10/4/08, Don Wilhelm <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote:

From: Don Wilhelm <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>
Subject: Re: [Elecraft] K2: PLL Reference Oscillator Problem
Cc: "elecraft reflector" 
Date: Saturday, October 4, 2008, 12:03 AM


That check of the 4 MHz reference is there to help you determine the 
correct functioning of the internal counter probe - it has nothing to do 
with the frequency, but the reading should be steady at 4000.00 MHz 
(plus or minus 1 count in the last digit).

Since your results were variable (it should show a rock solid 4 MHz), 
something is wrong with your probe or with Control Panel Q9 or Q10 and 
their associated components.  Check your soldering carefully.  If you do 
not know what a good solder connection looks like, I refer you to the 
soldering article on the Elecraft website.  A good solder connection 
looks like a 'mountain' with a concave slope to it.  If your solder 
connections are convex (look more like 'balls of solder', then the 
solder pads did not receive enough heat and you have applied excess 
solder.  Wick away the excess and be sure the solder tapers off to an 
almost invisible edge on both the solder pad and the component lead.  I 
mention this repeatedly because the most common cause of builder failure 
is excessive solder and inadequate heating of both the solder pad and 
the component leads.

You must get a good reading at the 4 MHz reference oscillator test 
before proceeding to anything else.

Yes, you could have a bad component, but that is way down on the list of 
failures.  Check the values of  RP4 and RP5 on the Control Board, and Q9 
and Q10.


Jon Perelstein wrote:
> On page 47 of the manual, I was testing the frequency counter.  I put 
> the counter probe tip to the left side of C22 (actually, it wasn't 
> clear which left side, but I put it to the left facing the panel as it 
> is mounted in the radio).  The LCD was jumping all over the place, 
> from about 00200 to about 04200.  As I held it there, it tended to 
> move toward the area of 04000, but it never stabilized in any way.
> I went ahead and built more of the radio to get to page 63.  When I 
> attempted the 4MHz Oscillator Calibration on pg 63, I got .00.
> I'm not sure where to proceed from here.  Help!!
> Jon
> ___
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Re: [Elecraft] K3 HRD lastest beta not working with LP-Bride

2008-10-05 Thread Larry Phipps
Hi Simon. I have not implemented the $ commands yet, or some of the 
other new commands discussed on the developer's reflector. I plan to do 
that when I get caught up on orders. Because the K3 might be talking to 
up to five different applications, I generally don't allow meta commands 
to be passed to the K3. I keep it in one mode for K2* and K3* commands. 
I can add this as an option for one "main" program, but that could cause 
problems with other programs. I could also add a slew of commands to 
fill in the "virtual K3" that I create so that it can answer either K30 
or K31 commands, but that's a lot of work that will have to wait. I have 
about 45 "GET" commands implemented, but I think there have been at 
least a dozen added in the last few weeks by Wayne. Most "SET" commands 
are passed on, except for some of the dev commands and meta commands.

In the meantime, I will download and test your latest beta to see what's 
going on. It seems that it should still work at the level it used to, 
even without the added command support.

Larry N8LP

Message: 22
Date: Sun, 5 Oct 2008 17:39:41 +0200
From: "Simon (HB9DRV)" <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>
Subject: Re: [Elecraft] K3 HRD lastest beta not working with LP-Bride
To: <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>,  "'Doug Alspaugh'"
Content-Type: text/plain; format=flowed; charset="iso-8859-1";

Also I am switching the K30 / K31 quite a bit so that I can use the various 
filtering options. Maybe Larry's not expecting this.

Simon Brown, HB9DRV

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Re: [Elecraft] PTT-KEY setting for use with Writelog and DX4WIN

2008-10-05 Thread Gill W4RYW

Roger Marrotte-2 wrote:
> I've been trying different DTR and RTS settings (CONFIG|PTT-KEY) to get
> and CW to work with a serial port connecting my computer to my K3.  In
> particular I've been trying to get Writelog and DX4WIN to work. I'm using
> a
> real serial port and a serial cable with all pins connected.   

I have my K3 setup with WL (& DX4WIn also) as follows: 

Port settings screen - COM 4, CW 'checked', DVK 'blank', Rig type K2, poll =
yes, com ptt = yes 
DVK type = windows sound card, all mode ptt on com port RTS = not checked,
CW keyer type = PC generates 

CW PTT subscreen: PTT control= command rig on com port, CW delay = 100MS 
Rig Vox must be on - set QSK like you want it, 

No connection to rig from computer except Elecraft serial cable/USB adapter
and the sound card in-out cables. 

Your COM Port will be 1 or 2 if you have a real serial. I am using the USB
to serial from Elecraft.



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[Elecraft] Re: [Elecraft K3] Power too high in PSK31 / SSB

2008-10-05 Thread Steve Ward

"Bob Cunnings" <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>

Provided the link from Lyle.

Thanks!  While perhaps counter-intuitive (and not entirely clear in the Rev D1 
operating manual) that helps explain the whys and wherefores.

K3 #1544

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[Elecraft] CCFL and Ballast

2008-10-05 Thread Jack Smith
A few months ago, I looked at the power consumption and  radiated 
interference from a typical inexpensive CCFL. Also disassembled the lamp 
to look at the ballast PCB.

Details are at

Jack K8ZOA
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Re: [Elecraft] K2: Power calibration?

