Re: [Elecraft] KX3 12kHz audio spike

2013-08-06 Thread David Gilbert

That is absolutely a real effect.  Back in the mid-70's I was a product 
engineer responsible trying to sell tuning diodes to the TV tuner 
industry.  UHF tuners in the U.S. back then were still almost all 
mechanical, and even though the rest of the world had pretty much 
already converted to electronic tuning it was a tough sell. Those RF 
engineers back then were VERY conservative but they really, really knew 
their stuff.  I remember a couple of them giving me a mini-primer on how 
they designed a mechanical tuner, and it was fascinating.  Coupling from 
the oscillator to the mixer was partially affected by current flow in 
the very heavy stamped chassis (i.e., ground) partition, and they 
described how if they needed more coupling they just punched a hole here 
and there to direct the current where it would have more effect.

It might be easy to dismiss such effects as being at VHF frequencies, 
but that would be a mistake.  Currents most certainly do not flow 
uniformly in ground planes, and coupling effects can be real whenever 
significant gain is involved.

Dave   AB7E

On 8/6/2013 1:46 PM, Jim Brown wrote:

Or perhaps even a circuit layout issue. On several occasions, I've 
urged the Elecraft engineering team to attend one of Henry Ott's 
excellent EMC workshops. Henry talks about keeping track of where the 
current is flowing -- ALL of the current, not just the "intended" 
current, and he talks about the invisible schematic hidden behind the 
"ground" symbol, which is one of the most common ways we lose track of 
the return current. If, for example, the current associated with that 
12 kHz clock happens to share a return current path with an audio gain 
stage, it gets added to the audio. It's the same sort of mechanism 
that if it's at the junction of the box and the outside world we call 
a "Pin One Problem."

73, Jim K9YC

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Re: [Elecraft] [K3] Hearing aids, meet K3

2013-08-06 Thread Don Wilhelm


No adjustment to the K3 should be necessary.  Your audiologist should 
adjust your hearing aids to compensate for your hearing loss, and after 
that is done, you can adjust the K3 RX EQ for your personal preferences.

I have a program in my aids that has no noise reduction, and expands my 
hearing to be as flat as possible - that is my "music program" - 
sustained musical notes do not make the aids "think" that is noise and 
suppress it - I like to hear music as it was intended to sound. That is 
the program I use in normal household (and ham radio) environments.

However, I also have 2 programs known as "speech in noise" that do offer 
noise cancellation.  Those help in noisy environments such as 
restaurants.  The most severe of which cancels sound from the rear so I 
can best understand the person who is directly in front of me.

Work with your audiologist to get the best performance from your hearing 
aids in those environments that you value the most, and after that, you 
can make your choices about how you might want to change the response of 
your K3.  My K3 RX EQ settings are all set to zero - my hearing aids are 
set for maximum intelligibility.  YMMV.

BTW, I normally use the K3 with speakers (the XYL does not object). If I 
must use headphones, the hearing aids come out.  I may b unique because 
my lower range hearing without the aids is normal, so I have built-in 
low pass filters in my ears.  Again, YMMV.


On 8/6/2013 11:06 PM, Don Putnick wrote:

So I finally accepted the fact that my hearing isn't what it used to be. I got 
my hearing tested and hearing aids are in order. No simple hearing aids for me, 
though. I want the high-tech ones with multiple programs for different 
environments. I'm interested in how others with hearing aids adjust the K3 
receive equalization and AGC to match their hearing aids, or vice versa. Thanks 

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Re: [Elecraft] Antenna comparisons, WSPRnet and timed serial port macros

2013-08-06 Thread drewko

Tks again for the idea. I now have the batch files set up to switch
the K3's ANT every hour, half-hour or 15 mts while WSPR is running.;
no other software needed.

My only question is: what happens if the K3 receives a serial command
to switch ANT while it is transmitting? I assume the command will just
be ignored, but would like to know for sure...


On Tue, 06 Aug 2013 12:52:57 -0500, you wrote:

>Here is a link that may answer part of the question:
>His simple method of doing "echo hello  to 
>com1"  would probably work.  You could then make that a batch file to be 
>run periodically.  While I am not currently a Windows user I seem to 
>recall an "ON" command that can schedule things.
>Hope this helps.

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Re: [Elecraft] [K3] Hearing aids, meet K3

2013-08-06 Thread Fred Jensen
I've finally accepted the fact that I'm damn near deaf, way too many 
close explosions in my 20's.  My hearing aids work really great. 
Unfortunately, unless you're a US Veteran, they're going to be costly. 
Mine are about $6K a pair, and they have multiple programs, when they 
sense music they change, and when they sense speech, they change again. 
 I'm heading toward totally deaf, not sure what I'll do for CW, but 
working on it.

Bottom line, if you can afford the new digital ones, it's worth it and 
then some. They really changed my life.  Ask me about the K3 EQ.


Fred K6DGW
- Northern California Contest Club
- CU in the 2013 Cal QSO Party 5-6 Oct 2013

On 8/6/2013 8:06 PM, Don Putnick wrote:

So I finally accepted the fact that my hearing isn't what it used to
be. I got my hearing tested and hearing aids are in order. No simple
hearing aids for me, though. I want the high-tech ones with multiple
programs for different environments. I'm interested in how others
with hearing aids adjust the K3 receive equalization and AGC to match
their hearing aids, or vice versa. Thanks much!

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[Elecraft] [K3] Hearing aids, meet K3

2013-08-06 Thread Don Putnick
So I finally accepted the fact that my hearing isn't what it used to be. I got 
my hearing tested and hearing aids are in order. No simple hearing aids for me, 
though. I want the high-tech ones with multiple programs for different 
environments. I'm interested in how others with hearing aids adjust the K3 
receive equalization and AGC to match their hearing aids, or vice versa. Thanks 

73 Don NA6Z
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[Elecraft] FS: Factory Assembled K3 S/N 6061

2013-08-06 Thread Robert Vargas (KP4Y)
I have made the difficult decision of parting with my factory assembled K3 S/N 
6061. I have very little time for ham radio right now due to family 
commitments, and most of my ham radio time is spent operating my KX3. K3 has 
hardly been used since I bought it in December 2011 (especially after getting 
the KX3 8 months later), so looks like new with no scratches whatsoever. The 
radio includes the following options:

K3/100-F K3 100W Transceiver- Assembled                $2,349.95
KFL3A-500 K3 500 Hz, 5 Pole Filter                                   $89.95
K3SSKT K3 Stainless H/W Kit                                             $19.95
KUSB Universal Serial Bus Adapter                                    $39.95
KXV3A RX Ant., IF Out and Xverter Interface                    $119.95
Total (If bought today)      $2,619.75

I'm asking $2,150 shipped FedEx ground. I can provide pictures upon request.


Robert - W4/KP4Y (Tampa,FL) 
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Re: [Elecraft] KAT500 production firmware version updated to 1.41

2013-08-06 Thread ke9uw
I did, copied both files to a directory I named "KAT500fw0141"...pointed to
it, works fine, looks like the ones the zip versions did.

