Re: Turn Emacs holidays into Org appointments?

2022-02-07 Thread Richard Lawrence
Hi David and all,

David Rogers  writes:

> Is there a way that I can use something like the Emacs holiday 
> forms ... but from inside an Org-mode appointment timestamp

Yes, this should be possible. 

> Here's a mock example of what I'm trying to do:
> * Easter
> <(holiday-easter-etc 0)>
> ** stuff for Easter
> * The Sunday after Easter
> <(holiday-easter-etc 7)>
> ** stuff for after Easter

Actually, you're pretty close already.

Org understands diary sexp entries in timestamps, and diary sexp entries
basically allow arbitrary elisp, so you should be able to use the diary
functions in combination with the holiday functions to do what you want.
See the 'Timestamps' entry in the Org manual, and the 'Special Diary
Entries' entry in the Emacs manual, for more.

Here is a quick and dirty proof of concept; see if it works for you:

* The Sunday after Easter
  <%%(apply #'diary-date (caar (holiday-easter-etc 7)))>

The angle brackets tell Org this is a timestamp. The '%%' says that the
following sexp is a diary sexp. And the code inside it feeds the (M D Y)
date representation returned by holiday-easter-etc into diary-date.

You may need to fiddle with this a is a bit too
closely tied to the calendar (it depends on a couple of calendar
variables, displayed-year and displayed-month, that cannot be
dynamically bound). But you could create your own version that doesn't
have this limitation. 

Hope that helps.


Turn Emacs holidays into Org appointments?

2022-02-07 Thread David Rogers


I'm using Org-mode to organize readings and music for Christian 
church services. These services are scheduled according to certain 
holidays, and Emacs already "knows" all of the holidays that 
matter for this discussion - they're viewable by selecting the 
appropriate settings for the calendar. (The ones that don't matter 
right now are those that are simply X days or X weeks from the 
important ones.)

I don't currently view or use any of the Emacs holidays as they 
were intended, and I don't really need to.

Is there a way that I can use something like the Emacs holiday 
forms - shown at 
- but from inside an Org-mode appointment timestamp, so that I can 
use the result in my "" file? Here's a mock example of 
what I'm trying to do:

* Easter
<(holiday-easter-etc 0)>
** stuff for Easter

* The Sunday after Easter
<(holiday-easter-etc 7)>
** stuff for after Easter

This way, there would be less chance for error on my part, and the 
scheduling lines would stay the same from year to year, rather 
than having to look up individual dates and re-write them.

I'd prefer them to show up as appointments and schedules that I 
can modify and rearrange one by one in the scheduling lines of my 
Org files, rather than as a group of holidays that get inserted 
into the agenda from a holidays file - but maybe that just isn't 
how Emacs is set up.

I suppose if I ended up with my own extremely customized holidays 
file, and I added a link in each day's Org subtree to the 
corresponding line in the holidays file, that could be a 
workaround . . .


Re: Org for non-users, part 2: `C-c C-e', a.k.a. `org-export-dispatch'

2022-02-07 Thread Eduardo Ochs
On Mon, 7 Feb 2022 at 10:55, Ihor Radchenko  wrote:

> >   What are the recommended ways to abort org-export-dispatch without
> >   letting it destroy the "*Org Export Dispatcher*" window and its
> >   buffer?
> You cannot. That window acts similarly to transient, but simpler. You
> can think of *Org Export Disipatcher* as an extended help for
> read-char-exclusive.
> Best,
> Ihor

 Hi Ihor,

What do you mean by "you cannot"?
I was expecting an answer like this:

  That's difficult to do, but the temporary buffer is generated by the
  function `org-foo-bar'... you can try to make a copy of
  `org-foo-bar' called `org-foo-bar-hacked-version', add your own
  debugging functions to that copy - suggestion: the lines 42 and 99
  are good places for that - and then you can change the function
  `org-plic-ploc', that is called by `org-export-dispatch', to make it
  call `org-foo-bar-hacked-version' instead of `org-foo-bar'...

One possible meaning of "you cannot" is:

  Org is NOT MEANT to be explored in that way, and this "is not meant
  to" is in a very strong sense. The last time that a person gave
  technical information of that kind in the mailing list was 4 or 5
  years ago, and we banished her from the community and excommunicated
  her. Her name shall not be mentioned.

