[EM] (no subject)

2012-04-22 Thread Michael Ossipoff
I missed the fact that Dave was answering my question here, and so I'll
reply to his answer:

I'd said:

"Approved" ratings wins. The result? Well, we'd be electing the most
approved candidate, wouldn't we.  Who can criticize that?

>* Dave says: *>* *

>* The voter who did not have equal liking for all Approved. *
*Ok, Dave is saying that that voter could complain about electing the most
approved candidate, the*
*candidate to whom most people have given an approval. *
*One can only wonder how that voter would criticize electing the candidate
to whom the most voters*
*have given an approval.*
*Dave is welcome to share with us the complaint that that voter could make.
Dave, don't forget to include*
*that voter's justification for his complaint. Let your hypothetical voter
tell us what is wrong with electing the candidate*
*to whom the most voters have given an approval.*
*But I'm going to guess what Dave means. He's saying that he wants more; he
wants something else. He wants*
*the expressivity of rank balloting. No matter how much Dave wants that, it
doesn't amount to something wrong*
*with electing the candidate to whom the most candidates have given an
*Certainly Dave can make that complaint--that he wants something more. But
his complaint and ambitions don't amount*
*to an answer to my question (when I asked who could object to electing the
candidate to whom the most voters have*
*given an approval.*
*The rank-balloting advocates' ohjection, desire and ambition certainly
deserves to be answered. I will answer it in a subsequent*
*post (though I answered it to a large extent in the part of my article
that discusses Approval's advantages--I invite Dave to re-read that part).*
*Quite aside from that, is the important question that can be asked about
any propoesd replacement for Plurality:*
*"Is this method going to turn out to be worse than Plurality? Does it have
unforseen consequences and problems that will have*
*some unspecified disastrous effect?"*
*I know that I've already addressed this problem, and pointed out that
Approval's stark, elegant, transparent simplicity doesn't leave*
*any room for that question. That was why I asked who could object to
electing the candidate to whom the most voters have given an*
*You see, it's one thing to say, "I want something even better. I claim
that there can be more, and I want to ask for more!"*
*But it's quite another thing to be able to claim that the method will be
worse than Plurality.  It was regarding that, that I asked my*
*question, "Who could object...". *
*I'm addressing the person who wants to keep Plurality. The person who
wants to say thalt Approval would be worse than Plurality.*
*One question that I'd ask that person is, "Ok, then what's wrong with
electing the candidate whom the most people have approved?"*
*I'd also remind that person that the only difference between Approval and
Plurality is that the person who, in Pluralilty approves a compromise
*who isn't his favorite, would, in Approval, be able to also approve
everyone he likes more, including his favorite(s). People are then
*candidates whom they like more. The winner will be someone who is more
liked by all of those people. Thats's another thing that would be difficult
for the Plurality-defender to object to.*
*Another question that I'd ask the Plurality-defender is; What's wrong with
letting each voter have equal power to rate each candidate?  ...equal power
to give to each candidate one point or 0 points?  ...or, which amounts to
the same, to give to each candidate an "Approved" rating or an "Unapproved"
*In fact, what's wrong with getting rid of Plurality's forced falsification
(which I described in the article)? *
*It's easy to show that Approval will be an improvement on Plurality, and
nothing but an improvement. That can't be said for more complicated
methods, such as the rank-balloting contraptions.*
*I've already said all this in the article. With any method more
complicated than Approval, the public aren't going to be able to be sure
that it*
*won't make things worse. Rank methods are contraptions. How many peoiple
will feel confident that they know what those complicated*
*contraptions will do? And what they'll do wrong sometimes? Opponents,
media, etc. will be able to take full advantage of that*
*I've already said that, if it could be enacted, and if people could
understand or trust its FBC compliance, I'd like ICT as the my favorite
choice of voting system. But those conditions don't obtain, and so I don't
propose ICT, or any other rank method.*
*Mike Ossipoff*

Election-Methods mailing list - see http://electorama.com/em for list info

Re: [EM] Election thinking,

2012-04-22 Thread Dave Ketchum
Mr. Ossipoff writes much about Approval, saying that is as far as we  
can get.

I say elections are important and that readers should respond to the  
importance.  I go thru the series, hitting on the reasons for stepping  
thru Plurality, Approval, and Condorcet, suggesting that Condorcet is  
a target more should be working toward.

