Re: [EM] Will to Compromise

2008-10-31 Thread Jobst Heitzig
Dear Greg,

you wrote:
 Nondeterminism is a delightful way of skirting the
 Gibbard-Satterthwaite theorem. All parties can be coaxed into exposing
 their true opinions by resorting or the threat of resorting to chance.

Actually, if I remember correctly, that theorem just said that Random Ballot 
was the only completely strategy-free method (given some minor axioms such as 
neutrality and anonymity), so it's not really skirting it but just taking it 

However, it seems some minor possibilities for strategizing are acceptable when 
they allow us to make the method more efficient. FAWRB tries to be a compromise 
in this respect.
 I don't dispute that. The nondeterminsitc methods I have seen appear
 to be designed to tease out a compromise because a majority cannot
 throw its weight around.

Right, that's the main point.

 The abilities of nondeterministic methods to generate compromises is
 formidable, but since we speak of utility, I would like to point
 something out.
 1) Using Bayesian utility, randomness is worse than FPTP.

Two answers: i) Please cite evidence for this claim, ii) Bayesian utility is 
not a good measure for social utility in my opinion. We had lengthy discussions 
on this already a number of times on this list, so I won't repeat them. 
Instead, I will produce evidence from simulations this weekend which shows that 
no matter what measure of social utility is used, Random Ballot does not 
perform much worse than optimal.
 2) False compromises are damaging

What do you mean by false? If a proposed compromise fails to be desirable by 
most voters over the Random Ballot lottery, it will not get much winning 
probability. If it is, on the other hand, it is not a false but a good 
compromise. The simulations I will report about this weekend show that usually 
we can good compromises to exist which have quite large social utility.

 The reduced power of a majority means that at any choice with a
 greater-than-random-ballot average utility is a good compromise
 Notice how lousy the Bayesian utility of random ballot is and you
 begin to see my point.

See above. In simulations with well-known preference models, Random Ballot 
results are not lousy at all.

 Also note that the method for determining the compromise is
 majoritarian (to the extent that approval is) so the intermediate
 compromise procedure is a red herring that produces some nasty
 side-effects. The compromise is determined to be the most-supported
 at-least-above-average candidate. How does this avoid the original
 criticism of majoritarian methods?

You are right in that the majority still has some special influence on the 
*nomination* of the compromise. But the important difference to majoritarian 
methods is that they can't make any option get more winning probability than 
their share without the minority cooperating in this. So, yes, they can present 
the minority with a compromise they value only slightly better than Random 
Ballot. This is not perfect yet, but it guarantees the minority to get a 
better-than-average result where a majoritarian method doesn't guarantee a 
minority anything!

Yours, Jobst

Election-Methods mailing list - see for list info

Re: [EM] Some chance for consensus (was: Buying Votes)

2008-10-31 Thread Jobst Heitzig
Dear Raph,

you wrote:
 I was thinking of a 'stable marriage problem' like solution.

Good idea! If it works, the main difficulty will be to make the whole process 
monotonic, I guess...

Yours, Jobst

 Each voter rates all the candidates.
 Each voter will assign his winning probability to his highest choice
 (probably split equally if he ties 2 candidates for first).
 If 2 voters 'marry', then the candidate with the highest score sum is
 the compromise candidate.
 Solve the stable marriage problem.  It might be necessary to randomly
 split the ballots into 2 'genders' to guarantee that a stable solution
 Using the above example:
 G1:  A1(100) A(70) A2(0)
 G2:  A1(0) A(70) A2(100)
 G3: B(100)
 G4: C(100)
 (unnamed options are rated zero)
 If a member of G1 'marries', then the compromises are
 G1: A1 (+0)
 G2: A (+40), i.e. 100-70 (-30) and 0-70 (+70)
 G3: A1 and B tie (+0) .. effectively not a 'marriage'
 G4: A1 and C tie (+0) .. effectively not a 'marriage'
 Thus rankings are
 G1: G2G1=G3=G4
 G2: G1G2=G3=G4
 G3: all equal
 G4: all equal
 Thus the 25 G1s will 'marry' the 25 G2s and compromise on A.
 The result being
 A: 50%
 B: 25%
 C: 25%
 Also, what about an iterative method.  If the candidate with the
 lowest probability has less than 1/3 probability, eliminate him and
 re-run the calculations (and probably rescale the ratings).  This is
 kind of similar to the requirement that a candidate has 1/3 approval
 before being considered.
 As an added complication, in the above, it might be worth doing a
 second pass.  Once all the marriages are stable, you could have
 'suitors' propose to 'engaged' voters and make an offer with a
 different compromise candidate.
 For example, if two voters has ratings,
 A1(100) A2(90) A3(75) A4(55) A5(0)
 A1(0) A2(55) A3(75) A4(90) A5(100)
 The possible compromises are A2, A3 and A4.  However, A2 favours the
 first voter and A4 favours the 2nd voter.  It might be the case that
 after being refused, a 'suitor' could sweeten the deal by offering a
 better option.