2008-10-05 Thread Don Wilhelm


Thanks for that comment and your experience.  I do not have a WM-2, but 
I do have a homebrew version of its predecessor, A Simple and Accurate 
QRP Wattmeter by Roy Lewallen W7EL.  It originally appeared in QST 
Februrary 1990.
The calibration method using a DMM to measure the voltages is 
theoretically correct, but assume that everything in the directional 
coupler and the diodes is perfect and without variation or loss. I 
believe it is accurate to within 20% for all cases, but to get closer 
than that figure, one must include the variations and loss in the 
coupler in addition.  Doing final adjustments by accurately measuring 
the power output is a good way to include all elements in the calibration.

Both Roy's wattmeter and the WM-2 do have a great advantage in that they 
will be just as accurate at low power levels as it is at higher levels, 
and that is where many wattmeters fall flat on their face.  It is a very 
good wattmeter for QRP levels.


Jay wrote:


Don said:

The WM2 must be calibrated and verified before it can be trusted, and
similarly the wattmeter section of the KAT2, KAT100 and KPA100 must be
calibrated before they can be trusted.  After any of these instruments
have been calibrated, the dependency on the precise 50 ohm dummy load
goes away. but some instruments will indicate forward power and reverse
power, and the two must be subtracted for the net power, while others
will do that calculation automatically.  As a user, you must know the
characteristics of your measuring instrument before you can correctly
interpret its readings.

Don is very correct in this.  

I have a WM-2 and found it to be "way off" when adjusted according to the
instructions and working into a 50 ohm load.  I finally hung a scope on the 
input to
the dummy load and set my K2 to 40m and 5 watts.  I adjusted the WM-2 to read 
calculated input power at the dummy load based on the pk-pk signal.  The K2 and 
were then "close enough" with each other on 40m.  Since then, I have relied on 
the K2
power output.

Vy 73
Mobile, AL 
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Re: [Elecraft] K2: Power calibration?

2008-10-05 Thread Don Wilhelm


If you want to get the WM-2 reading closer than 20%, I suggest the 
following if you do not have a dummy load that you can trust along with 
a device to read the RF voltage across that load.
1) Disconnect the KAT2 and drive the best dummy load you can locate with 
the base K2 - run the power through the WM-2 and adjust the WM-2 to 
agree with your K2.
2) Put the KAT2 back in your K2 and drive the same setup of WM-2 and 
dummy load.  Adjust the forward power pot on the KAT2 to read the same 
as the WM-2.

You should end up with a WM-2 and a KAT2 that agree within 5% to 10% 
over the entire scale.  And both should be within 5% to 10% of the 
actual power that would be measured by using better instrumentation.

One can use simple tools and still obtain a satisfactory degree of 
accuracy if you do the steps in an order that provides reliability.  It 
is also good to have an idea how much your instruments vary from 
absolute accuracy.


Randy Moore wrote:


Thanks for your thorough response!  In thinking that through and then 
going back to read about calibration of the KAT2 I realized what I had 
done wrong :-(  I had not commanded the KAT2 to re-tune into the dummy 
load!  It was still set for whatever it needed to match my antenna 
system!!  After that dawned on me and I re-tuned the KAT2, the WM-1 
and the K2 agreed as exactly as I can read the meter at 5 w.  For some 
reason, the WM-2 (even though re-calibrated and double checked) is 
still off about 20%.  But those are close enough readings for my 

Back to setting up the SW-40+!  This is my therapy while I anxiously 
await delivery of my K3, probably near the end of November!!

Tnx es 73,
Randy, KS4L
K2 #337

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Re: [Elecraft] CFL's

2008-10-05 Thread David Woolley (E.L)

Jeremiah McCarthy wrote:

Not  just California John, the entire nation...They've got a BIG push on 
to sell these screwy looking spirals here in NY...They do save energy, 

I think they are actually on their way out, in favour of LED based 
lamps.  LEDs are already replacing them in commercial applications.

LED's also use switching ballasts.

David Woolley
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[Elecraft] OT: Novice Nostalgia

2008-10-05 Thread Bill Tippett
For a trip down memory lane, check out this site:

My story of making DXCC as KN4RID in 1958:

73,  Bill  W4ZV
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Re: [Elecraft] Power too high in PSK31 / SSB

2008-10-05 Thread Bob Cunnings
Here a link to Lyles original missive:

Bob NW8L

On Sat, Oct 4, 2008 at 10:18 AM, Joe Subich, W4TV
> My information comes directly from Lyle - I don't remember if
> it was on the reflector or in a direct e-mail during testing
> of some beta ALC code.
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RE: [Elecraft] Transmitting low power through the PA

2008-10-05 Thread Ron D'Eau Claire
The output filters are designed to match specific impedances and the
impedance at the power amp output is a function of power. At very low power
levels they are far from their design center. 

IMX badly matched output filters are not usually consistent with good
filtering and low spurious emissions.


-Original Message-

Dave G4AON wrote:
> Julian the problem with running low power through a high power PA is
> that you get poor efficiency. A typical HF transceiver running 5 Watts 
> output from a 100W PA may be drawing 8 Amps to do so. The Elecraft 
> solution nicely improves efficiency and works well for most situations.
Okay, but if you are more concerned with reliability than the cost of the
electricity bill, wouldn't it be better to run all the components
conservatively well within their ratings, than endure the constant heating
up and cooling down of the low power PA components?

Julian, G4ILO. K2 #392  K3 #222. G4ILO's Shack Ham
Directory KComm for Elecraft K2 and K3 
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Re: [Elecraft] k3 : Split Operation

2008-10-05 Thread Bob Cunnings
B->A was broken by the change as well - since it is available only as
a programmable function, the second keypress needed to transfer mode
isn't possible!