I was in a hurry, so did not go into detail about Condorcet.  Since I  
handed this out a couple hours ago there has been little time for  
others to react.


On Apr 22, 2012, at 9:49 PM, Adrian Tawfik wrote:
I think it is good to have the issue analysed from multiple  
perspectives.  If someone want to write a different article than Mr.  
Ossipoff, than we can definitely incorporate it on the website.  I'm  
not sure what you believe Mr. Ossipoff left out, can you clarify?  I  
think the best thing is to print Mr. Ossipoff's article and also  
have different articles that look at other solutions.  There a  
million articles lurking in the work that you all do.  I would love  
to have any of you write about election method reform but also any  
aspect of democracy that you think is important.  Democracy is a big  
subject and very complex but it is the foundation of modern life.   
What do you think?

From: Dave Ketchum 
To: election-methods Methods 
Cc: Adrian Tawfik 
Sent: Sunday, April 22, 2012 8:41 PM
Subject: Election thinking,

Seemed to me Mike left out some important thoughts - can we do better?

On Apr 21, 2012, at 3:41 PM, Michael Ossipoff wrote, as:
  Article, with the added paragraph and some better wording
> Adrian and EM:
Elections are important to many organizations - and important that  
they help the voters express their desires effectively.  Important  
enough that voters should see to it, whatever it takes, that they  
get the information they need and that their thoughts find their way  
correctly to whoever is responsible for responding.

This article's topic is election methods.

Normally candidates get nominated, and can campaign as needed.  Even  
with these, write-in voting should almost always be permitted -  
there is almost always the possibility of a nominated candidate  
becoming unsuitable too late for formal replacement.

> Our current voting system, of course, is the vote-for-1 method.  
Also  called

> "Plurality", or the "single mark method".
> In our Plurality elections, we often hear people saying that  
they're going

> to vote for someone they don't really like, because he/she is the
> "lesser-of-2-evils". Note that they're voting for someone they  
don't like,
> and not voting for the people they really do like, because the  
people they like are

> perceived as unwinnable.

A related possibility is voting for the unwinnable candidate and  
letting the "worst-of-2-evils" win.

A possibility that helps, sometimes, is to be permitted to Approve  
as many candidates as the voter likes best - protecting against the  
"worst-of-2-evils" winning.

This Approval method is a trivial expense and trivial improvement  
over Plurality voting.

>  The candidate with the most
> "Approved" ratings wins. The result? Well, we'd be electing the most
> approved candidate, wouldn't we.  Who can criticize that?

The voter who did not have equal liking for all Approved.  There are  
many voting methods to choose from, so we will only mention a few  

.Condorcet - really a family of methods - variations on a design  
using ranking.  One can use a single rank value for one candidate  
(same value as Plurality), or several (same value as Approval).  A  
voter can also use different ranks, using higher ranks for those  
most preferred, and leaving unranked those least-liked.

Here each pair of candidates is in  a two-party race counting how  
many voters rank one, or rank one higher than the other.  The  
candidate winning all of its races wins but, if none, the one coming  
closest wins.

.IRV - a Condorcet method, though a voter can use each rank  
number only once and the counting is different.

Considering only each voter's top rank, see if there is a winner.   
If not, discard the top rank for the least-liked candidate and move  
each such ballot to next candidate.

The discarding sounds good, and usually discards truly least-liked.  
Trouble is. the truly best-liked may have been hidden behind lesser- 
liked by enough voters to have been discarded as least-liked.

..Score - voters rate each candidate and ratings are added to  
determine winner.  Tricky because making a rating higher or lower  
can affect who wins.


Election-Methods mailing list - see http://electorama.com/em for  
list info

Election-Methods mailing list - see http://electorama.com/em for list info

Re: [EM] Election thinking,

2012-04-22 Thread Michael Ossipoff
Replying to Dave:

On Sun, Apr 22, 2012 at 8:41 PM, Dave Ketchum wrote:

> Seemed to me Mike left out some important thoughts - can we do better?
> On Apr 21, 2012, at 3:41 PM, Michael Ossipoff wrote, as:
>   Article, with the added paragraph and some better wording
>> Adrian and EM:
>> Mike adds: I want to clarify that the text quoted from me so far,
>> consists only of "Adrian and EM". The text following these lines is from
>> Dave. He quotes me later. I'll indicate where that is.

