Re: How do you name your code blocks?

2021-02-16 Thread Greg Minshall
hi, Rodrigo,

thanks.  i understand.  we all like "int i;" to be independent in
separate functions (as it were).  right now, names of source blocks are
global to the .org file, and i don't suspect that will (or should)

i apologize for bringing it up, but the one thing that jumps out at the
programmer part of me is that the python blocks in your code don't
"know" what main.txt actually contains when they are executed, as there
is no dependency on the correct "create-file" source block.  possibly,
though, if you created some dummy :var (on the python "begin_src" lines)
to express this dependency, it would help?  or, maybe it doesn't really

cheers, Greg

Re: A small bugfix in org-clock-in

2021-02-16 Thread Kyle Meyer
Jean-Marie Gaillourdet writes:
> I've experienced occasionally errors while executing org-clock-in from
> the agenda. The errors seems to be that indent-line-to is called with
> a negative argument. Moving from the agenda to the todo headline in
> the underlying org file and repeating org-clock-in and org-clock-out
> usually lead to a state in which I could successfully run
> org-clock-in.
> The following patch fixes the issue for me and I believe it does no
> harm. I've used it daily for two month. I'd appreciate if you could
> add it to org-mode.

I agree the change is safe, though I couldn't figure out how to get into
a state where it'd be needed.  Anyway, pushed (ee4ffa567), adding
TINYCHANGE to the commit message.


Re: Turning off all indentation in 9.4.4

2021-02-16 Thread Kyle Meyer
TRS-80 writes:

> On 2021-02-04 12:45, Kévin Le Gouguec wrote:
>> ORG-NEWS provides these hints:
>>> To get the previous behaviour back, disable ~electric-indent-mode~
>>> explicitly:
>>> #+begin_src emacs-lisp
>>> (add-hook 'org-mode-hook (lambda () (electric-indent-local-mode -1)))
>>> #+end_src
>>> Alternatively, if you wish to keep =RET= as the "smart-return" key,
>>> but dislike Org's default indentation of sections, you may prefer to
>>> customize ~org-adapt-indentation~ to either =nil= or ='headline-data=.
> Unfortunately, unless I am doing something wrong, none of these options
> seem to really restore the previous behavior.  I have set
> ~org-adapt-indentation~ to ~'headline-data~, and now pressing RET goes
> to column 0.  However, unfortunately, TAB now no longer jumps to the
> indentation level of the previous block (for example, so I can insert a
> code block or other block structure into a plain list at the correct
> level).

I think you're talking about the following behavior.

  * a

With org-adapt-indentation at nil (or the new headline-data value), foo
doesn't get indented.  This behavior is not new to 9.4.  If you try with
9.3.8 and org-adapt-indentation is set to nil, it also will not indent.
Step through org--get-expected-indentation to see how the different
values of org-adapt-indentation are handled.

So, if I'm reading your preferences correctly, it sounds like you want
just the first suggestion in the above snippet, leaving
org-adapt-indentation at its default value:

  (add-hook 'org-mode-hook (lambda () (electric-indent-local-mode -1)))

Re: org-agenda for a day different than today

2021-02-16 Thread Kyle Meyer
Alan Schmitt writes:

> I’ve been reading the documentation around org-agenda, and I cannot find
> a way to call it to get an agenda for a day different than today. I’ve
> found org-agenda-goto-date, but I don’t know how to call it from
> emacs-lisp with the target date.
> By the way, I’m surprised by the code of this function, as it is defined
> as:
> (defun org-agenda-goto-date (span)
>   "Jump to DATE in agenda."
>   …
> )
> and "span" is never mentioned in the function. Am I missing something?

That does look wrong.  Among other changes, 93fcfe4d3 (org-agenda.el:
Fix org-agenda-goto-date' again, 2012-08-30) switched the DATE argument
to SPAN, moving the org-read-date call out of the interactive form.
>From that commit alone, I don't have a good guess at why and am
wondering if the above change was an unfinished thought that came along
with the other changes.

Here are two threads from around that time that may be related, though I
haven't reviewed either of them:

Moving org-read-date back to the interactive form would allow lisp
callers to pass in the date, though perhaps it'd bring back some
misbehavior discussed in the above threads.

diff --git a/lisp/org-agenda.el b/lisp/org-agenda.el
index 9b2009fdb..aef642037 100644
--- a/lisp/org-agenda.el
+++ b/lisp/org-agenda.el
@@ -8238,13 +8238,13 @@ (defun org-agenda-manipulate-query (char)
 (defun org-add-to-string (var string)
   (set var (concat (symbol-value var) string)))
-(defun org-agenda-goto-date (span)
+(defun org-agenda-goto-date (date)
   "Jump to DATE in agenda."
-  (interactive "P")
-  (let* ((org-read-date-prefer-future
- (eval org-agenda-jump-prefer-future))
-(date (org-read-date))
-(day (time-to-days (org-time-string-to-time date)))
+  (interactive
+   (list
+(let ((org-read-date-prefer-future org-agenda-jump-prefer-future))
+  (org-read-date
+  (let* ((day (time-to-days (org-time-string-to-time date)))
 (org-agenda-sticky-orig org-agenda-sticky)
 (org-agenda-buffer-tmp-name (buffer-name))
 (args (get-text-property (min (1- (point-max)) (point)) 

Re: [bug] org-do-emphasis-faces breaks with incomplete emphasis

2021-02-16 Thread Samuel Wales
still not what i am saying.  nefver mind.  thanks.

