Re: [O] Programmatically construct agenda from list of headline ids

2016-04-26 Thread Herbert Sitz
Alexander Baier> writes:

> Hi!
> As the title mentions I have a list of ids of existing org headlines and
> want create an agenda view listing all of these headlines.
> Is there functionality in org-agenda, that allows me to do this?
> Best Regards,

Nobody else has offered help yet, so I'll take a shot.  What exactly are
your "ids"?  Do you mean you have headlines with assigned CUSTOM_ID
properties, and you have a list of values for which you want to show the
headlines in agenda?  If so, I think you could just assemble the list in a
command that sticks new search conditions into one of your custom agenda views.

E.g., if you currently had a custom agenda search mapped to "i" for two
different CUSTOM_IDs, like this:

  (setq org-agenda-custom-commands
   '(("i" tags "CUSTOM_ID=323|CUSTOM_ID=832")))

you could reissue command to get the search done for different list of
custom ids:

  (setq org-agenda-custom-commands
   '(("i" tags "CUSTOM_ID=153|CUSTOM_ID=932|CUSTOM_ID=293")))

I haven't tested this, but I expect it or something similar would work. 
There are probably tweaks you could make, e.g, list could be combined into a
regular expression so you don't need to repeat multiple 'CUSTOM_ID=' sections.

For more info on custom agenda views see:
and for more info on property searches see:

Re: [O] Displaying property values in agenda search result

2016-03-15 Thread Herbert Sitz
Markus Heller> writes:

> Hello,
> how can I display property values in the agenda, more specifically, in 
> the results of an agenda search?

I think the straigtforward way would be to use column view, and set up your
column view to show, in your case, the PROJECT property.

See, sect. 10.8 of the manual, "Using column view in the agenda":

as well as reviewing the basic column view info and directions for setup in
sect 7.5, "Column view":

Re: [O] export subtree

2015-12-10 Thread Herbert Sitz
Not a perfect solution, buy I think you can use the #+SELECT_TAGS option to
set which tress will be exported by default, then tag your desired export
tree with that tag.  Then when you export the full buffer (not just a
subtree) it will choose the tree with that tag.

#+SELECT_TAGS: myexporttree

* Main tree :myexporttree:
** subhead
** subhead
* anoher heading 1
* another heading level 1
** subhead
** subhead

In org buffer above it will export only the first subtree now when you
export the entire buffer.  You should be able to export the others
selectively if you choose scope as 'subtree'.  And you can always comment
out or delete the SELECT_TAGS line if you want to export entire buffer.

Re: [O] Problem with org-collector.el in Org v. 8.3

2015-11-25 Thread Herbert Sitz

Whoops, turns out that the org-collector.el file I was grabbing in step 1 
was _NOT_ the one from this link:

Instead, I was using a copy of the org-collector.el file in most recent
org-contrib-plus package.  The version in org-contrib-plus appears to be
newer despite it having a version of 0.01 while http link above has version 0.1.

[O] Problem with org-collector.el in Org v. 8.3

2015-11-25 Thread Herbert Sitz
I seem to be having same problem with org-collector in v.8.3as was reported
by Charlie Millar back in April.  I checked with him and he was never able
to resolve the issue.  Here's his original post:

It was easy to confirm that org-collector was working properly in Org 8.2.1,
which is built in to my Emacs 24.5.1.

I can reproduce the problem with Org 8.3.2 (nov 23, 2015) with the following
steps (I was working from base Emacs 24.5.1 install):

(1) Download the org-collector.el file and file
from here:

(2) Start emacs. Download elpa version of org, which will be Org 8.3.2:

  M-x list-packages, go to 'org' and install.

(3) Exit Emacs

(4) Start a new "bare" Emacs with 'emacs -Q'

(5) in scratch directory enable elpa packages by evaluating:

  (require 'package)

(6) Load the file into a buffer.  Check loaded Org
version to confirm it's 8.3.2.

(7) Load org-collector.el into a buffer and do M-x eval-buffer.

(8) Move to the org-collector-example buffer.  Place cursor on one of the
'#+BEGIN:' lines and press C-c C-c.  You should see the same faulty results
as reported by Charlie Millar.

Re: [O] how to get images support in Emacs on Windows?

2015-02-22 Thread Herbert Sitz
Ben yfefyf at writes:

 Actually, I use few inline images. Most of my images are large.
They should be resized to look pretty on emacs. But to resize them I need to
build emacs with ImageMagick. And I haven't tried that yet.

