Re: [Election-Methods] a strategy-free range voting variant?

2008-07-21 Thread Jobst Heitzig

Dear folks,

this night I had two additional ideas for RRVC, so here's two new 
versions of it.

In the first version, the fee F is determined from the benchmark ballots 
so that the expected price a deciding voter has to pay from her 
voting account is just that voter's rating difference between the winner 
and the random ballot lottery:

RRVC - New Version 1

0. Each voter  i  is assumed to have a voting account whose balance is 
 denoted  C(i).

1. All  N  voters fill in a range ballot and additionally mark their 
favourite in case of a top-rating tie. Voter  i  can use ratings 
0...C(i)  only. If  C(i) is negative, she can use the rating  0  only 
(but still mark her favourite).  Let  R(X,i)  be the rating voter  i 
gave to option  X.

2. Put  D = sqrt(N)  (rounded up), and draw  D  deciding ballots. For 
each option  X,  determine the total rating  T(X)  these deciding 
ballots gave to  X.  The winner  W  of the decision is that option whose 
total rating is maximal, i.e. that option  W  for which  T(W)T(X)  for 
all  X  other than  W.

3. From the remaining ballots, draw  D  benchmark ballots. For each 
option  X,  determine the total rating  B(X)  these benchmark ballots 
gave to  X,  and determine the probability  P(X)  that  X  is the 
favourite on a ballot drawn randomly from these benchmark ballots. 
(I.e.,  P(X)  is the fraction of benchmark ballots favouring  X).
Let  Z  be that option whose total rating is maximal in this group, i.e. 
that option  Z  for which  B(Z)B(X)  for all  X  other than  Z.

4. For each voter  i  whose ballot is amoung the deciding ballots, add 
the following amount to her voting account  C(i):

   deltaC(i) := sum { P(X)*( B(X)-T(X,i) ) : X } + T(W,i)-B(Z),

where the sum is over all options  X, and where
   T(X,i) = T(X)-R(X,i)
is the total rating of  X  amoung all deciding ballots of voters other 
than  i.

5. The remaining  N-2D  voters are the compensating voters. For each 
compensating voter  j,  add the following to her voting accout  C(j):

   deltaC(j) := - sum { deltaC(i) : i } / (N-2D),

where the sum is over all deciding voters  i.

Remarks for version 1:

Since the deciding and benchmark groups are of equal size, the expected 
values of  T(X)  and  R(X)  are the same, and it is also likely that 
Z=W.  This implies that the expected value of  deltaC(i)  given that  i 
 is a deciding voter and all voters report sincere ratings, is just

   sum { P(X)*R(X,i) : X } - R(W,i).

In other words, when ratings are sincere a deciding voter can expect to 
pay exactly her rating difference between the winner and the Random 
Ballot lottery. (This is a major difference to the Clarke tax where this 
take Random Ballot as a benchmark philosophy is not incorporated). 
Also note that the standard deviation of  deltaC(i)  under these 
assumptions is of an order somewhere between  O(sqrt(D))  and  O(D), 
depending on how correlated the individual voters' ratings are.

Still, the actual price payed by voter  i  is independent of her ratings 
as long as she does not manage to change the winner. Hence there is 
still no incentive to bargain for a lower price by misrepresenting my 

Assuming the true value of  W  for voter  i  is  U(A,i)=R(W,i),  the net 
outcome for  i  is

  U(W,i) + deltaC(i)
  = sum { P(X)*( B(X)-T(X,i) ) : X } + T(W)-B(Z).

Now assume voter  i  thinks about changing the winner to  A,  originally 
having a total of  T(A)T(W).  Since this manipulation does not change 
the values  T(X,i),  the net outcome for  i  after this manipulation 
would be

  U(A,i) + sum { P(X)*( B(X)-T(X,i) ) : X } + T(A,i)-B(Z)
  = sum { P(X)*( B(X)-T(X,i) ) : X } + T(A)-B(Z).

Since this differs from the first outcome only in that it has  T(A) 
instead of  T(W),  it is obviously smaller since  T(A)T(W).  So after 
all,  i  has no incentive to manipulate the outcome because she would 
have to pay more than she gains from this.

Actually, since voter  i  cannot know who are the deciding, benchmark, 
or compensating voters, she cannot base her strategic considerations on 
the actual value of  W  and  deltaC(i),  but only on their expected 
values in the random process of drawing the three voter groups.

