Re: [Elecraft] New Elecraft Message Board? [End of Thread]

2007-06-05 Thread Don Wilhelm


I just returned from a couple days unexpected stay at the hospital, so I 
hope Eric will excuse this one (hopefully) last post on this subject -

When I returned, all 144 of the [Elecraft] messages were lined up in the 
proper folder, and it took me about 20 minutes to scan through them all 
(I did read most of them), I sorted out 4 that I will respond to and 
deleted many that were of no further interest.  I could not do that as 
quickly or efficiently on any web-based forum that I have worked with.

I do contribute to this list frequently, and if it ever goes web-based, 
my contributions will likely become more scarce is about all I can say 
about it.

Thank you Eric for keeping this list in a format I can handle as I chose 
to, rather than having some web designer who 'thinks' he knows how I 
should best handle the resulting traffic.


Eric Swartz - WA6HHQ, Elecraft wrote:
Ahh - I see this was more about changing the list to a message board 

We also will be keeping the list email based. As several have mentioned 
before, it is very easy to set up your email client program to filter 
individual messages to separate folders based on words in the subject 
line or body. I use this extensively to handle the huge email load I 
receive daily. [Elecraft] list posts go to the 'Elecraft List' folder, 
and even K3 posts can go to a 'K3' sub folder. None of the list postings 
are ever seen in my main inbox.

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Re: [Elecraft] New Elecraft Message Board? [END of Thread - Please]

2007-06-04 Thread Eric Swartz WA6HHQ - Elecraft

Chris Kantarjiev wrote:

For the list to change format, Elecraft would just have to do it.

And they have repeatedly said that they won't ... most recently 
about a month ago.

Actually, most recently in my post this morning to the list. See:

Let's end this thread now. Its actually causing more email overload and 
noise than many of the recent K3 threads. ;-)

73, Eric  WA6HHQ
Elecraft List Moderator

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Fw: [Elecraft] New Elecraft Message Board?

2007-06-04 Thread Ken Kopp

Tain't broke ... let's not fix it Please!

73! Ken Kopp - K0PP

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Re: [Elecraft] New Elecraft Message Board?

2007-06-04 Thread Fred (FL)
Sorry for the multiple post.  I'm fighting Earthlink
this week, in upstate NY - awaiting roadrunner.
Earthlink dies and stalls, by the hour.

This MESSAGE BOARD list topic should be killed.
I imagine that no one really manages this self
perpetuating email REFLECTOR list, it just runs
itself.  I've been using Elecraft's RELECTOR
list for 2 years, and have never liked it
at all.  I was a computer engineer by
profession . technology marches

There is no interest in this topic - story
closed.  Can someone kill the topic, please.

73, de Fred N3CSY
FL/NY - canadian/U.S. boarder
4 June

You snooze, you lose. Get messages ASAP with AutoCheck
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Re: [Elecraft] New Elecraft Message Board?

2007-06-04 Thread Phil Kane
On Mon, 04 Jun 2007 14:08:04 +0200, Toby Deinhardt wrote:

>I use the support services of various companies and their
>customers at work - Some are mail lists (reflectors) and some are
>web based forums.

>In Elecraft's case my vote is: Elecraft please *do not* change

  I second that motion.  I detest having to use a web-based
  forum when e-mail is available.

   73 de K2ASP - Phil Kane
   Elecraft K2/100   s/n 5402

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Re: [Elecraft] New Elecraft Message Board?

2007-06-04 Thread W2AGN

Fred (FL) wrote:

I've got a lot of time, retired, but I'm not
going to spend my time - sorting and saving
and cataloging Elecraft member emails -
why would I need to do that?  There are very
well tuned software forum tools out there -
that do that for us.

I find it no great problem, even though some folks think their words are so 
important they feel the need to send the same message...twice.

It only makes one hit the delete key..twice..while mumbling "idiot" twice 

 / \  / \  / \  / \  / \   John L. Sielke
( W )( 2 )( A )( G )( N )
 \_/  \_/  \_/  \_/  \_/
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[Elecraft] New Elecraft Message Board?

2007-06-04 Thread Fred (FL)
Wow - 98 against, 2 for.

Everyone seems perfectly satisfied with managing
their own archives and email pile, via their
own email programs.  I'm surprised.  Industry,
and commercial orgs - DO NOT go the reflector
mail-based route.  I refuse to load my email
provider down with the endless Elecraft messages
that come thru by the hour.  I'd rather a formum
server do this, and catalog the messages, and
structure all the hundreds of topic types.

Microsoft's OUTLOOK EXPRESS is one of the
most spam & virus ridden places on one's PC.
I have never used, nor would I think of using
it on my PC's.   Gmail, IMHO, is somewhat
of a joke - for a modern email system.  
Cumbersome is a good descriptor, for gmail.