> Elections are important to many organizations - and important that they
> help the voters express their desires effectively.  Important enough that
> voters should see to it, whatever it takes, that they get the information
> they need and that their thoughts find their way correctly to whoever is
> responsible for responding.
> This article's topic is election methods.
> Normally candidates get nominated, and can campaign as needed.  Even with
> these, write-in voting should almost always be permitted - there is almost
> always the possibility of a nominated candidate becoming unsuitable too
> late for formal replacement.
>> Dave quotes me here:

>  Our current voting system, of course, is the vote-for-1 method. Also
>>  called
>> "Plurality", or the "single mark method".
>> In our Plurality elections, we often hear people saying that they're going
>> to vote for someone they don't really like, because he/she is the
>> "lesser-of-2-evils". Note that they're voting for someone they don't like,
>> and not voting for the people they really do like, because the people
>> they like are
>> perceived as unwinnable.
> Dave replies:
 A related possibility is voting for the unwinnable candidate and letting
the "worst-of-2-evils" win.


Not just related--It's definitely part of the scenario to which I refer.
What Dave mentioned above is
the possibility that scares millions of voters into voting for a Democrat
that they don't really like.
Dave continues:

A possibility that helps, sometimes, is to be permitted to Approve as many
candidates as the voter likes best - protecting against the
"worst-of-2-evils" winning.


Yes, that's the solution that I discuss in my article.

Dave continues:

This Approval method is a trivial expense and trivial improvement over
Plurality voting.


Richard Fobes, one of the two organizers and writers of the Declaration,
has wisely invited people to comment on _errors regarding objective fact_
in the articles posted here. Any such objections should be accompanied by
supporting arguments and facts. Dave, in the above-quoted statement by you,
you aren't doing that. To avoid letting these group-criticisms of articles
turn into the usual mess, would you please confine yourself to statements
to criticisms of errors regarding objective, verifiable fact?

If you want to make other comments, criticisms of a voting system, and not
abide by that rule, please clearly label your post at the top, or in the
subject-line, as "personal opinion". There's nothing wrong with expressing
personal opinioin.I'll answer yours here. But kindly distinguish clearly
between your factual criticism of an article, vs expressions of your
personal opinion about a voting system.

Now, to answer your uinsupported personal opinion expressed above, I'll
re-copy it here:

This Approval method is a trivial expense

[I take that to mean that you agree with me, that Approval won't have a
significant set-up cost, for the changeover from Plurality to Approval.

Dave continued:

 and trivial improvement over Plurality voting.


I've thorougly described Approval's improvement over Plurality voting, and
Approval's advantages over other reforms. In fact, I covered those subjects
in my article, the one that Dave is commenting on.

Dave continues:

 The candidate with the most
"Approved" ratings wins. The result? Well, we'd be electing the most
approved candidate, wouldn't we.  Who can criticize that?

> Dave says:

> The voter who did not have equal liking for all Approved.


What? Did anyone say that the voter had to have equal liking for all

I was afraid that this would happen, if this serious article-evaluation is
conducted on EM. Maybe a better solution would be to set up
a "reply-to-all" e-mail group discussion, among Adrian and some EM
members who are appointed by Fobes and Quinn.  That would keep the
careless, irrelevant statements and unsupported personal opinion ouf of the
serious evaluation of articles.

I'm not criticizing expression of personal opinion, or discussion of
advantages and disadvantages of voting systems--In fact, I engage in it
myself. But I clearly distinguish it from the serious article-evaluation
that Fobes spoke of.

Ok, clearly, in this part of the e-mail, we're not talking about a
particular article anymore, and now it's just a discussion of voting
systems. A legitimate subject, and I'm glad to reply.


Re: [EM] Election thinking,

2012-04-22 Thread Adrian Tawfik
I think it is good to have the issue analysed from multiple perspectives.  If 
someone want to write a different article than Mr. Ossipoff, than we can 
definitely incorporate it on the website.  I'm not sure what you believe Mr. 
Ossipoff left out, can you clarify?  I think the best thing is to print Mr. 
Ossipoff's article and also have different articles that look at other 
solutions.  There a million articles lurking in the work that you all do.  I 
would love to have any of you write about election method reform but also any 
aspect of democracy that you think is important.  Democracy is a big subject 
and very complex but it is the foundation of modern life.  What do you think?