The latter observation motivates a second version of the method. In this 
version, the winner is determined as before, but the account adjustments 
 deltaC(i)  are averaged over all possible configurations of the three 
voter groups. This has the advantage that because of this averaging, the 
standard deviation of  deltaC(i)  will become much smaller than in the 
previous versions, and hence the actual value of  deltaC(i)  will be 
quite close to the fair price  sum { P(X)*R(X,i) : X } - R(W,i).

Unfortunately, the precise method is a bit technical:

RRVC - New Version 2

0.-2. as above.

3. For each possible partition  S  of the  N  voters into disjoint sets 
 SD,SB,SC  of sizes  D,D,N-2D,  and for each option  X,  

Re: [Election-Methods] a strategy-free range voting variant?

2008-07-21 Thread Jobst Heitzig

I performed a quick little simulation for version 2:

With K options and N voters, I drew the all K*N ratings independently 
from a standard normal distribution and then applied the method with 

However, instead of using all partitions as suggested, I only used N/2D 
partitions. More precisely, I ordered the ballots in a random way in 
groups of size D, and then first used groups 1 and 2 as the benchmark 
and deciding group, afterwards used groups 3 and 4 for this, then used 
groups 5 and 6, and so on. In other words, the account adjustments were 
averaged not over all possible partitions but only over these sqrt(N) 
many groups.

I did this 100 times for each of a number of different pairs (K,N) and 
evaluated the standard deviation of the individual account adjustments. 
It turned out that for K=2 this standard deviation was approximately

  0.2 / sqrt(sqrt(N))

and only slightly larger for K=16 or K=128.

Since this is quite small when compared to the standard deviation of the 
original ratings, which is 1 of course, this averaging in version 2 
indeed looks promising! (Without it, the standard deviation of the 
individual account adjustments would grow not shrink with growing N.)


Jobst Heitzig schrieb:

Dear folks,

this night I had two additional ideas for RRVC, so here's two new 
versions of it.

In the first version, the fee F is determined from the benchmark ballots 
so that the expected price a deciding voter has to pay from her 
voting account is just that voter's rating difference between the winner 
and the random ballot lottery:

RRVC - New Version 1

0. Each voter  i  is assumed to have a voting account whose balance is 
 denoted  C(i).

1. All  N  voters fill in a range ballot and additionally mark their 
favourite in case of a top-rating tie. Voter  i  can use ratings 
0...C(i)  only. If  C(i) is negative, she can use the rating  0  only 
(but still mark her favourite).  Let  R(X,i)  be the rating voter  i 
gave to option  X.

2. Put  D = sqrt(N)  (rounded up), and draw  D  deciding ballots. For 
each option  X,  determine the total rating  T(X)  these deciding 
ballots gave to  X.  The winner  W  of the decision is that option whose 
total rating is maximal, i.e. that option  W  for which  T(W)T(X)  for 
all  X  other than  W.

3. From the remaining ballots, draw  D  benchmark ballots. For each 
option  X,  determine the total rating  B(X)  these benchmark ballots 
gave to  X,  and determine the probability  P(X)  that  X  is the 
favourite on a ballot drawn randomly from these benchmark ballots. 
(I.e.,  P(X)  is the fraction of benchmark ballots favouring  X).
Let  Z  be that option whose total rating is maximal in this group, i.e. 
that option  Z  for which  B(Z)B(X)  for all  X  other than  Z.

4. For each voter  i  whose ballot is amoung the deciding ballots, add 
the following amount to her voting account  C(i):

   deltaC(i) := sum { P(X)*( B(X)-T(X,i) ) : X } + T(W,i)-B(Z),

where the sum is over all options  X, and where
   T(X,i) = T(X)-R(X,i)
is the total rating of  X  amoung all deciding ballots of voters other 
than  i.

5. The remaining  N-2D  voters are the compensating voters. For each 
compensating voter  j,  add the following to her voting accout  C(j):

   deltaC(j) := - sum { deltaC(i) : i } / (N-2D),

where the sum is over all deciding voters  i.

Remarks for version 1:

Since the deciding and benchmark groups are of equal size, the expected 
values of  T(X)  and  R(X)  are the same, and it is also likely that 
Z=W.  This implies that the expected value of  deltaC(i)  given that  i 
 is a deciding voter and all voters report sincere ratings, is just

   sum { P(X)*R(X,i) : X } - R(W,i).

In other words, when ratings are sincere a deciding voter can expect to 
pay exactly her rating difference between the winner and the Random 
Ballot lottery. (This is a major difference to the Clarke tax where this 
take Random Ballot as a benchmark philosophy is not incorporated). 
Also note that the standard deviation of  deltaC(i)  under these 
assumptions is of an order somewhere between  O(sqrt(D))  and  O(D), 
depending on how correlated the individual voters' ratings are.