Frustrated cheers =(,
  Eduardo Ochs

Re: Lazy load of org-protocol

2022-02-07 Thread Jim Porter

On 2/7/2022 6:57 AM, Max Nikulin wrote:
Maybe another option would be to add an --apply argument that really 
*does* consume the other command-line args and turns them into a 
properly-quoted function call. Roughly speaking, it would turn this:

   emacs --apply func foo bar baz

into this:

   (apply #'func '(foo bar baz))

You have almost managed to sell this idea to me. However even --apply is 
just sugar for

     emacsclient --eval "(apply #'func command-line-args-left)" --arg 1 2

So it is --apply option that may require to write a dedicated function 
if --arg is not implemented. Another limitation of --apply is that the 
function must accept string arguments only, no lists or even integers or 

Yeah, `--arg' does have greater flexibility in that regard, but it comes 
at the cost of verbosity and some slight behavioral differences with the 
equivalent in the main emacs executable. For emacs itself, any elements 
of `command-line-args-left' that aren't consumed by a function will get 
opened as files, but I don't think that would be the case with 
emacsclient. Does this difference matter? Probably not. However, 
avoiding `command-line-args-left' just feels intuitively "cleaner" to 
me. Still, I think `--arg' should work and be backwards-compatible, so I 
don't mind it, even if I prefer the simplicity of `--apply'.

On a related note, there is still an issue with `--eval' in some cases. 
It fails to work with emacsclient when invoking an alternate editor:

  emacsclient --alternate-editor emacs --eval '(message "hi")'

If Emacs isn't already running, that will open a new buffer named 
'(message "hi")'. I think that's just a bug in how emacsclient handles 
`--eval', though fixing it would make org-protocol links work more 
reliably (if they used `--eval' as proposed, that is).

- Jim

Re: [PATCH] Fix FAQ entry about mailto links.

2022-02-07 Thread Max Nikulin


Thank you for pointing out that `org-link-mailto-program' should not be 
recommended in FAQ any more.

I prepared an alternative patch that recommends to customize Emacs 
variables at first. I hope, an example is safer now, however I can not 
test it on MacOS. Could you, please, review the patch, since I may miss 
something important from your point of view?

On 07/01/2022 18:03, Max Nikulin wrote:

On 07/01/2022 01:34, Robert Goldman wrote:

+You can also change the function used to a different one.  For
+example, the following function (on MacOS) opens =mailto:= links in
+the =MailMate= program:

I am unsure if MailMate is acceptable since it is a proprietary 
application. Org is a part of *GNU* Emacs, so it may be better to 
mention some free mail user agent.

+#+begin_src elisp
+("mailto" :follow

It seems, `org-link-set-parameters' is missed.

I am sorry, I missed that you suggested to customize the 
`org-link-parameters' variable, so function call is not necessary here.From 2ace0101654f61361b6f37bf3273f8520f2c Mon Sep 17 00:00:00 2001
From: Max Nikulin 
Date: Mon, 7 Feb 2022 23:40:37 +0700
Subject: [PATCH] FAQ: Update suggestion for mailto: link handlers (mailto-links): Mention `org-link-mailto-program' as removed
variable, recommend customization of `browse-url-mailto-function' or
`org-link-parameters' instead.

Robert Goldman  in
proposed a patch removing mention of `org-link-mailto-program' variable
that is not used in the code for some time.  The patch has an example of
usage `org-link-parameters' to assign custom external handler for
mailto: links.

This change recommends to configure Emacs facilities used by Org as
well.  It has a safer example for `org-link-parameters' customization.
--- | 87 ++---
 1 file changed, 76 insertions(+), 11 deletions(-)