Are you sure you need to rebuild Emacs?  On my Linux machine I run a
standard  version of Emacs 24.3 binaries that I got from the Linux Mint
repository.  It supports using (a separately installed) Imagemagick to
reduce size of inline images.  I can't get it to work automatically in
Org-mode, but I think that's because I need a more recent version of
Org-mode.  I'm running v.7.9.3f of Org-mode.

To test Imagemagick support I'm running the test code made available in this

I think the original poster in that thread said he couldn't get it to work
in Org-mode until he had updated his Org-mode version.

-- Herb

Re: [O] how to get images support in Emacs on Windows?

2015-02-20 Thread Herbert Sitz
Ben yfefyf at writes:
 You can download the corresponding dlls from ezwinports [fn:1] and
put them into emacs's `bin` directory.
 There are some instructions in the Image support part on page [fn:2].

Strangely, the instructions and files work only for a couple formats I tried.

jpeg,png -- work perfectly

svg -- works, but so far not inline.  I.e., I can click on link and image
will show up in another Emacs buffer, but can't get it to show up inline.

tiff -- can't get this to work at all.  When clicking on it, it shows
character-mode garbage in separate buffer, along with error message.  This
is despite fact that dynamic-library-alist shows the same files as I copied
to the bin folder.

Not a huge deal for me, since jpeg and png are what I wanted most.  But
still seems a little odd; I have no idea what problems are with svg and tiff.

Re: [O] how to get images support in Emacs on Windows?

2015-02-19 Thread Herbert Sitz
Ben yfefyf at writes:
 You can download the corresponding dlls from ezwinports [fn:1] and
put them into emacs's `bin` directory.
 There are some instructions in the Image support part on page [fn:2].

Ben, Ista, Yuri -- Thanks for all your help.  I finally got things going by
grabbing the dll's from the ezwinports project and putting them in emacs/bin
directory.  The zlib1.dll was packaged in the libpng zip file so that was
all I needed to get my png images to show.  Like many things was simple once
I knew how to do it.

That StackOverflow answer was on point but was dated; I don't think Emacs 24
will work with the files it mentions there, which are the ones from the
GnuWin32 project.  Turns out all this info was in the Gnu Emacs for Windows
readme/install instructions.  Unfortunately I installed long time ago and
didn't recall that info, and my web searches weren't turning it up.

Thanks for all your help.

-- Herbert

[O] how to get images support in Emacs on Windows?

2015-02-19 Thread Herbert Sitz
I'm trying to use inline images on Windows and (I think?) I've gotten to the
point where I understand that this is not available with the standard GNU
Emacs installation on Windows.  My understanding is that I need an
image.dll that I can put in the bin directory.  I think that comes as part
of EmacsW32 install, but that install seems to be packaged as a single
executable, not sure how to get image.dll without running a full install of
EmacsW32, which I don't think I want.

So, am I correct in understanding that all I need is that 'image.dll' to get
inline image support on Windows (I'm running v24.4 of Emacs).  If not, what
more do I need to do?  And how can I get (or make) a copy of that .dll?



[O] adding custom org-keymaps for EVIL Vim emulator

2012-02-28 Thread Herbert Sitz
I was playing around with Evil and like it quite a bit.  It feels better than
the previous Viper/Vimpulse package I was using, plus documentation is good,
clear, and it seems easy to customize.

One problem with Org for me has been keybindings.  Even with a Vim emulator that
does a decent job of vim-ifying Emacs, it still leaves all of the (numerous)
Org-specific keymappings to deal with.  It turns out to be quite easy to add
custom keymappings to Org-mode to make commands accessible in a more Vim-like
way.  I've added the code below to my .emacs and it's a good start.  Maybe some
vim-friendly Org users will have ideas on how to grow it from here:

(define-minor-mode evil-org-mode
minor mode to add evil keymappings to Org-mode.
:keymap (make-sparse-keymap)
(evil-local-mode t))

; the ',num' keys give quick and easy way to hide/reveal outline
; structure of entire document (analogous to shift-tab);
(evil-define-key 'normal evil-org-mode-map ,1 '(lambda()
(interactive)(hide-sublevels 1)))
(evil-define-key 'normal evil-org-mode-map ,2 '(lambda()
(interactive)(hide-sublevels 2)))
(evil-define-key 'normal evil-org-mode-map ,3 '(lambda()
(interactive)(hide-sublevels 3)))
(evil-define-key 'normal evil-org-mode-map ,4 '(lambda()
(interactive)(hide-sublevels 4)))
(evil-define-key 'normal evil-org-mode-map ,5 '(lambda()
(interactive)(hide-sublevels 5)))
(evil-define-key 'normal evil-org-mode-map ,6 '(lambda()
(interactive)(hide-sublevels 6)))
(evil-define-key 'normal evil-org-mode-map ,7 '(lambda()
(interactive)(hide-sublevels 7)))
(evil-define-key 'normal evil-org-mode-map ,8 '(lambda()
(interactive)(hide-sublevels 8)))