Chuck, KE9UW
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[Elecraft] OT: External Speaker Mod

2013-08-06 Thread Joel Black
I have a the Altec Lansing BX1221 speakers for an external speaker 
system for my K3 / KX3.  I really like them and they are very RF 
friendly in my environment.

The one thing about them I don't like is the power switch is in the 
back.  Has anyone modded theirs to put the power switch somewhere else?  
I have a hard time with my meat hooks reaching back in my setup to turn 
them on and off.

Joel - KV4OY
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Re: [Elecraft] KX3 12kHz audio spike

2013-08-06 Thread Jim Wiley

Ahh, that's why I love this reflector.  One always has a chance to learn 
new technical terms

On 8/6/2013 12:46 PM, Jim Brown wrote:

Horsepucky. . . . . .

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Re: [Elecraft] KX3 12kHz audio spike

2013-08-06 Thread Jim Brown

On 8/6/2013 5:51 AM, Lyle Johnson wrote:
It is always best to use headphones or external speakers that have 
limited response above 5 kHz with the KX3.  The radio will not pass 
audio information above this frequency, so the only thing wide 
response headphones or speakers will provide is additional noise. 

Horsepucky.  This is nothing more than an excuse for poor design. There 
are several possible solutions, perhaps in combination, but using lousy 
headphones or speakers is not one of them -- headphones and speakers 
with poor HF response are also likely to have very bumpy amplitude and 
phase response in midrange.

First, the audio bandwidth ought to be limited in the radio -- a few 
poles of low pass around 6 kHz would make a nice dent at 12 kHz. Second, 
if there's that much ripple, it sure sounds to me like the power supply 
is either inadequately filtered or poorly regulated, or there's 
insufficient decoupling somewhere in the audio chain.

Or perhaps even a circuit layout issue. On several occasions, I've urged 
the Elecraft engineering team to attend one of Henry Ott's excellent EMC 
workshops. Henry talks about keeping track of where the current is 
flowing -- ALL of the current, not just the "intended" current, and he 
talks about the invisible schematic hidden behind the "ground" symbol, 
which is one of the most common ways we lose track of the return 
current. If, for example, the current associated with that 12 kHz clock 
happens to share a return current path with an audio gain stage, it gets 
added to the audio. It's the same sort of mechanism that if it's at the 
junction of the box and the outside world we call a "Pin One Problem."

73, Jim K9YC
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Re: [Elecraft] K3 Roofing filters

2013-08-06 Thread Ian White
>From the operating you plan, and having operated many different K-3s,
>SSB & CW I would suggest:
>1.  The standard 2.7 KHz filter for occasional SSB.  As others have
>mentioned, the roofing filter is to protect the DSP.
>2.  A 400 Hz, 8-pole (or 500 Hz-8 pole) filter for general CW operation
(I find
>anything narrower too restricting for general operating "band
>3.  If you are inclined to contest or dig really deep for rare DX, add
a 200 Hz
>or 250 Hz filter, also.  (Crank it in--only when needed.)
>I'll defer to others about the better bandwidths for data modes.
>73 de K3YD

Hello Ivan, and welcome to the K3!
Knowing your interests, I'd agree with Blair above, and with Joe before

Coming to the K3 from the FT-1000MP, I already had a particular liking
for the Inrad 400Hz filter for general-purpose CW and RTTY because of
its comfortable bandwidth and nicely shaped passband. The Elecraft 200Hz
5-pole filter is useful for really tight spots, and you can hear the
difference with strong signals very close in (some people may
disagree... but they probably aren't in Europe :-)

For casual SSB the stock 2.7kHz 5-pole filter performs quite well, using
SHIFT and WIDTH to control most of the QRM. However, I also happened to
have a 1.8kHz Inrad 8-pole filter from the 1000MP which needed only a
change of interface board to make it compatible with the K3, and I find
that very good for SSB contesting. 

73 from Ian GM3SEK

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Re: [Elecraft] KX3 12kHz audio spike

2013-08-06 Thread Rich Heineck


I think Lyle meant to type RX I/Q, not RX ISO.  Turning on the RX I/Q 
outputs (which is accompanied by the DSP load leveling) will reduce the 
12 kHz spur by 15 to 20 dB typically.  Doing this also increases overall 
supply current by about 10 mA.

When looking at these spurs on an audio spectrum analyzer that uses a 
very narrow resolution bandwidth, they're quite prominent.  But they are 
at or below the noise in a 12 kHz (or greater) bandwidth. For quite a 
few of us we would never know they were there without the 
instrumentation.  I guess good hearing can be a blessing or a curse, 
depending on what you're listening to... :-)

Rich  AC7MA

On 08/06/2013 07:41 AM, Nicklas Johnson wrote:

Lyle: I gave setting RX ISO to ON a try, and though I can see some small
changes in the spectrum analyzer, it doesn't seem to change the 12 kHz
spike or its harmonics.

Granted, my hearing is abnormally good for my age.  I can still hear up to
about 18 kHz, which is pretty unusual for an almost-38-year-old I'm told.
  Flyback transformers in old TVs and monitors are the worst thing in the

I wonder if connecting a 100uF capacitor across the headphone output would
be about right to attenuate noise above 5kHz.

Johnny: I did this test by routing the headphone output of the KX3 into the
input of a Roland Quad Capture, which is effectively just a really
high-quality sound card, turned the gain on the Quad Capture up about
halfway, and sampled the audio at 192kHz, 32-bit mono into Sound Forge.
  Then I ran Sound Forge's spectrum analysis tool on the captured audio.
  You could probably perform a similar test using an ordinary sound card to
see whether you have the spike at 12kHz, but you might not see the ones at
24, 36, and 48kHz if your sound card won't sample above 48000 Hz or won't
provide enough gain.  Free tools like Audacity also provide spectrum
analysis if you don't already have something like Sound Forge.

Thanks for the input; it's nice to know at least that I'm not crazy ;-)



On 6 August 2013 05:51, Lyle Johnson  wrote:

This is most likely power supply ripple from the variable loading of the
DSP, which occurs at a 12 kHz rate.

You may be able to reduce it by setting MENU:RX ISO to ON.  This increases
average current in part by preventing the DSP from "sleeping" between
tasks, thus smoothing out some of the power supply load.

It is always best to use headphones or external speakers that have limited
response above 5 kHz with the KX3.  The radio will not pass audio
information above this frequency, so the only thing wide response
headphones or speakers will provide is additional noise.  This is
particularly true if your ears haven't "aged" to provide some low-pass
function for you :-)


Lyle KK7P

  While doing some tests tonight to compare the white noise of my Icom

IC-7000 to the white noise of the KX3, both having the AF gain turned all
the way down, I noticed...

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Re: [Elecraft] Antenna comparisons, WSPRnet and timed serial port macros

2013-08-06 Thread drewko

Thanks! That's what I had in mind... I believe it is the AT command
(not ON). Also, SCHTASKS perhaps...