I use Elecraft REFLECTOR - as it time manages
all the user messages that get posted.  So I
then pour down thru them all, in chronological
order - trying to make sense out of who posted
what about what topic.  That is what they make
forum BB's for!

I've got a lot of time, retired, but I'm not
going to spend my time - sorting and saving
and cataloging Elecraft member emails -
why would I need to do that?  There are very
well tuned software forum tools out there -
that do that for us.

I found out the the forum software I referenced,
is a free, ans supported product, free for the
asking.   In the referenced forum,
when they changed over to their current system -
it took like 1 or 2 weeks for all the posters
and customers to roll over.  It just happened.

I'm quite sure people and customers - don't
patronize and buy Elecraft electronic products,
because of the REFLECTOR tool!  

I suspect, even Bill Gates would turn over in
his  on this topic.   IMHO


de N3CSY, Fred, FL, NY


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[Elecraft] New Elecraft Message Board?

2007-06-04 Thread Fred (FL)
Wow - 98 against, 2 for.

Everyone seems perfectly satisfied with managing
their own archives and email pile, via their
own email programs.  I'm surprised.  Industry,
and commercial orgs - DO NOT go the reflector
mail-based route.  I refuse to load my email
provider down with the endless Elecraft messages
that come thru by the hour.  I'd rather a formum
server do this, and catalog the messages, and
structure all the hundreds of topic types.

Microsoft's OUTLOOK EXPRESS is one of the
most spam & virus ridden places on one's PC.
I have never used, nor would I think of using
it on my PC's.   Gmail, IMHO, is somewhat
of a joke - for a modern email system.  
Cumbersome is a good descriptor, for gmail.

I use Elecraft REFLECTOR - as it time manages
all the user messages that get posted.  So I
then pour down thru them all, in chronological
order - trying to make sense out of who posted
what about what topic.  That is what they make
forum BB's for!

I've got a lot of time, retired, but I'm not
going to spend my time - sorting and saving
and cataloging Elecraft member emails -
why would I need to do that?  There are very
well tuned software forum tools out there -
that do that for us.

I found out the the forum software I referenced,
is a free, ans supported product, free for the
asking.   In the referenced forum,
when they changed over to their current system -
it took like 1 or 2 weeks for all the posters
and customers to roll over.  It just happened.

I'm quite sure people and customers - don't
patronize and buy Elecraft electronic products,
because of the REFLECTOR tool!  

I suspect, even Bill Gates would turn over in
his  on this topic.   IMHO


de N3CSY, Fred, FL, NY


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Re: [Elecraft] New Elecraft Message Board?

2007-06-04 Thread Chris Kantarjiev
> For the list to change format, Elecraft would just have to do it.

And they have repeatedly said that they won't ... most recently 
about a month ago.

73 de chris K6DBG
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Re: [Elecraft] New Elecraft Message Board?

2007-06-04 Thread Doug Faunt N6TQS +1-510-655-8604
Apologies.  That last, untrimmed, reply from me was not intended for the
entire mailing list.

Is there any reason that someone outside Elecraft couldn't set up a
"forum" that was gatewayed in and out of the mailing list?

I've mostly found the archive access gives the advantages of a forum
(with the exception of cases where a discussion extends over the
boundary between months.)

I much prefer the mailing list.

73, doug
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Re: [Elecraft] New Elecraft Message Board?

2007-06-04 Thread Vic K2VCO

Fred (FL) wrote:

I'm proposing it is way past about time, for Elecraft
Inc. to create and support an "Elecraft Message Board"
for all its many customers and fans.  IMHO -
this REFLECTOR thing - is about 10 years out of date,
and an antique.  

This is a complaint that keeps popping up, like a gopher on a golf course.

*NONE* of the clever web-based solutions for "forums", "message boards" 
etc. is a good a solution for this type of discussion as the 
old-fashioned reflector. Why?

1) No matter how fast your internet connection is, the process of 
navigation and reading messages in such a system is slower than an email 
client like Thunderbird or Outlook Express. You cannot get away from the 
net and server overhead. Glancing at a post to see if I want to pay 
attention to it takes a fraction of a second.

2) Many of us do not dedicate time to reading Elecraft messages; we 
simply deal with them as part of our regular email usage. For example, 
part of my job is doing technical support for users of a product. I also 
belong to several discussion groups for political subjects, etc. I get 
tons of mail. By using a basic email client I can quickly scan the 
hundred emails or so in my inbox and attend to the high-priority ones 
first. It is an extremely efficient use of my time.

3) You can set up folders in a basic email client that alow you to file 
saved messages and sort and search them in the most convenient way for 
you personally. Web-based systems can barely approach the same 
functionality, they are harder to use and are SLOW!