diff --git a/ b/
index 4b34560c..b6bde3ca 100644
--- a/
+++ b/
@@ -1926,21 +1926,86 @@ For example:
 #+index: Link!Mailto
-You can customize the function org-mode uses to open mailto links by
-setting the variable =org-link-mailto-program=:
+Org calls ~browse-url~ function for =mailto:= links, so it should obey
+your Emacs configuration.  If something goes wrong then
+[[info:emacs#Browse-URL][info "(emacs) Browse-URL"]] may be a good starting point.
+By default mail is composed in an Emacs buffer.  If you prefer some
+external application instead than set ~browse-url-mailto-function~ to
+nil, e.g. using
+[[elisp:(customize-variable 'browse-url-mailto-function)][=M-x customize-variable RET browse-url-mailto-function RET=]]
+and =mailto:= links will be opened accordingly to
+~browse-url~browser-function~ value.
+If you intention is to compose messages in Emacs then consult
+[[info:emacs#Mail Methods][info "(emacs) Mail Methods"]].  Check that ~browse-url-mailto-function~
+has its default value ~browse-url-mail~.  Emacs has several mail
+packages, so next step may be
+[[elisp:(customize-variable 'mail-user-agent)][=M-x customize-variable RET mail-user-agent RET=]] to set the variable
+to e.g. =gnus-user-agent=.
+If you prefer an external application other than configured in desktop
+environment then you should write a custom URL handler function.  Be
+careful, try to avoid shell (e.g. ~shell-command~ function) since it
+is easy to mess up with escaping of the URL argument and thus to allow
+execution of arbitrary code.  Some parts of links may be treated as
+shell specials.  Choosing of a proper function to invoke external
+application is a non-trivial task even for seasoned Emacs developers.
+Consult source code of ~browse-url-xdg-open~,
+~browse-url-default-macosx-browser~, or
+~browse-url-default-windows-browser~ for GNU/Linux,
+Mac\nbsp{}OS\nbsp{}X, or MS\nbsp{}Windows platforms accordingly.
-=M-x customize-variable org-link-mailto-program=
-The default function called is =browse-url=, which opens a mail
-composition buffer within Emacs. The type of buffer opened by
-browse-url depends on the setting of the variable =mail-user-agent=.
-Thus, if you want to ensure that mailto links use Gnus to open a
-message buffer, you could add the following to your =.emacs=:
+Recurring source of pain is interaction of Emacs function with
+=xdg-open=, =kde-open5=, =gio open= utilities on Linux.  While
+~call-process~ with 0 as ~DESTINATION~ argument for
+~browse-url-generic~ was settled in 2004, ~browse-url-xdg-open~ was
+evolving to similar code in 2011.  Notice that application has no
+chance to notify Emacs about failure.
+Example of confusion that fortunately was not resulted in changing of
+code: [[]] There was
+a lengthy thread "& and M-& to run programs asynchronously" in 2009
+with strange conclusion that it is a bug in Gnome utility:

Re: Suggestion: convert dispatchers to use transient

2022-02-07 Thread Anders Johansson

I agree that transient dispatchers would be great and consistent. What is not 
so great with transient currently is it’s lacking support for 
lisp-variable/option workflows. Transient is good for command-line arguments, 
but setting options for emacs functions is not as streamlined (this would be 
relevant for the export dispatcher for example). 

Some new classes for these types of options would probably need to be defined, 
since the default infix-classes assume all options are strings.

I recently did try to implement a transient dispatcher this for my orgqda 

Partly inspired by org-ql:

I now store the options as plists in buffer-local-variables, which I am not 
sure is optimal and perhaps goes against the idea of saving options with 
transient. So still some work to do there.

By the way. Getting started with transient is way easier with this tutorial 
than with the rather abstract info pages:

Anders Johansson

Re: Lazy load of org-protocol

2022-02-07 Thread Max Nikulin

On 06/02/2022 09:40, Tianshu Wang wrote:

(defadvice server-execute (before enable-org-protocol activate)
  (unless (featurep 'org-protocol) (require 'org-protocol)))

Thank you, such approach, unlike mine example, does not have code 
duplication. On the other hand it loads org-protocol on any remote 
command, not only for "files" representing org-protocol URIs. Maybe 
defadvice in org-protocol.el should be changed by newer advice-add with 
a function containing body of the old advice.

