Re: [EM] The worst about each system; Approval Preferential

2010-05-27 Thread Jameson Quinn
2010/5/27 Abd ul-Rahman Lomax

 At 12:31 AM 5/27/2010, Jameson Quinn wrote:

 As Abd already said, you can avoid the runoff if only one candidate has a
 majority. Abd's Bucklin proposal tricks many voters into extending more
 approvals to decrease the chances of a runoff.

I should have been more precise. I believe that with Bucklin/Runoff, people
will honestly rank more candidates than are approved with approval/runoff.
This will help avoid some unnecessary runoffs, which is a good thing. It
will also possibly improve the utility of the result for society. However,
it is a strategic mistake on their part. Thus, I call it a trick; if they
fully understood the situation, they probably would just vote strategically.
Being a trick doesn't make it evil; on the contrary, if anything, it helps
the social utility. But it does make it unstable; people might see through
it, and it would stop working. (If they have a rational degree of doubt in
their own judgement of which option is best, and are voting altruistically,
and believe that a majority of voters are voting altruistically or have no
negative-sum interests at stake, then it's not a mistake, but the first part
at least clearly doesn't describe most.)

In APV, adding additional preferences (beyond the approval ballot) is not a
strategic mistake, which I think makes it more robust. It also still has the
same justifications in human psychology.

Correct strategy in APV when the two frontrunners are ideologically distinct
is to disapprove one and everybody worse, prefer the other and everybody
better, and approve everybody in between. If they're near-clones
ideologically (ie, near to same value for most people who aren't strong
supporters of one of them), then do the same using the third frontrunner and
the most-distinct of the first two; that automatically means at least one
approval, for the other clonelike frontrunner. Both of these strategies, if
widely followed and if the frontrunner determination is common knowledge,
never lead to a runoff.

 Bucklin, very similar to what I'm proposing, was widely used for a time. We
 know that some voters don't like being restricted to three ranks in RCV.
 Additional expression, *if voluntary*, is, in my book, a good thing.

If voluntary and honest. But one dishonest strategic expression can poison
a number of honest expressions. Moreover, even semi-honest strategy creates
two classes of voting power - strategic and nonstrategic - which hurts

That's why adding levers and knobs to your voting system is dangerous if
they can be used strategically with impunity. I believe that the best
solution to expressiveness is not a kitchen sink system such as some of
Abd's proposals, but a drastically simple system with an official,
nonbinding, Range/Condorcet/Bucklin poll attached.

 Voters rank each candidate as preferred, approved, or unapproved.

 So you have an explicit disapproved rank? How is this treated compared to a

Same as blank. Exists only to prevent accidentally approving when trying to
vote against. Tallied together but break-out percentages reported for
anyone who cares.

   If any candidates have a majority ranking them at-least-approved, then
 the one of those which is most preferred wins outright.

 Right. With quite possibly bizarre outcomes.

No more bizarre than closed primaries, at the very worst. That is, a solid
majority coalition might elect its more radical member, not the centrist.
Solid majority means that the median voter is a member of that coalition,
supporting the radical on that side over all other candidates. Unlike
closed primaries, if there's a majority but it's not solid, the centrist
from that side is probably elected.

Personally, I don't see that as necessarily bad - think of it as a small
taste of time-series proportional representation. In other words, a bit of
diversity, instead of centrists winning always, could be healthy.

 ... instead of his 1, 0.75, and 0, it should be 1, 0.5, 0. But that isn't
 used in this present statement of the method. It's simply Range analysis.

This is only for the nonbinding poll. People can set these numbers
explicitly, those were just defaults. Actually, the right default value for
the approved rank is the average of the value people explicitly write in
for that rank. I do suspect that people would be more likely to write in
values above 0.5 than below it, so I suspect that number will be closer to
0.75 than to 0.5.