Election-Methods mailing list - see for list info

Re: [EM] Will to Compromise

2008-10-31 Thread Jobst Heitzig
Dear Kristofer,

you wrote:
 With more candidates, a minority might find that it needs to approve of 
 a compromise with just slightly better expected value than random 
 ballot, if the majority says that it's not going to pick a compromise 
 closer to the minority than that just-slightly-better candidate.
 That is, it would give an incentive to compromise early, under the 
 threat that to do otherwise might make the method fall back to random 
 ballot, and the compromise is better than random ballot even if it's not 
 all that much better.

True. But for the minority, Random Ballot is usually already much better than 
the majority preference, so that would be OK, right?

Yours, Jobst

Election-Methods mailing list - see for list info

Re: [EM] language/framing quibble

2008-10-31 Thread Fred Gohlke

Good Morning, Kristofer

There is so much good material in your message that, instead of 
responding to all of it, I'm going to select bits and pieces and comment 
on them, one at a time, until I've responded to all of them.  I hope 
this will help us focus on specific parts of the complex topic we're 
discussing.  For today, I'm going to concentrate on two of your comments 
regarding group (or council) size:

1) Have a council of seven. Use a PR method like STV to pick
four or five. These go to the next level. That may exclude
opinions held by fewer than two of the seven, but it's better
than 50%-1. If you can handle a larger council, have one of
size 12 that picks 9; if seven is too many, a group of five
that elects two.

For small groups like this, it might be possible to make a
simpler PR method than STV, but I'm not sure how.

2) It's more like (if we elect three out of nine and it's
always the second who wins -- to make the diagram easier)

e  n  wLevel 2
   behknqtwz   Level 1

  b  e  h   k  n  q   t  w  z  Level 1
 abcdefghi jklmnopqr stuvwxyzA Level 0

The horizon for all the subsequent members (behknqtwz) is
wider than would be the case if they were split up into
groups of three. In this example, each person at a level
represents three below him, just like what would be the
case if you had groups of two, but, and this is the
important part, they have input from the entire group of
eight instead of just three. Thus some may represent all the
views of less than three, while others represent some of the
views of more than three. The latter type would be excluded,
or at least heavily attenuated, in the triad case.

For convenience, I'll work with a group size of 9 picking 3 by a form of 
proportional representation:

Am I correct in imagining the process would function by having each of 
the 9 people rank the other 8 in preferential order and then resolve the 
preferences to select the 3 people that are most preferred by the 9?

That seems like a really good idea.  It is, however, a new idea for me, 
so it may take me some time to digest all the ramifications of the 
concept.  Even so, the first thoughts that leap to mind are:

1) It would allow voting secrecy.  In a group size of 3 selecting 1, 
secrecy is not possible; a selection can only be made if 2 of the three 
agree on the selection.  Many people say secrecy is important.  For my 
part, I'm not sure.  It may be important in the kind of electoral 
process we have now, but I'm not sure open agreement of free people is 
not a better option.

2) It reduces the potential for confrontation that would be likely to 
characterize 3-person groups.  We can make the argument that, in the 
selection of representatives, confrontation is a good thing.  Seeing how 
individuals react in tense situations gives us great insight into their 
ability to represent our interests.  We can also make the argument that 
a pressure-cooker environment is hard on the participants.

3) Each participant's opportunity to evaluate each other participant is 
reduced; they must evaluate 8 people in the allotted time instead of two.

4) There is a greater likelihood that, over an evaluation period of 1 to 
4 weeks, the group members will tend to form cliques and will be 
influenced by their compatriots instead of relying on their own judgment.

It takes me such a long time to examine new concepts, I'd like to see 
what objections are raised to both alternatives to be sure I've 
considered all the possibilities.

On re-reading this, I see I haven't addressed your concern; the 
propagation of minority sentiment.  I'm not sure I can.  My problem may 
be that I don't see viewpoints as isolated entities.  They are part of a 
whole, but are not, in and of themselves, the whole.  I do not believe 
that, just because a viewpoint exists, it is entitled to a role in our 
government.  To be adopted, a viewpoint must be shown to have merit. 
People of judgment will accept different viewpoints if they are 
presented in a rational and compelling manner.  I think the issues that 
should concern us are the integrity and the judgment of the people we 
ask to represent us.  If we have people of good judgment, we need not 
fear that a valid viewpoint will be ignored.


Election-Methods mailing list - see for list info

Re: [EM] language/framing quibble

2008-10-31 Thread Fred Gohlke

Good Morning, Kristofer

In this message, I'll respond on the topic of accountability.  I'll also 
attach a copy of the original draft of the concept which may make my 
ideas a bit clearer.