; the ',,num' maps below give quick and easy way to hide/reveal outline
; structure of single subtree.  depending on what sort of org
; documents you have, and how you use them, you may prefer
; to have these mappings use single ',' and have entire-document
; mappings use ',,' prefix.
(evil-define-key 'normal evil-org-mode-map ,,1 '(lambda()
(interactive)(hide-sublevels 1)))
(evil-define-key 'normal evil-org-mode-map ,,2 '(lambda()
(interactive)(hide-sublevels 1)(show-children 1)))
(evil-define-key 'normal evil-org-mode-map ,,3 '(lambda()
(interactive)(hide-sublevels 1)(show-children 2)))
(evil-define-key 'normal evil-org-mode-map ,,4 '(lambda()
(interactive)(hide-sublevels 1)(show-children 3)))
(evil-define-key 'normal evil-org-mode-map ,,5 '(lambda()
(interactive)(hide-sublevels 1)(show-children 4)))
(evil-define-key 'normal evil-org-mode-map ,,6 '(lambda()
(interactive)(hide-sublevels 1)(show-children 5)))
(evil-define-key 'normal evil-org-mode-map ,,7 '(lambda()
(interactive)(hide-sublevels 1)(show-children 6)))
(evil-define-key 'normal evil-org-mode-map ,,8 '(lambda()
(interactive)(hide-sublevels 1)(show-children 7)))

; various commands mapped below
(evil-define-key 'normal evil-org-mode-map ,dd 'org-deadline)
(evil-define-key 'normal evil-org-mode-map ,ds 'org-schedule)
(evil-define-key 'normal evil-org-mode-map ,te 'org-set-tags-command)
(evil-define-key 'normal evil-org-mode-map ,ts 'org-todo)
(evil-define-key 'normal evil-org-mode-map ,r 'org-refile)
(evil-define-key 'normal evil-org-mode-map ,c 'org-capture)
(evil-define-key 'normal evil-org-mode-map ,ag 'org-agenda)
(evil-define-key 'normal evil-org-mode-map  'org-promote-subtree)
(evil-define-key 'normal evil-org-mode-map  'org-demote-subtree)
(evil-define-key 'normal evil-org-mode-map . 'org-move-subtree-down)
(evil-define-key 'normal evil-org-mode-map , 'org-move-subtree-up)
(evil-define-key 'normal evil-org-mode-map gj 'org-forward-same-level)
(evil-define-key 'normal evil-org-mode-map gk 'org-backward-same-level)
(evil-define-key 'normal evil-org-mode-map gh 'outline-up-heading)
(evil-define-key 'normal evil-org-mode-map gl 'outline-next-visible-heading)
(evil-define-key 'normal evil-org-mode-map ,g 'org-goto)
(evil-define-key 'normal evil-org-mode-map ,ex 'org-export)
(evil-define-key 'normal evil-org-mode-map ,ns 'org-narrow-to-subtree)
(evil-define-key 'normal evil-org-mode-map ,nw 'widen)
(evil-define-key 'normal evil-org-mode-map [(return)]

; add hook to load evil-org mappings in all org documents
(add-hook 'org-mode-hook 'evil-org-mode) 

Re: [O] adding custom org-keymaps for EVIL Vim emulator

2012-02-28 Thread Herbert Sitz
Herbert Sitz hesitz at writes:

 (define-minor-mode evil-org-mode
 minor mode to add evil keymappings to Org-mode.
 :keymap (make-sparse-keymap)
 (evil-local-mode t))

Whoops, I left out the earlier lines to load and enable Evil. They are
below.  I commented out the (evil-mode 1), which enables evil-mode
in all buffers and instead call evil-local-mode in the hook function
that's called when a buffer is set to 'org' type.  I assume there's 
some better way to do this, since I do want to use Evil mode in 
most buffers, not just org buffers.  But I was having problems in
the date-editing mini buffer if I had (evil-mode 1) so I took the
easy way of getting rid of that. . . 