   If not, then the two candidates which are most preferred against all
 others (ie, the two Condorcet winners based on these simple ballots, or the
 two most-preferred in case of a Condorcet tie) proceed to a runoff

 Utility theory would not suggest his pair. Utility theory suggests the sum
 of scores candidates. I only suggest including a Condorcet winner because of
 conflict between utility theory and democratic majority theory. If a result
 is to be based on greater summed good, the 

[EM] SMD,TR fails the Plurality criterion.

2010-05-27 Thread C.Benham

Kevin Venzke has come up with an example that shows that my Strong 
Minimal Defense, Top Ratings

(SMD,TR) method fails the Plurality criterion,contrary to what I've claimed.

21: AC
08: BA
23: B
11: C

Approval scores:  A29,   B31,  C32

Maximum Approval Opposition scores:  A11,   B32,  C31

Top-Ratings scores:  A21,   B31,  C11.

By the rules of SMD,TR  B is disqualified because B's MAO score (of 32, 
C's approval score on

ballots that don't approve B) is greater than B's approval score.

Then A (as the undisqualified candidate with the highest TR score) wins.

But since B has more first-place votes than A has total votes, or in 
the language of this method
B's TR score is greater than A's total approval score, the Plurality 
criterion says that A can't win.

This seems to show that compliance with my Unmanipulable Majority 
criterion is a bit more
expensive than I thought.  I still endorse SMD,TR as a good  Favourite 
Betrayal complying

method, but with less enthusiasm.

(My UM criterion says that if A is a winner and on more than half the 
ballots is voted above B, it
is impossible to make B the winner by altering any ballots on which B is 
voted above A without

raising on them B's ranking or rating.)

I was wrong to claim that compliance with Strong Minimal Defense implies 
compliance with the

Plurality criterion.

Chris Benham

Election-Methods mailing list - see for list info

[EM] SMD,TR fails the Plurality criterion.

2010-05-27 Thread Chris Benham
My previous message contained a small blunder. The corrected version is below

A candidate X's  maximum approval oppostion score is the approval score of 
the most approved
candidate only on ballots on which X is not approved.

In the example election I mistakenly gave A's MAO score as 11.

The definition of SMD,TR:

*Voters fill out 3-slot ratings ballots, default rating is bottom-most
(indicating least preferred and not approved).

Interpreting top and middle rating as approval, disqualify all candidates
with an approval score lower than their maximum approval-opposition 
(MAO) score.
(X's  MAO score is the approval score of the most approved candidate on
ballots that don't approve X).

Elect the undisqualified candidate with the highest top-ratings score.*
Chris Benham

 Kevin Venzke has come up with an example that shows that my Strong Minimal 
Defense, Top Ratings 
(SMD,TR) method fails the Plurality criterion,contrary to what I've claimed. 

21: AC 
08: BA 
23: B 
11: C 

Approval scores:  A29,   B31,  C32 

Maximum Approval Opposition scores:  A23,   B32,  C31 

Top-Ratings scores:  A21,   B31,  C11. 

By the rules of SMD,TR  B is disqualified because B's MAO score (of 32, C's 
approval score on 
ballots that don't approve B) is greater than B's approval score. 

Then A (as the undisqualified candidate with the highest TR score) wins. 

But since B has more first-place votes than A has total votes, or in the 
language of this method 
B's TR score is greater than A's total approval score, the Plurality criterion 
says that A can't win. 

This seems to show that compliance with my Unmanipulable Majority criterion 
is a bit more 
expensive than I thought.  I still endorse SMD,TR as a good  Favourite Betrayal 
method, but with less enthusiasm. 

(My UM criterion says that if A is a winner and on more than half the ballots 
is voted above B, it 
is impossible to make B the winner by altering any ballots on which B is voted 
above A without 
raising on them B's ranking or rating.) 

I was wrong to claim that compliance with Strong Minimal Defense implies 
compliance with the 
Plurality criterion. 