(Items from your letter, so I can see which ones I've answered.)

re: Yes. I think recall and the likes would be important. I'm
 not sure how you would include other options - other than
 recall - and not slow down the council, but we'll see.

re: I think that's a good idea, as well, as long as it doesn't
 turn too slow. There's probably a sweet spot in this matter:
 if it goes too fast, it's prone to being guided by mindless
 populism. If it goes too slow, you can get a group who
 grumble about everything that's wrong and say we would
 change it all if we could just gain power, and that group
 would grow simply because it has no challenge.

 Things are going very fast currently, so having something
 slower might work well. Since parliaments and the likes
 don't make any direct mention to the sweet spot, yet still
 work, I'm going to assume it's not very sensitive to it;
 that is, that methods can work even if they err somewhat in
 this respect.

re: I think that if one were to corrupt your system, it would be
 through the observation that the levels are only indirectly
 connected to the people, so, again, we need some countering
 method there (like recall, as mentioned earlier).

re: The accountability problem, I think, lies in the number of
 levels one has to traverse. Our options is to either
 compensate for it in the determination process (where
 candidates travel upwards through the layers), or by having
 more tools on hand after they've been chosen. I'm not really
 sure how one would anchor the layers to the people in the
 first process, though each councilmember will be so to some
 extent already by the other members of the council of that
 layer. So that leaves the second. We've already discussed
 recall. What other tools do you think could be used? One
 could also fix it indirectly, by strengthening the people's
 power, such as by initiative and referendum, automatic
 sunset laws, and the likes.

re: Yes. I'll amend that slightly so I don't exclude my own PR
 versions: The official should be responsible to those who
 elected him to the degree that their vote contributed to his

The proposed electoral method uses computers to maintain a database of 
the electorate, generate random groupings, and record the selections 
made at each level,  This makes the process inherently bi-directional. 
Each elected official sits atop a pyramid of known electors, so 
questions on specific issues can easily be transmitted directly to and 
from the electors for the guidance or instruction of the official.

How extensively this capability is used depends on those who implement 
and administer the process.  For example, the town council, state 
legislature, and/or national congress can decree that certain questions 
must be referred to the people who selected the representatives serving 
in the body.  In such an event, the representative would instruct the 
database administrator to send the question down through the chain that 
elected him.

This capability should be used with caution, however.  Some of the 
matters public officials must decide do not admit of simple answers. 
Some may be unpopular or painful to the citizenry ... restraining the 
cancerous growth that currently dominates (and threatens) our existence 
will not be accomplished easily.  We want to elect people with the 
courage and wisdom to improve our society, not destroy it.  We can not 
expect to be happy with all their decisions.  We've taken pains to 
select people of integrity and judgment, we should not restrain them 

The matter of how and when this option should be used raises several 
questions.  For example, it leaves open the matters of how the questions 
should be framed and evaluation of the responses.  The answers to 
questions that elicit 'yes/no' responses can be influenced by the 
phrasing of the question.  On the other hand, anything more complex than 
a 'yes/no' response requires interpretation which could be difficult, 
since clarity of written expression does not seem to be an inherent 
human trait.

We must also consider how responses are to be transmitted upward.  My 
initial idea was that the people would give their response to the person 
they selected from their group, and that person would pass it upward.  I 
anticipate, though, an objection that this method would preserve the 
biases that influenced the selection of the official in the first place. 
 I think that's a valid guess, but I suspect the matters to be resolved 
this way are more apt to involve nuances than significant changes of 
attitude.  The method refines the public attitudes.  It should not 
encourage abrupt 

Re: [EM] Some chance for consensus (was: Buying Votes)

2008-10-31 Thread Jobst Heitzig
Dear Forest,

good to hear from you again!

You said:
 Not quite as important, but still valuable, is achieving partial cooperation 
 when that is the best that can be 
 25  A1AA2
 25  A2AA1
 25  B
 25  C
 Here there isn't much hope for consensus, but it would be nice if the first 
 two factions could still cooperate 
 on gettiing A elected, say 25% of the time. (50% seems too much to hope for)

That's absolutely true! We both tried to achieve this during the last year. But 
it is very difficult to make this happen with strategic voters. Perhaps I find 
the time this weekend to write a summary of what we tried in this respect, so 
that perhaps someone can build on that an come up with a new idea. 

 It seems to me that if we require our method to accomplish the potential 
 cooperation in this scenario while 
 achieving consensus where possible, the ballots would have to have more 
 levels, and there would have to be 
 an intermediate fall back between the consensus test and the random ballot 

That could work, but I wouldn't bet on it yet.