Bob NW8L

On Sun, Oct 5, 2008 at 10:56 AM, Joe Subich, W4TV
> Not only does A>B fail to transfer mode, "CW in SSB" does
> not work on VFO B.  Its time to fix the user interface to
> transfer mode with frequency.
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Re: [Elecraft] Transmitting low power through the PA

2008-10-05 Thread Julian, G4ILO

Dave G4AON wrote:
> Julian the problem with running low power through a high power PA is 
> that you get poor efficiency. A typical HF transceiver running 5 Watts 
> output from a 100W PA may be drawing 8 Amps to do so. The Elecraft 
> solution nicely improves efficiency and works well for most situations.
Okay, but if you are more concerned with reliability than the cost of the
electricity bill, wouldn't it be better to run all the components
conservatively well within their ratings, than endure the constant heating
up and cooling down of the low power PA components?

Julian, G4ILO. K2 #392  K3 #222. G4ILO's Shack Ham
Directory KComm for Elecraft K2 and K3 
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Re: [Elecraft] Transmitting low power through the PA

2008-10-05 Thread Dave G4AON
Julian the problem with running low power through a high power PA is 
that you get poor efficiency. A typical HF transceiver running 5 Watts 
output from a 100W PA may be drawing 8 Amps to do so. The Elecraft 
solution nicely improves efficiency and works well for most situations.

73 Dave, G4AON

I believe that the K3 and K2 are unique in that they switch the PA out of
circuit when low power (below 12W in the case of the K3) is used. Why do
they do this? Would it not generate a more linear signal and result in less
stress on the low power PA components if the high power PA was used, where
fitted, even for power levels of 10W or less?

I have recently become interested in the WSPR beacon mode
(, which involves transmitting a
continuous signal for periods of 2 minutes. At a level of 5W the underside
of the K3 gets uncomfortably hot. Since this is the sort of thing you want
to leave running all day, I'd prefer the 100W PA with its big heatsink and
pair of fans to take most of the strain. Is this possible?

Julian, G4ILO. K2 #392 K3 #222.
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RE: [Elecraft] k3 : Split Operation

2008-10-05 Thread Bill NY9H

when clicking on a DX4WIN spot,  I now need to click twice...
once for the freq and a second time if the mode is different

also when split is called for, the vfo b gets it , but  the K3 only 
flashes "split" then retains the non split mode.

The ICOM goes to split and gets the vfo freq & mode , as one would expect.


At 11:56 AM 10/5/2008, Joe Subich, W4TV wrote:

Not only does A>B fail to transfer mode, "CW in SSB" does
not work on VFO B.  Its time to fix the user interface to
transfer mode with frequency.

> -Original Message-
> [mailto:[EMAIL PROTECTED] On Behalf Of Kenneth Waites
> Sent: Sunday, October 05, 2008 8:57 AM
> To:
> Subject: [Elecraft] k3 : Split Operation
> Frequently when I split on CW, I find I have to go thru the
> steps of changing the mode on VFO B.
> Why not have a feature that switches it to CW if I hit the
> key within 5 seconds?
> Ken K5WK

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[Elecraft] Transmitting low power through the PA

2008-10-05 Thread Julian, G4ILO

I believe that the K3 and K2 are unique in that they switch the PA out of
circuit when low power (below 12W in the case of the K3) is used. Why do
they do this? Would it not generate a more linear signal and result in less
stress on the low power PA components if the high power PA was used, where
fitted, even for power levels of 10W or less?

I have recently become interested in the WSPR beacon mode
(, which involves transmitting a
continuous signal for periods of 2 minutes. At a level of 5W the underside
of the K3 gets uncomfortably hot. Since this is the sort of thing you want
to leave running all day, I'd prefer the 100W PA with its big heatsink and
pair of fans to take most of the strain. Is this possible?

Julian, G4ILO. K2 #392  K3 #222. G4ILO's Shack Ham
Directory KComm for Elecraft K2 and K3 
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Re: [Elecraft] CFL's

2008-10-05 Thread Jeremiah McCarthy
Not  just California John, the entire nation...They've got a BIG push on to 
sell these screwy looking spirals here in NY...They do save energy, but they 
are also dangerous and they don't want us to know that...I reported it to the 
local fire marshall and he came and picked up the rest of my bulbs for 
testing...That was a year ago and is the last I heard of it...These bulbs 
contain mercury and it is illigal to dispose of them in the regular trash, you 
have to take them to a hazardous materials disposal center...

Jerry, wa2dkg
  - Original Message - 
  From: n4dsp 
  To: Jeremiah McCarthy 
  Sent: Sunday, October 05, 2008 9:29 AM
  Subject: Re: [Elecraft] CFL's

Are we speaking of the new Green lights that the liberals from California 
are pushing onto us?


I had this same experience in a living room lamp...I feel that we came 
close to having a fire because the lamp socket was too hot to touch...The white 
base of the bulb is not ceramic, it is plastic and is hollow, containing a 
number of electronic components...In my case, the white base was cooked to a 
light brown, was cracked, and it collapsed when I tried to unscrew it...The PCB 
inside was burned to a crisp...This bulb bore the name and logo of a bed-rock 
American company and was made in China...It would seem that the hype selling 
these bulbs to rhe public should include a warning about allowing the bulb, 
which runs relatively cool, to be too close to flammable objects, such as 

Jerry, wa2dkg

Message: 7
Date: Sat, 4 Oct 2008 21:23:55 -0700 (PDT)
From: Ralph Tyrrell <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>
Subject: [Elecraft] smoke test
Content-Type: text/plain; charset=us-ascii

As I sit at my computer the radio desk is to my back. I heard a burst of 
static behind me. That was odd since no radios were on.  The only thing on at 
the radio desk was the desk lamp and a power supply that keeps the batteries 
charged. Both are plugged into a strip that switches power to them.

