[elm-discuss] Re: Poll for Intermediate to Advanced topics that people struggle with

2017-04-24 Thread Dmitry Utkin
- Interacting with 3rd party libraries that use DOM and have multiple 
event-related callbacks
- `Chaining` Cmds and Msgs
- Fighting the lack of interfaces while designing own data structures

On Monday, April 24, 2017 at 5:06:53 PM UTC+3, Jeff Schomay wrote:
> Hello,
> I am considering doing some training material on working with Elm in 
> production.  I want to focus on areas that people struggle with after they 
> are already familiar with Elm.  What concepts continue to confuse you? 
>  What product requirements have been difficult to achieve with Elm?  What 
> is most painful about your Elm codebase?
> Some topics I have already thought of:
> - decoders
> - debouncing (http autocomplete input field for example)
> - scroll to element
> - testing
> - unwieldy update functions
> - api design
> If you have anything you'd like me to consider, please add it to the list. 
>  Thank you!

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[elm-discuss] Re: How do you handle dependencies between updaters?

2017-03-20 Thread Dmitry Utkin
I've came up with solution very similar to Oliver's :)

Top `Page`(or `Screen`) update functions are getting the `Store` which is a 
top level app model. Alternative way is to have `mapToContext` function 
that receives some `Props` and `Store` and maps those to some useful 
context(it might be useful for both view and update functions, btw).

Each top-level `Page` update fn also returns an instance of `Action` that 
helps modifying the store.

On Monday, March 20, 2017 at 1:58:38 PM UTC+2, Eirik Sletteberg wrote:
> In larger Elm apps, it makes sense to divide Updaters so you can 
> package-by-feature.
> For example, a single page application could have updaters like this:
> - Configuration updater
> - Session updater
> - User Profile updater
> - User Settings updater
> - Content updater
> - Some other business specific updater
> The challenge is when there are dependencies between Updaters, for example 
> the User Profile model might need data from the Session model, the Session 
> updater might need to send messages to the User updater (Load user profile 
> when session is updated), or the Content updater may need to check for the 
> Session updater (get session ID to send as parameter to the API when 
> fetching content), or some business-specific updater may need to interact 
> with both the Content updater, the User updater, and the Configuration 
> updater.
> In Redux, one would use combineReducers to mount each reducer under its 
> own path, and then one can trigger actions across reducers. How would you 
> solve this in Elm?

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[elm-discuss] Re: Unsafe mechanism

2017-03-13 Thread Dmitry Utkin
Hi Oliver,

Your code sample looks very similar 

That's a repo related to proposal on adding `Task-based ports`. They were 
proposed more than once already, but I'm not aware of any opinion on the 
subject in the core team.

Having a tool like that would solve lots of issues with 3rd-party libraries 

This feature might be even better if we could get these new two-way ports 
with `Result err val` for sync operations and `Task err ok` for async 

> You're using a shared library now though so whenever you replace a 
javascript implementation with a safe Elm version everyone benefits.

I'm not sure that it's true if we take Firebase client as an example.
You can find *three *Firebase-related libraries on the graveyard of 

I'd prefer to use the original JS library via ports. Having some kind of a 
wrapper library or even a pure Elm version of Firebase client that lacks 
support from the Google\Firebase company itself, might be abandoned by the 
author(s), lacks some features that I need... that's just much worse than 
wiring things up with ports, imho.