On Tue, 06 Aug 2013 12:52:57 -0500, you wrote:

>Here is a link that may answer part of the question:
>His simple method of doing "echo hello  to 
>com1"  would probably work.  You could then make that a batch file to be 
>run periodically.  While I am not currently a Windows user I seem to 
>recall an "ON" command that can schedule things.
>Hope this helps.

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Re: [Elecraft] Antenna comparisons, WSPRnet and timed serial port macros

2013-08-06 Thread drewko

Yes, I want to send the ANT 1/2 switch command to the K3, say every
quarter hour. I believe there is no serial port rig control from the
WSPR software to contend with, just the tones from the soundcard that
key the rig periodically. 

So, I just need a utility to send the ant switch command over the
serial port to the K3 at fixed intervals.

Actually, I have found an old copy of COMMO that may run in a DOS
window. I'll try it later but if someone knows of a more recent
similar program pls let me know, thanks.


On Tue, 06 Aug 2013 17:02:50 +, you wrote:

>Do you mean K3's internal antenna 1/2 or some external antenna switch?
>If K3's internal:
>Try the commands AN1; and AN2; in the firmware update program to see if 
>it does what you want.  That command can easily be programed in a stand 
>alone program.
>If you are using rig control in WSPR, then you would need to "share" the 
>COM port with a program like LPBRIDGE.
>If external box, then you can kluge something mechanical/electrical up 
>to do the switching at prescribed intervals.
>73 de Brian/K3KO
>On 8/6/2013 16:36, drewko wrote:
>> I've been doing some performance comparison between two antennas I am
>> using. I'm compiling data of my WSPR transmissions and spots over
>> periods of many hours. I got a little carried away and made up a
>> spreadsheet  to compare reciprocal signal reports as well as the
>> performance differences between my two antennas...
>> Basically, I am manually switching from one antenna to the other on a
>> reqular basis, keeping track of which time periods each is in use.
>> What I'd like to do is automate the antenna switching on my K3 at
>> periodic intervals.
>> The question is, what is the simplest solution for achieving this?
>> Don't really want to install some full-blown logging-control software.
>> I am wondering if there is perhaps some little generic utility
>> available that will send user specified commands over the serial port
>> at specified intervals. Is there anything like that available? (Years
>> ago there was a great telecom program called COMMO that could do
>> this.)
>> 73,
>> Drew
>> AF2Z

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[Elecraft] Huntsville Hamfest--TDiH Monte Sano BBQ & Buildathon

2013-08-06 Thread CRAIG W BEHRENS
Monte Sano BBQ and Buildathon Event:Per Two Days in Huntsville (TDiH) 
tradition, another mountaintop QRP gathering, complete with Southern BBQ and 
special QRP event, will occur in Monte Sano State Park Saturday evening, 
This year, we will do a Buildathon as our special QRP event! Designer Rex 
Harper—W1REX of QRPme fame is flying down from Maine to facilitate the building 
of 35th Anniversary Tuna Tin Transmitters and special QRPme Dummy Load boards.
Additional details and sign-up sheets will be located at the QRP ARCI Booth and 
at the QRP forum room.
Attendance will be limited this year, since we are limited as to how many 
people can be at our Rustic Cabin. We intend to build and test 15 kit sets, so 
attendee selection criteria will focus on builders first. A modest number of 
non-kit building attendees will be able to attend as long as we do not exceed a 
total of 30 attendees.
Per TDiH tradition, we will also have some unannounced surprises as well as 
name drawing for door prizes at each of the forums and at the Cabin.
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Re: [Elecraft] K3 Roofing filters

2013-08-06 Thread Edward R Cole

Excellent answer from Don, W3FPR.

I fit the mostly SSB type with sub-Rx, so I use diversity 
reception.  I chose for the main Rx:

13-KHz (for AM and FM)

The sub-Rx has just the 2.8-KHz filter

I chose the 8-pole for ease in set up for diversity Rx and for the 
steeper skirts (which I may not really needed up here in AK, but I 
figured made the resale value better).

The DSP bw control works fine and I often narrow the high split on 
weak or noisy SSB to improve reception.  I keep the low split at 
200-Hz.  The 400-Hz filter makes CW reception of a single station 
possible.  400-Hz filter is really amazing.

I have not used it on CW eme but expect it will provide some 
advantages in narrowing the noise bw.  Typically, I run 100-Hz for 
eme CW once I have the signal tuned.  Scanning for eme signals I use 
the wider SSB bw and waterfall displays to detect the signal.

Most of my eme on 2m is using digital mode so no filter is used as I 
export the IF of the K3 to LP-Pan and therefore to a 
soundcard.  Digital eme is watched not heard.  I actually have the K3 
select an empty filter slot when running DATA-A which eliminates a 
center frequency gain "suck out" (black zone on zero freq display).

73, Ed - KL7UW
"Kits made by KL7UW" 

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[Elecraft] TDiH Monte Sano QRP Events

2013-08-06 Thread CRAIG W BEHRENS

Monte Sano BBQ and Buildathon Event:

Per Two Days in Huntsville (TDiH) tradition, another mountaintop QRP
gathering, complete with Southern BBQ and special QRP events, will occur in
Monte Sano State Park Saturday evening, 8/17/13. 


This year, we will do a Buildathon as our special
QRP event! Designer Rex Harper—W1REX of QRPme fame is flying down from
Maine to facilitate the building of 35th Anniversary Tuna Tin Transmitters and 
special QRPme Dummy Load boards.


Additional details and sign-up sheets will be
located at the QRP ARCI Booth and at the QRP forum room.


Attendance will be limited this year, since we are
limited as to how many people can be at our Rustic Cabin. We intend to build
and test 15 kit sets, so attendee selection criteria will focus on builders
first. A modest number of non-kit building attendees will be able to attend as
long as we do not exceed a total of 30 attendees.




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Re: [Elecraft] Antenna comparisons, WSPRnet and timed serial port macros

2013-08-06 Thread Mike WA8BXN
Get a mechanical timer, one that has the pegs in a wheel to set on and off
times to control a lamp etc. Set up an antenna relay that connects one
antenna when power is on, and the other when off. 

73 - Mike WA8BXN 





---Original Message--- 


From: drewko 

Date: 8/6/2013 12:36:39 PM 


Subject: [Elecraft] Antenna comparisons, WSPRnet and timed serial port


I've been doing some performance comparison between two antennas I am 

using. I'm compiling data of my WSPR transmissions and spots over 

periods of many hours. I got a little carried away and made up a 

spreadsheet to compare reciprocal signal reports as well as the 

performance differences between my two antennas... 


Basically, I am manually switching from one antenna to the other on a 

reqular basis, keeping track of which time periods each is in use. 

What I'd like to do is automate the antenna switching on my K3 at 

periodic intervals. 


The question is, what is the simplest solution for achieving this? 

Don't really want to install some full-blown logging-control software. 