On 2/16/21, Tim Cross  wrote:
> Samuel Wales  writes:
>> hi tim,
>> tanks for your replies.
>> 1.  the same problem occurs without any * in the buffer.
> It will occur with any of the markup special characters e.g. *, =, _, +, /
>> 2.  the emphasis regexps are supposed to be limited to a few lines.
> Are they? What is 'a few'? This also won't work if you use
> visual-line-mode and don't use auto-fill (as your paragraphs are then
> just one long line).
>> 3.  they are also supposed to not try to match dissimilar delimiiters.
> Not quite sure what you mean here.
>> the problem is that
>> hi =something
>> stops all emphasis of all types in the entire rest of hte bguffer even
>> if the buyffer contains many lines.  this sems unusual to me.
>> it does not break anything befofre it.
>> so i think your hypothesis of what i am talking about might possibly
>> not match what i am talking about at all.
> I'm not disagreeing with what your saying. I think the reason the rest
> of the file doesn't get parsed correctly is because the single markup
> character has made the syntax inconsistent and broken.
> The problem is I don't think there is a good fix for this which doesn't
> introduce other problems. If the regexp which does the matching is
> supposed to limit its search to just a specific number of lines, then
> perhaps it is broken. However, I'm not sure what 'a few lines' really
> means (2?, 5?, 10?). I also know from past experience that trying to
> define font-lock matches which work in such a way is complex, error
> prone and often results in a considerable performance hit.
> Bottom line, if you want to use the characters reserved for markup
> purposes as just plain characters, you have to somehow quote them or
> mark them as being 'verbatim' characters. I do think it would be useful
> to have something in the manual on this under the markup section.
> --
> Tim Cross

The Kafka Pandemic

Please learn what misopathy is.

Re: How do you name your code blocks?

2021-02-16 Thread Kevin M. Stout
On 2021-02-15 14:18, Rodrigo Morales wrote:
> 1. Do you use long names?

Usually.  Suppose you were doing a bit of genetic programming.  You might have a
function that computes the next generation from the current one.  You could
write the following snippet that looks suspiciously like pseudocode:

  #+HEADER::noweb-ref genetic/functions
  #+BEGIN_SRC python
  def next_generation(curr):
  return new

You would then have a block dedicated to each major part of the evolutionary

> 2. If not, how do you name your code blocks to avoid name conflicts?

I have been over the tangling and noweb expansion code quite a bit lately.  The
chief benefit of using #+NAME on a code block is ability to call it.  For
example, you might have

  #+NAME: generate keymap
  #+BEGIN_SRC elisp :var t=keymap

whose sole purpose is to take a table from elsewhere in an Org file and generate
the code that sets up a keymap.  To use it, you might say

  #+BEGIN_SRC elisp

For every other purpose, :noweb-ref works better.  In newer versions of org,
it's the sole means of accumulating code under a common name in the WEB/Noweb
tradition.  In older versions, duplicate #+NAMEs did result in accumulation, but
the behavior was undefined.

A word on syntax: I find 

  #+BEGIN_SRC language :noweb-ref "block name"

less readable than

  #+HEADER::noweb-ref block name
  #+BEGIN_SRC language

especially when there are further block-specific header args.  Either is more
cumbersome to type than the #+NAME syntax, but that can be dealt with using
something like

  (add-to-list 'org-structure-template-alist
   '("ss" "#+HEADER::noweb-ref ?\n#+BEGIN_SRC\n\n#+END_SRC"))

Then, to set up a safely-named block, 

Re: How do you name your code blocks?

2021-02-16 Thread Rodrigo Morales

Eric S Fraga  writes:

> Yes.  Fully qualified and detailed.  And then rely on completion to jump
> to code blocks (using org-babel-goto-named-src-block).

Thanks for the answer. I didn't know about

Regarding using fully qualified and detailed names: I feel like it is
not a good idea for the use case I have with Org Mode. I have multiple
big Org files for each programming languages I've used and while using
long names might avoid name conflicts, there would be a time in which a
name conflict would occur because it is necessary to avoid using a name
which has already been used, so for example if I name a code block with
=generate-data-for-plotting=, I can't use that same name again.

For this reason, I was thinking in the following workaround: use use the
ID of the subtree as the prefix of the name of the code blocks. Thus,
name conflicts are less likely to occur (see example below).

#+begin_src org
,* DONE How to get the number of lines in a file?
  :ID:   ec1f7066-213c-458e-a0f9-786b722218f4

,#+NAME: ec1f7066-213c-458e-a0f9-786b722218f4/create-file
,#+begin_src dash :results silent
cat << EOF > main.txt

,* DONE How to print most repeated word in a file?
  :ID:   e0768c19-080f-47db-9dc2-3bd00efdd036

,#+NAME: e0768c19-080f-47db-9dc2-3bd00efdd036/create-file
,#+begin_src dash :results silent
cat << EOF > main.txt
fizz fizz fizz
buzz buzz buzz buzz
bar bar

As we can see above, both =dash= code blocks are given the name
=create-file= because both of them create a file but the ID of the
heading is used a the prefix in order to avoid a name conflict.

Let me know your thoughts on this workaround :)
Rodrigo Morales.
IRC: rdrg109 (freenode)

Re: [bug] org-do-emphasis-faces breaks with incomplete emphasis

2021-02-16 Thread Tim Cross

Samuel Wales  writes:

> hi tim,
> tanks for your replies.
> 1.  the same problem occurs without any * in the buffer.

It will occur with any of the markup special characters e.g. *, =, _, +, /

> 2.  the emphasis regexps are supposed to be limited to a few lines.

Are they? What is 'a few'? This also won't work if you use
visual-line-mode and don't use auto-fill (as your paragraphs are then
just one long line).

> 3.  they are also supposed to not try to match dissimilar delimiiters.

Not quite sure what you mean here.