On 07/02/2022 02:40, Jim Porter wrote:

On 2/6/2022 8:42 AM, Max Nikulin wrote:

On 06/02/2022 01:27, Jim Porter wrote:

I think, the solution is to add -arg command to emacs server protocol 
that pushes its argument to a list and extend -exec command that would 
make such list available as argv or as `command-line-args-left' for 
evaluated expression. Of course, emacsclient option parser should be 
modified as well to support --arg option

  emacsclient --eval '(func)' --arg 1 2 3
  emacsclient --eval '(func)' --arg -- 1 2 3
and maybe even for multiple eval+arg pairs
  emacsclient --eval '(f1)' --arg 'a1' --eval '(f2)' --arg 'a2' 'a3'

I think something like this could work, so long as the arguments can be 
forwarded correctly in the alternate editor case. If I understand how 
emacsclient handles --eval, I think that might work, but it would still 
require writing Lisp functions that know how to handle argv or 
`command-line-args-left'. I'm also not totally sure how safe/sensible 
that is when the arguments aren't from the invocation of emacs itself, 
but from emacsclient (and thus, the args could be updated multiple times 
throughout a session). It probably wouldn't actually break anything, but 
it does seem a bit surprising to me...

Of course, I mean let-bind of `argv' and `command-line-args-left' just 
for processing of the passed expression, not setq that would change them 

Maybe another option would be to add an --apply argument that really 
*does* consume the other command-line args and turns them into a 
properly-quoted function call. Roughly speaking, it would turn this:

   emacs --apply func foo bar baz

into this:

   (apply #'func '(foo bar baz))

You have almost managed to sell this idea to me. However even --apply is 
just sugar for

emacsclient --eval "(apply #'func command-line-args-left)" --arg 1 2

So it is --apply option that may require to write a dedicated function 
if --arg is not implemented. Another limitation of --apply is that the 
function must accept string arguments only, no lists or even integers or 

This would work effectively like how I momentarily thought --funcall 
works. Then you could say:

   emacsclient --apply org-protocol-capture %u
   # or ...
   emacs --apply org-protocol-capture %u

Just because of there were a couple of recent threads related to calling 
conventions for subprotocol handlers, it is better to provide a bit more 
"real" example

emacsclient --eval '(org-protocol-check-filename-for-protocol (pop 
command-line-args-left) nil nil)' --args %u

Re: Org for non-users, part 2: `C-c C-e', a.k.a. `org-export-dispatch'

2022-02-07 Thread Ihor Radchenko
Eduardo Ochs  writes:

> a few weeks ago I recorded a video called "Org for non-users" -
> link:

Also, feel free to read commentary inside source code. There are a
number of common concepts described in the top comments in the core Org
files, including org-element.el.

> that was about a way to understand some of the data structures that
> are used in the support for code blocks. Now I would like to do
> something similar with the exporter, but I am stuck at the first
> step... When I run `M-x org-export-dispatch' or `C-c C-e' it creates a
> second window whose mode line says "*Org Export Dispatcher*" -
> My first question is:
>   What are the recommended ways to abort org-export-dispatch without
>   letting it destroy the "*Org Export Dispatcher*" window and its
>   buffer?

You cannot. That window acts similarly to transient, but simpler. You
can think of *Org Export Disipatcher* as an extended help for


Re: Conversion to Jupyter notebooks

2022-02-07 Thread John Kitchin
I use ox-ipynb pretty regularly to make lecture notebooks.  It isn't quite
like most exporters, e.g. it doesn't support all kinds of links to

There is support for making different versions of the notebooks though,
e.g. with/without solutions, or without sections that are just for you.
That should all be described in  the commentary in the library.


Professor John Kitchin (he/him/his)
Doherty Hall A207F
Department of Chemical Engineering
Carnegie Mellon University
Pittsburgh, PA 15213

On Mon, Feb 7, 2022 at 5:14 AM Joost Kremers 

> On Mon, 7 Feb 2022, at 10:14, Ihor Radchenko wrote:
> > ox-ipynb is being maintained at
> >
> Ah, great! I had somehow missed that...
> --
> Joost Kremers
> Life has its moments

Re: [BUG] org-todo (C-c C-t) bad negative prefix behavior [9.5.2 (9.5.2-gfbff08 @ /home/ionasal/.emacs.d/elpa/org-9.5.2/)]

2022-02-07 Thread Ihor Radchenko
Allen Li  writes:

> On Sat, Jan 1, 2022 at 9:31 AM Allen Li  wrote:
>> It seems like the right fix here is to make - behave the same as -1, and
>> raise a user error for any other negative numeric prefix, since it is
>> likely not doing whatever the user wanted.
> Attached a small patch fixing this, which I tested manually.