The old-fashioned reflector is efficient, appropriate technology. It is 
a perfect tool for the job at hand. Don't fix what isn't broken!

Vic, K2VCO
Fresno CA
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Re: [Elecraft] New Elecraft Message Board? [End of Thread]

2007-06-04 Thread Don Rasmussen
Welcome back Eric, and thanks for ending that thread.
There was plenty of time to waste this weekend with
the bands the way they were (dead) but I thought I'd
update you on what the scoundrels in the other camp
were up to while you were away. 

You know that computer, I mean transceiver that's all
computer? The newest model is hidden on a big box so
you cannot see the Windows but I hear tale that XP
and lots of other Bill Gates evil is inside when you
buy it. 

You don't need to be too smart to set this one up,
just need to be able to find the USB post on your
existing computer I hear.

Well they had the mystery antenna guy (W5GI?) on the
air with Serial Number #1 this weekend and he was
taking calls. He said he wanted to take some QRP
signals first so I had the Argo V ready to go but the
calls he took were oddly all SDR1000's doing 1.5kw. 

What a coincidence? 

It was just like coming home for those guys and I
could "feel the love". 

Anyway, the SDR crowd got a bone this weekend and they
gave that radio a test which is good because they are
supposed to ship in a month. 

Too much money and too much computer for myself, but
hey it's something new on the bands. 

Now pse get bk to work, hope you had a nice weekend!

from [Eric Swartz - WA6HHQ, Elecraft] 

To:  "Gregg R. Lengling" <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> 
Subject:  Re: [Elecraft] New Elecraft Message Board?
[End of Thread] 
From:  "Eric Swartz - WA6HHQ, Elecraft"
Date:  Mon, 04 Jun 2007 07:56:01 -0700 
Cc:  'Elecraft Discussion List'

User-agent:  Thunderbird (Windows/20070509) 

Guys - I apologize for not stepping in earlier. I was
out of town this weekend. ( It seems every time I'm
out a new thread explodes.. ;-)

We are not splitting the list. It would be impossible
for us to participate in multiple lists, and to be
honest, it would just make it confusing for someone
new to Elecraft.

In addition, this list serves as valuable marketing
and technical feedback for us, and a single point
method for communicating with a large number of
Elecraft customers.

73, Eric   WA6HHQ

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Re: [Elecraft] New Elecraft Message Board?

2007-06-04 Thread Doug Faunt N6TQS +1-510-655-8604
Well put, sir.

As far as forums being being "up-to-date", forums were available to the general
public before email was.  And they've not gotten a lot better, either.

73, doug

   From: "Craig Rairdin" <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>
   Date: Mon, 4 Jun 2007 09:24:27 -0500
   Thread-Index: AcemmcbecYuqNq4ITfObab9Bbnhj6gAFlr9Q

   > this REFLECTOR thing - is about 10 years out of date,
   > and an antique.  

   > Take a look at the following link (if Elecraft's
   > REFLECTOR will let it thru) - and see how a 2007
   > Message Board & forum looks and feels.

   Hmmm. Looks like the CompuServe forum I was using for customer support in
   1989 -- almost 20 years ago -- and the Web-based forum I was using for
   customer support in 1995.

   List servers like this one grew up in about the same time period, reaching
   the Internet in the early 1990's.

   I have a strong personal preference for an email list. It is a "push"
   technology -- all the information comes to me instead of me having to go to
   the information -- and I can use a variety of easy-to-use tools to organize
   it. I can block posts from particular users, I can archive messages I may
   want to refer to in the future, and I can sort messages by date, subject,
   author or whatever. The Web-based archive at allows me to search the
   entire history of the list, and gives me the ability to download all
   messages over the entire history of the list to my local machine for storage
   or searching.

   Web-based forums require ME to visit THEM. In order to keep track of what
   I've seen before, some write a cookie to my machine. From time to time I
   flush my cookies and as a result, the Web forum may lose track of what I've
   seen and not seen, requiring me to manually review each thread. It is
   difficult to save posts for later review, except by cutting and pasting into
   a document of some kind, which loses the threaded nature of the discussion.

   My email program archives all the emails I send, so I have an easy record of
   everything I've posted to every email list of which I am a member. It is
   more difficult to get the same from a Web-based forum.

   But my purpose for posting was not so much to argue in favor of the email
   list over a Web forum (an argument I happen to know I'm going to win because
   I know where Eric stands on the issue) but rather to point out that email
   lists are no more "old fashioned" than forums. Their history overlaps. They
   were both developed at the same time.

   Rather than spit into the wind, the email list detractors should take five
   minutes to figure out how to better organize their incoming email. It's
   trivial to send all Elecraft email to its own folder in most email clients.
   It's trivial to further divide them by K1, K2, K3, etc. It's also trivial to
   switch to digest mode, or leave the list until such time as you need help.
   The solutions to the amount of traffic generated by this list are myriad and
   none require changes of the scope some have suggested, inconveniencing all
   2000 members of the list.