I am wondering if there is perhaps some little generic utility 

available that will send user specified commands over the serial port 

at specified intervals. Is there anything like that available? (Years 

ago there was a great telecom program called COMMO that could do 








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Re: [Elecraft] KX3 power reverts from 10W back to 5W

2013-08-06 Thread Arno Dienhart

I can't confirm a low Z as I don't have an analyzer. If this helps to guess:
I was using the ZS6BKW version of the G5RV, with 70' of coax connected to
the window line from the doublet and no matching network between that

The ATU was able to achieve a 1.0:1 SWR. RX was exceptionally low-noise but
TX did not get a lot of contacts (may have been other factors).


-Original Message-
From: Wayne Burdick [] 
Sent: Monday, August 05, 2013 19:46
To: Arno Dienhart
Subject: Re: [Elecraft] KX3 power reverts from 10W back to 5W

Most likely your antenna load Z was on the low side, increasing TX current
drain. Either excess TX current or supply voltage below 11 V can cause power
to revert to 5 watts. 


On Aug 5, 2013, at 5:46 PM, "Arno Dienhart"  wrote:

> Hi Wayne,
> I measured with the built-in meter. Sorry, I don't have a dummy load, 
> so I cannot test that. Next time I will connect two of the same sealed 
> lead acid batteries in parallel and see if something changes. No problem
to use two.
> Thank you for the explanation. At least I can be sure that nothing is 
> wrong with my KX3.
> 73,
> Arno
> -Original Message-
> From: Wayne Burdick []
> Sent: Monday, August 05, 2013 17:02
> To: Arno Dienhart
> Cc:
> Subject: Re: [Elecraft] KX3 power reverts from 10W back to 5W
> Hi Arno,
> The KX3 requires 11.0 volts minimum on key-down for power output 
> levels of greater than 5 W. We do this to ensure low IMD in SSB 
> transmit mode, but it's good practice in general because most 12-V 
> batteries can be damaged quickly if you let the voltage go much below 11.0
with a heavy load applied.
> When you measured the voltage on key-down, were you using a voltmeter 
> at the battery, or the one in the radio? You could have been dropping 
> some voltage across the power supply wires  (+ and - leads probably 
> about the same), or in the KX3's DC input circuitry (reverse-polarity 
> diode, current sense resistor, etc.). So even if you read 11.7 V, it's 
> possible that you briefly dipped below that 11.0 threshold.
> Try running it into a dummy load, using the same battery. What is the 
> voltage on key-down? (Make sure to bypass the ATU or tune it into the 
> dummy load for this test.)
> 73,
> Wayne
> N6KR
> On Aug 5, 2013, at 2:49 PM, Arno Dienhart  wrote:
>> So I had set up in the park, with a charged 12V 17Ah battery 
>> connected. It was a hot day but I was in the shade.
>> Every time I set power level to 10W and keyed the TX, it reverted 
>> back to 5W instantly. Why?
>> The Volt meter showed 12.3 V at RX and dropped to 11.7V at TX. Was 
>> that the reason (getting below 12V)?
>> Was the PA getting too hot? It never went below 5W.
>> Thanks for any tips,
>> 73,
>> Arno
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Re: [Elecraft] Antenna comparisons, WSPRnet and timed serial port macros

2013-08-06 Thread Ray Cadmus

Here is a link that may answer part of the question:

His simple method of doing "echo hello  to 
com1"  would probably work.  You could then make that a batch file to be 
run periodically.  While I am not currently a Windows user I seem to 
recall an "ON" command that can schedule things.

Hope this helps.




On 08/06/2013 11:36 AM, drewko wrote:

The question is, what is the simplest solution for achieving this?
Don't really want to install some full-blown logging-control software.
I am wondering if there is perhaps some little generic utility
available that will send user specified commands over the serial port
at specified intervals. Is there anything like that available? (Years
ago there was a great telecom program called COMMO that could do


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[Elecraft] K3 roofing filters

2013-08-06 Thread ebasilier

My 2 cents worth:
Since you are primarily a cw operator, you may now or in the future want 
the roofing filter that is the ultimate in protecting the DSP in the 
toughest possible conditions such as when you are running big antennas 
in a contest on the lower bands. This would mean a very narrow roofing 
filter. Under other conditions you may encounter conditions that are 
less severe, but would still cause the DSP to be overwhelmed if you were 
to use an ssb roofing filter. It would then make sense to have a 
moderately wide cw roofing filter. Of course, since it is easy to add 
filters, for many it makes sense to get the latter filter first and add 
the sharpest filter later if you find you need it. But plan ahead; if 
you see a possiblity that you will buy a sharper filter later, don't 
pick the first filter such that it is too similar to that sharp filter 
to come later. (This advice is given based on your main focus on the cw 
mode. If you were not mainly a cw operator, it might make more sense to 
plan for only one cw roofing filter even in the long run.) So, plan 
ahead right now and decide what is that ultimate narrow filter to you. 
In practice, that means either the 200 Hz 5-pole or the 250 Hz (in 
reality about 325 Hz if I remember correctly) 8-pole filter. In other 
words, what is more useful: the narrower bandwidth at the peak of the 
5-pole or the steeper flanks of the 8-pole? I have not made a practical 
comparison, but my choice was the 200 Hz filter based on a rather 
simplified argument about what the roofing filter's job is: Most of the 
time even an SSB roofing filter is fine for cw operation. The need for a 
narrower roofing filter appears when there are too many, too strong 
signals in the gaps between the roofing filter passband and the narrower 
DSP passband (the portion of the band that you are actually listening 
to). Things are fine until the combined voltage of those unwanted 
signals as well as the wanted signals (within the dsp passband) exceeds 
the input voltage capacity of the analog-to-digital converter (or 
actually the threshold of the hardware agc that will prevent that from 
happening). While in most casual operation situations there will be no 
problem even with an ssb roofing filter, most of those situations that 
require a cw roofing filter will only need the signals in the gaps to be 
attenuated by a moderate amount, say 10 or 20 dB, to get the job done. I 
don't see any direct advantage in picking a roofing filter that provides 
an ultimate attenuation of, say 80 dB over one that provides just 60 dB. 
I don't remember the ultimate attenuation numbers for the 5-pole and 
8-pole filters, so I am just making a general argument here when I 
suggest that ultimate attenuation is not a reason to use 8-pole filters 
for the particular reason of ultimate attenuation in selecting a very 
narrow cw roofing filter. OTOH, the steeper flanks of an 8-pole filter 
are obviously helpful. How helpful? That depends in the particular 
situation on how the offending signals are distributed in the passband 
gaps. Also, while the flanks of the 5-pole filters are not as steep, 
they may provide better attenuation on a given signal due to the fact 
that the curve starts closer to the primary wanted signal. Without the 
benefit of actual comparison, I simply figure that the competition 
between the filters w.r.t. gap attenuation may be a wash. But remember 
that signals within the wanted passband also contribute to potential ADC 
overload. It is therefore very helpful to crank down the dsp bandwidth 
as long as the roofing filter bandwidth is correspondingly reduced. If 
we can go from a 325 Hz (nominal 250 Hz) roofing filter to a 200 Hz one, 
we are reducing the onslaught on the ADC very substantially, by reducing 
the wanted passband (I assume that the dsp setting changes in the same 
way), and this in addition to what may happen in what I have called the 
gaps. Bottom line: I think the 200 Hz filter (and not the 250 Hz one) is 
the ultimate narrow cw filter. While other list members may have more 
experience with practical comparison, I don't remember reading about 
anyone claiming otherwise, for strict cw operation. Of course if you 
just can't stand listening to just a 200 Hz slice of the band, even in 
the toughest contest situations, your choice could still be different. 
Ditto if you are not so much a cw operator as an RTTY operator. 
Anyway, my own choice was the 200Hz, and I have not regretted it. Now 
getting back to that other cw filter, which may be the only one you buy 
to begin with. As many people have pointed out, it makes sense to have 
significant differences between the roofing filter bandwidths. If the 
narrowest is 200 Hz, then I wouldn't consider anything narrower than the 
400 Hz for the "normal" cw roofing filter. You probably want something 
wide enough that you can hear who is next to you. Many people want a 
really wide cw listening bandwidth for everyday casua