Also, Evil must of course be installed before you can do these
custom mappings. Here's home page for Evil:

v  below to be in .emacs file v

(add-to-list 'load-path c:/Program Files (x86)/Emacs/emacs/lisp/evil)
   (require 'evil)
   ; comment out line below to activate evil only in org-buffers
   ;(evil-mode 1)

; lines above go in .emacs above lines from previous post, which
; start as. . .

(define-minor-mode evil-org-mode
minor mode to add evil keymappings to Org-mode.
:keymap (make-sparse-keymap)
(evil-local-mode t))

[. . .]

Re: [O] Tags question

2011-12-24 Thread Herbert Sitz
Nick Dokos nicholas.dokos at writes:
 There is a function that is used for tags completion:
 | org-global-tags-completion-table is a Lisp function in `org.el'.
 | (org-global-tags-completion-table optional FILES)
 | Return the list of all tags in all agenda buffer/files.
 | Optional FILES argument is a list of files to which can be used
 | instead of the agenda files.

An easy alternative if the list of tags is small and relatively stable would
be to create a custom block agenda view (or maybe several different block
agendas).  Below is example code from the Org

(setq org-agenda-custom-commands
   '((h Agenda and Home-related tasks
  ((agenda )
   (tags-todo home)
   (tags garden)))
 (o Agenda and Office-related tasks
  ((agenda )
   (tags-todo work)
   (tags office)

This will define C-c a h to create a multi-block view for stuff you need to
attend to at home. The resulting agenda buffer will contain your agenda for the
current week, all TODO items that carry the tag ‘home’, and also all lines 
tagged with ‘garden’. Finally the command C-c a o provides a similar view for 
office tasks.

Re: [O] file name prefix in agenda view

2011-12-15 Thread Herbert Sitz
sergio mailbox at writes:
 Is it possible to turn of file prefix (file:) in agenda view?
 I use the only one file for agenda and don't plan to use more than one.

The first field of agenda lines is actually the 'Category' of the heading, which
defaults to the filename.  You can get it to blank out the Category field by
including this line in config lines of your documents:


I don't know if there's some way to set it to a blank value globally.  I expect
there is; maybe someone else can point it out.

-- Herb

Re: [O] file name prefix in agenda view

2011-12-15 Thread Herbert Sitz
Herbert Sitz hesitz at writes:
 The first field of agenda lines is actually the 'Category' of the heading,
 defaults to the filename.  You can get it to blank out the Category field by
 including this line in config lines of your documents:

Sorry, that should have been:


Re: [O] update agenda on file modification

2011-12-15 Thread Herbert Sitz
sergio mailbox at writes:
 Is it possible to update agenda on .org file modification?

Do you mean whenever a buffer changes?  If so then I think the answer is No,
and you wouldn't want it to, since you frequently are working in agenda and
causing changes to the document buffers.  This has been discussed before and 
even if performance was not a problem there are reasons for not regenerating 
while you're in agenda.

There's a function that will regenerate the agenda after an idle time of x 

I assume it could be modified to check for changed files on disk, if you 
wanted to use that as trigger for regeneration.

-- Herb

Re: [O] The Org-ODT exporter is now in Org's core (latest git)

2011-12-11 Thread Herbert Sitz
Thomas tunnelblick at writes:
 There is ODT2ORG 
 which lets you import odt files in org-mode. 
 It works quite well and may need
 just some minor polishing. 

Thomas -- 

Thanks, I think that's what I was thinking of.  

For some reason I was assuming that the odt importer would have been written by
Jambunathan as a companion piece to his exporter.

-- Herb

Re: [O] [feature request] Org as an Excerpt Database (or Multivalue Properties)

2011-12-10 Thread Herbert Sitz
Sven Bretfeld sven.bretfeld at writes:
 A property search for code-writing should match this citation and all
 others with this property. An additional search for career should
 narrow the matches down. But orgmode understands money, ... ethics as
 ONE value, not FOUR. That's the problem.

Sven -- 

I think you should be able to get results you want using regular expression
searches on your 'keyword' field.  E.g., the following tags-todo search should
find headings that have both 'career' and 'code-writing' in a 'keyword' 


This search would find headings that had one or the other or both:


Regular expressions start out simple but can get very complex.  I expect there's
a way to get whatever you want out of the multi-value property strings you
want to use.