   KX1 #1499
   K1 #1966
   K2/100 #4941
   K3/100 < #200

   Elecraft mailing list
   Post to:
   You must be a subscriber to post to the list.
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Re: [Elecraft] New Elecraft Message Board? [End of Thread]

2007-06-04 Thread Eric Swartz - WA6HHQ, Elecraft
Ahh - I see this was more about changing the list to a message board 

We also will be keeping the list email based. As several have mentioned 
before, it is very easy to set up your email client program to filter 
individual messages to separate folders based on words in the subject 
line or body. I use this extensively to handle the huge email load I 
receive daily. [Elecraft] list posts go to the 'Elecraft List' folder, 
and even K3 posts can go to a 'K3' sub folder. None of the list postings 
are ever seen in my main inbox.

Also, for those who prefer to read the list in a web based format, we 
have been providing this service for a long time. See: does much of 
what people are asking for.

You can click on [Date] to read each days  postings sorted by time and 
date. [Thread] sorts by thread etc. I use the [Date] sorted list to 
display each posting just by its subject line. I then only need to click 
on the posting subject lines that I actually want to read and I am not 
overloaded by email headers etc. If you prefer to read the list this 
way, just set your list options to 'no email' to stop individual mail 
delivery but still be allowed to post. (I'll post instructions for this 

73, Eric

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Re: [Elecraft] New Elecraft Message Board? [End of Thread]

2007-06-04 Thread Eric Swartz - WA6HHQ, Elecraft
Guys - I apologize for not stepping in earlier. I was out of town this 
weekend. ( It seems every time I'm out a new thread explodes.. ;-)

We are not splitting the list. It would be impossible for us to 
participate in multiple lists, and to be honest, it would just make it 
confusing for someone new to Elecraft.

In addition, this list serves as valuable marketing and technical 
feedback for us, and a single point method for communicating with a 
large number of Elecraft customers.

73, Eric   WA6HHQ

Gregg R. Lengling wrote:

Enough already everyone, this has been hashed over before and even myself
and Simon offered to set up and host a web based forum for Elecraft.
However Elecraft said they aren't interested at this time, So that should
end the conversations.  When Eric or whomever decides to do something
different they can do it...but for now just live with the email list.


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[Elecraft] New Elecraft Message Board?

2007-06-04 Thread Don Rasmussen
If it's to change, I don't want to see any advertising
- at all - 100% bandwidth goes to Elecraft posts or
posts on IBM/Microsoft/Bill Gates.  
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RE: [Elecraft] New Elecraft Message Board?

2007-06-04 Thread Gregg R. Lengling
Enough already everyone, this has been hashed over before and even myself
and Simon offered to set up and host a web based forum for Elecraft.
However Elecraft said they aren't interested at this time, So that should
end the conversations.  When Eric or whomever decides to do something
different they can do it...but for now just live with the email list.

Gregg Lengling, W9DHI

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RE: [Elecraft] New Elecraft Message Board?

2007-06-04 Thread Craig Rairdin
> this REFLECTOR thing - is about 10 years out of date,
> and an antique.  

> Take a look at the following link (if Elecraft's
> REFLECTOR will let it thru) - and see how a 2007
> Message Board & forum looks and feels.

Hmmm. Looks like the CompuServe forum I was using for customer support in
1989 -- almost 20 years ago -- and the Web-based forum I was using for
customer support in 1995.

List servers like this one grew up in about the same time period, reaching
the Internet in the early 1990's.

I have a strong personal preference for an email list. It is a "push"
technology -- all the information comes to me instead of me having to go to
the information -- and I can use a variety of easy-to-use tools to organize
it. I can block posts from particular users, I can archive messages I may
want to refer to in the future, and I can sort messages by date, subject,
author or whatever. The Web-based archive at allows me to search the
entire history of the list, and gives me the ability to download all
messages over the entire history of the list to my local machine for storage
or searching.

Web-based forums require ME to visit THEM. In order to keep track of what
I've seen before, some write a cookie to my machine. From time to time I
flush my cookies and as a result, the Web forum may lose track of what I've
seen and not seen, requiring me to manually review each thread. It is
difficult to save posts for later review, except by cutting and pasting into
a document of some kind, which loses the threaded nature of the discussion.

My email program archives all the emails I send, so I have an easy record of
everything I've posted to every email list of which I am a member. It is
more difficult to get the same from a Web-based forum.

But my purpose for posting was not so much to argue in favor of the email
list over a Web forum (an argument I happen to know I'm going to win because
I know where Eric stands on the issue) but rather to point out that email
lists are no more "old fashioned" than forums. Their history overlaps. They
were both developed at the same time.