> the problem is that
> hi =something
> stops all emphasis of all types in the entire rest of hte bguffer even
> if the buyffer contains many lines.  this sems unusual to me.
> it does not break anything befofre it.
> so i think your hypothesis of what i am talking about might possibly
> not match what i am talking about at all.

I'm not disagreeing with what your saying. I think the reason the rest
of the file doesn't get parsed correctly is because the single markup
character has made the syntax inconsistent and broken.

The problem is I don't think there is a good fix for this which doesn't
introduce other problems. If the regexp which does the matching is
supposed to limit its search to just a specific number of lines, then
perhaps it is broken. However, I'm not sure what 'a few lines' really
means (2?, 5?, 10?). I also know from past experience that trying to
define font-lock matches which work in such a way is complex, error
prone and often results in a considerable performance hit.

Bottom line, if you want to use the characters reserved for markup
purposes as just plain characters, you have to somehow quote them or
mark them as being 'verbatim' characters. I do think it would be useful
to have something in the manual on this under the markup section.

Tim Cross

Re: How do you name your code blocks?

2021-02-16 Thread Rodrigo Morales

Greg Minshall  writes:

> i guess part of the answer depends on why you are naming your code
> blocks.

I was asking because in my notes in Org Mode, I am used to create
subheadings for each question I have. Here's an example:

Let's say that in my notes on Python, I have the following content

#+begin_src org
,* DONE How to get the number of lines in a file?
  - State "DONE"   from  [2021-02-16 Tue 20:02]

,#+NAME: create-file
,#+begin_src dash :results silent
cat << EOF > main.txt

,#+begin_src python


,* DONE How to print most repeated word in a file?
  - State "DONE"   from  [2021-02-16 Tue 20:02]

,#+NAME: create-file
,#+begin_src dash :results silent
cat << EOF > main.txt
fizz fizz fizz
buzz buzz buzz buzz
bar bar

,#+begin_src python
import re
from collections import Counter

with open('main.txt') as f:
passage =

words = re.findall(r'\w+', passage)

word_counts = Counter(words)


[('buzz', 4)]

As you can see above, there are two code blocks which creates two text
files so that a Python script can then process it. Both of them create
a text file, that's why I have used =create-file= as the name of those
code block. I could have used very long names but I don't find
comfortable myself doing that since it adds extra effort to think in a
name for such simple code blocks (see below an example of the approach
of using long names).

#+begin_src org
,* DONE How to get the number of lines in a file?

,#+NAME: create-file-for-counting-lines
,#+begin_src dash :results silent
cat << EOF > main.txt

,* DONE How to print most repeated word in a file?

,#+NAME: create-file-for-finding-most-repeated-word
,#+begin_src dash :results silent
cat << EOF > main.txt
fizz fizz fizz
buzz buzz buzz buzz
bar bar

Rodrigo Morales.
IRC: rdrg109 (freenode)

Re: [bug] org-do-emphasis-faces breaks with incomplete emphasis

2021-02-16 Thread Samuel Wales
to understant, perahsp try to look at the op and remove the line that says *hi*?

On 2/16/21, Samuel Wales  wrote:
> hi tim,
> tanks for your replies.
> 1.  the same problem occurs without any * in the buffer.
> 2.  the emphasis regexps are supposed to be limited to a few lines.
> 3.  they are also supposed to not try to match dissimilar delimiiters.
> the problem is that
> hi =something
> stops all emphasis of all types in the entire rest of hte bguffer even
> if the buyffer contains many lines.  this sems unusual to me.
> it does not break anything befofre it.
> so i think your hypothesis of what i am talking about might possibly
> not match what i am talking about at all.
> i am limited in coputer ue and will have to stop.
> tahnks for your replies.
> On 2/16/21, Tim Cross  wrote:
>> Samuel Wales  writes:
>>> to answer your question: i expected it to just skip the non-emphasis.
>>> not emphasizing the rest of the buffer seemed quite unusual.
>> I guess the problem is the same - how does org know when it is just a *
>> and when it is the beginning of some emphasis text? We could make it
>> that such markup only works on words, allowing the code to only consider
>> two * as emphasis if there are no spaces, otherwise treat as just a *,
>> but that would be inconvenient when you want to emphasis a phrase or a
>> couple of words. We could change the regexp to only consider it an
>> emphasis block if both markers are on the same line, but again,
>> potentially inconvenient and it would fail for those who use visual-line
>> mode where there paragraphs are just 1 long line.
>> In short, can understand what your saying, but not sure there is a
>> viable fix which doesn't have a heap of other consequences. Basically,
>> if you want to use the 'markup' characters as normal characters, you
>> need to either escape them or put them inside a verbatim directive.
>> --
>> Tim Cross
> --
> The Kafka Pandemic
> Please learn what misopathy is.

The Kafka Pandemic

Please learn what misopathy is.

Re: [bug] org-do-emphasis-faces breaks with incomplete emphasis

2021-02-16 Thread Samuel Wales
hi tim,

tanks for your replies.

1.  the same problem occurs without any * in the buffer.

2.  the emphasis regexps are supposed to be limited to a few lines.

3.  they are also supposed to not try to match dissimilar delimiiters.

the problem is that

hi =something

stops all emphasis of all types in the entire rest of hte bguffer even
if the buyffer contains many lines.  this sems unusual to me.

it does not break anything befofre it.

so i think your hypothesis of what i am talking about might possibly
not match what i am talking about at all.

i am limited in coputer ue and will have to stop.

tahnks for your replies.