I went over to the radio desk and looked at my equipment, both off. Still 
puzzled I turned on the 2m rig, all normal. Then I turned on the K3. All 
normal. I turned them off again. The K1 sits by, not connected to anything at 
this time.

Still puzzled  I sat there wondering if something had happened to my 
battery bank or one of the batteries.  I have three 26AH batteries in parallel. 
Each battery is fused before to goes to a fused buss.

Then my nose began to notice the smell we all dread. Something electrical 
was over heated.  Still I did not noticed a symptom I should have noticed 
earlier, the desk lamp was off. I touched the top of the lamp and it was very 
hot.  The bulb, a 13 Watt Florissant had failed. The ceramic base was too hot 
to touch. 

How often do Florissant bulbs fail this way?

I had the feeling that if I were not there a fire may have started.

73, Ty, W1TF, K3 #696, K1 #1423

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[Elecraft] V/M mode switch over

2008-10-05 Thread F H Plomp

I second Dave's proposal. Adding the possibility to choose the 
operating modes of the K3 between 'as is ' and the proposed V/M mode 
would IMHO move the K3 one more step into perfection. May I the add 
the wish, that when in M mode, we can move the memory channels also 
with the Up/Down buttons

73 Fred PA3HGF


This could easily be handled with a programmable menu function, of 
which you can have as many as 10 on the K3. That's why we put them 
there: to customize the K3 for each user's needs.

When I get a chance to look into it, I'll get back to you for more 


Dave G4AON wrote:

> Short of bringing out a MK2 version of the K3's front panel, I guess 
> you have painted yourself into a corner as there isn't a VFO/Mem 
> switch on the K3.

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Re: re: [Elecraft] K3: Amp keyed during power up

2008-10-05 Thread Paul Fletcher

wayne burdick wrote:
> You're right: KEY OUT is going low for a significant time on power-up 
> (about 3 seconds according to my measurements). There's no RF, but we 
> definitely didn't intend to assert this line.

It also asserts during a firmware load Wayne.
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[Elecraft] HRD, K3, K31 status [Technobabble warning]

2008-10-05 Thread Simon (HB9DRV)
Hi All,

I have changed the HRD support so that the radio stays in K31 mode *but* some 
to use the FW command I switch the radio to K30, for example:


Larry - let's see if this works OK with LP-Pan-o-matic.

Simon Brown, HB9DRV
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Re: [Elecraft] K3 HRD lastest beta not working with LP-Bride

2008-10-05 Thread k6te Wim

Latest beta works fine here with LP-Bridge, using Xmlog in stead of HRD

- Wim

Doug Alspaugh wrote:
> Using HRD beta 1988 I have no comms with LP-Bridge. Reverting back to 1959
> fixes the problem. Tried reinstalling with no luck. Anyone else try it? 
> 1988 works fine with K3 if I connect direct, without LP-Bridge
> The virtual port on LP-Bridge shows very little action from HRD.
> 73 Doug N3QW
> ___
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[Elecraft] re: K3: Amp keyed during power up

2008-10-05 Thread wayne burdick


Am I the only one who suffers from the K3 earthing the "key out" 
terminal while it does its "clunkety klunk" power up sequence?

You're right: KEY OUT is going low for a significant time on power-up 
(about 3 seconds according to my measurements). There's no RF, but we 
definitely didn't intend to assert this line.

I just changed the firmware so that KEY OUT goes low for the minimum 
possible time on power-up, about 50 milliseconds. This reflects the 
start-up time of the microcontroller.

Thanks for catching this. The change will be in the next beta-test 



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Re: [Elecraft] K3 HRD lastest beta not working with LP-Bride

2008-10-05 Thread Simon (HB9DRV)
Selecting filters - same as pressing the XFIL. I can change the code to 
toggle K30 / K31. I'll have to make 1989 available tomorrow as there's a 
glitch in the SSTV code.

Larry - shout at me before pulling out your hair please.

Simon Brown, HB9DRV

- Original Message - 
From: "Joe Subich, W4TV" <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>

That's certainly probable ... he may be in trouble supporting
both modes depending on the way the K3 and PowerSDR behave.
Is there anything in K30 than can't be handled by staying on

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RE: [Elecraft] k3 : Split Operation

2008-10-05 Thread Joe Subich, W4TV

Not only does A>B fail to transfer mode, "CW in SSB" does 
not work on VFO B.  Its time to fix the user interface to 
transfer mode with frequency.  

> -Original Message-
> [mailto:[EMAIL PROTECTED] On Behalf Of Kenneth Waites
> Sent: Sunday, October 05, 2008 8:57 AM
> To:
> Subject: [Elecraft] k3 : Split Operation
> Frequently when I split on CW, I find I have to go thru the 
> steps of changing the mode on VFO B.
> Why not have a feature that switches it to CW if I hit the 
> key within 5 seconds?
> Ken K5WK

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RE: [Elecraft] K3 HRD lastest beta not working with LP-Bride

2008-10-05 Thread Joe Subich, W4TV

> Also I am switching the K30 / K31 quite a bit so that I can 
> use the various filtering options. Maybe Larry's not expecting 
> this.

