Assumption: you're talking about the Elecraft XV-50

The XV outputs 20W independent of the drive configuration. It can be
driven with as little as 1mw of 28Mhz power. Assuming you use a K60XV,
the existence of the 100W bit doesn't matter .. without K60XV you
would use the original output connector, see the XV series manuals for
more info.

de w1rt/john

On 3/10/06, Dr. Werner Furlan <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote:
> please forgive my uneducated question:
> is there a difference when a 6m converter is connected to a K2 or to a
> K2/100? what is the output on 6m for both of them or the other way round,
> does a K2/100 + Transverter provide 100 W on 6m?
> 73! de Werner
> --
> You have to stay in shape. My grandmother started
> walking five miles a day when she was 60. She's 97
> today and we don't know where she is.
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