[Elecraft] Antenna comparisons, WSPRnet and timed serial port macros

2013-08-06 Thread drewko
I've been doing some performance comparison between two antennas I am
using. I'm compiling data of my WSPR transmissions and spots over
periods of many hours. I got a little carried away and made up a
spreadsheet  to compare reciprocal signal reports as well as the
performance differences between my two antennas...

Basically, I am manually switching from one antenna to the other on a
reqular basis, keeping track of which time periods each is in use.
What I'd like to do is automate the antenna switching on my K3 at
periodic intervals. 

The question is, what is the simplest solution for achieving this?
Don't really want to install some full-blown logging-control software.
I am wondering if there is perhaps some little generic utility
available that will send user specified commands over the serial port
at specified intervals. Is there anything like that available? (Years
ago there was a great telecom program called COMMO that could do


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[Elecraft] For Sale: K3/100

2013-08-06 Thread kv7k
Mint K3/100, s/n 4935.  Little use.  No 2nd rx or tuner. Options:  TCXO, KXV3A, 
KFL3A-200 and 500.
$2200.00 shipped FedEx ground.
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Re: [Elecraft] KX3 12kHz audio spike

2013-08-06 Thread Nicklas Johnson
Lyle: I gave setting RX ISO to ON a try, and though I can see some small
changes in the spectrum analyzer, it doesn't seem to change the 12 kHz
spike or its harmonics.

Granted, my hearing is abnormally good for my age.  I can still hear up to
about 18 kHz, which is pretty unusual for an almost-38-year-old I'm told.
 Flyback transformers in old TVs and monitors are the worst thing in the

I wonder if connecting a 100uF capacitor across the headphone output would
be about right to attenuate noise above 5kHz.

Johnny: I did this test by routing the headphone output of the KX3 into the
input of a Roland Quad Capture, which is effectively just a really
high-quality sound card, turned the gain on the Quad Capture up about
halfway, and sampled the audio at 192kHz, 32-bit mono into Sound Forge.
 Then I ran Sound Forge's spectrum analysis tool on the captured audio.
 You could probably perform a similar test using an ordinary sound card to
see whether you have the spike at 12kHz, but you might not see the ones at
24, 36, and 48kHz if your sound card won't sample above 48000 Hz or won't
provide enough gain.  Free tools like Audacity also provide spectrum
analysis if you don't already have something like Sound Forge.

Thanks for the input; it's nice to know at least that I'm not crazy ;-)



On 6 August 2013 05:51, Lyle Johnson  wrote:

> This is most likely power supply ripple from the variable loading of the
> DSP, which occurs at a 12 kHz rate.
> You may be able to reduce it by setting MENU:RX ISO to ON.  This increases
> average current in part by preventing the DSP from "sleeping" between
> tasks, thus smoothing out some of the power supply load.
> It is always best to use headphones or external speakers that have limited
> response above 5 kHz with the KX3.  The radio will not pass audio
> information above this frequency, so the only thing wide response
> headphones or speakers will provide is additional noise.  This is
> particularly true if your ears haven't "aged" to provide some low-pass
> function for you :-)
> 73,
> Lyle KK7P
>  While doing some tests tonight to compare the white noise of my Icom
>> IC-7000 to the white noise of the KX3, both having the AF gain turned all
>> the way down, I noticed...
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real. And if you have to lie to support a position, that position is not
worth supporting.
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Re: [Elecraft] K3 Roofing filters

2013-08-06 Thread Blair Bates
Ivan, you wrote:

I am about to purchase a K3 (k). My main interest is certainly CW with
forays into SSB and even data, and I note the selection of roofing
filters available,
no doubt the 8-pole are somewhat better but what is the general
feeling regarding the
bandwidth(s)  to be included.

>From the operating you plan, and having operated many different K-3s,
for SSB & CW I would suggest:

1.  The standard 2.7 KHz filter for occasional SSB.  As others have
mentioned, the roofing filter is to protect the DSP.
2.  A 400 Hz, 8-pole (or 500 Hz-8 pole) filter for general CW
operation (I find anything narrower too restricting for general
operating "band awareness")
3.  If you are inclined to contest or dig really deep for rare DX, add
a 200 Hz or 250 Hz filter, also.  (Crank it in--only when needed.)

I'll defer to others about the better bandwidths for data modes.

73 de K3YD
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Re: [Elecraft] K3 Roofing filters

2013-08-06 Thread Joe Subich, W4TV

Unlike many other transceivers, ultimate selectivity in the K3 is not
determined by the crystal filter.  Ultimate selectivity is determined
by the DSP whilst the roofing filter only impacts narrow band dynamic
range (the level of "close in" signals applied to the second mixer and
analog to digital converter [ADC]).  In this case, the "roofing" filter
sets the maximum bandwidth of the receive chain.  See discussions by
Elecraft here:

My experience leads me to recommend the standard 2.7 KHz (5 pole) for
SSB (based on the"exchange" price) with the added $130 spent on a 2.1
or 1.8 KHz filter if necessary.  For CW and digital I would choose 400
Hz as the primary filter (the 500 Hz INRAD if one uses some of the 500
Hz wide MFSK based modes) and the 200 Hz 5 pole for critical CW (or
possibly PSK31 and JT9) in the presence of strong adjacent signals.

I don't see the need for a 1000 or 700 Hz filter as when conditions
allow "wide" scanning, one of the SSB filters is generally sufficient
in combination with DSP set to 1000/800/700 Hz.


   ... Joe, W4TV

On 8/6/2013 5:37 AM, wrote:

I am about to purchase a K3 (k). My main interest is certainly CW

occasional forays into SSB and even data, and I note the selection of
roofing filters available, no doubt the 8-pole are somewhat better but
what is the general feeling regarding the bandwidth(s) to be included.