Rather than spit into the wind, the email list detractors should take five
minutes to figure out how to better organize their incoming email. It's
trivial to send all Elecraft email to its own folder in most email clients.
It's trivial to further divide them by K1, K2, K3, etc. It's also trivial to
switch to digest mode, or leave the list until such time as you need help.
The solutions to the amount of traffic generated by this list are myriad and
none require changes of the scope some have suggested, inconveniencing all
2000 members of the list.

KX1 #1499
K1 #1966
K2/100 #4941
K3/100 < #200

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Re: [Elecraft] New Elecraft Message Board?

2007-06-04 Thread John Payne

See bottom post

On Mon, 2007-04-06 at 04:15 -0700, Fred (FL) wrote:

I'm proposing it is way past about time, for Elecraft
Inc. to create and support an "Elecraft Message Board"

If it ain't broke don't fix it.  With any modern email client one can 
sort messages by thread, and filter out those one finds objectionable.  
I find email less cumbersome than message board systems, which have no 
filtering.  I do agree that a message board can organize by topic,  
thread or sender, but I just can not bring myself to like the system.

Just my $.02 worth, now back in my hole.

73 de John AI4JH
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Re: [Elecraft] New Elecraft Message Board?

2007-06-04 Thread Sanger, Joseph
I prefer current, email based system.

This email message, including any attachments, is for the sole use of the 
intended recipient(s) and may contain information that is proprietary, 
confidential, and exempt from disclosure under applicable law. Any unauthorized 
review, use, disclosure, or distribution is prohibited. If you have received 
this email in error please notify the sender by return email and delete the 
original message. Please note, the recipient should check this email and any 
attachments for the presence of viruses. The organization accepts no liability 
for any damage caused by any virus transmitted by this email.
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Re: [Elecraft] New Elecraft Message Board?

2007-06-04 Thread Brian Lloyd

On Jun 4, 2007, at 5:08 AM, Arthur Gunn wrote:


I follow several message boards also and they are more rewarding to
follow and and more efficient to use than the present Elecraft  

to communications among users.

I disagree. I don't want to have to log into some other board to read  
messages. I want them all in one place -- my mailbox. Yes I have the  
various reflectors to which I subscribe split out into separate  
folders automatically but that is an easy thing to deal with.

I too would prefer to keep the reflector the way it is.

Since the messages are better organized into topics & sub topics the
long term topic searching is considerably better organized. In the  

run this should reduce the duplicated question traffic.

All of the major mail readers offer threading for topics. If people  
will properly alter the subject line when they alter a topic this  
works fine. And a BBS has no advantage there either as you won't see  
a new thread if people don't create one.

73 de Brian, WB6RQN
Brian Lloyd - brian HYPHEN wb6rqn AT lloyd DOT com

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Re: [Elecraft] New Elecraft Message Board?

2007-06-04 Thread Rod Hotz
I second that, Bill. Leave well enough alone! 

Bill Tippett <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote:

>The list archives would be an excellent tool for those who just want
to follow specific threads of interest, but they waste way to much
space displaying completely irrelevant header information, so you have
to scroll down to read the actual text, and there is no easy way to
send an in-context reply to a post.

I beg to differ on your last sentence above and
cite this post as an example of doing what you want. It's
extremely simple to do but requires you to do more than
simply hit reply. All of the features mentioned (sorting
by thread, web-based presentations, etc) are completely
possible within the present structure. You just have to
take the time and effort to learn to do it!

Leave it alone. Let those who want to change it
spend 5 minutes learning how to do what they need (below).

73, Bill W4ZV

P.S. Time for our monthly deja vu:

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Re: [Elecraft] New Elecraft Message Board?

2007-06-04 Thread Thom LaCosta

On Mon, 4 Jun 2007, Fred (FL) wrote:

I'm proposing it is way past about time, for Elecraft
Inc. to create and support an "Elecraft Message Board"
for all its many customers and fans.  IMHO -
this REFLECTOR thing - is about 10 years out of date,
and an antique.

I have experience in mailing lists(reflectors) versus
web based forums.  Both work, and both have their own set
of "customers".

Some folks enjoy email and avoid web-based forums, others
can't live without a forum and don't want the emails.

You can almost make bets that if a mailing list community
is changed to a forum, a number of people will leave, and
turning a forum into email will also loose folks.

Both Yahoo and Google groups offer the community the ability
to choose between email, web based forums or both...with
the distinct advantage that the information posted by the
web forum only community is sent to the email only community
and vice versa.

I create, design and support several websites for
a few commerical orgs, and this kind of change for
the better - is just that.  It comes with the
internet territory.  The REFLECTOR thing - is
something from the past.