On Monday, March 13, 2017 at 11:06:44 AM UTC+2, Oliver Searle-Barnes wrote:
> (prompted by discussion of firebase integration on elm-dev)
> Given that it would be really helpful to have more integration libraries 
> available for Elm (auth0, firebase, aws...) I've been wondering if the 
> current state of affairs is ideal for achieving:
> 1) Maximum number of integration libraries available for Elm
> 2) All of those implemented in pure Elm
> Currently the path to get there appears to be:
> 1) Use an existing javascript library and wrap it using ports
> 2) Reimplement the library in Elm
> 1 to 2 often represents a significant amount of development. Because ports 
> preclude a library from being published in http://package.elm-lang.org/ 
> and elm package doesn't support installing them from anywhere else there's 
> a social pressure to not implement effect managers or release libraries 
> that make use of ports. 
> Another path get to pure Elm libraries might be
> 1) Use an existing javascript library and wrap it using ports or native 
> functions
> 2) Release it as a library
> 3) Gradually migrate the library over to pure Elm with the help of any 
> members of the community that need it
> The concern here is obviously that your Elm code can now blow up and 
> there's no way of knowing which code is unsafe. 
> What if unsafe because a first class concept in Elm? You could mark 
> functions as "unsafe". Any function that calls an unsafe function would 
> also be required to be declared as unsafe  e.g.
> unsafe attemptAuth : LoginDetails -> Task String AuthStatus
> unsafe attemptAuth loginDetails =
> Native.WrappedLibrary.attemptAuth loginDetails
> type Msg
> = unsafe AuthResponse (Result String AuthStatus)
> unsafe update : Msg -> Model -> (Model, Cmd Msg)
> unsafe update msg model =
> case msg of
> AuthResponse status ->
> This would make it possible to do a first pass on integration by just 
> delegating to the javascript implementation. It's now very clear which of 
> your Elm code is safe and unsafe. Having that unsafe keyword not only let's 
> you know which code carries the Elm safety guarantees (if a function isn't 
> marked unsafe) but you now also have this unsafe keyword stinking up your 
> code encouraging you to reimplement it in pure Elm. You're using a shared 
> library now though so whenever you replace a javascript implementation with 
> a safe Elm version everyone benefits.
> What do you think, does this offer a practical route to a greater number 
> of pure Elm integration libraries?

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[elm-discuss] Re: 0.18 Chaining Http requests

2017-02-06 Thread Dmitry Utkin
I guess what you need here is 

See this snippet I've found on 

Hope it helps.

On Monday, February 6, 2017 at 10:46:08 AM UTC+2, Kingsley Hendrickse wrote:
> Thanks
> I don't quite understand how to chain using Task
> I want to first do getCurrentUser Http request and then do 
> notifyOnLocationChange a regular task - but I can't understand how Task 
> could do this.
> Even chaining 2 http requests I don't understand since in order to fire a 
> Task you have use Task.perform or Task.attempt giving them the Msg - this 
> doesn't seem doable with Task
> getCurrentUser : Cmd Msg
> getCurrentUser =
>   Http.toTask (Http.get "/currentUser" decodeLogin)
>   |> Task.attempt CurrentUserResponse
> notifyOnLocationChange: Cmd Msg
> notifyOnLocationChange location =
>   Task.perform OnLocationChange (succeed location)
> any help appreciated 
> On Sunday, 5 February 2017 20:34:56 UTC, John Kelly wrote:
>> Take a look at toTask: 
>> http://package.elm-lang.org/packages/elm-lang/http/1.0.0/Http#toTask

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[elm-discuss] Re: Do the counters in the Guide teach us a wrong scaling approach?

2016-08-30 Thread Dmitry Utkin
Josh, this is great! Thanks for this idea

Textfield.onInput <| ProjectMsg' << SetNewProjectName

On Monday, August 29, 2016 at 11:03:12 PM UTC+3, Josh Adams wrote:
> Here's what I've been working on.  The recent git history is all about 
> refactoring.  Haven't introduced 'sub-components with state' or w/e and 
> don't see it coming soon.  It's an Elm-SPA with a Phoenix backend: 
> https://github.com/knewter/time-tracker
> On Monday, August 29, 2016 at 11:37:10 AM UTC-5, Rex van der Spuy wrote:
>>> For newcomers to Elm, *wouldn't it be better to change the scaling from 
>>> 1 to multiple counters in the guide in a different way? *
>>> E.g.
>>>1. Build everything in 1 module, e.g. save a copy of counter.elm as 
>>>2. Change every building block (Model, Msg, update, view) one at a 
>>>time, and upgrade each to handle multiple counters
>>>   - Suggested order: Model, view, Msg, update
>>>3. After that, separate out the view (and only the view) of an 
>>>individual counter, with signature like "msg -> msg -> Int -> Html msg"
>>>   - with the two msg's being for increment and decrement
>> I would love to know how to do this!
>> Can anyone point me to a brain-dead-simple practical and working example 
>> for a non-expert Elm user like myself?
>> I, like Wouter, have modelled all the Elm apps I've built over the last 9 
>> months on the counter-list example - commonly nesting 3 layers deep.

