Well, I'm afraid to raise my head after this.  About
two weeks ago I raised the question here on the
reflector about realigning my K2.  My initial
alignment had went relatively well but did not use
Spectogram.  After encouragement from several people
to give it a go I dived right in.

It went real smooth until I got to the SSB filter
calibration.  Levels shifted between filters, the
filter widths were much too wide on all settings and
the S meter was dead on several filters.  I posted
several questions here on the reflector and to
different individuals including Elecraft Support.  At
one point I was convinced I had the problem under
control.  Then after more test it was obvious
something was wrong.  All the guidance I received was
good but didn't correct the problem.  Something was
still wrong.

This morning I was digging thru the reflector archives
looking for help.  I found a response back in 1999 to
someone from Wayne at Elecraft about something
somewhat similiar.  He mentioned that a voltage chart
was being released for the SSB module and check all
voltages with it.  After finding the chart I measured
voltages and found the cathode of diode D6 on the SSB
module was several volts low.  To shorten a long store
the diode was installed backward by me when the K2 was
built almost a year ago.  Reversing the diode
corrected the problems.  The filters probably need a
little more tweaking but they are much better now. 
I've not been a big filter user on the K2 so really
did not previously have a good feel as to how they
were operating or should operate.  The radio is just
about good enough without filters. 

My thanks to all for their patience and understanding.
 It is hard to believe all that has happened with this
radio since I started with it and now to find I had
installed a diode backwards.  I'm sure I will be
shaking my head on this one a long time.


Jim, AB0UK
K2/100 S/N 4787

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