On 2/16/21, Tim Cross  wrote:
> Samuel Wales  writes:
>> to answer your question: i expected it to just skip the non-emphasis.
>> not emphasizing the rest of the buffer seemed quite unusual.
> I guess the problem is the same - how does org know when it is just a *
> and when it is the beginning of some emphasis text? We could make it
> that such markup only works on words, allowing the code to only consider
> two * as emphasis if there are no spaces, otherwise treat as just a *,
> but that would be inconvenient when you want to emphasis a phrase or a
> couple of words. We could change the regexp to only consider it an
> emphasis block if both markers are on the same line, but again,
> potentially inconvenient and it would fail for those who use visual-line
> mode where there paragraphs are just 1 long line.
> In short, can understand what your saying, but not sure there is a
> viable fix which doesn't have a heap of other consequences. Basically,
> if you want to use the 'markup' characters as normal characters, you
> need to either escape them or put them inside a verbatim directive.
> --
> Tim Cross

The Kafka Pandemic

Please learn what misopathy is.

Re: [bug] org-do-emphasis-faces breaks with incomplete emphasis

2021-02-16 Thread Tim Cross

Samuel Wales  writes:

> to answer your question: i expected it to just skip the non-emphasis.
> not emphasizing the rest of the buffer seemed quite unusual.

I guess the problem is the same - how does org know when it is just a *
and when it is the beginning of some emphasis text? We could make it
that such markup only works on words, allowing the code to only consider
two * as emphasis if there are no spaces, otherwise treat as just a *,
but that would be inconvenient when you want to emphasis a phrase or a
couple of words. We could change the regexp to only consider it an
emphasis block if both markers are on the same line, but again,
potentially inconvenient and it would fail for those who use visual-line
mode where there paragraphs are just 1 long line.

In short, can understand what your saying, but not sure there is a
viable fix which doesn't have a heap of other consequences. Basically,
if you want to use the 'markup' characters as normal characters, you
need to either escape them or put them inside a verbatim directive.

Tim Cross

org-agenda-list should respect org-agenda-max-entries

2021-02-16 Thread Ag Ibragimov

While going through the source code, I've noticed that org-agenda-list scans 
all the files in org-agenda-files and processes all Org items those files 

However, it seems when org-agenda-max-entries or org-agenda-max-todos are not 
nil, it still processes every entry, and only after building the agenda it 
reduces the number of items in the list. It's okay, but if you have lots of 
files and tons of entries, it seems to be waste of time and resources.

Just wanted to bring someone's attention to that. Thank you!

Re: [bug] org-do-emphasis-faces breaks with incomplete emphasis

2021-02-16 Thread Tim Cross

Samuel Wales  writes:

> hi tim,
> it isn't malformed, so definitely not looking to be told it's
> malformed.  it is just text that is not emphasis.
> if you think the function works as expected by skipping the rest of
> the buffer, then never mind.
> i was, in that case, just emphasizing that the code floating around
> that is used to fontify the agenda is going to break.  so nm.

OK, that makes more sense. I guess you need to escape the * e.g. \* to
turn off its 'special' meaning or put it between = to make it a
'verbatim' value. To be honest, I've never run into this
issue, but I tend to not use '*' in my text unless it is for emphasis.

Tim Cross

Re: [bug] org-do-emphasis-faces breaks with incomplete emphasis

2021-02-16 Thread Samuel Wales
to answer your question: i expected it to just skip the non-emphasis.
not emphasizing the rest of the buffer seemed quite unusual.

On 2/16/21, Samuel Wales  wrote:
> hi tim,
> it isn't malformed, so definitely not looking to be told it's
> malformed.  it is just text that is not emphasis.
> if you think the function works as expected by skipping the rest of
> the buffer, then never mind.
> i was, in that case, just emphasizing that the code floating around
> that is used to fontify the agenda is going to break.  so nm.
> On 2/16/21, Tim Cross  wrote:
>> Samuel Wales  writes:
>>> in fundamental mode [to eliminate any extra stuff]:
>>> ===
>>> hi
>>> /hi/
>>> hi =test
>>> hi
>>> hi
>>> hi
>>> /hi/
>>> hi
>>> *hi*
>>> hi
>>> hi
>>> hi
>>> ===
>>> m-: (org-do-emphasis-faces nil) RET
>>> everything after =test does not get emphasized.
>>> there is code floating around that calls hte function directly instead
>>> of via font lock.  so even if font lock or org mode forgive this, that
>>> code does not seem to.  and idk whether it is forgiven or if there are
>>> unintended consequences.
>>> e.g. to emphasize in agenda.  which, not sure why it isn't?
>> I'm not clear on what you are expecting/wanting here. If you have badly
>> formed markup, syntax highlighting and other functions can be expected
>> to fail.
>> Are you expecting something more informative, like an error message
>> saying you have an unterminated emphasis marker or similar? If so, while
>> it might be possible, I suspect it would come at a high cost from a
>> performance perspective, especially in large org files. For example, at
>> what point do you decide the closing marker is missing rather than just
>> a little further along? At what point do you begin doing the checking -
>> after typing the first marker, after the first character, after the
>> first space (noting that all this checking comes at a performance cost)?
>> What does org-lint tell you when you have such malformed markup in your
>> document? Would that be sufficient to track down issues when they occur?
>> If org-lint is not picking it up or is not providing enough detail to
>> help resolve the issue, perhaps tweaking it would be worthwhile.
>> --
>> Tim Cross
> --
> The Kafka Pandemic
> Please learn what misopathy is.

The Kafka Pandemic

Please learn what misopathy is.

Re: [bug] org-do-emphasis-faces breaks with incomplete emphasis

2021-02-16 Thread Samuel Wales
hi tim,

it isn't malformed, so definitely not looking to be told it's
malformed.  it is just text that is not emphasis.

if you think the function works as expected by skipping the rest of
the buffer, then never mind.

i was, in that case, just emphasizing that the code floating around
that is used to fontify the agenda is going to break.  so nm.