Chris Benham 


Election-Methods mailing list - see for list info

Re: [EM] [Condorcet] Re: IRV vs Condorcet

2010-05-27 Thread Jameson Quinn
 now ask yourself the question whether or not Condorcet satisfies these
 criteria (assuming a CW exists).

Of course it does, because you only included the anti-strategy criteria
which it does pass. But what do you call this:

Hypothetical true preferences:
39.4: DH=C
30.8: HCD
27.6: CHD
2.5: NOTA

H is the condorcet winner. But if just 8% from the C voters instead vote
CH=D (or 4% of them vote CDH, if equal rankings aren't allowed), then
there is no Condorcet winner, and C could win.

(This election actually happened recently in Hawaii, although of course the
lower preferences are simplified guesses).

My APV proposal does very well on this and other scenarios. Specifically,
for this scenario, the pure strategy which is closest to being a
trembling-hand equilibrium is the good situation where H wins in one round
(Not true of Approval, Bucklin, margins Condorcet, Range; IRV is the only
major system I know of which passes this test). And it is monotonic, and,
unlike IRV, unilkely to fail to find a centrist Condorcet winner.

In fact, I can't think of a single scenario where the pure strategy closest
to being trembling-hand equilibrium doesn't give an very-arguably right
answer in one round for APV. And I can easily get IRV to give the wrong
answer, so APV is the only system I know of which pass this test.


Election-Methods mailing list - see for list info

Re: [EM] The worst about each system; Approval Preferential

2010-05-27 Thread Abd ul-Rahman Lomax

At 03:14 AM 5/27/2010, Jameson Quinn wrote:

2010/5/27 Abd ul-Rahman Lomax

At 12:31 AM 5/27/2010, Jameson Quinn wrote:
As Abd already said, you can avoid the runoff if only one candidate 
has a majority. Abd's Bucklin proposal tricks many voters into 
extending more approvals to decrease the chances of a runoff.

I should have been more precise. I believe that with Bucklin/Runoff, 
people will honestly rank more candidates than are approved with 

Yes, and there are two reasons. The most common immediate objection 
to Approval is that it does not allow the expression of preference 
within the approved class. That can be very important to me as a 
voter. If I'm a Nader supporter in 2000, I want to, at the same time, 
make it clear that I prefer Nader, while allowing my vote to count 
against Bush, i.e., to support Gore. (If I believe Nader's argument 
about Tweedle-Dum and Tweedle-Dee, I may not care.) While Approval 
gives me a better option than Plurality, where it is all-or-nothing, 
it's still unsatisfactory. In addition, there is a minor problem with 
multiple majorities due to over-eager additional approvals, which 
then creates pressure to, next election, bullet vote. It seems fairly 
clear that approval compared to Plurality will not harm results, 
long-term, but will improve them to a degree, and Approval is a 
basically no-cost reform, it would normally require only the removal 
of a line from the election code that requires discarding and not 
considering overvotes.

This applies to approval/runoff as well. If there is no multiple 
majority, it's moot, though some may be upset if they would have 
preferred a runoff to the election of their second favorite, whom 
they additionally approved. They made that approval, presumably, 
because they wanted to make sure that a different candidate was not elected.

So, Bucklin. Bucklin is *similar* to Approval, in practice, but the 
phased approval it sets up allows the expression of that preference, 
and it is even possible, with original Duluth Bucklin, to show 
strong, weak, or  preference. I.e., if it happens to be three 
candidates plus write-in,

This will help avoid some unnecessary runoffs, which is a good 
thing. It will also possibly improve the utility of the result for 
society. However, it is a strategic mistake on their part.

Sure that depends on their preferences and preference strengths. It 
seems that Mr. Quinn is making some possibly unwarranted assumptions here.

Thus, I call it a trick; if they fully understood the situation, 
they probably would just vote strategically.

