Maybe we'll have better weather/band conditions for this Staurday's 2nd Annual 
LAITF Contest. Another great excuse to get off your......base stations, and 
into the field.


Every year we take our radios out in the field, woods, or parks and operate. 
Now let's add the dimension of observing the wildlife around us and make it a 
part of the operating event, which we will call Look Around In The Field or 
LAITF. The exchange will include the name of some wildlife you have seen on 
that day. This contest was held last year, and is being run by W2AGN this 
year with the permission of the originator, Randy K7TQ.

CONTEST PERIOD: May 7, 2005 1600-2100Z. CW ONLY.

    * Wildlife means some animal that you have seen since you left home for 
LAITF. It could be a deer, a moose, a squirrel, an egret, or a fly.
    * Ants and other bugs will work, too.
    * Heck, we'll even count dogs and cats here! Just for good measure 
everyone can send "human" just by seeing one.
    * Send a different wildlife name for each QSO or the same one every time, 
but make sure you have actually seen it before you send its name. It is your 
choice if you send "hawk", "red tailed hawk", or "buteo jamaicensis".
    * You've got to look around and not just concentrate on the radio for this 
operating event!
          o Exchange
                + State, Province, or Country (S/P/C)
                + Your name
                + Wildlife name
          o QSO Points
                + Each QSO = 1 pt 
          o Multipliers
                + Sum of different wildlife YOU sent + Sum of different 
wildlife you copied from other operators
                + S/P/C total for all bands
          o Final Score
                + QSO points X Wildlife mults X S/P/C Mult
          o Work station once per band.
          o Categories
                + Home-Single Op
                + Home-Multi Op
                + Field-Single Op
                + Field-Multi Op
          o Certificates for the top scorer in each category will be provided 
in PDF format.
          o Suggested Frequencies (kHz) (Spread out, guys!
                  1810  3560    7040    14060   21060   28060

Send logs by email to w2agn at, or by snail mail to:

John Sielke W2AGN
1353 Samuel Drive
Vineland, NJ 08360-4471

Send logs no later than May 31, 2005. Results will be posted at NLT 1 July 2005.

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