-- Herb

Re: [O] Viewing all entries of a file in Agenda

2011-12-10 Thread Herbert Sitz
Sven Bretfeld sven.bretfeld at writes:
 It is the last line that puzzles me. If I have it like above, every call
 of this agenda is interrupted by the question which tag I want to query
 for. Hitting RET does what I want, namely displaying all headlines of
 the file. How is that possible without Emacs asking me? The file can
 contain different todo-keywords and tags or none at all. I want to
 display everything.
 Thanks for a hint

One of the special properties of every Org heading is 'Level', which is an
integer representing the outline level of the heading.  Doing the following
search should return all the headings in an Org document:


This search would return only first and second level headings:


Re: [O] benefit to having org files in one folder

2011-12-10 Thread Herbert Sitz
prad prad at writes:
 i read somewhere that we should keep orgfiles in an org folder.
 i've used org casually that way and otherwise.
 what advantages are there to having them in a single folder?

It can be easier to specify agenda files if you have all of them in a single
directory.  If you include a directory in the agenda-files variable then all
.org files in that directory will automatically be included in agenda-files.

-- Herb

Re: [O] The Org-ODT exporter is now in Org's core (latest git)

2011-12-10 Thread Herbert Sitz
Bastien bzg at writes:
 Dear all,
 as the subject says.  Please all test this heavily and report 
 any problems.  This will be part of Org 7.8 and soon in Emacs.
 Thanks a lot to Jambunathan for all this efforts, let's make
 sure everything is smooth before the release!

Great.  I'm wondering what sort of progress has been made on the ODT importer. 
For example, is it able to convert an Org export to ODT back to Org format with
result being same as the original Org file that was exported?  If something is
lost, what is lost?

[O] Directional quotes in html

2011-12-06 Thread Herbert Sitz
In my exports to pdf standard double-quote and single-quote (apostrophe)
characters both get translated to corresponding pairs of opening and closing
quotes.  But in export to html both double- and single-quotes seem to be same
in resulting html as they were in the org text, non-paired, non-directional.

What is best way to get directional pairs of open- and close-quotes in html

-- Herb

Re: [O] Directional quotes in html

2011-12-06 Thread Herbert Sitz
Christian Moe mail at writes:
 Hi, Herb,
 I keep this in my .emacs:
 (setq org-export-html-special-string-regexps
 '( \\\([^\]+\\)\ .  ldquo;\\1rdquo;)
 There may be a better way to do it altogether, and I'm sure the very 
 simple regexp could be improved on (in fact, I'm posting this in the 
 hope someone will improve on it), but it mostly works.

Christian -- Thanks a lot.  If there's nothing built in to Org to do it then
that looks like a good method.  

Question: Does this work only if quotes both appear on the same line of Org-mode
text?  Or is the regex applied to paragraph as a whole after it's been assembled
as part of export?

It looks like it does only double-quotes; makes me realize single quotes are a
bit harder because they're often used alone as apostrophes.  It seems like even
single-quote pairs could work well if you put beginning-of-word (\) and
end-of-word (\) regex anchors in there.  

Beginning-of-word and end-of-word anchors may be appropriate even for the
double-quote search, so maybe something like change below could be improvement.
Take it for what's it's worth, since I don't do emacs regexes.

 '(([^\]+\\)\\ .  ldquo;\\1rdquo;)

-- Herb

Re: [O] Directional quotes in html

2011-12-06 Thread Herbert Sitz
tycho garen garen at writes:
 The directional quotes are processed by LaTeX and org have very little
 to do with this.

Ahh, thanks, I should have known that.

  What is best way to get directional pairs of open- and close-quotes in html

Thanks.  Looks like Christian Moe's method in different post is a simplified and
perhaps not quite as effective way of doing something similar.  

-- Herb

Re: [O] Generating clock table for arbitrary date range

2011-12-03 Thread Herbert Sitz
A. Ryan Reynolds a.ryan.reynolds at writes:

 Is there any way to specify a start and end date for the :block property of a
clock table? Lately I have often
 found myself submitting an invoice based upon my clock report on Friday
evening, only to be called
 frantically on Saturday and having to put in additional hours (this should
sound familiar to many
 programmers :)), which I then need to attribute to next week's clock table to
be submitted on the following
 invoice. Is there an easy way to do this?
 A. Ryan Reynolds

I'm not sure how this solves problem you describe, but see the tstart and tend
options for clocktables:

For example: 

#+begin: clocktable  :tstart 2011-10-27 Tue :tend 2011-11-22 Tue 

The above is for a dynamic block in the document.  If you're talking about
clocktables in agenda I assume the way to modify is to change the period of the
agenda view.