Still, the actual price payed by voter  i  is independent of her ratings 
as long as she does not manage to change the winner. Hence there is 
still no incentive to bargain for a lower price by misrepresenting my 

Assuming the true value of  W  for voter  i  is  U(A,i)=R(W,i),  the net 
outcome for  i  is

  U(W,i) + deltaC(i)
  = sum { P(X)*( B(X)-T(X,i) ) : X } + T(W)-B(Z).

Now assume voter  i  thinks about changing the winner to  A,  originally 
having a total of  T(A)T(W).  Since this manipulation does not change 
the values  T(X,i),  the net outcome for  i  after this manipulation 
would be

  U(A,i) + sum { P(X)*( B(X)-T(X,i) ) : X } + T(A,i)-B(Z)
  = sum { P(X)*( B(X)-T(X,i) ) : X } + T(A)-B(Z).

Since this differs from the 

Re: [Election-Methods] delegate cascade

2008-07-21 Thread Abd ul-Rahman Lomax

At 07:36 AM 7/21/2008, Kristofer Munsterhjelm wrote:

That sounds very much like Delegable Proxy, which Abd says was first 
thought of by Dodgson (Lewis Carroll). In DP, as far as I understand 
it, voters associate with proxies (delegates in your terminology) 
and the proxies accumulate votes from those voters. A proxy is then 
just like any other voter, and may vote directly or pass the ballot 
bulk (in sum or part) to yet others.

Yes. The idea has been independently invented, how, recently, in a 
half-dozen or so different places around the world, as far as we 
know. My guess is there are others we don't know about. Dodgeson's 
idea was to deal with exhausted ballots in STV by allowing candidates 
ranked first preference to serve, essentially, as proxies for the 
voters, so the context was simply an STV election for proportional 
representation, but that little tweak turns standard STV PR into 
Asset Voting, and Dodgeson used the same metaphor as Warren Smith, 
later, in 2004 I think it was. (The candidates can treat the votes 
as if they were their own property Dodgeson) or their Assets 
(Smith). A similar idea was called Candidate Proxy, and there are 
posts to this list or its predecessor, early on, from Mike Ossipoff 
and I think it was Forest Simmons? My own idea dates back at least 
twenty years, but, though I talked about it with people, I didn't 
start publishing until, as I recall at the moment, 2003, I'd have to 
look at the wayback machine. Dodgeson wrote his comment in 1884. Quite a guy!

But the idea is really a no-brainer, once one sits with it long 
enough and sets aside all the crap that keeps us from seeing new 
things. It's not really new! It is actually just standard proxy 
voting with a slight twist, that was always possible but not, 
previously, necessary (a standard proxy could generally, before, 
delegate the right involved, and it's common that they do, but more 
than one level of delegation would be very rare. Standard proxy was 
solving a different problem, a smaller-scale problem.

I don't think that Carroll realized the full implications of his 
idea. But he did get that this would empower ordinary voters, who, he 
noted, did not generally have sufficient information to rank umpteen 
candidates, but who would know whom they most trusted, and that is 
what he mentions.

If you remove the ability of proxies to pass the votes on, and 
instead let the proxies decide upon the composition of a traditional 
assembly, you get Asset Voting. However, that doesn't go very well 
with your continuous election idea, since the assembly presumably 
has to reside for a given period, just like one that would be 
directly elected by the voters.

Actually, no. If the Asset election creates an electoral college, 
i.e., a body of public voters whose identities are known, then two 
things become possible, quite remarkable things, long considered impossible.

(1) Recall of members becomes possible, quickly and easily, by those 
who gave them votes withdrawing those votes. It's easy to overlook 
this, because we think of an STV election and assume that an Asset 
one would be the same except for a few details. But Asset makes a 
major shift: votes are no longer wasted if cast for some relative 
unknown, say, your uncle Fred who knows more than politics than you 
and you trust him. I'd predict that, in fairly short order and quite 
naturally, direct election by secret ballot votes would become rare, 
people would realize that they could, almost without limitation, vote 
for the person they most trust, it doesn't have to be a candidate 
except in a technical sense (the person might have to be registered, 
and I'd expect there to be a directory of registered candidates 
available, and it is possible that names would not even be on the 
ballot, eventually. So while there might be a kind of term, i.e., 
the period to the next regular election, the composition of the 
assembly could shift ad interim. My guess is that such assemblies 
would be relatively stable, though, and I'd also expect rules that 
ensured lack of serious volatility, and see the next possibility that 
makes this possible and harmless.