That's certainly probable ... he may be in trouble supporting 
both modes depending on the way the K3 and PowerSDR behave.  
Is there anything in K30 than can't be handled by staying on 


   ... Joe, W4TV 

> -Original Message-
> [mailto:[EMAIL PROTECTED] On Behalf Of Simon (HB9DRV)
> Sent: Sunday, October 05, 2008 11:40 AM
> To: [EMAIL PROTECTED]; 'Doug Alspaugh'; 
> Subject: Re: [Elecraft] K3 HRD lastest beta not working with LP-Bride
> Also I am switching the K30 / K31 quite a bit so that I can 
> use the various 
> filtering options. Maybe Larry's not expecting this.
> Simon Brown, HB9DRV
> - Original Message - 
> From: "Joe Subich, W4TV" <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>
> >
> > Check with N8LP.  I suspect Simon is making use of one/more 
> of the new 
> > commands that Larry is not supporting with the current version.
> >
> > HRD is very hard on a rig and interface as it polls for a lot of 
> > information.  If third party hardware/software can survive 
> HRD it can 
> > handle almost anything.
> >
> ___
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RE: [Elecraft] smoke test

2008-10-05 Thread Ron D'Eau Claire
Jim gave you an excellent analysis of what happened to your CFL. That
fixture might have contributed to the failure, and I'd be suspicious of it
unless that CFL is several years old or it was a very cheap "bargain" brand.

Here's why. The ballast circuit in the base produces some heat. It's not a
huge amount, but enough to make it very warm. It needs cooling, especially
in fixtures that have a reflector above the lamp to direct the light
downward, such as onto your desk. If it doesn't have enough holes at the top
part of the fixture to let lots of air pass around the lamp and the ballast
in its base, then out through the ventilation holes, you'll shorten the life
of the CFL. 

I believe the life span of the CFL is related to price too. My "evidence" is
purely anecdotal, but strong enough that I avoid the cheap "bargain" CFLs.
I've been using GE CFLs for several years after some lower priced CFLs
failed after only a few months of service. I use all sizes from 40-watt
(equivalent) 'warm light' CFLs for reading lights to big ones equivalent to
100 watt 'daylight' (5800K) lights on the work bench. I haven't changed a
single CFL in years. The "100 watt" CFLs are in swing-arm fixtures with
cone-shaped reflectors that have a ring of holes around the switch at the
back of the socket that lets air pass by easily. Although the CFL itself
gets too hot to hold onto after extended use, the metal reflectors get just
slightly warm to the touch and I've experienced no failures yet. 

I have also observed the RFI generated by both "bargain" and the GE bulbs.
There's a huge difference, at least with the bargain CFLs I've used. The RFI
from a bargain CFL anywhere in the shack would be plainly audible across at
least part of the HF spectrum, but I have to hook a wire to the rig antenna
jack and put it quite close to the GE CFLs to hear any noise at all.

I'm not making claims that the GE CFLs are superior to all others. It just
happens that after I had RFI issues with some cheap no-name units that also
failed quite early, I did a little research and went looking for a better
brand. The GEs happen to be the brand I picked up and I've had no need to
replace one since.


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Re: [Elecraft] K3 HRD lastest beta not working with LP-Bride

2008-10-05 Thread Bob
Even harder to produce one which would be compatible with a bride you 
already have!!!

Couldn't  resist either.


Iain MacDonnell - K6IAM wrote:

LP-Bride ???

Larry's come out with some great products, but that's a new one on me.
If he's really produced a bride that promises to be compatible with
all of our other radio equipment, that'll be a winner!

Sorry, couldn't resist...


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RE: [Elecraft] No 6M scanning?

2008-10-05 Thread gd0tep
Was there ever an answer to this for guys in Europe?

Scanning across 6m is a 'must have' for me... 


-Original Message-
[mailto:[EMAIL PROTECTED] On Behalf Of Simon Brown (HB9DRV)
Sent: 17 March 2008 17:33
Subject: Re: [Elecraft] No 6M scanning?

Agreed - I hadn't realised that 6m scanning was not enabled - thank goodness

I still have my TS-480SAT.

Simon Brown, HB9DRV

From: "Ken Kopp" <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>

> Six meters is probably the only band I would
> -want- to scan ... ever.  Well, maybe 10M when
> watching for an opening. (:-))

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Re: [Elecraft] K2: Power calibration?

2008-10-05 Thread Randy Moore


Thanks for your thorough response!  In thinking that through and then 
going back to read about calibration of the KAT2 I realized what I had 
done wrong :-(  I had not commanded the KAT2 to re-tune into the dummy 
load!  It was still set for whatever it needed to match my antenna 
system!!  After that dawned on me and I re-tuned the KAT2, the WM-1 and 
the K2 agreed as exactly as I can read the meter at 5 w.  For some 
reason, the WM-2 (even though re-calibrated and double checked) is still 
off about 20%.  But those are close enough readings for my purposes!!

Back to setting up the SW-40+!  This is my therapy while I anxiously 
await delivery of my K3, probably near the end of November!!

Tnx es 73,
Randy, KS4L
K2 #337
K3 on order!
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[Elecraft] Mail subjects

2008-10-05 Thread Kevin
Can we please go back to putting [K1], [K2], [K3] in the subject line of 
mail sent to the reflector?

Example: [K3] I've failed to read the instructions AGAIN and bollixed up 
my firmware load, HELP!