On 2/16/21, Tim Cross  wrote:
> Samuel Wales  writes:
>> in fundamental mode [to eliminate any extra stuff]:
>> ===
>> hi
>> /hi/
>> hi =test
>> hi
>> hi
>> hi
>> /hi/
>> hi
>> *hi*
>> hi
>> hi
>> hi
>> ===
>> m-: (org-do-emphasis-faces nil) RET
>> everything after =test does not get emphasized.
>> there is code floating around that calls hte function directly instead
>> of via font lock.  so even if font lock or org mode forgive this, that
>> code does not seem to.  and idk whether it is forgiven or if there are
>> unintended consequences.
>> e.g. to emphasize in agenda.  which, not sure why it isn't?
> I'm not clear on what you are expecting/wanting here. If you have badly
> formed markup, syntax highlighting and other functions can be expected
> to fail.
> Are you expecting something more informative, like an error message
> saying you have an unterminated emphasis marker or similar? If so, while
> it might be possible, I suspect it would come at a high cost from a
> performance perspective, especially in large org files. For example, at
> what point do you decide the closing marker is missing rather than just
> a little further along? At what point do you begin doing the checking -
> after typing the first marker, after the first character, after the
> first space (noting that all this checking comes at a performance cost)?
> What does org-lint tell you when you have such malformed markup in your
> document? Would that be sufficient to track down issues when they occur?
> If org-lint is not picking it up or is not providing enough detail to
> help resolve the issue, perhaps tweaking it would be worthwhile.
> --
> Tim Cross

The Kafka Pandemic

Please learn what misopathy is.

Re: Org failing to format a link with verbatim text

2021-02-16 Thread Berry, Charles

> On Feb 16, 2021, at 1:20 PM, Okam  wrote:
> I am using the Emacs gccemacs branch with Org version "9.5-dev".
> I have noticed that when I try to insert the stored link
> file:doc/*Destructuring with =dash=
> and use the heading as the link description, that Org cannot format this 
> link correctly in all circumstances, and tries to make the verbatim text 
> break out from the link.

The last para of (info "(org) External Links") says in part:

If spaces must be part of the link (for example in
‘bbdb:R.*Stallman’), or if you need to remove ambiguities about the
end of the link, enclose the link in square or angular brackets.

To me, this sounds like advice not to drop external links amid normal text. 
i.e. put them in brackets instead.



Re: [bug] org-do-emphasis-faces breaks with incomplete emphasis

2021-02-16 Thread Tim Cross

Samuel Wales  writes:

> in fundamental mode [to eliminate any extra stuff]:
> ===
> hi
> /hi/
> hi =test
> hi
> hi
> hi
> /hi/
> hi
> *hi*
> hi
> hi
> hi
> ===
> m-: (org-do-emphasis-faces nil) RET
> everything after =test does not get emphasized.
> there is code floating around that calls hte function directly instead
> of via font lock.  so even if font lock or org mode forgive this, that
> code does not seem to.  and idk whether it is forgiven or if there are
> unintended consequences.
> e.g. to emphasize in agenda.  which, not sure why it isn't?

I'm not clear on what you are expecting/wanting here. If you have badly
formed markup, syntax highlighting and other functions can be expected
to fail.

Are you expecting something more informative, like an error message
saying you have an unterminated emphasis marker or similar? If so, while
it might be possible, I suspect it would come at a high cost from a
performance perspective, especially in large org files. For example, at
what point do you decide the closing marker is missing rather than just
a little further along? At what point do you begin doing the checking -
after typing the first marker, after the first character, after the
first space (noting that all this checking comes at a performance cost)?

What does org-lint tell you when you have such malformed markup in your
document? Would that be sufficient to track down issues when they occur?
If org-lint is not picking it up or is not providing enough detail to
help resolve the issue, perhaps tweaking it would be worthwhile.

Tim Cross

[bug] org-do-emphasis-faces breaks with incomplete emphasis

2021-02-16 Thread Samuel Wales
in fundamental mode [to eliminate any extra stuff]:

hi =test

m-: (org-do-emphasis-faces nil) RET

everything after =test does not get emphasized.

there is code floating around that calls hte function directly instead
of via font lock.  so even if font lock or org mode forgive this, that
code does not seem to.  and idk whether it is forgiven or if there are
unintended consequences.

e.g. to emphasize in agenda.  which, not sure why it isn't?

The Kafka Pandemic

Please learn what misopathy is.

Org failing to format a link with verbatim text

2021-02-16 Thread Okam

I am using the Emacs gccemacs branch with Org version "9.5-dev".
I have noticed that when I try to insert the stored link

 file:doc/*Destructuring with =dash=

and use the heading as the link description, that Org cannot format this 
link correctly in all circumstances, and tries to make the verbatim text 
break out from the link.  I have attached pictures showing this.

I can avoid this be separating the sentences with a blank line.

Thank you.

Bug: linking to <> requests tags table [9.4.4 ( @ /home/arne/.guix-profile/share/emacs/site-lisp/)]

2021-02-16 Thread Dr. Arne Babenhauserheide

Remember to cover the basics, that is, what you expected to happen and
what in fact did happen.  You don't know how to make a good report?  See

Your bug report will be posted to the Org mailing list.

Following the manual at Hyperlinks Node: Internal Links

 1. one item
 2. <>another item
 Here we refer to item [[target]].

And then using C-c C-o on [[target]] I get the prompt in the minibuffer
“Visit tags table (default TAGS)” instead of jumping to <>.