(2) Direct democracy of a kind becomes possible! Once there is this 
body of known, identified, electors, it then becomes possible for 
them to vote on matters before the assembly. Most of them wouldn't do 
it, I'd predict, but there would come to be a penumbra of active 
electors who do vote routinely, or who serve as advisors to those 
whose seats they created. When an elector votes directly, the value 
of that vote (which has to do with the original election fraction) is 
substracted from the vote of the seat. My guess is that normally, 
these fractional votes would be small enough to not shift results, 
but the fact that they could do so, and would do so if somehow the 
Assembly lost the trust of the body of electors (who should not be 
impeachable except for vote fraud, though some might be 

Re: [Election-Methods] [english 97%] Re: [english 80%] CTT voting

2008-07-21 Thread Jobst Heitzig

Dear Warren and list members,

you wrote:

The main differences, however, are these:
- Voting money is transferred on a regular basis, not only in the very rare
case of swing voters, thus making the strategic incentive much stronger.

--this is good.  However, in one of your revised schemes you
made the deciders become a very small fraction of the population
instead of (as originally) 1/3.

That means very few voters are connected to reality via
(your equivalent of) Clarke taxes.

I think you have a DILEMMA:
  A*  If you make there be many deciders, then the compensators
tend to pay too much money.
  B*  If you make there be too few deciders, then a voter
is unlikely to be a decider, and hence her economic incentives
to vote honestly, are diminished.

B was also a problem with CTT voting - the Clarke payments were rare,
divorcing voters from reality.

Need to seek the best tradeoff between A  B.

That could be another reason for using the averaging process of version 
2, since it treats all voters alike as potential deciders, so it 
distributes the incentive evenly.

- The transfers are so designed that they compensate those deciding voters
who get a worse result than with the random ballot lottery, thus keeping
with the philosophy that that lottery is to be considered the benchmark for
every more efficient choice.

--the random ballot lottery (unfortunately?) is a pretty low benchmark.

Low only in terms of efficiency. But the focus is not on efficiency here 
(that is solved by electing the option maximizing the average rating) 
but on equality and fairness. In my opinion, every voters has a priori a 
right to distribute a share of 1/N of the winning probability. So if a 
method takes away this control, it has to compensate the voter. (You 
might remember that we had this benchmark discussion already about a 
year ago... :-)

You could also consider the random candidate lottery
(elect each with probability 1/K,  where K candidates in all).
That is an even-worse benchmark than random ballot, but it is simpler
and does not depend on the votes at all.  Because it does not depend
on votes, you then would not need your benchmarker class of voters,
only deciders and compensators.

See above for the motivation why it is exactly the Random Ballot process 
which has to serve as the benchmark in my view. Also, a random candidate 
lottery is not clone-proof.

- Voting money is not destroyed and then gradually refilled but is always
preserved, thus keeping its value constant.

--Is there a worry that over a sequence of elections, we get unfairness?

That might occurr if the variance of the adjustments is too large, so 
that it could happen that only by sheer bad luck a voter's account 
becomes negative and the voters cannot influence the next decision until 
her account is positive again. Also for this reason the variance of the 
 adjustments due to the random assignment of groups should be as small 
as possible.

In election #1, suppose you are correct and so everybody
wants to vote honestly.  Excellent.

BUT now in election #2, some voters have more money than others,
hence have more power.  COULD IT HAPPEN THAT this
inequality could be CORRELATED with the politics?
If so, then in election #2, the Democrats would win, unfairly, purely
because Democrats have more power.  If this could somehow
feed back (so that in election #3, democrats also tended to have more
money, and so on forever) this could be extremely bad.

Hmm... I hope the feedback will always be negative, partly because the 
benchmark against which compensations are determined is not the majority 
choice but the average choice (Random Ballot).

Also, your benchmarkers could have motivation to vote DIShonestly,
thus defeating the purpose.

The benchmarker votes affect the payouts.   If benchmarkers
dishonestly rank the Democrat top, that tends to cause those who
rate Democrats low, to get lower payoffs.   That causes
Democrats to have more money in election #2.  That causes
this strategy to work even better in election #2.  Feedback.

(I'm not sure whether this scenario is a real problem.  But it might be.)

Note that in the random-candidate-lottery there are no benchmarkers,
hence the worry I just described perhaps no longer exists.