 From: Dave Ketchum 
To: election-methods Methods  
Cc: Adrian Tawfik  
Sent: Sunday, April 22, 2012 8:41 PM
Subject: Election thinking, 
Seemed to me Mike left out some important thoughts - can we do better?

On Apr 21, 2012, at 3:41 PM, Michael Ossipoff wrote, as:
       Article, with the added paragraph and some better wording
> Adrian and EM:
Elections are important to many organizations - and important that they help 
the voters express their desires effectively.  Important enough that voters 
should see to it, whatever it takes, that they get the information they need 
and that their thoughts find their way correctly to whoever is responsible for 

This article's topic is election methods.

Normally candidates get nominated, and can campaign as needed.  Even with 
these, write-in voting should almost always be permitted - there is almost 
always the possibility of a nominated candidate becoming unsuitable too late 
for formal replacement.
> Our current voting system, of course, is the vote-for-1 method. Also  called
> "Plurality", or the "single mark method".
> In our Plurality elections, we often hear people saying that they're going
> to vote for someone they don't really like, because he/she is the
> "lesser-of-2-evils". Note that they're voting for someone they don't like,
> and not voting for the people they really do like, because the people they 
> like are
> perceived as unwinnable.

A related possibility is voting for the unwinnable candidate and letting the 
"worst-of-2-evils" win.

A possibility that helps, sometimes, is to be permitted to Approve as many 
candidates as the voter likes best - protecting against the "worst-of-2-evils" 

This Approval method is a trivial expense and trivial improvement over 
Plurality voting.

>  The candidate with the most
> "Approved" ratings wins. The result? Well, we'd be electing the most
> approved candidate, wouldn't we.  Who can criticize that?

The voter who did not have equal liking for all Approved.  There are many 
voting methods to choose from, so we will only mention a few here:

.     Condorcet - really a family of methods - variations on a design using 
ranking.  One can use a single rank value for one candidate (same value as 
Plurality), or several (same value as Approval).  A voter can also use 
different ranks, using higher ranks for those most preferred, and leaving 
unranked those least-liked.

Here each pair of candidates is in  a two-party race counting how many voters 
rank one, or rank one higher than the other.  The candidate winning all of its 
races wins but, if none, the one coming closest wins.

.     IRV - a Condorcet method, though a voter can use each rank number only 
once and the counting is different.

Considering only each voter's top rank, see if there is a winner.  If not, 
discard the top rank for the least-liked candidate and move each such ballot to 
next candidate.

The discarding sounds good, and usually discards truly least-liked. Trouble is. 
the truly best-liked may have been hidden behind lesser-liked by enough voters 
to have been discarded as least-liked.

..     Score - voters rate each candidate and ratings are added to determine 
winner.  Tricky because making a rating higher or lower can affect who wins.

Election-Methods mailing list - see http://electorama.com/em for list info

[EM] Election thinking,

2012-04-22 Thread Dave Ketchum

Seemed to me Mike left out some important thoughts - can we do better?

On Apr 21, 2012, at 3:41 PM, Michael Ossipoff wrote, as:
   Article, with the added paragraph and some better wording

Adrian and EM:

Elections are important to many organizations - and important that  
they help the voters express their desires effectively.  Important  
enough that voters should see to it, whatever it takes, that they get  
the information they need and that their thoughts find their way  
correctly to whoever is responsible for responding.

This article's topic is election methods.

Normally candidates get nominated, and can campaign as needed.  Even  
with these, write-in voting should almost always be permitted - there  
is almost always the possibility of a nominated candidate becoming  
unsuitable too late for formal replacement.

Our current voting system, of course, is the vote-for-1 method.  
Also  called

"Plurality", or the "single mark method".

In our Plurality elections, we often hear people saying that they're  

to vote for someone they don't really like, because he/she is the
"lesser-of-2-evils". Note that they're voting for someone they don't  
and not voting for the people they really do like, because the  
people they like are

perceived as unwinnable.

A related possibility is voting for the unwinnable candidate and  
letting the "worst-of-2-evils" win.

A possibility that helps, sometimes, is to be permitted to Approve as  
many candidates as the voter likes best - protecting against the  
"worst-of-2-evils" winning.

This Approval method is a trivial expense and trivial improvement over  
Plurality voting.

 The candidate with the most
"Approved" ratings wins. The result? Well, we'd be electing the most
approved candidate, wouldn't we.  Who can criticize that?