Example: [K3] Could we please have such and such feature added to the 
firmware even though I'm the only one on the planet who does it that way?

There have been waay too many email sent to the reflector lately 
without so much as a hint of which Elecraft product it applies to.


R. Kevin Stover, AC0H

K2/100 #4684
SKCC #215
FISTS #11993

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Re: [Elecraft] K3 HRD lastest beta not working with LP-Bride

2008-10-05 Thread Simon (HB9DRV)
Also I am switching the K30 / K31 quite a bit so that I can use the various 
filtering options. Maybe Larry's not expecting this.

Simon Brown, HB9DRV

- Original Message - 
From: "Joe Subich, W4TV" <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>

Check with N8LP.  I suspect Simon is making use of one/more
of the new commands that Larry is not supporting with the
current version.

HRD is very hard on a rig and interface as it polls for a lot
of information.  If third party hardware/software can survive
HRD it can handle almost anything.

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RE: [Elecraft] K3 HRD lastest beta not working with LP-Bride

2008-10-05 Thread Joe Subich, W4TV

Check with N8LP.  I suspect Simon is making use of one/more 
of the new commands that Larry is not supporting with the 
current version.  

HRD is very hard on a rig and interface as it polls for a lot 
of information.  If third party hardware/software can survive 
HRD it can handle almost anything. 


   ... Joe, W4TV 

> -Original Message-
> [mailto:[EMAIL PROTECTED] On Behalf Of Doug Alspaugh
> Sent: Sunday, October 05, 2008 10:07 AM
> To:
> Subject: [Elecraft] K3 HRD lastest beta not working with LP-Bride
> Using HRD beta 1988 I have no comms with LP-Bridge. Reverting 
> back to 1959 fixes the problem. Tried reinstalling with no 
> luck. Anyone else try it? 
> 1988 works fine with K3 if I connect direct, without LP-Bridge
> The virtual port on LP-Bridge shows very little action from HRD.
> 73 Doug N3QW

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RE: [Elecraft] k3 : Split Operation

2008-10-05 Thread Cady, Fred
If you hit A>B twice it transfers all VFO A info to B including the

Fred Cady
fcady at ieee dot org 


[mailto:[EMAIL PROTECTED] On Behalf Of Kenneth Waites
Sent: Sunday, October 05, 2008 6:57 AM
Subject: [Elecraft] k3 : Split Operation

Frequently when I split on CW, I find I have to go thru the steps of
changing the mode on VFO B.
Why not have a feature that switches it to CW if I hit the key within 5

Ken K5WK

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Re: [Elecraft] K3 HRD lastest beta not working with LP-Bride

2008-10-05 Thread Iain MacDonnell - K6IAM

LP-Bride ???

Larry's come out with some great products, but that's a new one on me.
If he's really produced a bride that promises to be compatible with
all of our other radio equipment, that'll be a winner!

Sorry, couldn't resist...


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[Elecraft] PTT-KEY setting for use with Writelog and DX4WIN

2008-10-05 Thread Roger Marrotte
I've been trying different DTR and RTS settings (CONFIG|PTT-KEY) to get PTT
and CW to work with a serial port connecting my computer to my K3.  In
particular I've been trying to get Writelog and DX4WIN to work. I'm using a
real serial port and a serial cable with all pins connected.  The cable/port
works fine for communications with the radio.  Using various settings of
PTT-KEY and various setting for Writelog and DX4WIN, the rig goes into
transmit sometimes but does not sent CW.  I've searched old emails and so
far nothing is working.  So, if anyone has this working for Writelog and/or
DX4WIN, I'd appreciate if you could give me know good settings or some
advice in general.  It seems simple to do but I can't get it to work.  I had
all this working with a microham micro keyer but I want to try this
"simpler" approach.
Roger, W1EM
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Re: [Elecraft] K3 HRD lastest beta not working with LP-Bride

2008-10-05 Thread Simon (HB9DRV)

I don't have anything to do with the LP Bridge - I am sure Larry will look at 
it. To be honest I didn't know that there was a LP Bridge :-)

All I can say is that HRD works fine with my K3 here, can anyone confirm this 

Simon Brown, HB9DRV
  - Original Message - 
  From: Doug Alspaugh 

  I don't see much, if any activity from HRD when I monitor the Virtual port. 
To bad some nice new features added. I am sure Simon will fix it.___
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RE: [Elecraft] K2: Power calibration?

2008-10-05 Thread Jay

Don said:
> The WM2 must be calibrated and verified before it can be trusted, and
> similarly the wattmeter section of the KAT2, KAT100 and KPA100 must be
> calibrated before they can be trusted.  After any of these instruments
> have been calibrated, the dependency on the precise 50 ohm dummy load
> goes away. but some instruments will indicate forward power and reverse
> power, and the two must be subtracted for the net power, while others
> will do that calculation automatically.  As a user, you must know the
> characteristics of your measuring instrument before you can correctly
> interpret its readings.

Don is very correct in this.  

I have a WM-2 and found it to be "way off" when adjusted according to the
instructions and working into a 50 ohm load.  I finally hung a scope on the 
input to
the dummy load and set my K2 to 40m and 5 watts.  I adjusted the WM-2 to read 
calculated input power at the dummy load based on the pk-pk signal.  The K2 and 
were then "close enough" with each other on 40m.  Since then, I have relied on 
the K2
power output.