So is cwyet many of us still use it.

I hope that Elecraft does NOT take your suggestion to
eliminate the email list and change it to a web-based
forum...I would hope that in time they accomodate both
venues where each of us can hove our own favored venue
and not impose that upong others, which would be the
end result of your proposal

Email, Internet, Electronic Information Officer
k3hrn of the Baltimore Lexicon Web Hosting as low as 3.49/month
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[Elecraft] New Elecraft Message Board?

2007-06-04 Thread Bill Tippett

>The list archives would be an excellent tool for those who just want
to follow specific threads of interest, but they waste way to much
space displaying completely irrelevant header information, so you have
to scroll down to read the actual text, and there is no easy way to
send an in-context reply to a post.

I beg to differ on your last sentence above and
cite this post as an example of doing what you want.  It's
extremely simple to do but requires you to do more than
simply hit reply.  All of the features mentioned (sorting
by thread, web-based presentations, etc) are completely
possible within the present structure.  You just have to
take the time and effort to learn to do it!

Leave it alone.  Let those who want to change it
spend 5 minutes learning how to do what they need (below).

73,  Bill  W4ZV

P.S.  Time for our monthly deja vu:

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RE: [Elecraft] New Elecraft Message Board?

2007-06-04 Thread Darwin, Keith
Good luck Fred.

Getting something like this to change is like pulling teeth.  People
have gotten very used to this old-style system.

For the list to change format, Elecraft would just have to do it.  If
they said that the old system was too costly and the new one was they
way they were going, we'd all just follow along and things would be
fine.  Some features would be lost, many others gained and we'd all be
happy in 6 months.

Ask for consensus and you'll have opinions all over the place with no
agreement.  Some of my hobby stuff is on e-mail lists like this.  Others
are on forum style systems.  I prefer the latter but I can deal with

- Keith N1AS -
- K2 5411.ssb.100 -

-Original Message-

I'm proposing it is way past about time, for Elecraft Inc. to create and
support an "Elecraft Message Board"
for all its many customers and fans.  IMHO - this REFLECTOR thing - is
about 10 years out of date, and an antique.  

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Re: [Elecraft] New Elecraft Message Board?

2007-06-04 Thread Julian G4ILO

I don't think it's possible to find a solution that suits both
experienced users with powerful email programs who know how to set up
filters to organize messages how they want, and those who just have
everything end up in their inbox and who fret over the pennies it
costs them to download posts that are off-topic or of no interest.

The list archives would be an excellent tool for those who just want
to follow specific threads of interest, but they waste way to much
space displaying completely irrelevant header information, so you have
to scroll down to read the actual text, and there is no easy way to
send an in-context reply to a post.

I see that Michael W2CVZ has echoed my suggestion of using Gmail as a
dedicated account for Elecraft messages. It's free and it works great.
But I guess there may still be some who won't use a web based reader
because they pay for net access by the minute. I sympathize with those
people but I don't think the answer is strict moderation because this
is not just an Elecraft support group but also a *community* and it is
inevitable that people will now and again want to discuss things with
fellow members that are not strictly about using or fixing Elecraft
Julian, G4ILO
G4ILO's Shack:
K2 s/n: 392  K3 s/n: ???
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Fwd: [Elecraft] New Elecraft Message Board?

2007-06-04 Thread Michael B

Get Gmail it's free and it automatically sorts messages into threads so if
someone sends an EMail and another person replies they are shown right below
each other in the same message plus you get 2 GB of storge and you can
forward your Yahoo mail to gmail also. Reply if you wan't an Invitation.
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RE: [Elecraft] New Elecraft Message Board?

2007-06-04 Thread Edward Dickinson III
As is, please.

Dick - KA5KKT/4

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Re: [Elecraft] New Elecraft Message Board?

2007-06-04 Thread John GM4SLV

On Mon, 4 Jun 2007, Matt Osborn wrote:

> On Mon, 4 Jun 2007 04:15:49 -0700 (PDT), "Fred (FL)"
> <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote:
> >I'm proposing it is way past about time, for Elecraft
> >Inc. to create and support an "Elecraft Message Board"
> >for all its many customers and fans.  IMHO -
> >this REFLECTOR thing - is about 10 years out of date,
> >and an antique.  

> I very much prefer the current reflector with my modern reader and its
> single key stroke message reading to the limited, mouse based,
> graphical interface.

Me too

An email based "reflector" is much more useable than any "web forum". 
It's up to you how you set up your email software to filter/thread/sort. 
A web-forum requires you to be online to read any messages, requires use 
of a web browser etc. An email list just requres you to download 
messages and then you can disconnect and read at your leisure. 