The patch looks reasonable. Marking the message as a patch to make it
appear in


Re: [PATCH] org-list-send-item: allow dest to be a buffer position

2022-02-07 Thread Ihor Radchenko
Sacha Chua  writes:

> Ihor Radchenko  writes:
>>> Passing an integer representing a buffer position to org-list-send-item
>>> was failing because of the string-match-p, so here's something that lets
>>> integers skip that part. I have copyright assignment papers on file.
>> LGTM! Would you mind supplying a test for this function?
> Sure! Here's the new patch that includes the change and tests for the
> different kinds of input accepted by org-list-send-item.

Thanks! Pushed to bugfix as c5ceb6a2c.


Re: Shell SRC blocks under Windows

2022-02-07 Thread Matt

  On Sun, 06 Feb 2022 12:51:49 -0500 H. Dieter Wilhelm 
 > Matt  writes:
 > >   On Sat, 05 Feb 2022 17:22:29 -0500 Matt  wrote 
 > > 
 > >
 > >  >  > But I'm not sure if I'm halfway there with "sh"?  I need to run the
 > >  >  > following MSYS2 command AND switch between two arguments (for 
 > > building
 > >  >  > Emacs).
 > >  >  > 
 > >  >  >   \MSYS2\msys2_shell.cmd -mingw64
 > >  >  > 
 > >  >  > and
 > >  >  > 
 > >  >  >   \MSYS2\msys2_shell.cmd -msys.
 > >  >  > 
 > >  >  > How could I achieve this within a src block?
 > >  > 
 > >  > I'm not sure I follow you here.  Can you please describe what
 > >  > you're trying to do and the system you're using (e.g. Windows,
 > >  > GNU/Linux, Haiku) as well the shell used to run the Emacs instance
 > >  > you're doing this in?
 > >  > 
 > > Excuse me.  Obviously you're using Windows.  :)
 > Yes I have to, but please don't mind, thank you for your interest. :-)
I don't mind. I had asked about the system to help troubleshoot yet that info 
was clearly given in the thread title.  :)

 You said you weren't sure if you're halfway there with "sh".  Is that feeling 
resolved for you?

[RFC PATCH 1/2] org-babel-tangle-single-block: Do not create comment link when not requested

2022-02-07 Thread Ihor Radchenko
* lisp/ob-tangle.el (org-babel-tangle-single-block): Do not spend
extra time creating link to source block when :comments is set to
 lisp/ob-tangle.el | 24 ++--
 1 file changed, 14 insertions(+), 10 deletions(-)

diff --git a/lisp/ob-tangle.el b/lisp/ob-tangle.el
index 7ae319d4f..85356d537 100644
--- a/lisp/ob-tangle.el
+++ b/lisp/ob-tangle.el
@@ -472,16 +472,20 @@ (defun org-babel-tangle-single-block (block-counter 
&optional only-this-block)
 (extra (nth 3 info))
  (coderef (nth 6 info))
 (cref-regexp (org-src-coderef-regexp coderef))
-(link (let* (
-  ;; The created link is transient.  Using ID is
-  ;; not necessary, but could have side-effects if
-  ;; used.  An ID property may be added to
-  ;; existing entries thus creatin unexpected file
-  ;; modifications.
-  (org-id-link-to-org-use-id nil)
-  (l (org-no-properties (org-store-link nil
- (and (string-match org-link-bracket-re l)
-  (match-string 1 l
+(link (if (string= "no" (cdr (assq :comments params))) ""
+ (let* (
+;; The created link is transient.  Using ID is
+;; not necessary, but could have side-effects if
+;; used.  An ID property may be added to
+;; existing entries thus creating unexpected
+;; file modifications.
+(org-id-link-to-org-use-id nil)
+(l (org-no-properties
+(cl-letf (((symbol-function 
+   (lambda () nil)))
+  (org-store-link nil)
+   (and (string-match org-link-bracket-re l)
+(match-string 1 l)
  (or (nth 4 info)
  (format "%s:%d"