With this, I vigorously disagree. While it is possible that some 
voters will misunderstand the situation, with good ballot 
instructinons and general education, few are likely to truly 
misunderstand. It is a fact that with high knowledge (hindsight is 
high knowledge!) and with nearly any voting system, a voter may see a 
strategic vote to cast that will improve the outcome for the voter. 
Far more likely, though, is that the voter will see that their vote 
was moot, that they could have stayed home with no change in outcome.

Bucklin is very similar to Approval, and what a strategic vote is 
in Bucklin, as in Approval, depends on who the frontrunners are and 
what the preference strengths of the voters are. In Bucklin/runoff, 
there is an additional factor, the possible desire to avoid a runoff 
election. Or, to the contrary, the desire to postpone an approval 
until the runoff. Mr. Quinn seems to assume that if the voter 
understands the situation, the voter will therefore prefer a runoff 
to making an additional approval. But I'd want to see voter education 
on this be very clear: if you would prefer a runoff to the election 
of a candidate, don't approve the candidate!

If you hate runoffs -- some have expressed that opinion here -- then, 
TANSTAAFL, you rationally will take a chance on making a significant 
approval. If you prefer runoffs, you will only add additional 
approvals if you have relatively low preference strength, or, 
alternatively, prefer a no-hope candidate, and you want to help get 
your favored frontrunner into the runoff. With some variations I've 
proposed, you can do both: avoid electing your preferred frontrunner 
in the primary, but help get that candidate into the runoff (by using 
an elevated unapproved class assignment, indicating both preference 
for condorcet analysis, and higher utility.)

The basic instructions to the voters are quite simple, as I've 
outlined them, and runoff complicates Bucklin strategy only a little. 
Runoff/Bucklin will almost certainly depress approvals to some 
degree, but what it will depress is holding-my-nose-and-voting for 
the preferred frontrunner. It will not depress genuine additional 
approvals with low preference strength between that candidate and the favorite.

Straight Bucklin without runoff will force voters who want 

[EM] An assortment of recently online Condorcet elections, some with ballot data

2010-05-27 Thread Andrew Myers
I thought people might find these useful/fun to look at. Click on show 
details to get access to the ballots where available.

12 Modern Philosophers: Which Ones Are Likely to be Read in 100 Years? 
(13 choices, 413+ voters, ballots available)

Who are the most important philosophers of all time? (48 choices, 948 
voters, ballots available)

What is the best measure of faculty quality? (4 choices, 256+ voters, 
ballots available)

Favorite programming language (40 choices, 134 voters)

GNU Mailman Logo Contest 2010 (5 choices, 391 voters)


-- Andrew

Election-Methods mailing list - see for list info

Re: [EM] The worst about each system; Approval Preferential

2010-05-27 Thread Jameson Quinn

 Correct strategy in APV when the two frontrunners are ideologically
 distinct is to disapprove one and everybody worse, prefer the other and
 everybody better, and approve everybody in between.

 Eh? That forces favorite betrayal, doesn't it?


 Correct strategy presumes that a particular goal is correct. What is
 it, in this case? Presumed here is an assumption that ideology is the issue.

I give a more precise and general definition below for the shorthand
ideology, which makes your objections moot. Perhaps you should finish a
paragraph before writing several in response to the first sentence.

 If voluntary and honest. But one dishonest strategic expression can
 poison a number of honest expressions. Moreover, even semi-honest strategy
 creates two classes of voting power - strategic and nonstrategic - which
 hurts legitimacy.

 I would encourage all voters to vote strategically and honestly. In a
 Bucklin system there is no advantage to dishonesty that is worth the risk.
 I.e., from a game theory point of view, net zero or negative expected gain.

I happen to agree. But some voters might overestimate their capacity to
predict behavior, and the fact that they're wrong doesn't stop the harm they
do. In my system, where there is never more and almost always significantly
less payoff from dishonest strategy, this is less of a danger.

