
Thanks for the clarification on the changes. I did find that the changes are less significant than I first thought. So, I am proceeding with Rev B, but am also following the same steps in Rev C. My frustration was centered around the changes relative to the PA Jumper Block. One manual implied that I would not need it since I had the 100 watt amp, while the other clearly stated that I still needed it. Then I became concerned about what other similar changes that may be forthcoming as I proceeded. And, the manual information on the web page would not allow me to track the changes between my manual and the latest manual.

Coupled with that was finding the item missing from a board that was supposed to be checked before shipment. The jumper block is the only thing that can be easily removed from the RF board. Thusly, that should be a high priority check before placing them into the bags.

As an aside for others, my professional background is quality assurance/quality control, and these types of problems are normal issues that develop in manufacturing new products or in low quantity standard products. This goes along with the already discussed product delays.

For those concerned about the dog...she is fine. I found that I did not have to print the whole Rev C manual; therefore, I took her for a walk. The fresh air helped both of us!

Also, I did get a response from Elecraft Support on Saturday afternoon, less than 24 hours after my separate note to them. Realizing that it is the weekend and the workload they may be experiencing, I find that satisfactory. I found that I have been spoiled by the quicker responses from Elecraft users and experts like W3FPR, etc.

Lisa can expect a phone call from me Monday requesting a PA Jumper Block.

Back to the workbench...and more frequent walks...

Henry - K4TMC

-----Original Message-----
From: Ron D'Eau Claire <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>
Sent: Sat, 1 Dec 2007 11:23 pm
Subject: RE: [Elecraft] Elecraft K3 Support on the Weekends?

Not a bit. Rev B will get you there perfectly. Rev C streamlines the process
to remove perhaps 5 minutes of work, that's all.

Because many steps were moved around, if you've started assembly with Rev B I recommend you finish using that Rev to be sure you don't miss any steps.


-----Original Message-----
Sent: Saturday, December 01, 2007 5:24 PM
Subject: Re: [Elecraft] Elecraft K3 Support on the Weekends?

So... I am wasting my time trying to build my K3 with the Assembly
Manual (Rev B-1) that came in the box!

I really did not want to throw away the manual that came in the box,
but it apparently is of little value now.

I am now stopping work and printing a new manual.

Henry - K4TMC
(while its printing I think I'll go kick the dog)

-----Original Message-----
From: Ron D'Eau Claire <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>
To: 'Elecraft Reflector' <>
Sent: Sat, 1 Dec 2007 8:03 pm
Subject: RE: [Elecraft] Elecraft K3 Support on the Weekends?

While most revisions to a new letter involve incorporating the items
in the errata, there was an additional major change made between Rev B
Rev C of the K3 Kit Assembly Manual.

The procedure was reorganized to allow builders with the KPA3 100 watt
amplifier module to install the KPA3 shield assembly during the initial
build. That avoids removing the bottom covers and KNB3 module and
later to install the shield. New steps were added to actually install
shield, a number of existing steps were moved to put them in the most
convenient order.

Almost every page in the assembly procedure was changed in order to
accomplish that.


-----Original Message-----
On Sat, 01 Dec 2007 16:00:35 -0500, you wrote:

Simon, et al,

As an aside, it sure would be nice to know what changed from manual
revision to revision.  That way I could just update the manual that
came with the kit originally.  In my full-time job, when a procedure
changed, there is always a sheet describing what
paragraphs/sentences/pages were changed.  That makes it easy to see
where the differences exist.


Go to the web site and download the errata for the manuals in question
how I would find out.

Tom, N5GE - SWOT 3537 - Grid EM12jq

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