Vy 73
Mobile, AL 
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Re: [Elecraft] K3 HRD lastest beta not working with LP-Bride

2008-10-05 Thread Doug Alspaugh
Hi Mike,

I don't see much, if any activity from HRD when I monitor the Virtual port. To 
bad some nice new features added. I am sure Simon will fix it.

73 Doug N3QW

  - Original Message - 
  From: Mike Stevenso 
  To: Doug Alspaugh 
  Sent: Sunday, October 05, 2008 10:27 AM
  Subject: Re: [Elecraft] K3 HRD lastest beta not working with LP-Bride

  Hi Doug
  I am seeing the same problem with latest beta of HRD.
  LP-Bridge is not passing the new software commands.

  Mike G8ALS 
- Original Message - 
From: Doug Alspaugh 
Sent: Sunday, October 05, 2008 3:07 PM
Subject: [Elecraft] K3 HRD lastest beta not working with LP-Bride

Using HRD beta 1988 I have no comms with LP-Bridge. Reverting back to 1959 
fixes the problem. Tried reinstalling with no luck. Anyone else try it? 

1988 works fine with K3 if I connect direct, without LP-Bridge

The virtual port on LP-Bridge shows very little action from HRD.

73 Doug N3QW

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[Elecraft] K2 Transmitted Phase Noise?

2008-10-05 Thread Kenneth Silverman
Do K2/100's have a known transmitted phase noise issue?   I looked at the
reflector archives, and there was some comment by K6SE (SK) in 2005 that
seemed to indicate there was, but the scenario seemed rather specific.

Last year as C6ATA I ran in-band SO2R on 40m using a K2/100 (s/n 2773) and a
TS-850.  Both were low power.  The antennas were verticals on the beach, and
a dipole about 400' away.  When transmitting on the TS-850, I could listen
to the weakest of stations on the K2 within 2 kc of the TS-850's freq.
Though when transmitting on the K2, there was wide-band noise on the TS-850,
covering up a layer or two of signals.  It didnt matter which rig was using
which antenna, the results were the same.  I tend to think this was a TX
phase noise issue, and not a more robust RX in the K2.

Can anyone shed some light?  If this is an issue, is there any resolve?

Many thanks, Kenny K2KW
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[Elecraft] Tranmit Audio Distortion after installing KPA3 100W amplifier

2008-10-05 Thread Rick Low
Just installed the Power Amplifier two days ago and I've got severe noise on
the transmit audio. As far as I could tell, transmit audio sounded clean
before the PA install (talked across town to a fellow ham). I'm using a Heil
dynamic element (HC-4) microphone with transmit audio going to pin 1, and
using pin 7 for microphone ground. Mic and Comp gain at 20-30,Some buzz may
be due to slight RFI but what I'm hearing seems much more than that. The
radio is bonded to a good station ground.


Current Symptoms:

I have a rumble/buzz superimposed on the microphone audio. This extra signal
varies from light to severe as power is increased, and distorts the transmit
audio. As an added bonus, it sounds like there is a buzz superimposed on my
CW signal at 18 MHz and above. All this as observed while transmitting to
50-ohm dummy load, with monitoring on a nearby, separate receiver
(IC756ProII). If I use the K3 as an exciter to an outboard amplifier
(Ameritron AL-80B) I can actually transmit at 100W PEP with only a little
bit of hum in the background, which you really have to strain to hear.


I'll take the transceiver off-line after the weekend testing (giving out
QSOs for CQP) but would appreciate any unofficial help inputs from this
experience pool and official K3 support J


73 Rick N6CY

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[Elecraft] K3 HRD lastest beta not working with LP-Bride

2008-10-05 Thread Doug Alspaugh
Using HRD beta 1988 I have no comms with LP-Bridge. Reverting back to 1959 
fixes the problem. Tried reinstalling with no luck. Anyone else try it? 

1988 works fine with K3 if I connect direct, without LP-Bridge

The virtual port on LP-Bridge shows very little action from HRD.

73 Doug N3QW___
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Re: [Elecraft] HRD Updated

2008-10-05 Thread Don Wilhelm


I believe no compression on AM is vastly superior to distortion products.
If I read Wayne's firmware notes correctly, there will be another form 
of compression for AM in the future.


Dave G4AON wrote:
I've just updated my K3 to f/w 2.46 from 2.38 and the TX SSB lost 
audio problem has disappeared... Hmm, do I accept AM without compression?

73 Dave, G4AON
K3/100 #80

With my K3, HRD 4.1 beta build 1988 (the latest beta) kills SSB audio on
TX after a few seconds. I have repeatedly tested it this morning and it
has the same issue every time HRD is running.

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[Elecraft] CFL's

2008-10-05 Thread Jeremiah McCarthy
I had this same experience in a living room lamp...I feel that we came close to 
having a fire because the lamp socket was too hot to touch...The white base of 
the bulb is not ceramic, it is plastic and is hollow, containing a number of 
electronic components...In my case, the white base was cooked to a light brown, 
was cracked, and it collapsed when I tried to unscrew it...The PCB inside was 
burned to a crisp...This bulb bore the name and logo of a bed-rock American 
company and was made in China...It would seem that the hype selling these bulbs 
to rhe public should include a warning about allowing the bulb, which runs 
relatively cool, to be too close to flammable objects, such as lampshades...