Ivan G3IZD
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Re: [Elecraft] K3 Roofing filters

2013-08-06 Thread Matt Zilmer
Hi Ivan,

250 Hz:  CW and some data modes
1.8 KHz: Other data modes (MT63, WL2K) and SSB Narrow
2.8 KHz:  Normal SSB
6.0 KHz: SWL (AM and DSB) and 80m AM nets
15.0 KHz: FM on 10m and 6m

The 250 Hz roofing filter works extremely well in crowded band
conditions on CW.  It's also just about right for low-bandwidth data
modes like PSK, Thor, Olivia, etc.

If you only need two, I'd go with 250 Hz and 2.8 KHz.  Both are
8-pole.  I say this because your main interest is in CW, and either
the 2.7 or 2.8 KHz filter is needed no matter what.

I've had both 5- and 8-pole filters.  The skirts are somewhat steeper
with the 8-pole, but both types perform quite well.  Just remember
that the DSP provides most of the filtering you'll hear.  The roofiing
filters reduce (or in many cases, eliminate)  close-in blocking from
adjacent interference.  Very handy in crowded contest conditions.

matt W6NIA

On Tue, 06 Aug 2013 10:37:27 +0100 (BST), you wrote:

>I am about to purchase a K3 (k). My main interest is certainly CW with 
 forays into SSB and even data, and I note the selection of roofing
filters available, no doubt the 8-pole are somewhat better but what is
the general feeling regarding the bandwidth(s)  to be included.
>Ivan G3IZD
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[Elecraft] KX3 12kHz audio spike

2013-08-06 Thread Johnny Siu
Hello Lyle,
I really like your last sentence.  I can still hear somewhere around 12Khz or 
higher.  This hearing ability is good for Hifi audio but bad for listening to 
radio.  My ears are very sensitive to DSP artifacts.  This is the reason why I 
found the DSP board upgrade for earlier version K3 was necessary.

TNX & 73,

Johnny VR2XMC

寄件人︰ Lyle Johnson 
收件人︰ elecraft  
傳送日期︰ 2013年08月6日 (週二) 8:51 PM
主題︰ Re: [Elecraft] KX3 12kHz audio spike

This is most likely power supply ripple from the variable loading of the DSP, 
which occurs at a 12 kHz rate.

You may be able to reduce it by setting MENU:RX ISO to ON.  This increases 
average current in part by preventing the DSP from "sleeping" between tasks, 
thus smoothing out some of the power supply load.

It is always best to use headphones or external speakers that have limited 
response above 5 kHz with the KX3.  The radio will not pass audio information 
above this frequency, so the only thing wide response headphones or speakers 
will provide is additional noise.  This is particularly true if your ears 
haven't "aged" to provide some low-pass function for you :-)


Lyle KK7P

> While doing some tests tonight to compare the white noise of my Icom
> IC-7000 to the white noise of the KX3, both having the AF gain turned all
> the way down, I noticed...
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Re: [Elecraft] K3 Roofing filters

2013-08-06 Thread Bruce Beford
I know many users are happy with the 700 Hz roofing filter you guys have had
custom-made. However, I am wondering just how helpful it actually is,
compared to other, more standard roofing filter BWs. If a 700 Hz bandwidth
is "ideal for scanning", just how is a roofing filter needed when scanning?
By definition, when scanning, one is tuning across a band, looking for a
signal of interest. Is a medium-narrow roofing filter really helpful in this
case? Does it make scanning more productive than say, a 1 KHz filter?

I am not trying to be argumentative, just trying to understand how a roofing
filter of this width may be (more) useful (than other choices) in a radio
like the K3 with continuously variable final DSP filtering.

Thanks for any input,

> In addition to the choices available from Elecraft and INRAD, WB2ART
> and I also offer a 700 Hz (wide CW) alternative.  IMHO 700 Hz fits really
> well between the INRAD 1.5 k Hz and 400 Hz filters and it's ideal for
> scanning...

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Re: [Elecraft] KX3 12kHz audio spike

2013-08-06 Thread Lyle Johnson
This is most likely power supply ripple from the variable loading of the 
DSP, which occurs at a 12 kHz rate.

You may be able to reduce it by setting MENU:RX ISO to ON.  This 
increases average current in part by preventing the DSP from "sleeping" 
between tasks, thus smoothing out some of the power supply load.

It is always best to use headphones or external speakers that have 
limited response above 5 kHz with the KX3.  The radio will not pass 
audio information above this frequency, so the only thing wide response 
headphones or speakers will provide is additional noise.  This is 
particularly true if your ears haven't "aged" to provide some low-pass 
function for you :-)


Lyle KK7P

While doing some tests tonight to compare the white noise of my Icom
IC-7000 to the white noise of the KX3, both having the AF gain turned all
the way down, I noticed...

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Re: [Elecraft] KX3 power reverts from 10W back to 5W

2013-08-06 Thread Stephen Prior
I have found that with even a freshly charged 7Ah battery that the power
folds back, on some bands especially, even if the internal atu has found a
good match. However, in almost all cases setting the power output to 8W
rather than initially 10W it doesn't happen as much, at least not until the
battery voltage has fallen well below 12V.

73 Stephen G4SJP

On Tuesday, 6 August 2013, Dominic Baines wrote:

> Arno,
> Sure someone from Elecraft will respond with a technical
> explanation...sounds a bit like default behaviour to me and also shows
> there is a difference in the battery and the internal PA voltage and you
> are maybe close to the fold back voltage.
> If the supply voltage drops below 12V (I use 7AH SLA batteries so see this
> often) then it can be lower at the PA internally (c11V + a bit) when it is
> the KX3 folds back to 5W, no real warning it just does it. I found it a bit
> annoying when I knew mine was running hot but then the KX3 was designed
> with battery /P operation in mind (I assume).  The KX3 does the same thing
> to protect the KX3 if the PA gets too hot (you could try this, not sure it
> will damage the KX3 so be warned, I did this when I fitted a heatsink to
> reduce the issue... set power out to 10W, key down or send dah dah
> constantly with a keyer for a few minutes into a dummy load (not on air!)
> to make it fun do this in bright sun and watch the PA temp rise and rise
> and the rear metal panel gets hot, eventually the temperature will exceed
> what is 'safe' and the power will reduce, same thing happens for excess
> current say if a PA transistor is failing or an antenna impedance/VSWR
> changes there are multiple reasons and a few other situations all are
> designed to protect the KX3.
> You could monitor the KX3 reported PA temperature and the KX3 reported
> voltage and see when it happens so you know when to adjust the power out
> level yourself or know when it is likely to happen.
> I have a really nice light weight /P switch mode mains power supply it
> provides 12.2V (was for a CCTV camera) the KX3 will never exceed 8W out
> with it on CW, if you set 10W it folds back immediately to 5W.
> 72
> Dom
> On 05/08/13 22:49, Arno Dienhart wrote:
>> So I had set up in the park, with a charged 12V 17Ah battery connected. It
>> was a hot day but I was in the shade.
>> Every time I set power level to 10W and keyed the TX, it reverted back to
>> 5W
>> instantly. Why?
>> The Volt meter showed 12.3 V at RX and dropped to 11.7V at TX. Was that
>> the
>> reason (getting below 12V)?
>> Was the PA getting too hot? It never went below 5W.
>> Thanks for any tips,
>> 73,
>> Arno
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Re: [Elecraft] KX3 power reverts from 10W back to 5W

2013-08-06 Thread Dominic Baines


Sure someone from Elecraft will respond with a technical 
explanation...sounds a bit like default behaviour to me and also shows 
there is a difference in the battery and the internal PA voltage and you 
are maybe close to the fold back voltage.