Yours, Jobst

Election-Methods mailing list - see for list info

Re: [EM] Some chance for consensus (was: Buying Votes)

2008-10-31 Thread Jobst Heitzig
Dear Raph and Forest,

I have a new idea which might be monotonic, generalizing the 2-voter-marriage 
idea to larger groups of voters. 

I will define it as an optimization problem: basically, the idea is to find the 
socially best lottery which can 

be produced by starting from the Random Ballot lottery and allowing for one set 
of voters to reach a contract in which they transfer their share of the 

winning probability from their favourite options to other options. More 
precisely, the suggested method is this:

1. Each voter submits a cardinal rating for each option.

2. Amoung all possible lotteries that assign winning probabilities to the 
options, we determine the feasible ones. In order to determine whether a 

lottery L is feasible, we do the following:

a) Compare L with the Random Ballot lottery, RB, and find the set S of options 
which have a lower winning probability under L than under RB. Mathematically:

   S = { options X with L(X)  RB(X) },

   where L(X) = probability of option X in lottery L.

b) For each option X in S, determine the number N1(X) of voters who favour X 
and like L at least as much as RB, judging from their submitted ratings. 


   N1(X) = no. of voters V with V(L) = V(RB),

   where V(L) = sum of V(X)*L(X) over all options X
   and V(X) = rating voter V assigned to option X.

c) Also, determine the number N2 of those voters who favour X which must agree 
to transfer their share of the winning probability from X to other options in 

order to produce L. Mathematically:

   N2(X) = (RB(X)-L(X)) * N,

   where N is the no. of all voters.
d) Then check whether N2(X)=N1(X) for all X in S. If this is fulfilled, then 
this means that a group of voters exists who have both the means and the 

incentices to change RB into L by transferring winning probability from their 
respective favourite options to other options. So, if the condition is 

fulfilled, L is considered feasible.

3. Finally, find amoung the feasible lotteries the one that maximizes a given 
measure of social utility, e.g. total utility or Gini welfare function or 

median voter utility or whatever. Apply this socially optimal feasible 
lottery to determine the winner.

With sincere voters, the method achieves what we desire:

1. With 55 having A(100)C(70)B(0) and 45 having B(100)C(70)A(0), the 
optimal lottery L would be L(A/B/C)=0/0/1. This is feasible since it has 
S={A,B}, N1(A)=N2(A)=55, and N2(B)=N2(B)=45.

2. With 25 having A1(100)A(90)A2(70)B(0), 25 having 
A2(100)A(90)A1(70)B(0), and 50 having B(100)A,A1,A2(0), the optimal lottery 
L would be L(A/A1/A2/B)=.5/0/0/.5 with S={A1,A2}, 

I did not yet analyse the strategic implications, though. So we need to check 
that and the hoped-for monotonicity. The crucial point for the latter will be 
what happens when some voter changes her favourite, I guess.

Some final notes: 
- There are always feasible lotteries since the Random Ballot lottery itself is 
feasible by definition (with the set S being empty). 
- For the same reason, the method gives no lower social utility than Random 
- Geometrically, the set of feasible lotteries is a closed, star-shaped 
polyeder, but it is usually not convex. (It would be convex if more than one 

contracting group of voters were allowed.)

What do you think?


 -Ursprüngliche Nachricht-
 Von: Raph Frank [EMAIL PROTECTED]
 Gesendet: 31.10.08 15:35:30
 An: Jobst Heitzig [EMAIL PROTECTED]
 Betreff: Re: Some chance for consensus (was: [EM] Buying Votes)

 On Fri, Oct 31, 2008 at 11:17 AM, Jobst Heitzig [EMAIL PROTECTED] wrote:
  Dear Raph,
  you wrote:
  I was thinking of a 'stable marriage problem' like solution.
  Good idea! If it works, the main difficulty will be to make the whole 
  process monotonic, I guess...
  Yours, Jobst
 I think the method which eliminates the lowest probability candidate
 will be non-monotonic.
 In the single run case, the fundamental problem is that bilateral
 monopolies can exist.  You can gain by not offering compromises.
 However, assuming competition, you might be 'outbid' by another
 voter/party if you do that.

 -Ursprüngliche Nachricht-
 Von: Raph Frank [EMAIL PROTECTED]
 Gesendet: 31.10.08 15:35:30
 An: Jobst Heitzig [EMAIL PROTECTED]
 Betreff: Re: Some chance for consensus (was: [EM] Buying Votes)

 On Fri, Oct 31, 2008 at 11:17 AM, Jobst Heitzig [EMAIL PROTECTED] wrote:
  Dear Raph,
  you wrote:
  I was thinking of a 'stable marriage problem' like solution.
  Good idea! If it works, the main difficulty will be to make the whole 
  process monotonic, I guess...
  Yours, Jobst
 I think the method which eliminates the lowest probability candidate
 will be non-monotonic.