Re: [O] Open Drawer using keys or even better automatically

2011-12-01 Thread Herbert Sitz
Markus Grebenstein post at writes:
 Dear List,
 after converting my whole thesis from Scrivener to Orgmode I'm missing  
 just one feature:
 The method proposed in the list using the VISIBILITY property is not  
 suitable for me since I want to have the synopsis at the level of the  
 text it describes and I want to be able to have some introduction text  
 also besides the synopsis.

Markus -- Was this the method you didn't like that used the VISIBILITY property,
or was it the same author's previous solution?:

-- Herb Sitz

Re: [O] how to show deadlines in global to-do list?

2011-12-01 Thread Herbert Sitz
James Harkins jamshark70 at writes:

 I like the out-of-the-box to-do list, except one thing: I would like
 to see the items' deadlines. The weekly agenda view shows the
 deadlines, but I need a view where I can see *only* to-do items and
 their deadlines.
Here is one way:

Include this line in your org-file's config lines, or just stick it in if you
don't have config-line block:


Now either save and reload or press ctrl-cctrl-c on the #+COLUMNS line.

Now do your agenda search.  Once in agenda, turn on column view by pressing:


This is a more-or-less temporary solution.  I'm sure there's way to make the
columns setting above a default without having to put the config line in your
buffers, but don't remember offhand.  I believe turning on column-view is a
setting you can include when defining a user-defined search. . . 

Re: [O] [beamer] Can I just export one frame?

2011-11-21 Thread Herbert Sitz
zwz zhangweize at writes:

 It takes long to export the whole file when it contains many babel
 stuff. And in many cases, I just want to check if the current frame is
 arranged as expected. SO I just want to know if there is some convenient
 way to export just one frame without tagging all the other frames as 

Have you tried just tagging the tree you want with :export:?  Once that select
tag is present in the buffer Org will automatically exclude any trees that don't
have it.  From the docs:

Org first checks if any of the select tags is present in the buffer. If yes,
all trees that do not carry one of these tags will be excluded. If a selected
tree is a subtree, the heading hierarchy above it will also be selected for
export, but not the text below those headings.

Re: [O] Failure exporting with emacs --batch

2011-11-15 Thread Herbert Sitz
Tom Prince tom.prince at writes:

 With b43c1c621f52f4a51d8d79cb76c226dfed003998 running
  emacs --no-init-file --load min.el --eval '(setq debug-on-error t)' --eval
 -eval '(org-export-as-html 3)' --batch

Not sure, but I do something similar with a single --eval:

--eval '(progn (find-file filename) (org-export-as-html-and-open 3) )'

-- Herb

Re: [O] Failure exporting with emacs --batch

2011-11-15 Thread Herbert Sitz
Herbert Sitz hesitz at writes:
 Not sure, but I do something similar with a single --eval:
 --eval '(progn (find-file filename) (org-export-as-html-and-open 3) )'

Except my version has double quotes for --eval argument and backslashes before
embedded quotes:

 --eval (progn (find-file \filename\) (org-export-as-html-and-open 3) )

Re: [O] Failure exporting with emacs --batch

2011-11-15 Thread Herbert Sitz
Nick Dokos nicholas.dokos at writes:
 That doesn't matter here: both of the above should work fine in a bash
 (or similar) shell environment. I prefer the single quote style in
 general, since it allows me to leave everything else unchanged[fn:1].
 But shell quoting is a minefield: when you have to quote *parts* of an
 expression and leave other parts unquoted so that the shell can get to
 them (e.g. to evaluate shell variables and `...` or $(...) constructs),
 life starts to get difficult - and that's just the beginning[fn:2].

Nick -- Thanks for clarifying, I didn't read Tom's post closely enough or I
would have seen that the export was indeed getting called.

I've been working with getting the batch quoting working both for bash and for
windows command line (in VimOrganizer clone), trying to keep them as much alike
as possible.  I think I have things working okay for now, but your tips may be
helpful if I end up with something more complex to send.



Re: [O] regenerating agendas automatically if any .org files change

2011-11-11 Thread Herbert Sitz
Viktor Rosenfeld listuser36 at writes:

 AFAIK, there can only be one agenda view (an expert correct me, if I'm
 wrong). But you can multiple blocks in the agenda. Search for Office
 block agenda in: 

I assume an agenda view with multiple blocks would work for OP. 

But given his intended use could he not also just start up several independent
Emacs instances on his B machine, each to show a different agenda view?

-- Herb

Re: [O] Feature suggestion

2011-11-06 Thread Herbert Sitz
Markus Grebenstein post at writes:
 since I used Scrivener (Windows Beta) quite a while I'd love to have 
 more of fletcher penny's multimarkdown (or MMD- like Syntax) integrated 
 in orgmode to make it more versatile. Sadly I am not a lisp programmer 
 at all...

