I want to say the combination of doing the 2.4 Khz cap mod, and
replacing the crystals on the RF board and SSB adapter( my ssb adapter
board was one of the very first ones to come out)and receiving a MD2
microphone for Christmas is a winning combination. Having a Hakko 908
de-soldering tool made replacing the caps and crystals a snap.

I am getting unsolicited compliments on the audio quality since doing
the cap mod. With the QSO's I have been having lately the folks do not
believe I am running a K2/100.

Prior to doing the SSB cap mod I was using a MH2 hand microphone. I was
always getting reports of bassy transmit audio even after replacing the
crystals and using spectrogram to align the ssb filters. I think the MH2
microphone will sound great now as well after doing the cap mod. I need
to do some comparisons with the two microphones to tell for sure,

If you have an older ssb adapter I highly recommend doing the cap mod.

A big thank you to Elecraft and Bob Heil for making the K2 a great SSB

Happy New year!
Glenn WA7SPY

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