If the supply voltage drops below 12V (I use 7AH SLA batteries so see 
this often) then it can be lower at the PA internally (c11V + a bit) 
when it is the KX3 folds back to 5W, no real warning it just does it. I 
found it a bit annoying when I knew mine was running hot but then the 
KX3 was designed with battery /P operation in mind (I assume).  The KX3 
does the same thing to protect the KX3 if the PA gets too hot (you could 
try this, not sure it will damage the KX3 so be warned, I did this when 
I fitted a heatsink to reduce the issue... set power out to 10W, key 
down or send dah dah constantly with a keyer for a few minutes into a 
dummy load (not on air!) to make it fun do this in bright sun and watch 
the PA temp rise and rise and the rear metal panel gets hot, eventually 
the temperature will exceed what is 'safe' and the power will reduce, 
same thing happens for excess current say if a PA transistor is failing 
or an antenna impedance/VSWR changes there are multiple reasons and a 
few other situations all are designed to protect the KX3.

You could monitor the KX3 reported PA temperature and the KX3 reported 
voltage and see when it happens so you know when to adjust the power out 
level yourself or know when it is likely to happen.

I have a really nice light weight /P switch mode mains power supply it 
provides 12.2V (was for a CCTV camera) the KX3 will never exceed 8W out 
with it on CW, if you set 10W it folds back immediately to 5W.


On 05/08/13 22:49, Arno Dienhart wrote:

So I had set up in the park, with a charged 12V 17Ah battery connected. It
was a hot day but I was in the shade.


Every time I set power level to 10W and keyed the TX, it reverted back to 5W
instantly. Why?


The Volt meter showed 12.3 V at RX and dropped to 11.7V at TX. Was that the
reason (getting below 12V)?

Was the PA getting too hot? It never went below 5W.


Thanks for any tips,





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Re: [Elecraft] K3 Roofing filters

2013-08-06 Thread Jim - KE8G
Hi Ivan,
I am a CW guy and agree with John's assessment on the number of answers you 
will receive!

Here's mine:  I run 250Hz, 400Hz, 1000Hz, and 2.8Khz.  I know folks out there 
will say that the 250 & 400 are so close in filter shape when you really take a 
look at things, that they are somewhat redundant.

If you want to cut down on initial expenses, I would start with the 400Hz 
filter, this will serve the double duty for CW and your occasional dabbles in 
the digital arena.  They are somewhat easy to add at a later date, depending on 
what other options you have added, which also gives you the opportunity to 
learn a little more on the workings of the K3.

As far as SSB, I can't comment, as I do not even own any microphones!

One thing for sure, you will be a very happy CW operator once you learn your 
way around the K3... it is a fantastic radio!

73 de Jim - KE8G

 John Lemay  wrote: 
> Ivan
> You'll get as many different views here as there are combinations of
> different filters !
> Roofing filters are quite easy to add at a later date (ease depends somewhat
> on the options installed), so my suggestion is to go lightly at first and
> see how you get on with just a couple of filters, and rely on the DSP for
> filtering - which is pretty good.
> For SSB, consider either 2.4 or 2.1kHz. Anything narrower is obviously more
> effective, but also tiring to listen to for long periods.
> For CW I think the choice is easy - head for the 500Hz filter.
> Regards
> John G4ZTR
> -Original Message-
> From:
> [] On Behalf Of
> Sent: 06 August 2013 10:37
> To:
> Subject: [Elecraft] K3 Roofing filters
> I am about to purchase a K3 (k). My main interest is certainly CW with
> occasional forays into SSB and even data, and I note the selection of
> roofing filters available, no doubt the 8-pole are somewhat better but what
> is the general feeling regarding the bandwidth(s)  to be included.
> Ivan G3IZD
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Re: [Elecraft] K3 Roofing filters

2013-08-06 Thread Don Wilhelm


You are right to ask, the filters can drive the cost of the K3 spiraling 

I will not answer simply, but rather give you some guidelines for selection.

Your choice of roofing filters will depend a lot on your operating 
conditions and preferences.
Remember that the roofing filters are present NOT to achieve the final 
bandwidth - that is done in the DSP processing.
The roofing filters are used to protect the input of the DAC from strong 
adjacent signals - ones that you would not hear because they are outside 
the DSP passband.
There is another mechanism - Hardware AGC - that also protects the DAC 
from overload.  Its response is what you will hear when there are strong 
signals within the passband of the roofing filter but outside the 
passband you have set in the DSP - the strong unwanted signal will cause 
"pumping" of the AGC and constantly change the receivers sensitivity.  
The Hardware AGC will begin to operate when the signal strength is 
greater than S-9+30 dB (If I recall correctly).  For weaker signals, it 
will not activate.

So -- if you are an SSB ragchewer, the 2.8 kHz filter will likely be 
sufficient, you probably seek to operate in a clear area of the band anyway.
But -- if you are operating in a crowded band with lots of adjacent 
strong signals (heavy DXing or serious contesting), you will likely want 
to add roofing filters.  How much tolerance you have to those nearby 
strong signals will influence your choice of filters.

Of course, if you want to operate FM, you will need the 13 kHz filter, 
and for AM transmit, the 6 kHz filter.

5 pole or 8 pole? - if you have the subRX, *and* want to use diversity 
receive, the filters in the main and the sub must be matched for the 
filter offset.  The choice of 8 pole filters makes it easy, they have 
zero offset.  If you choose the 5 pole filters, matched offset  filters 
are available.

If you decide to purchase without the subRX initially, but plan to add 
it later, order the 8 pole filters unless diversity receive is not a 

If you cannot decide by order time, I would suggest you go with the 2.8 
kHz 8 pole filter only, then operate using only  the DSP filtering for 
some period of time to allow you to find out where you are experiencing 
difficulty, then purchase whatever additional filters you need for your 
operation.  The filters are not difficult to add later (unless the subRX 
is installed, because it must be removed to get to the main filter area).


On 8/6/2013 5:37 AM, wrote:

I am about to purchase a K3 (k). My main interest is certainly CW with 
occasional forays into SSB and even data, and I note the selection of roofing 
filters available, no doubt the 8-pole are somewhat better but what is the 
general feeling regarding the bandwidth(s)  to be included.
Ivan G3IZD

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Re: [Elecraft] K3 Roofing filters

2013-08-06 Thread Gary W. Hvizdak
On Tuesday August 6, Ivan (G3IZD) wrote ...

"I am about to purchase a K3 ... what is the general feeling regarding
[filter] bandwidth(s) ..."