Markus --

What exactly are the features you're thinking about?

For example, I read this at the MMD site, but virtually all of these
are already implemented in Org-mode:

MultiMarkdown adds these features to the basic Markdown syntax:

citations and bibliography (works best in LaTeX using BibTeX)
math support
automatic cross-referencing ability
smart typography, with support for multiple languages
image attributes
table and image captions
definition lists
glossary entries (LaTeX only)
document metadata (e.g. title, author, etc.)



Re: [O] Video showing Jambunathan's ODT exporter

2011-11-04 Thread Herbert Sitz
Torsten Wagner torsten.wagner at writes:

  It's obviously not for everyone; I'm sure some Org users have no need for
  documents in a word processor and steer as far away as possible.  Others may
  love it, though, and it could potentially bring more users to Org community.
 Well it becomes particular important if it comes to collaboration with 
 MS-Office people. I can write my stuff in org and make a LaTeX export 
 for the final submission, however, I can send co-authors ODT (and by 
 resaving doc) formats to allow them to make changes and comments to the 
Great point.  On related note, did you see the tweak Jambunathan 
added a week or so ago to translate note blocks in Org into 
author-attributed comment bubbles in Word/LibreOffice:

Another benefit I just thought about with to exporting to ODT is the
power it gives users to modify document formats.  LaTeX is amazing,
but it's not something where the average user is going to be able
to tweak the output very easily.  Word/LibreOffice, on the other
hand, allow the average user to tweak formatting fairly easily, either 
after export by changing styles directly in the document, or (I assume)
before export by changing the styles that are used by Jambunathan's
exporter.  Though I must say the formatting he's using right now seems
very good.  I particularly like the way section headings have slightly
more whitespace above than they do below, makes for nice connection
of headings to their text, which if I recall is a touch that's not 
done as nicely in many LaTeX classes.

 Having the possibility to re-import the ODT-file into org and make a 
 kind of diff which I simply step through and either agree or disagree 
 would be perfect. Emacs already has diff functionallity. What would be 
 needed is a way to re-import the ODT-file in a as much as possible exact 
 way like it was originally.
 The ODF format is open and I wonder whether there is some kind of 
 metadata tag, which could be used to save the org-mode stuff directly 
 beside the odt text stuff... this would allow to restore the org-mode 
 file rather efficiently.

That could be sort of a holy grail type of workflow, seamless export 
out and import back in from MS Word.  I know Org's exports to other 
formats are also amazing, but the export to MS Word seems somehow
more magic.  I think it's because I'm a relative old-time and still
think of Word as being monstrosity from the days of proprietary
binary formats.  Now with ODT support it's (almost) like making it
part of the plain-text crowd.



[O] Video showing Jambunathan's ODT exporter

2011-11-03 Thread Herbert Sitz
Last week I finally got around to testing the export to ODT that Jambunathan's
made available.  Here's a 3 minute video showing how it works (calling odt
export from a document open in VimOrganizer):

This is some seriously cool functionality for Org that deserves wider exposure.
Jambunathan's done a great job.

It's obviously not for everyone; I'm sure some Org users have no need for
documents in a word processor and steer as far away as possible.  Others may
love it, though, and it could potentially bring more users to Org community.

I've seen comments about an ODT import that I haven't had a chance to look 
into yet.



Re: [O] New version of VimOrganizer, an Org-mode clone in Vim

2011-11-03 Thread Herbert Sitz
Michael Brand at writes:
 or at a similar place that there is also the possibility to have the
 vi modal editing paradigm and most of the vi key bindings within Emacs
 itself by using a vi emulation like Viper mode. (I use Emacs with
 Viper mode all the time to have the best of both worlds.)

Michael -- No problem, this issue was of course brought up when I started the
project a year or so ago.  Actually for the many Vim users who have tried to
make the transition to Emacs I think it is pretty well known that there are
several different Vim emulators for Emacs.  (Evil is a fairly new one I still
want to try out; I'm not sure but I think it's by same team and intended to
supplant Vimpulse, which itself extends Viper: )

In any case, for several people who contacted me about editing Org documents,
and who had no preference for Vim over Emacs, I of course recommended that they
go with Emacs.  That's a no brainer.

