I'd agree that fractional "S" units could be useful, a ratio of 2:1 being
often unhelpful. The suggested workarounds look good; one hang an old RF
voltmeter on the IF. But how elaborate do we want to get?   

Anyway, here's a verse, "Roger Copy," I wrote and sent to my club's
bulletin in 2003:

Roger Copy

Roger copy? QSL? You're five by nine, repeat.
I missed your name and weather; my report, that would be neat.
The rig's a brand new Garbletron, my beam is turned around;
You've got a real good signal here, please say again your town.

QSL? My audio? How do I sound to you? 
Is my 1500 watts still getting through?
The rig's a little hot, I'll give this mike a shot,
And just what does an RF clipper do?

QRZ? Are you still there?  I must retune the amp;
I don't seem to be hearing as I should.
Give me a listen to, does my voice sound deep and true?
I'm trying something else that might work good.

Ah, QSB. You faded out. I see the reason why:
The coax melting at the tuner, there.
I'll replace it with hardline and call another time,
Seven threes, and see you later on the air.

© Cortland Richmond 2003

Saving for the K

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