Best wishes,

Emacs  : GNU Emacs 27.1 (build 1, x86_64-pc-linux-gnu, GTK+ Version 3.24.24, 
cairo version 1.16.0)
Package: Org mode version 9.4.4 ( @ 

current state:
 org-duration-format '((special . h:mm))
 org-src-mode-hook '(org-src-babel-configure-edit-buffer 
 org-agenda-skip-additional-timestamps-same-entry t
 org-timer-default-timer "\"0:00:30\""
 org-after-todo-state-change-hook '(org-checklist 
 org-columns-default-format "%25ITEM %TODO %3PRIORITY %TAGS %17Effort(Estimated 
Effort){:} %CLOCKSUM"
 org-link-shell-confirm-function 'yes-or-no-p
 org-metadown-hook '(org-babel-pop-to-session-maybe)
 org-global-properties '(("Effort_ALL" . "0:30 1:00 2:00 3:00 6:00 8:00 16:00 
 org-clock-out-hook '(org-clock-remove-empty-clock-drawer 
 org-time-stamp-custom-formats '("<%Y-%m-%d %a>" . "<%Y-%m-%d %a %H:%M>")
 org-enforce-todo-dependencies t
 org-checkbox-hierarchical-statistics nil
 org-latex-default-packages-alist '(("AUTO" "inputenc" t) ("T1" "fontenc" t) 
("" "fixltx2e" nil) ("" "graphicx" t)
("" "longtable" nil) ("" "float" nil) ("" 
"wrapfig" nil) ("" "rotating" nil)
("normalem" "ulem" t) ("" "amsmath" t) 
("force,almostfull" "textcomp" t) ("" "marvosym" t)
("" "wasysym" t) ("" "amssymb" t) ("" 
"hyperref" nil) "\\tolerance=1000")
 org-edit-src-content-indentation 0
 org-src-tab-acts-natively nil
 org-odt-format-headline-function 'org-odt-format-headline-default-function
 org-latex-pdf-process '("pdflatex -interaction nonstopmode -shell-escape 
-output-directory %o %f" "bibtex $(basename %b)"
 "pdflatex -interaction nonstopmode -shell-escape 
-output-directory %o %f"
 "pdflatex -interaction nonstopmode -shell-escape 
-output-directory %o %f")
 org-jira-progress-issue-flow '(("Open" . "In Bearbeitung") ("In Bearbeitung" . 
"In Review") ("In Review" . "Bearbeitet"))
 org-ascii-format-inlinetask-function 'org-ascii-format-inlinetask-default
 org-clock-report-include-clocking-task t
 org-reveal-start-hook '(org-decrypt-entry)
 org-modules '(org-bbdb org-bibtex org-crypt org-ctags org-docview org-eww 
org-gnus org-habit org-info org-irc org-mhe org-rmail
 org-plantuml-jar-path "~/.guix-profile/share/java/plantuml.jar"
 org-blocker-hook '(org-block-todo-from-children-or-siblings-or-parent)
 org-mode-hook '(org-tempo-setup
>\203_\332\311\f\333BC\334#\210\335 >\203k\332\311\336\334#\210\337 




























 `(face org-link mouse-face highlight keymap 

Re: A small bugfix in org-clock-in

2021-02-16 Thread Jean-Marie Gaillourdet


I am sorry, for the mess in my previous mail.

I've experienced occasionally errors while executing org-clock-in 
the agenda. The errors seems to be that indent-line-to is called 
with a
negative argument. Moving from the agenda to the todo headline in 
underlying org file and repeating org-clock-in and org-clock-out 

lead to a state in which I could successfully run org-clock-in.

The following patch fixes the issue for me and I believe it does 
harm. I've used it daily for two month. I'd appreciate if you 
could add

it to org-mode.

Kind regards,

>From 319785492d55d33cdf819aa891c3e7834dafacff Mon Sep 17 00:00:00 2001
From: Jean-Marie Gaillourdet 
Date: Sun, 13 Dec 2020 12:50:52 +0100
Subject: [PATCH] org-clock: fix runtime error in org-clock-in

* org-clock.el (org-clock-in): Under certain configurations of org,
Emacs doom, evil-org-mode and my custom settings, org-clock-in aborts
with an an error because indent-line-to is called with -2.
 lisp/org-clock.el | 2 +-
 1 file changed, 1 insertion(+), 1 deletion(-)

diff --git a/lisp/org-clock.el b/lisp/org-clock.el
index 6c7a797ff..4256b1a21 100644
--- a/lisp/org-clock.el
+++ b/lisp/org-clock.el
@@ -1368,7 +1368,7 @@ the default behavior."
 			(end-of-line 0)
 	 (beginning-of-line 1)
-	 (indent-line-to (- (current-indentation) 2)))
+	 (indent-line-to (max 0 (- (current-indentation) 2
 	   (insert org-clock-string " ")
 	   (setq org-clock-effort (org-entry-get (point) org-effort-property))
 	   (setq org-clock-total-time (org-clock-sum-current-item

Jean-Marie Gaillourdet

Re: [question] lisp code in :results header arg.?

2021-02-16 Thread Juan Manuel Macías
"Berry, Charles"  writes:

> I think you might do better to use noweb chunks, viz.
> #+name: pre-amble
> #+begin_src latex :exports none
>   \usepackage{luacode}
>   \usepackage{fontspec}
>   \directlua
>   {
>   [...]
>   }
>   }
>   \setmainfont{Linux Libertine O}
>   [RawFeature={+ktest}]
> #+end_src
> #+begin_src latex :noweb yes :results drawer
> ,#+LaTeX_HEADER: <>
> #+end_src
> Evaluating the latter chunk (assuming `org-babel-load-languages' has (latex . 
> t)) gives what I suspect you want.

wow, it works great! Many thanks. I did not know this use of noweb ...

Best regards,

Juan Manuel 

Re: [question] lisp code in :results header arg.?