Hi Ivan,

In addition to the choices available from Elecraft and INRAD, WB2ART
and I also offer a 700 Hz (wide CW) alternative.  IMHO 700 Hz fits really
well between the INRAD 1.5 k Hz and 400 Hz filters and it's ideal for

The lead-time for the 700 Hz filter is upwards of 14 weeks, as there's
a 12-manufacturing lead-time and we only commission production as demand 
warrants.  The current batch (due to arrive in early October) will probably
sell out within a matter of hours.  The next batch can be expected sometime
between December and February.

--- - - - ---

Our website – – features a unique visual
comparison of the five 8-pole filters (1,000, 700, 500, 400, and 250 Hz).
This comparison is packaged as both an online slideshow and as a
(printable) PDF file.  Brief descriptions accompany each slide.  As a
whole, these descriptions create a concise 8-pole CW filter buyer's guide

If you are a serious contester, then 700 and 400 Hz would be an
excellent choice.  Otherwise (if you're not a serious contester) then the
700 is probably the only CW filter you'll ever need.  Oh and it's also
ideal for 500 Hz digital formats.

--- - - - ---

Additional suggestions ...

1)  Avoid filters whose widths are too similar.  Specifically, IMHO a ratio
of less than 1.4 (i.e. the square root of two) is an exercise in 
diminishing returns.

2)  For historic reasons, the filter widths are not always the same as
their designations.  This is especially true of the INRAD 250 Hz 8-pole
filter, which is closer 370 Hz wide.

3)  INRAD offers two additional 8-pole filters – 1500 Hz and 500 Hz – which
are not available through Elecraft.

4)  If you have the sub-RX, then adding/changing filters is a fairly
significant undertaking.  (Thus the advice about just getting a bare K3 and 
adding filters later may not apply to you, if your intention is to get a
factory assembled K3 with sub-RX.)

Gary  KI4GGX

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Re: [Elecraft] Lulu 20% discount for KE7X books

2013-08-06 Thread Dave Lankshear
Thanks for the new code, Fred.  It also works in the UK Lulu bookstore so
ARDENS20 may be a fully international discount code.


It makes a nice sweetener for a couple of books I've had my eye on.


By the way, there's a potentially useful freebie available: Amateur Radio
Callsign Prefixes by Chris Moore


73 all.  Dave G3TJP



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[Elecraft] KX3 12kHz audio spike

2013-08-06 Thread Johnny Siu
Hello Nick,
I would like to do similar test for my K3 and KX3.  Could you please advise how 
I can do that?

TNX & 73,

Johnny VR2XMC

寄件人︰ Nicklas Johnson 
收件人︰ elecraft  
傳送日期︰ 2013年08月6日 (週二) 1:30 PM
主題︰ [Elecraft] KX3 12kHz audio spike

While doing some tests tonight to compare the white noise of my Icom
IC-7000 to the white noise of the KX3, both having the AF gain turned all
the way down, I noticed something a little unusual in the KX3's spectrum:

There is quite a spike of noise at 12kHz (well, relative to everything else
around it anyway), with harmonics at 24, 36, and 48 kHz.  The latter three
of course are inaudible to humans.  I found that even without the
considerable amplification that I was using to get the levels high enough
to analyze, I was able to hear the 12kHz tone in my headphones with the AF
gain turned up higher than 30 or so.

The sound is present even with everything else disconnected from the unit,
and it begins immediately after it is powered up, before it begins

I could see it possibly giving someone fatigue or a headache after a while,
even if not consciously aware of it.

Has anyone else experienced this, or does anyone have the test equipment to
see whether this is present for others and not just me?


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Re: [Elecraft] K3 Roofing filters

2013-08-06 Thread James Balls
Hi Ivan

I use Inrad
SSB Wide 2.8khz #716
SSB Narrow 1.5Khz #727
CW / Data 400hz #701

I find these filters outstanding in all conditions and I contest in SSB CW
RTTY and PSK31


On 6 August 2013 10:50, James Balls  wrote:

> Hi Ivan
> I use Inrad
> SSB Wide 2.8khz #716
> SSB Narrow 1.5Khz #727
> CW / Data 400hz #701
> I find these filters outstanding in all conditions and I contest in SSB CW
> RTTY and PSK31
> Jim M0CKE
> On 6 August 2013 10:37,  wrote:
>> I am about to purchase a K3 (k). My main interest is certainly CW with
>> occasional forays into SSB and even data, and I note the selection of
>> roofing filters available, no doubt the 8-pole are somewhat better but what
>> is the general feeling regarding the bandwidth(s)  to be included.
>> Ivan G3IZD
>> __
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Re: [Elecraft] K3 Roofing filters

2013-08-06 Thread John Lemay

You'll get as many different views here as there are combinations of
different filters !

Roofing filters are quite easy to add at a later date (ease depends somewhat
on the options installed), so my suggestion is to go lightly at first and
see how you get on with just a couple of filters, and rely on the DSP for
filtering - which is pretty good.

For SSB, consider either 2.4 or 2.1kHz. Anything narrower is obviously more
effective, but also tiring to listen to for long periods.

For CW I think the choice is easy - head for the 500Hz filter.


John G4ZTR

-Original Message-
[] On Behalf Of
Sent: 06 August 2013 10:37
Subject: [Elecraft] K3 Roofing filters

I am about to purchase a K3 (k). My main interest is certainly CW with
occasional forays into SSB and even data, and I note the selection of
roofing filters available, no doubt the 8-pole are somewhat better but what
is the general feeling regarding the bandwidth(s)  to be included.
Ivan G3IZD
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[Elecraft] K3 Roofing filters

2013-08-06 Thread
I am about to purchase a K3 (k). My main interest is certainly CW with 
occasional forays into SSB and even data, and I note the selection of roofing 
filters available, no doubt the 8-pole are somewhat better but what is the 
general feeling regarding the bandwidth(s)  to be included.
Ivan G3IZD
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Re: [Elecraft] K3 SUB BAND 2 METER

2013-08-06 Thread Win Kriegl DK9IP/KH7CD

Hi Andrea,

this posting from W2ZK (from the archives) gives the answer I hope...

73, Win DK9IP

"If the two receivers are sharing the main
antenna path, putting the sub receiver on a
higher-frequency band than main may result in
signal loss in the sub. This is due to sharing of the
main receiver´s low-pass filters. If you select an
incompatible band combination, the K3 briefly
displays USE AUX as a warning. To avoid sub
receiver signal loss, use the sub´s AUX input."

73, Ted, W2ZK

Am 06.08.2013 10:43, schrieb Andrea Abati (ik4olq):


I have a Elecraft K 3 full option.

When I have  2 meter in sub band and I active it the rig say " use aux" and
no rx.

How can fix it ?

73 de ik4olq

Andrea Abati

Cell 333 4551059

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[Elecraft] K3 SUB BAND 2 METER

2013-08-06 Thread Andrea Abati (ik4olq)

I have a Elecraft K 3 full option.

When I have  2 meter in sub band and I active it the rig say " use aux" and
no rx.

How can fix it ?

73 de ik4olq


   Andrea Abati

Cell 333 4551059


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