For the maximum coverage, with the maximum compatabilty of 
hardware/software/OS/net availabilty/bandwidth requirements it just has 
to be plain, simple TEXT (no HTML) email

Web forums are indeed easy to set up (I run a small one myself but I've never enjoyed using any 
of them for quick & easy  navigation/reading/replying/filtering/ignoring 
threads/following threads



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RE: [Elecraft] New Elecraft Message Board?

2007-06-04 Thread David P Schornak
I like the current elecraft message board as I receive the emails into
outlook where I can read and respond I don't have to go to some website to
keep up to date so as for my vote elecraft should keep it the same it works
and it aint broke so don't fix it

-Original Message-
[mailto:[EMAIL PROTECTED] On Behalf Of Arthur Gunn
Sent: Monday, June 04, 2007 8:08 AM
To: Fred (FL)
Subject: Re: [Elecraft] New Elecraft Message Board?


I follow several message boards also and they are more rewarding to follow
and and more efficient to use than the present Elecraft approach to
communications among users.

Since the messages are better organized into topics & sub topics the long
term topic searching is considerably better organized. In the long run this
should reduce the duplicated question traffic.

The following example is typical of well supported boards on the same scale
as Elecraft:

Thanks for your posting and I hope the idea is developed for the betterment
of Elecraft support.


On Mon, 2007-04-06 at 04:15 -0700, Fred (FL) wrote:
> I'm proposing it is way past about time, for Elecraft
> Inc. to create and support an "Elecraft Message Board"
> for all its many customers and fans.  IMHO -
> this REFLECTOR thing - is about 10 years out of date,
> and an antique.
> Take a look at the following link (if Elecraft's
> REFLECTOR will let it thru) - and see how a 2007
> Message Board & forum looks and feels.
> Bateau Inc. is a company that sells boat plans, boat
> kits, boat parts, and has a large customer base of
> boat builders, and people who are repairing, building
> and upgrading their boats.  Their message board is
> their forum for all their customers, for all the
> categories of things that one would get involved in,
> in providing a "boat plans" and kits company to the
> world.
> I'm not sure how much people-time it would take to put
> up such a message board for Elecraft's customers and
> fans, but it would be a "K3" type of improvement.
> Boards like the one bateau uses - are a canned
> commercial software board, and I'm quite sure reside
> on the company's servers.  No big deal at all.
> Elecraft might even be able to talk a customer into
> providing the time for care, feeding and maintenance
> of such a modern MESSAGE BOARD Forum.
> I don't know about others - but the experience of
> reading Elecraft REFLECTOR posts, where 1/2 of the
> message is header/links/message trails, gets very old.
> One wonders at times, if the message content on the
> Elecraft RELFLECTOR is secondary to all the header
> material that tags along each and every post.
> I create, design and support several websites for
> a few commerical orgs, and this kind of change for
> the better - is just that.  It comes with the
> internet territory.  The REFLECTOR thing - is
> something from the past.
> Any chance - Elecraft's "computer guy or girl"
> could put one up for us?
> 73, de Fred, N3CSY
> __
> __
> Never miss an email again!
> Yahoo! Toolbar alerts you the instant new Mail arrives.
> ___
> Elecraft mailing list
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> You must be a subscriber to post to the list.
> Subscriber Info (Addr. Change, sub, unsub etc.):
> Help:
> Elecraft web page:
Arthur Gunn VE9BP

[EMAIL PROTECTED] (files >5Mb)

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Re: [Elecraft] New Elecraft Message Board?

2007-06-04 Thread Arthur Gunn

I follow several message boards also and they are more rewarding to
follow and and more efficient to use than the present Elecraft approach
to communications among users.

Since the messages are better organized into topics & sub topics the
long term topic searching is considerably better organized. In the long
run this should reduce the duplicated question traffic.

The following example is typical of well supported boards on the same
scale as Elecraft:

Thanks for your posting and I hope the idea is developed for the
betterment of Elecraft support.