[RFC PATCH 2/2] org-babel-expand-noweb-references: Cache block info

2022-02-07 Thread Ihor Radchenko
* lisp/ob-core.el (org-babel-expand-noweb-references--cache):
(org-babel-expand-noweb-references--cache-buffer): New variables
storing info cache.
(org-babel-expand-noweb-references): Make use of global info cache to
avoid extra parsing.  Use `cl-macrolet' instead of defining transient
lambda functions on every call.
 lisp/ob-core.el | 225 +++-
 1 file changed, 127 insertions(+), 98 deletions(-)

diff --git a/lisp/ob-core.el b/lisp/ob-core.el
index 239a57f96..e767fd107 100644
--- a/lisp/ob-core.el
+++ b/lisp/ob-core.el
@@ -2790,6 +2790,10 @@ (defun org-babel-noweb-p (params context)
 (cl-some (lambda (v) (member v allowed-values))
 (split-string (or (cdr (assq :noweb params)) "")
+(defvar org-babel-expand-noweb-references--cache nil
+  "Noweb reference cache used during expansion.")
+(defvar org-babel-expand-noweb-references--cache-buffer nil
+  "Cons of (buffer . modified-tick) cached by 
 (defun org-babel-expand-noweb-references (&optional info parent-buffer)
   "Expand Noweb references in the body of the current source code block.
@@ -2827,104 +2831,129 @@ (defun org-babel-expand-noweb-references (&optional 
info parent-buffer)
 (comment (string= "noweb" (cdr (assq :comments (nth 2 info)
 (noweb-re (format "\\(.*?\\)\\(%s\\)"
   (with-current-buffer parent-buffer
-(cache nil)
- (lambda (s)
-   ;; Comment string S, according to LANG mode.  Return new
-   ;; string.
-   (unless org-babel-tangle-uncomment-comments
- (with-temp-buffer
-   (funcall (org-src-get-lang-mode lang))
-   (comment-region (point)
-   (progn (insert s) (point)))
-   (org-trim (buffer-string))
- (lambda (i)
-   ;; Expand body of code represented by block info I.
-   (let ((b (if (org-babel-noweb-p (nth 2 i) :eval)
-(org-babel-expand-noweb-references i)
-  (nth 1 i
- (if (not comment) b
-   (let ((cs (org-babel-tangle-comment-links i)))
- (concat (funcall c-wrap (car cs)) "\n"
- b "\n"
- (funcall c-wrap (cadr cs
- (lambda (ref cache)
-   (pcase (gethash ref cache)
- (`(,last . ,previous)
-  ;; Ignore separator for last block.
-  (let ((strings (list (funcall expand-body last
-(dolist (i previous)
-  (let ((parameters (nth 2 i)))
-;; Since we're operating in reverse order, first
-;; push separator, then body.
-(push (or (cdr (assq :noweb-sep parameters)) "\n")
-  strings)
-(push (funcall expand-body i) strings)))
-(mapconcat #'identity strings "")))
- ;; Raise an error about missing reference, or return the
- ;; empty string.
- ((guard (or org-babel-noweb-error-all-langs
- (member lang org-babel-noweb-error-langs)))
-  (error "Cannot resolve %s (see `org-babel-noweb-error-langs')"
- (org-babel-noweb-wrap ref)))
- (_ "")
- noweb-re
- (lambda (m)
-   (with-current-buffer parent-buffer
-  (let* ((prefix (match-string 1 m))
- (id (match-string 3 m))
- (evaluate (string-match-p "(.*)" id))
- (expansion
-  (cond
-   (evaluate
-;; Evaluation can potentially modify the buffer
-;; and invalidate the cache: reset it.
-(setq cache nil)
-(let ((raw (org-babel-ref-resolve id)))
-  (if (stringp raw) raw (format "%S" raw
-   ;; Return the contents of headlines literally.
-   ((org-babel-ref-goto-headline-id id)
-   ;; Look for a source block named SOURCE-NAME.  If
-   ;; found, assume it is unique; do not look after
-   ;; `:noweb-ref' header argument.
-   ((org-with-point-at 1
-  (let ((r (org-babel-named-src-block-regexp-for-name id)))
-(and (re-search-forward r nil t)
- (not (org-in-commented-heading-p))
- (funcall expand-body
-  (org-babel-get-src-block-info t))
-   ;; Retrieve from the Library of Babel.