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[elm-discuss] Re: Do the counters in the Guide teach us a wrong scaling approach?

2016-08-28 Thread Dmitry Utkin

On Sunday, August 28, 2016 at 2:02:04 PM UTC+3, Wouter In t Velt wrote:
> Something I have been struggling with for quite some time (coming from 
> React and Flux) is how to scale. There are various posts on this forum 
> related to the topic, e.g. Design of large elm apps 
> , parent 
> child communication 
> ,
> components 
> .

I'm struggling with this also, like most of us does. All of the approaches 
I've stumbled upon so far have their issues unfortunately.

> On structuring apps, I found the elm-sortable-table and the autocomplete 
> video - shared by Peter Damoc in this thread 
>  - 
> to be very helpful, as well as advice here 
> .
> My summary of the advice is more or less:
>- Forget about about "components": the term is very confusing, means 
>very different things in different contexts.
>- Start to build with 1 Model, 1 Msg, 1 update, 1 view
>- As soon as one these becomes too big, seperate that one out to a 
>view-helper, or update-helper etc
> This very much feels like a "top-down"  approach: the module you start 
> with remains on top. Put everything in there, and split out if needed.
> I keep reminding myself to stop trying to keep pieces of each of the 4 
> building blocks (Model, Msg, update, view) bundled as I separate out. That 
> it is fine to e.g. just put a piece of view code in a separate place - 
> *without 
> trying to bundle it with corresponding pieces of Model, Msg, and update.*

I'm not sure why all this `let's not call components "components"` thing 
started recently. I thinks it's perfectly fine to think in the terms of 
`components`, `widgets`, parent-, child- and all that stuff. Almost 
anything on a webpage can be named as a component, having child components 
and a parent component. It's natural to group and name those things this 
way, imho. Context matters, of course and it's OK.

The issue we have with terminology is `stateful components`(in OOP terms) 
vs `stateless components`. In React world, this is an issue since React 
components implemented as classes can contain state.
Elm nature tells us that there's not such thing as a `stateful Elm 
component`. So we always use this term without being misinterpreted - great!

So in the Elm world, component is a piece of code that
1) takes some props\params\input
2) generates html as a visible output to the input given
3) pipes the user-generated events up to the appropriate handler

In pre-0.17 world we had an easy way to pass the handler(signal address) 
down by providing some context to the `view` like this 

The simplest thing, like passing a callback in JS.
But nowadays(if we're going the fully-featured component path), we need to 
handle all of the events by generating a Msg, handling that Msg inside the 
`update` function of the component and then just return some kind of 
`OutMsg`(or `Dispatch` or `Whatever`) up to the parent.
If parent is not interested in this kind of event, but knows that his 
parent IS, it has to still has to convert it to some `ParentOutMsg` and 
bubble up the event to it's parent. Now *this* is the real issue that 
brings ideas like `stay flat for as long as you can` to life, imho.

> Now I am not sure that my take on "how to do stuff"  is the right way, but 
> it does seem that the *multiple-counters example in the guide teach us 
> exactly the opposite pattern*. 
> *Do the multiple counter examples in the guide put us on the wrong foot?*

Still waiting on this page 
 of the guide 
to update. Maybe Evan will come up with a nicer way to handle the wiring 
and Elm apps could be claimed to scale up easily.
I don't think the examples are bad because I'm not sold on the `stay flat` 
or `start flat` and the best argument against that idea is how clear and 
self-contained Conter.elm 

and how easily it's being reused in two different apps in the `/nesting` 

> We start out with one counter being the top module, and then we add a 
> wrapper *on top* to handle multiple instances of this counter.
> To make matters worse: the multiple counter examples introduces the kind 
> of opaque nesting and messaging structure that is being discouraged here:
> The parent does not know anything about each child counter, parent has its 
> own Msg structure etc.
> After