Recently I switched to a new MicroHam microkeyer 2 from the USB 3 product and 
have had some issues with DM780 transmitting solid RTTY signals with accuracy 
from my K3. 

It appears that when in Data A mode on the K3 my RTTY transmission is putting 
erroneous characters in place of the ones I want transmitted. For example, a 
recent RTTY contact on 20m with PT0S had them copying me as AC6ZZ instead of 
AK6ZZ. I tried continuing to transmit my correct callsign but they read it 
incorrectly a few time after initial contact and now I have this error 
permanently in their log (good thing I have another verified contact with 
them).  This issue with RTTY has now happened on multiple occasions with other 
stations and I am perplexed.  

I am not sure if this is a MicroHam issue with the microkeyer 2 or a K3 issue 
or a Dm780 issue though with the USB 3 I had zero issue with RTTY and DM780 so 
I am wondering if I have a configuration issue with the MicroHam MK2 setup or 
have my K3 in wrong digital mode.

Any help from this group would be very welcome.


Sent from my iPhone please excuse typos
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