[RFC PATCH 0/2] Make org-babel-tangle usable in after-save-hook on large org buffers

2022-02-07 Thread Ihor Radchenko
I would like to send an experimental patch improving performance of
org-babel-tangle.  The patch contains two major changes:
1. org-babel-tangle-single-block will not try to parse LINK to src
   block when :comments is set to "no" and simple return nil in
   relevant slot of the parsed src block structure.
2. org-babel-expand-noweb-references cache will be saved between the
   function calls (reset on buffer edits)

Because I am not very familiar with org-babel internals, I would like
more knowledgeable people to review the changes and let me know if I
overlooked some unexpected side-effects.

Also, testing tangle performance on real Org files with many code
blocks would be appreciated. On my side, the tangling time has been
reduced from >6 sec down to 0.1-0.2 sec (with this patch and
org-element-cache combined).


Ihor Radchenko (2):
  org-babel-tangle-single-block: Do not create comment link when not
  org-babel-expand-noweb-references: Cache block info

 lisp/ob-core.el   | 225 ++
 lisp/ob-tangle.el |  24 ++---
 2 files changed, 141 insertions(+), 108 deletions(-)


Re: Test failure in test-org-colview

2022-02-07 Thread Ihor Radchenko
Marco Wahl  writes:

> Is this just me or does anybody else see these failures with the latest
> checkout of main?  

All the tests are passing on my side when testing using Emacs 26,27,28,
and 29 (build 1, x86_64-pc-linux-gnu, cairo version 1.16.0) of

FYI, more often than not bugs/changes in recent Emacs can break Org
tests. At least I remember such thing happening a couple of times within
last year.


Test failure in test-org-colview

2022-02-07 Thread Marco Wahl

Is this just me or does anybody else see these failures with the latest
checkout of main?  

make test
Ran 908 tests, 903 results as expected, 5 unexpected (2022-02-07 12:23:35+0100, 
55.200528 sec)
16 expected failures

5 unexpected results:
   FAILED  test-org-colview/columns-move-left  "Cannot shift this column 
further to the right"
   FAILED  test-org-colview/columns-move-right  "Cannot shift this column 
further to the right"
   FAILED  test-org-colview/columns-new  consp
   FAILED  test-org-colview/columns-next-allowed-value  "Invalid column 
specification format: nil"
   FAILED  test-org-colview/columns-update  "Invalid column specification 
format: nil"

Thanks in advance for checking,

Re: Conversion to Jupyter notebooks

2022-02-07 Thread Joost Kremers
On Mon, 7 Feb 2022, at 10:14, Ihor Radchenko wrote:
> ox-ipynb is being maintained at

Ah, great! I had somehow missed that...

Joost Kremers
Life has its moments

Re: Conversion to Jupyter notebooks

2022-02-07 Thread Ihor Radchenko
"Joost Kremers"  writes:

> All I could find on the internet was a script by John Kitchin[1] that's from 
> 2017 and it's apparently not entirely compatible with current Emacs and/or 
> Org mode, as it throws errors when I try to use it. I'm sure I could fix the 
> errors, but before I invest the time to do that, I wanted to ask here.

ox-ipynb is being maintained at


Re: [CLOSED] TEC fixed this problem.

2022-02-07 Thread Bastien
Hi Christopher,

"Christopher M. Miles"  writes:

> Today, I found the Org Agenda sorting strategy problem is fixed by
> commit "1b675f0ca84d637a3780cf3590308116e232fcfd".

thanks for confirming and thanks to TEC for fixing it!



Conversion to Jupyter notebooks

2022-02-07 Thread Joost Kremers
Hi list,

I was wondering if anyone here has experience converting Org files to Jupyter 
notebooks, keeping the python source blocks as code blocks and correctly 
identifying the =#+RESULTS:=. Just dropping the results would be fine as well.

I realise there are several ways to interact with Jupyter notebooks in Emacs, 
but that's not really what I'm looking for. I'd like a plain old Org file with 
source blocks that I can execute within Emacs and I would like to convert that 
into an .ipynb file that I can share with people that don't use Emacs.

All I could find on the internet was a script by John Kitchin[1] that's from 
2017 and it's apparently not entirely compatible with current Emacs and/or Org 
mode, as it throws errors when I try to use it. I'm sure I could fix the 
errors, but before I invest the time to do that, I wanted to ask here.




Joost Kremers
Life has its moments