2021-02-16 Thread Berry, Charles

> On Feb 16, 2021, at 8:30 AM, Juan Manuel Macías  
> wrote:
> Hi,
> I'm exploring some ways to include a complex LaTeX preamble using source
> blocks. Consider this (code at the end of this message), that works fine.
> My question is: In order to do it all in a single block, would there be
> any way to pass the output of the first block as an argument to a
> function, and put that function as a header arg (results)...?

[rest deleted]

I think you might do better to use noweb chunks, viz.

#+name: pre-amble
#+begin_src latex :exports none
  \setmainfont{Linux Libertine O}

#+begin_src latex :noweb yes :results drawer
,#+LaTeX_HEADER: <>

Evaluating the latter chunk (assuming `org-babel-load-languages' has (latex . 
t)) gives what I suspect you want.

Note that using a drawer allows replacement of the result.


Re: Toggle headline underlining in text export?

2021-02-16 Thread Christine Köhn
Hi Loris,

have a look at the variable org-ascii-underline. It defines the
characters for underlining headings. If no character is set, the
headlines shouldn't be underlined (according to the documentation).


A small bufix in org-clock-in

2021-02-16 Thread Jean-Marie Gaillourdet

I've experienced occasionally errors while executing org-clock-in from
the agenda. Moving from the agenda to the todo headline in the
underlying org file and repeating org-clock-in and org-clock-out usually
lead to a state in which I could successfully run org-clock-in.

The following patch fixes the issue for me and I believe it does no
harm. I've used it daily for two month. I'd appreciate if you could add
it org-mode.

Kind regards,

-- Jean-Marie Gaillourdet
From 319785492d55d33cdf819aa891c3e7834dafacff Mon Sep 17 00:00:00 2001
From: Jean-Marie Gaillourdet 
Subject: [PATCH] org-clock: fix runtime error in org-clock-in

* org-clock.el (org-clock-in): Under certain configurations of org,
Emacs doom, evil-org-mode and my custom settings, org-clock-in aborts
with an an error because indent-line-to is called with -2.
 lisp/org-clock.el | 2 +-
 1 file changed, 1 insertion(+), 1 deletion(-)

diff --git a/lisp/org-clock.el b/lisp/org-clock.el
index 6c7a797ff..4256b1a21 100644
--- a/lisp/org-clock.el
+++ b/lisp/org-clock.el
@@ -1368,7 +1368,7 @@ the default behavior."
 			(end-of-line 0)
 	 (beginning-of-line 1)
-	 (indent-line-to (- (current-indentation) 2)))
+	 (indent-line-to (max 0 (- (current-indentation) 2
 	   (insert org-clock-string " ")
 	   (setq org-clock-effort (org-entry-get (point) org-effort-property))
 	   (setq org-clock-total-time (org-clock-sum-current-item

[question] lisp code in :results header arg.?

2021-02-16 Thread Juan Manuel Macías

I'm exploring some ways to include a complex LaTeX preamble using source
blocks. Consider this (code at the end of this message), that works fine.

My question is: In order to do it all in a single block, would there be
any way to pass the output of the first block as an argument to a
function, and put that function as a header arg (results)...?

Best Regards,

Juan Manuel 

#+begin_src latex :results silent :exports results
 name = "ktest",
 type = "kern",
 data = 
   ["A"] = { ["V"] = -45 },
  \setmainfont{Linux Libertine O}

#+begin_src emacs-lisp :var x=preamble :results raw :exports results
  (let* ((lines (split-string x "\n" nil))
 (headers (mapconcat (lambda
   (unless (equal line "")
 (format "#+LaTeX_Header: %s" line)))
 lines "\n")))

#+LaTeX_Header: \usepackage{luacode}
#+LaTeX_Header: \usepackage{fontspec}
#+LaTeX_Header: \directlua
#+LaTeX_Header: {
#+LaTeX_Header: fonts.handlers.otf.addfeature 
#+LaTeX_Header: {
#+LaTeX_Header:name = "ktest",
#+LaTeX_Header:type = "kern",
#+LaTeX_Header:data = 
#+LaTeX_Header:   {
#+LaTeX_Header:  ["A"] = { ["V"] = -45 },
#+LaTeX_Header:   },
#+LaTeX_Header: }
#+LaTeX_Header: }
#+LaTeX_Header: \setmainfont{Linux Libertine O}
#+LaTeX_Header: [RawFeature={+ktest}]

Re: Toggle headline underlining in text export?

2021-02-16 Thread Loris Bennett
Hi Vladimir, 

Vladimir Lomov  writes:

> Hello,
> ** Loris Bennett  [2021-02-16 11:00:08 +0100]:
>> Hi,
>> I have an Org file which I export to a text file.  A separate program I
>> have written then uses this text file as the body of an email which is
>> sent to a number of people.
>> The problem I have is that the underlining of the headlines is much
>> longer than the headline text itself if a proportional font is used to
>> view the email.
> This contradicts a bit to first paragraph. I would assume that you export to
> text format to send email message as plain text.

I'm not sure what contradiction you are referring to.  I am indeed
exporting the a text format and in this text format the top-level
headlines are underlined with either a '=' if I export to ASCII or some
UTF symbol if I export to UTF-8.  Whether the underlining is the same
length as the headline itself depends on whether the font used to
display the text is fixed-width or proportional.

>> As most of the recipients will probably not be using a fixed-width font for
>> their mail clients,
> And this assumes that they are fine with html messages otherwise they would
> use fixed-width font.

I'm not sure this is true.  Someone might not like HTML mail for
security reasons, but still might use a proportional font.  In addition,
at least a few of the recipients certainly will be using a fixed-width

>> I would like to be able to toggle the underlining and just rely on the
>> numbering of the headlines.
>> I'd didn't find anything which seemed relevant here
>> so is this possible?  Is there a (better) alternative?
> May be send them a html message?

