Following the thread concerning PLL errors on the higher frequency
bands, I decided to run a check on my K3.

I found that at a FP temp of over 38deg, I got a PLL2 error

I then implemented the mod that Wayne recently posted in which a
180k resistor shunts R10 to give 56k. This cured the problem, and
I have now implemented the mod on both Synth1 and Synth2.

Before  I re-ran the CAL for both VCO's,  I looked to see at what
approximate temperature this should be carried out. I could find
nothing in the manual.

My thought are, to get the best VCO temperature tracking that the
CAL should be carried out at the mid point of operating
temperature range.

Is this correct, or doesn't it matter ?

Stewart G3RXQ
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