Let us think about this some further. My hope is that because (i) a 
voter does not know whether she is a benchmark voter, and (ii) the 
benchmark group will usually be a representative sample of the 
electorate, and (iii) the averaging process of version 2 treats all 
voters alike when it comes to adjustments, the incentive described by 
you will be averaged out if it exists in the first place. But surely 
this deserves more detailed research...

Yours, Jobst

Election-Methods mailing list - see for list info

Re: [Election-Methods] delegate cascade

2008-07-21 Thread Juho


Some more comments and questions on the properties of the proposed  

1) All voters are candidates and it is possible that all voters  
consider themselves to be the best candidate. Therefore the method  
may start from all candidates having one vote each (their own vote).  
Maybe only after some candidates have numerous votes and the voter  
himself has only one vote still, then the voter gives up voting for  
himself and gives his vote to some of the frontrunners. How do you  
expect the method to behave from this point of view?

2) Let's say that the preferences of voter A are ABCDE. At some  
point he decides to vote for his second preference (B) instead of  
himself. B's preferences are BDetc. At some (later) point B decides  
to vote for his second preference D. A is however not happy with that  
the vote now goes directly to D (instead of C that was better). He  
changes his vote and votes for C. The point here is that it may be  
that many voters will vote directly the leading candidates instead of  
letting the voters in longer chains (according to their own  
preferences) determine where the vote ends at. The reason may be as  
above or maybe the voter simply prefers to vote directly for the  
leading/best candidates instead of being at the long branches of the  
tree (away from the main streams close to the root of the trees where  
the decision making appears to take place). Controlling one's own  
vote may also give the voter some additional negotiating power. The  
end result may be that the cascade chains may tend to be short rather  
than long. The same question here. Is this ok and how do you expect  
the method to behave?

3) In theory the method may also end up in a loop. There could be  
three voters (A, B, C) with opinions A: ABC, B: BCA and C: CAB.  
If A votes for A, B votes for B and C votes for A, then B has an  
incentive to change his vote to C in the hope that also C will vote  
for himself after this move. That would improve the result from B's  
(as well as C's) point of view (from A to C). But as a result now A  
has a similar incentive to vote for B that is to him better than C.  
And the story might continue forever. This kind of loops would  
probably be rare. But do you think this is acceptable or should there  
be some limitations that would eliminate or slow down possible  
continuous changes in the votes? In this looped case is possible that  
when the voters note the loop they are capable of negotiating some  
compromise solution (e.g. A and C agree that C will get something in  
return if he sticks to voting for A).

Juho Laatu

On Jul 21, 2008, at 14:36 , Kristofer Munsterhjelm wrote:

Michael Allan wrote:

Hello to the list,

Hello, and welcome.

I'm a software engineer, currently developing an online electoral
system.  I was in another discussion (link at bottom) and a  

recommended this list to me.  I have a few questions, if anyone is
able to help.
A key component of the electoral system (to explain) is what I call a
delegate cascade voting mechanism.  It is intended for use in
continuous elections (open to recasting).  The overall aim is to
support consensus building.  In this mechanism:
  ...a 'delegate' is a participant who both receives votes, like a
  candidate, and casts a vote of her own, like a voter.  But when a
  delegate casts her vote, it carries with it those received.  And so
  on... Passing from delegate to delegate, the votes flow together  

  gather in volume - they cascade - like raindrops down the branches
  of a tree.  New voters are not restricted in their choices, but may
  vote for anyone, their unsolicited votes serving to nominate new
  candidates and to recruit new participants into the election.
I can only cite 3 references for the mechanism (Pivato, Rodriguez et
al., and myself) all from 2007.  Does anyone know of an earlier
source?  Is anyone else working with this mechanism?  Have there been
discussions along similar lines?

That sounds very much like Delegable Proxy, which Abd says was  
first thought of by Dodgson (Lewis Carroll). In DP, as far as I  
understand it, voters associate with proxies (delegates in your  
terminology) and the proxies accumulate votes from those voters. A  
proxy is then just like any other voter, and may vote directly or  
pass the ballot bulk (in sum or part) to yet others.

If you remove the ability of proxies to pass the votes on, and  
instead let the proxies decide upon the composition of a  
traditional assembly, you get Asset Voting. However, that doesn't  
go very well with your continuous election idea, since the assembly  
presumably has to reside for a given period, just like one that  
would be directly elected by the voters.

There's also the council democracy system that, I think, is used in  
some unions. There you have local councils that elect among their  
number to regional councils that