Jerry, wa2dkg

Message: 7
Date: Sat, 4 Oct 2008 21:23:55 -0700 (PDT)
From: Ralph Tyrrell <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>
Subject: [Elecraft] smoke test
Content-Type: text/plain; charset=us-ascii

As I sit at my computer the radio desk is to my back. I heard a burst of static 
behind me. That was odd since no radios were on.  The only thing on at the 
radio desk was the desk lamp and a power supply that keeps the batteries 
charged. Both are plugged into a strip that switches power to them.

I went over to the radio desk and looked at my equipment, both off. Still 
puzzled I turned on the 2m rig, all normal. Then I turned on the K3. All 
normal. I turned them off again. The K1 sits by, not connected to anything at 
this time.

Still puzzled  I sat there wondering if something had happened to my battery 
bank or one of the batteries.  I have three 26AH batteries in parallel. Each 
battery is fused before to goes to a fused buss.

Then my nose began to notice the smell we all dread. Something electrical was 
over heated.  Still I did not noticed a symptom I should have noticed earlier, 
the desk lamp was off. I touched the top of the lamp and it was very hot.  The 
bulb, a 13 Watt Florissant had failed. The ceramic base was too hot to touch. 

How often do Florissant bulbs fail this way?

I had the feeling that if I were not there a fire may have started.

73, Ty, W1TF, K3 #696, K1 #1423
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Re: [Elecraft] HRD Updated

2008-10-05 Thread Dave G4AON
I've just updated my K3 to f/w 2.46 from 2.38 and the TX SSB lost audio 
problem has disappeared... Hmm, do I accept AM without compression?

73 Dave, G4AON
K3/100 #80

With my K3, HRD 4.1 beta build 1988 (the latest beta) kills SSB audio on
TX after a few seconds. I have repeatedly tested it this morning and it
has the same issue every time HRD is running.

Anyone else notice this?

73 Dave, G4AON

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[Elecraft] k3 : Split Operation

2008-10-05 Thread Kenneth Waites
Frequently when I split on CW, I find I have to go thru the steps of changing 
the mode on VFO B.
Why not have a feature that switches it to CW if I hit the key within 5 seconds?

Ken K5WK___
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Re: [Elecraft] HRD Updated

2008-10-05 Thread Dave G4AON


With my K3, HRD 4.1 beta build 1988 (the latest beta) kills SSB audio on 
TX after a few seconds. I have repeatedly tested it this morning and it 
has the same issue every time HRD is running.

Anyone else notice this?

73 Dave, G4AON
K3/100 #80
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Re: [Elecraft] UK Elecraft net report for Sunday 5th October

2008-10-05 Thread AD6XY

Dave G4AON wrote:
> 73 until next week!
> Dave, G4AON

Nope - Next week is the HF convention. Who is planning on going?

Mike G0MJW
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[Elecraft] UK Elecraft net report for Sunday 5th October

2008-10-05 Thread Dave G4AON

This week we covered some interesting ground...

The Jura expedition, especially what non Elecraft hams thought of the K3 
(not all in favour of some features such as certain controls being 
frozen while on TX). I find the menu tedious to check while on transmit...

Antennas and DX worked from Jura.
Softrock and the K3
Early K3 front panel shielding and the use of EMC tape to reduce QRM 
from the front panel.

2nd receiver fitting issues.

Stations were:

M1PAF, Paul
G0VGS, Ian
EI6IZ, Brendan
G0MJW, Mike
M3WCK, Colin
PA0NCV, Nick
ON4CMV, Mario
G0AYD, Dave

73 until next week!
Dave, G4AON
K3/100 #80, Acom 1000, dipole antenna

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Re: [Elecraft] Power too high in PSK31 / S

2008-10-05 Thread Mario Lorenz
Am 04. Oct 2008, um 23:59:38 schrieb Simon (HB9DRV):
> What would you do with modes other than PSK?

Easy: You want a good, linear signal path. That involves
mainly setting the various levels. Once this is accomplished
for the mode where it is measured easily (ie., PSK, with the
imdmeter), that setup should be good for RTTY or any other
data mode too, no?


Mario LorenzInternet:<[EMAIL PROTECTED]>
* Newsflash: Microsoft announces Visual Edlin for Windows98!
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Re: [Elecraft] Contest software for PDA etc.

2008-10-05 Thread David Woolley (E.L)

DL8MBS wrote:
So I´m looking for contest software that can run on any of the devices 
like Palm, PDA, Pocket PC etc. It should be able to send CW (with serial 
numbers when needed), mark dupes per band and log the contacts (and 
allows a paddle still to be used for fills). No rig control needed 

Be careful.  You could easily violate the assumptions that underly the 
power management on these devices, and run the battery down very 
quickly.  In particular, the tactic apparently used on some Windows 
keyers, to get accurate timing, would run the device continuously at 
full power.

Violating the power management assumptions may also violate the thermal 
management assumptions and result in either overheating, or the the 
procesor throttling back, to protect itself.

David Woolley
"The Elecraft list is a forum for the discussion of topics related to 
Elecraft products and more general topics related ham radio"

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Re: [Elecraft] Contest software for PDA etc.

2008-10-05 Thread Nigel
Have a look at CTR Remote.

Works on windows mobile 5.I have used it with an Ipaq to drive my K2 via
the I/O interface.  Reads the frequency from the K2 and will control it as
well.  Works well for logging and has memories which can be set up for

73,  Nigel ZL2DF

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[Elecraft] HRD Updated

2008-10-05 Thread Simon (HB9DRV)
Please look at

HRD now supports all commands in the latest firmware available for developers 
which I think is the same as on .

Many thanks to Wayne for responding to the whims and fantasies of the software 

Simon Brown, HB9DRV
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