I have sketched an API for an effect manager module and will discuss it soon with you all.

First I will target Firebase's existing realtime database and authentication API before switching to Firebase 3.0 and its new authentication API. I have not looked into Firebase's new storage API yet.

Sorry for the long delay. Time is very limited atm. Will be better from September onwards.

On 17.08.2016 09:29, Corey Trampe wrote:
I've been watching ElmFire for the 0.17 update <https://github.com/ThomasWeiser/elmfire/issues/13>, and Firebase 3.x support <https://github.com/ThomasWeiser/elmfire/issues/14>, but I guess Thomas Weiser hasn't had time to work on it. (And I'm not here to complain about free software! Thanks, Thomas, for sharing your good work.)

But in the meantime... is anyone using Firebase 3.x with Elm 0.17?

Are you using ports, or a custom effect manager?

How's it working out? Can you share what you've learned?

( I need the new API for Storage <https://firebase.google.com/docs/storage/>. )


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