Anyway, you didn't respond to my critique of semi-honest strategy. In APV,
naive human nature strategy is closer to being the same as optimal strategy,
so the difference in voting power is less. This means more legitimacy.

This is important: the math hasn't been done, but my intuition here is that
 the rational strategic Bucklin ballot is a Range ballot with these
 restrictions: the candidates are divided into two sets, approved and
 non-approved, and range ratings are best as sincere ratings *within these

I vigorously disagree. The rational strategic Bucklin ballot is, to first
approximation, an approval ballot. In some cases (which I don't quite have a
handle on) it might be rational to move a single candidate down from maximal
to minimal approval, or to add a minimal approval to a single candidate who
would not have made the cut under approval. Intermediate approved rankings
are never rational if all voters are purely rational, though if there are
some honest voters, it may become rational to use intermediate approvals
occasionally. Unapproved rankings besides the bottom are used for
turkey-raising if at all.

  That's why adding levers and knobs to your voting system is dangerous if
 they can be used strategically with impunity.

 I've seen no cogent example of this. In evaluating strategy, I'd encourage
 Mr. Quinn and anyone else to *start* with utilities.

I do.

Voters will bullet vote, commonly. It is a rational and sensible and
 *sincere* strategy, properly understood.

Absolutely true in many, but not all, cases. I'd guess that mostly it's
rational and sincere; sometimes it's rational and insincere; and rarely it's
irrational and sincere.

Mr. Quinn's proposal is indeed simpler,

Simpler; and better at harmonizing naive, individually optimal, and socially
optimal strategies. Both are important advantages.

 No more bizarre than closed primaries, at the very worst.

 One is getting desperate when one justifies a system as being no worse than
 a bizarre system.

A lower bound which is acceptable to most is not desperate. It is not the
average performance.

   That is, a solid majority coalition might elect its more radical member,
 not the centrist. Solid majority means that the median voter is a member
 of that coalition, supporting the radical on that side over all other
 candidates. Unlike closed primaries, if there's a majority but it's not
 solid, the centrist from that side is probably elected.

 In the example shown, there was a drastic difference between the winner and

And it was an artificially-constructed example, one which both the naive and
the correct strategy (which are the same in this case) would tend to
discourage from ever happening.

 The loser was massively approved, the winner only barely. Bare approval in
 a situation like that is quite likely to be an anomaly. But without having a
 set of utilities to start with, we cannot judge a scenario outcome, not
 well, anyway. If the approvals represented sincere approval, the approval
 winner would *certainly* have been the best. Mr. Quinn is arguing that
 preferring the most-preferred candidate will, then encourage additional
 approvals. But then he discards those approvals in this scenario, making
 them useless. Tell me again, exactly why do we want to encourage people with
 a strong preference for first preference to add additional approvals? Beyond
 the natural encouragement of avoiding a runoff -- when strong preference
 means they'd rather have a runoff?

If their preference is strong enough, they are free to not add approvals.
But (lightly) 

[EM] meditations

2010-05-27 Thread fsimmons
My conjectures turned out to be true:

Lemma:  If range values are limited to k levels, and alternative X beats
alternative Y with a margin ratio greater than (k-1)/1, then alternative X has a
greater range score than alternative Y.

Proof:  Without loss in generality assume that the k possible ratings on each
ballot are 0, 1, ...(k-1). If there are x ballots on which X is rated above Y
for every y ballots on which Y is rated above X, then the least the difference
in the respective range scores could be is

d = 1*x - (k-1)*y ,

since the least possible difference in ratings on any single ballot is one, and
the greatest possible difference in ratings on any ballot is (k-1).

But when the margin ratio  x/y is greater than (k-1)/1, the value of d is 

Therefore X has a greater total range score than Y.

Corollary 1.  If range values are limited to k levels, then there can be no beat
cycle where all of the defeats have margin ratios greater than (k-1)/1.