The voter who did not have equal liking for all Approved.  There are  
many voting methods to choose from, so we will only mention a few here:

. Condorcet - really a family of methods - variations on a design  
using ranking.  One can use a single rank value for one candidate  
(same value as Plurality), or several (same value as Approval).  A  
voter can also use different ranks, using higher ranks for those most  
preferred, and leaving unranked those least-liked.

Here each pair of candidates is in  a two-party race counting how many  
voters rank one, or rank one higher than the other.  The candidate  
winning all of its races wins but, if none, the one coming closest wins.

. IRV - a Condorcet method, though a voter can use each rank  
number only once and the counting is different.

Considering only each voter's top rank, see if there is a winner.  If  
not, discard the top rank for the least-liked candidate and move each  
such ballot to next candidate.

The discarding sounds good, and usually discards truly least-liked.  
Trouble is. the truly best-liked may have been hidden behind lesser- 
liked by enough voters to have been discarded as least-liked.

.. Score - voters rate each candidate and ratings are added to  
determine winner.  Tricky because making a rating higher or lower can  
affect who wins.


Election-Methods mailing list - see http://electorama.com/em for list info

[EM] Democracy Chronicles, introductions

2012-04-22 Thread Adrian Tawfik
Thank you everyone for your help so far.  It has been very nice to be so warmly 
received by your colleagues.  The first article has been published!  You can 
find it at the link below.

I want to encourage everyone to make comments or suggestions to Mr. Fobes' 
personal introduction that he posted recently.  It will be important to make 
the first articles as good as possible to get readers interested.  Of course, 
we can't expect everyone to write an introduction, so if necessary I will make 
later introductions to the interviews.  If anyone who hasn't answered the 
questions would like to do so, please feel free to post your answers to this 
forum and we will add you on to the end of the series.  Thank you again to Mr. 
Fobes for his crucial help. I hope that the interviews are a big hit!  

Also, Mr. Ossipoff, seperate from the interview articles, has written his own 
article covering his favorite voting methods that will be published on our 
website. If anyone wishes to do the same, please let me know I would love to 
hear from you.

Here is the published article about the Declaration:


Election-Methods mailing list - see http://electorama.com/em for list info

[EM] Democracy Chronicles, introductions

2012-04-22 Thread Richard Fobes
Adrian Tawfik at Democracy Chronicles requested that I supply him with 
an introduction to myself for the article that contains my answers to 
his interview questions.  I'm thinking that everyone else who also 
answered his interview questions will need to supply an introduction, 
and I figure that all of us will want to elaborate on the brief comment 
that appears next to our name on the Declaration.  As long as we are 
writing introductions that will be published, we might as well also use 
the opportunity to learn more about each other, and share ideas about 
what to write.  Plus, if any of us includes a statement that defies the 
principles of mathematics, such an error can be pointed out prior to 

With that in mind, here is my suggestion for an introductory paragraph 
about me:

 begin intro 

Richard Fobes, who has a degree in physics (and whose last name rhymes 
with robes), became involved with election-method reform when he 
realized, while writing his book titled "The Creative Problem Solver's 
Toolbox" [link], that most of the world's problems can be solved, but 
the current voting methods used throughout the world are so primitive 
that citizens are unable to elect the problem-solving leaders they want. 
That insight motivated him to spend time over the last two decades 
developing -- including writing open-source software for -- a system of 
voting methods that he calls "VoteFair ranking." The core of the system 
is VoteFair popularity ranking, which is mathematically equivalent to 
the Condorcet-Kemeny method, which is one of the methods supported by 
the "Declaration of Election-Method Reform Advocates."

At his VoteFair.org [link] website, Fobes offers a free service of 
calculating VoteFair ranking results, and a number of organizations have 
used the service to elect their officers. The only people who have 
objected to the results have been incumbents who failed to get reelected.

At that site Fobes also hosts an American Idol poll that allows fans of 
the TV show to rank the show's singers according to who is their 
favorite, who is their second favorite, and so on down to who they like 
the least, and the calculations reveal the overall ranking. Based on the 
results, Fobes writes commentaries that anticipate and explain so-called 
"surprise" results in terms of important voting concepts, especially 
vote splitting, vote concentration, and strategic voting.

 end intro 

Richard Fobes

Election-Methods mailing list - see http://electorama.com/em for list info