Re: [Elecraft] K2 vs K3

2012-08-08 Thread Michael D. Adams
I agree with Keith's comments, but I'll contribute my two cents' as well.

My background, such as it is -- I got my ticket about 20 months ago,
spent 4 months just on 2 meters, and got my K3 a year after I got on

That experience leads me to point out four things:

1.  Used rigs are widely available, and rigs can be resold.   While it
might slow down the process, you can get a starter rig, and then
resell it later to help finance the purchase of a K3.

2.  Several months on a starter rig taught me that the things I
actually enjoyed and spent time pursuing on the air were different
than what I might have expected before getting on HF. Also learning to
use  working through the quirks of my starter rig I learned a few
things...and that in turn is what lead me to seek out a K3, and to
make more informed decisions on how I might want it equipped.

3.  As an alternative to getting a starter rig, you might look around
to see if there is a club station available in your area to operate.
You get experience and fun while you save up to set up your own

4.  I do not want to discourage you from considering an Elecraft, but
if money is tight, remember that antennas are the most important part
of your station.  I love my K3, but I would have had no
second-thoughts about postponing my transceiver upgrade if there were
any way I could have put up a beam in a spouse-tolerated manner.
There's nothing wrong with cheap wire antennas; but if you have space
and approval from the spouse and your town, invest in good antennas
before worrying about picking the perfect rig.

Michael D. Adams (AB1OD)
Poquonock, Connecticut |

On Wed, Aug 8, 2012 at 2:26 PM, Keith Heimbold wrote:

 I would pick up a beginners HF rig from an old ham in the neighborhood for 
 cheap and save up for the K3.

 Look around and find a couple Elmers where you live and see what they can 
 help you put a system together. Hang dipole and have some fun.  A QRP rig 
 could be a nice option but personally I would go crazy waiting two years to 
 get on the air.  You should be able to get something going as you save for 
 the K3.

 Good luck!

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Re: [Elecraft] Firmware upgrades using Ubuntu 12.04

2012-07-10 Thread Michael D. Adams
On Tue, Jul 10, 2012 at 12:24 AM, Don Wilhelm wrote:
 Let me give one OT RANT, and then I will shut up on this subject.
 Suffice it to say that I have been extremely disappointing in all Linux
 distributions because of the lack of any organized support fort the
 users - the attitude seems to be if you don't already understand the
 nuances of Linux, we will shame your questions and be very unhelpful.
 Check out the various forums and FAQ lists to verify this attitude.

I can bring the (understandable) OT rant back a bit closer to
relevance, if not all the way back to on-topic.  )

I am a relative newcomer to amateur radio.   I also dabbled with Linux
once upon a time (actually, I was acquainted with Linus back in the
early days of Linux).

I can actually see a number of parallels between Linux and amateur
radio, insofar as the challenges interested folks may face when
climbing the learning curve.

In my day job, I'm an actuary.  I don't have an electronics or
communications background...or much of a science background at all, in
fact.   When it comes to computers and radio, I'm definitely a power
user rather than a developer/programmer/builder.  In some AR circles,
I would be criticized or ostracized as being a mere appliance
operator... and that probably isn't too far wrong.

As an outsider / newcomer, both Linux and amateur radio have fairly
steep learning curves.  Most of the material available beyond the
ground-floor bare-bones basics can be confusing, written by people who
assume too-much knowledge and/or are not professional writers of
documentation.   Perhaps there's something about both pursuits that
tends to attract people who enjoy doing a lot more than writing
about having done.  And, perhaps such people are more prone to either
having a little arrogance about their success, or to having a
preference to spend time with others who have been initiated into the
fraternity, rather than mere muggles.

Honestly, part of the fun of amateur radio to me is that I'm having to
learn a lot from areas outside my traditional areas of
expertise/interest, and I'm enjoying the mental exercise.  To be
successful in both pursuits, it is helpful to be a self-starter, to
have a thick skin.   It's a heckuva lot easier to make progress in
both Linux and amateur radio, if you can find a few folks willing to
offer some tips.

Perhaps it would be helpful for hams who have struggled with Linux to
keep that frustration in mind when it comes to leaving a few
breadcrumbs around for potential new hams.   And remember: if Linux
were easy and more digestible to the mass market, it would be OS/X.
Similarly, if amateur radio were easy and more digestible to the mass
market, it would be CB/FRS/GMRS.

Michael D. Adams (AB1OD)
Poquonock, Connecticut |
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Re: [Elecraft] Best add on for K3

2012-05-23 Thread Michael D. Adams
I would be extremely interested in seeing what the CAT commands or
N1MM macros look like if both banks are in use.

That kind of knowledge might postpone the day when my wife decides to
murder me for being too noisy during a phone contest.  :)

Michael D. Adams (AB1OD)
Poquonock, Connecticut |

On Wed, May 23, 2012 at 12:04 PM, Lyle Johnson wrote:
 The KDVR3 has eight (8) message memories.  They are stored in two banks
 of four.  To toggle between the banks, HOLD the REC button.  Use M1..M4
 to access message memories 1..4 (bank 1)  or 5..8 (bank 2).


 Lyle KK7P
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Re: [Elecraft] K4

2012-04-28 Thread Michael D. Adams
Even though I'm still a couple of days away from receiving my K3, I can
think of one possible enhancement for a K4:  license Siri from Apple.

Imagine the possibilities:  Siri, where in the pile-up is that DX station
working?  Siri, find me a good run frequency. 

Michael D. Adams (AB1OD)
Poquonock, Connecticut | 

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