Corollary 2.  If range values are limited to k levels, then no beatpath with
margin ratio strength greater than (k-1)/1 can be longer than k times the number
of ballots, no matter how many alternatives are rated on the ballots.

Corollary 3.  In the case of ordinal ballots, if no ballot ranks candidates at
more than (k-1) levels, then the conclusions of Corollaries 2 and 3 still hold.

Corollary 4.  If there are only k candidates , then the conclusions of
Corollaries 2 and 3 still hold.

How can we put this information to good use?

Suppose that we are dealing with 3 slot ballots as in MCA, APV, MAFP, etc.   

It may not be too common for one candidate to have a wv score against another
candidate consisting of more than two thirds of the vote.  But that is not
needed here, only a margin ratio greater than two to one is needed. In other
words, if eleven percent of the voters prefer X over Y but only five percent of
the voters prefer Y over X, then we have a margin ratio that cannot be sustained
indefinitely in a beatpath, and (more to the point) cannot sustain any cycle no
matter how long or short.  So the losers in all such defeats can be eliminated
without fear of eliminating all of the candidates.  

Doing so would automatically eliminate all of the Pareto dominated candidates,
too, and make the method independent from Pareto dominated candidates.

Any other ideas on how to put these facts to use?


Election-Methods mailing list - see for list info

Re: [EM] Bucklin-like method meeting Favorite Betrayal and Irrelevant Ballots

2010-05-27 Thread fsimmons
- Original Message -
From: Chris Benham
Date: Thursday, May 27, 2010 12:10 pm
Subject: Bucklin-like method meeting Favorite Betrayal and Irrelevant Ballots
To: EM

 This is my suggestion as a good Favorite Betrayal complying
 method, as an alternative
 to SMD,TR.

 It uses multi-slot ratings ballots. I suggest 4-slot ballots as
 adequately expressive, so
 I'll define that version:

 *Voters fill out 4-slot ratings ballots, rating each candidate
 as either Top, Middle1, Middle2
 or Bottom. Default rating is Bottom, signifying least preferred
 and unapproved.

 Any rating above Bottom is interpreted as Approval.

 If any candidate/s X has a Top-Ratings score that is higher than
 any other candidate's approval
 score on ballots that don't top-rate X, elect the X with the
 highest TR score.

 Otherwise, if any candidate/s X has a Top+Middle1 score that is
 higher than any other candidate's
 approval score on ballots that don't give X a Top or Middle1
 rating, elect the X with the highest
 Top+Middle1 score.

 Otherwise, elect the candidate with the highest Approval score.*

 By comparison with Bucklin  I think it just swaps compliance
 with Later-no-Help for Irrelevant
 Ballots, a great gain in my view for a method that fails Later-

 The incentive for voters to truncate and compromise (in other
 words not use the middle ratings
 slots) is less strong.

 40: AB
 35: B
 25: C

 Here (like SMD,TR) it elects the Condorcet winner A.  Bucklin
 elects B.

 35: A
 10: A=B
 30: BC
 25: C

 Here (like SMD,TR) it elects B.  Bucklin elects C

It seems to me that this new method would elect A, since A has the most TR (45
versus 40 for B) and the greatest total of approvals below top is only 30 (by 

 The example is from Kevin Venzke. Electing B demonstrates
 failure of a criterion I called Possible
 Approval Winner (and Forest Simmons something like Futile
 Approval). It says that if the voters all
 enter an approval threshold in their rankings (always making
 some approval distinction among the candidates
 but none among those voted equal) that is as favourable as
 possible for candidate X without making X the thus
 indicated approval winner, then X mustn't win.

 In the example above B can't be more approved than A.

 21: AC
 08: BA
 23: B
 11: C

 Like Bucklin it meets the Plurality criterion. In this example
 where SMD,TR fails that criterion by electing A, it
 and Bucklin both elect C.

 Any comments?

 Chris Benham


Election-Methods mailing list - see for list info