I could do, but I'd rather not :-)



This signature is currently under construction.

org-agenda for a day different than today

2021-02-16 Thread Alan Schmitt

I’ve been reading the documentation around org-agenda, and I cannot find
a way to call it to get an agenda for a day different than today. I’ve
found org-agenda-goto-date, but I don’t know how to call it from
emacs-lisp with the target date.

By the way, I’m surprised by the code of this function, as it is defined

(defun org-agenda-goto-date (span)
  "Jump to DATE in agenda."

and "span" is never mentioned in the function. Am I missing something?



Description: PGP signature

Re: Toggle headline underlining in text export?

2021-02-16 Thread Vladimir Lomov
** Loris Bennett  [2021-02-16 11:00:08 +0100]:

> Hi,

> I have an Org file which I export to a text file.  A separate program I
> have written then uses this text file as the body of an email which is
> sent to a number of people.

> The problem I have is that the underlining of the headlines is much
> longer than the headline text itself if a proportional font is used to
> view the email.

This contradicts a bit to first paragraph. I would assume that you export to
text format to send email message as plain text.

> As most of the recipients will probably not be using a fixed-width font for
> their mail clients,

And this assumes that they are fine with html messages otherwise they would
use fixed-width font.

> I would like to be able to toggle the underlining and just rely on the
> numbering of the headlines.

> I'd didn't find anything which seemed relevant here


> so is this possible?  Is there a (better) alternative?

May be send them a html message?

> Cheers,

> Loris

WBR, Vladimir Lomov

To get something clean, one has to get something dirty.
To get something dirty, one does not have to get anything clean.

Description: PGP signature

Re: Where has the manual on one html page gone?

2021-02-16 Thread Devin Prater

I like it when I just want to read through the whole document with my screen 
reader, not having to page through it. I also like being able to search the 
whole document. And, converting it to EPUB allows me to read it on my phone 
when I'm away from the computer, if I want to.

On Tue, Feb 16, 2021 at 10:37:29AM +0100, Marcin borkowski wrote:

On 2021-02-15, at 23:45, Nick Dokos  wrote:

Christine Köhn  writes:


I always used the manual online as one html page but it does not seem to
be available since (?) the website revamp. I prefer the manual as one
page for many reasons. Is it still available online?

I've always used the one-page per section version on the web (although
I tend to use Info much more often), primarily because I thought that
downloading the whole manual to just look at a section or two or five
would be inefficient - in fact, I've wondered why the single-page
versions of various manuals (particularly the larger ones: emacs and
elisp) are made available. So it is idle curiosity on my part, but
what are the the reasons for your preference?

Converting to an ebook format to read on an ebook reader is one possible


Marcin Borkowski

Devin Prater

Description: PGP signature

Re: How do you name your code blocks?

2021-02-16 Thread Eric S Fraga
On Monday, 15 Feb 2021 at 14:18, Rodrigo Morales wrote:
> 1. Do you use long names? 

Yes.  Fully qualified and detailed.  And then rely on completion to jump
to code blocks (using org-babel-goto-named-src-block).

: Eric S Fraga via Emacs 28.0.50, Org release_9.4.4-213-g49364f

Toggle headline underlining in text export?

2021-02-16 Thread Loris Bennett

I have an Org file which I export to a text file.  A separate program I
have written then uses this text file as the body of an email which is
sent to a number of people.

The problem I have is that the underlining of the headlines is much
longer than the headline text itself if a proportional font is used to
view the email.  As most of the recipients will probably not be using a
fixed-width font for their mail clients, I would like to be able to
toggle the underlining and just rely on the numbering of the headlines.

I'd didn't find anything which seemed relevant here

so is this possible?  Is there a (better) alternative?



This signature is currently under construction.

Re: Where has the manual on one html page gone?

2021-02-16 Thread Marcin Borkowski

On 2021-02-15, at 23:45, Nick Dokos  wrote:

> Christine Köhn  writes:
>> Hi,
>> I always used the manual online as one html page but it does not seem to
>> be available since (?) the website revamp. I prefer the manual as one
>> page for many reasons. Is it still available online?
> I've always used the one-page per section version on the web (although
> I tend to use Info much more often), primarily because I thought that
> downloading the whole manual to just look at a section or two or five
> would be inefficient - in fact, I've wondered why the single-page
> versions of various manuals (particularly the larger ones: emacs and
> elisp) are made available. So it is idle curiosity on my part, but
> what are the the reasons for your preference?

Converting to an ebook format to read on an ebook reader is one possible


Marcin Borkowski

Re: Where has the manual on one html page gone?

2021-02-16 Thread Diego Zamboni
I'm not the OP, but I find the one-page manual useful when I'm not sure
what I'm looking for or where in the manual it might be, makes it easier to
search through the whole document iteratively.


On Mon, Feb 15, 2021 at 11:47 PM Nick Dokos  wrote:

> Christine Köhn  writes:
> > Hi,
> >
> > I always used the manual online as one html page but it does not seem to
> > be available since (?) the website revamp. I prefer the manual as one
> > page for many reasons. Is it still available online?
> >
> I've always used the one-page per section version on the web (although
> I tend to use Info much more often), primarily because I thought that
> downloading the whole manual to just look at a section or two or five
> would be inefficient - in fact, I've wondered why the single-page
> versions of various manuals (particularly the larger ones: emacs and
> elisp) are made available. So it is idle curiosity on my part, but
> what are the the reasons for your preference?
> --
> Nick
> "There are only two hard problems in computer science: cache
> invalidation, naming things, and off-by-one errors." -Martin Fowler