On Mon, 2007-04-06 at 04:15 -0700, Fred (FL) wrote:
> I'm proposing it is way past about time, for Elecraft
> Inc. to create and support an "Elecraft Message Board"
> for all its many customers and fans.  IMHO -
> this REFLECTOR thing - is about 10 years out of date,
> and an antique.  
> Take a look at the following link (if Elecraft's
> REFLECTOR will let it thru) - and see how a 2007
> Message Board & forum looks and feels.
> Bateau Inc. is a company that sells boat plans, boat
> kits, boat parts, and has a large customer base of
> boat builders, and people who are repairing, building
> and upgrading their boats.  Their message board is
> their forum for all their customers, for all the
> categories of things that one would get involved in,
> in providing a "boat plans" and kits company to the
> world.
> I'm not sure how much people-time it would take to put
> up such a message board for Elecraft's customers and
> fans, but it would be a "K3" type of improvement. 
> Boards like the one bateau uses - are a canned
> commercial software board, and I'm quite sure reside
> on the company's servers.  No big deal at all.
> Elecraft might even be able to talk a customer into
> providing the time for care, feeding and maintenance
> of such a modern MESSAGE BOARD Forum.
> I don't know about others - but the experience of
> reading Elecraft REFLECTOR posts, where 1/2 of the
> message is header/links/message trails, gets very old.
> One wonders at times, if the message content on the
> Elecraft RELFLECTOR is secondary to all the header
> material that tags along each and every post.
> I create, design and support several websites for
> a few commerical orgs, and this kind of change for
> the better - is just that.  It comes with the
> internet territory.  The REFLECTOR thing - is
> something from the past.
> Any chance - Elecraft's "computer guy or girl"
> could put one up for us?
> 73, de Fred, N3CSY
> Never miss an email again!
> Yahoo! Toolbar alerts you the instant new Mail arrives.
> ___
> Elecraft mailing list
> Post to:
> You must be a subscriber to post to the list.
> Subscriber Info (Addr. Change, sub, unsub etc.):
> Help:
> Elecraft web page:
Arthur Gunn VE9BP

[EMAIL PROTECTED] (files >5Mb)

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Re: [Elecraft] New Elecraft Message Board?

2007-06-04 Thread Toby Deinhardt

Hallo Fred et al,

I'm proposing it is way past about time, for Elecraft
Inc. to create and support an "Elecraft Message Board"
for all its many customers and fans.  IMHO -
this REFLECTOR thing - is about 10 years out of date,
and an antique.  

I use the support services of various companies and their customers at 
work - Some are mail lists (reflectors) and some are web based forums.

In Elecraft's case my vote is: Elecraft please *do not* change anything.

vy 73 de toby
DD5FZ, 4N6FZ (ex dj7mgq, dg5mgq, dd5fz)
K2 #885, K2/100 #3248
K3/100 #??? (< #200)
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Re: [Elecraft] New Elecraft Message Board?

2007-06-04 Thread Matt Osborn
On Mon, 4 Jun 2007 04:15:49 -0700 (PDT), "Fred (FL)"

>I'm proposing it is way past about time, for Elecraft
>Inc. to create and support an "Elecraft Message Board"
>for all its many customers and fans.  IMHO -
>this REFLECTOR thing - is about 10 years out of date,
>and an antique.  

With the current reflector and modern reader, I can see the subject
and authors for 80 to 90 threads at a glance (no scrolling).  I can
also automatically filter the posts by subject or author. The posts
can be ordered by thread, time (ascending or descending), alphabetical
by subject or author and various combinations of the above.

The forum you recommend requires that I use a cumbersome interface
that I find backward and non-intuitive.  On my screen, I can see at
most 20 message classifications without scrolling or opening nested
window interfaces, all of which, when opened, display approx. 20
message headers, which when opened, display the actual messages.

I very much prefer the current reflector with my modern reader and its
single key stroke message reading to the limited, mouse based,
graphical interface.

-- kc0ukk at msosborn dot com
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[Elecraft] New Elecraft Message Board?

2007-06-04 Thread Fred (FL)
I'm proposing it is way past about time, for Elecraft
Inc. to create and support an "Elecraft Message Board"
for all its many customers and fans.  IMHO -
this REFLECTOR thing - is about 10 years out of date,
and an antique.  

Take a look at the following link (if Elecraft's
REFLECTOR will let it thru) - and see how a 2007
Message Board & forum looks and feels.

Bateau Inc. is a company that sells boat plans, boat
kits, boat parts, and has a large customer base of
boat builders, and people who are repairing, building
and upgrading their boats.  Their message board is
their forum for all their customers, for all the
categories of things that one would get involved in,
in providing a "boat plans" and kits company to the

I'm not sure how much people-time it would take to put
up such a message board for Elecraft's customers and
fans, but it would be a "K3" type of improvement. 
Boards like the one bateau uses - are a canned
commercial software board, and I'm quite sure reside
on the company's servers.  No big deal at all.

Elecraft might even be able to talk a customer into
providing the time for care, feeding and maintenance
of such a modern MESSAGE BOARD Forum.

I don't know about others - but the experience of
reading Elecraft REFLECTOR posts, where 1/2 of the
message is header/links/message trails, gets very old.
One wonders at times, if the message content on the
Elecraft RELFLECTOR is secondary to all the header
material that tags along each and every post.

I create, design and support several websites for
a few commerical orgs, and this kind of change for
the better - is just that.  It comes with the
internet territory.  The REFLECTOR thing - is
something from the past.

Any chance - Elecraft's "computer guy or girl"
could put one up for us?

73, de Fred, N3CSY


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