I use Viper/Vimpulse myself when in Emacs, and while nice, I certainly would not
say it gives me the best of both worlds.  It gives me Emacs, which is great,
along with a useful but somewhat kludgy-feeling emulation of a decent chunk of
Vim stuff.  Good enough for some people trying to make the switch to Emacs.  Not
good enough for many, who have tried to make the switch only to turn back to
Vim.  You may be aware that the Org project itself is one of the major reasons
people try to switch from Vim to Emacs.  I was one of those people who tried and
didn't like working in Emacs, despite using Viper/Vimpulse.

Even now when I use Org-mode I mostly operate it using the menu system, not with
the key-chord-combinations.  One neat idea, I think, would be for someone to
extend Viper/Vimpulse/(or Evil) with keybindings that provide a usable Vim-type
modal interface to Org-mode's features.  That could be nice.



[O] New version of VimOrganizer, an Org-mode clone in Vim

2011-11-02 Thread Herbert Sitz
I just formally pushed up a new version of VimOrganizer, an Org clone in Vim.

This version is much closer to being a true alternative to using Org-mode in
Emacs.  I say alternative to using Org-mode in Emacs, because VimOrganizer in
large part operate as a front end to Org-mode by making calls to a running Emacs
server.  All of the export functionality is done this way, as is access to stuff
like Org-babel, spreadsheet evaluation, live blocks like clocktables, column
blocks, etc.

I'd be glad to hear any feedback, comments, suggestions. . . 

An intro to some of the stuff in the new version is here:

Git page is here:

And the page on Vim's website is here:

I will try to get some videos of the new functionality in next day or two.  One
main thing I'm happy about is I extended my patch of Vim to allow separate
highlighting of TODO items on folded headings.  Previously my patch enabled
level-dependent fold highlighting, but always showed TODOs in same color as the
folded heading.  Much nicer to have everything collapsed and still have the
TODOs pop out at you.

Thanks to everybody on here who's provided help for my (sometimes silly)
questions about Org-mode and how it works.  I'm starting to really appreciate
elisp, so who knows what the future holds. . . 



[O] Evaluation on export has stopped working, org-export-blocks hook was culprit?

2011-10-28 Thread Herbert Sitz
I had a system that was working fine, but it seems to have stopped processing
babel source blocks on export.  I've switched between Org 7.4 and 7.7 on Win32
Emacs 23.1 and both have the problem.  

As I was writing this up I discovered that the problem was caused by a line I
had added to my .emacs.  This line was preventing any evaluation of source
blocks at all:

 '(org-export-blocks (quote ((comment org-export-blocks-format-comment nil)
(ditaa org-export-blocks-format-ditaa nil) (dot org-export-blocks-format-dot

I had innocently been testing out export of comments with org-export-blocks hook
and I had forgotten I put that in .emacs some days ago.  

It seems to have prevented any processing of my source blocks on export.  That
is the export of the block simply exports the code between begin_src and
end_src, regardless of the value of :exports option (both, none, results, code).
 And, of course, the code in the source block was not getting evaluated.

Don't know if this is a known problem or not.  



Re: [O] [odt] Support for annotations/comments

2011-10-28 Thread Herbert Sitz
Jambunathan K kjambunathan at writes:
 I needed an excuse for adding support for annotations. Exporting the
 below org will produce the attached odt/pdf files. Note that the pdf
 file is produced by LibreOffice pdf export.
 Annotations is a ODT only feature right now and will not work with other

Wow!  That's great.  I wasn't thinking of odt, have never used it, but 
maybe I will check into it.  I loaded into Word 2007 and it gave some 
error message but displayed the comments fine.  And of course they work 
great in the LibreOffice pdf.



[O] Bug in pdf export of tables with latest development version

2011-10-28 Thread Herbert Sitz
I'm having problems exporting to pdf with a source block that generates a table
result.  If the table has enough rows to get to bottom of page, it seems, the
rest of the table output disappears/is discarded and the pdf document skips to
text after the source block output.

Everything works fine with html output.

Here's sample code.  With repeat number of above 50 or so it will truncate table
output in resulting pdf:
* Head one

#+begin_src python :exports results :results value
mylist = []
for i in range(100):
return str(mylist)


* Head two
more text for head two

Re: [O] Bug in pdf export of tables with latest development version

2011-10-28 Thread Herbert Sitz
Herbert Sitz hesitz at writes:
 I'm having problems exporting to pdf with a source block that generates a 
 result.  If the table has enough rows to get to bottom of page, it seems, 
 rest of the table output disappears/is discarded and the pdf document 
skips to
 text after the source block output.

A little more info.  Looking at the .tex file all of the exported data is there
in a \tabular section.  However as I said whatever goes beyond end of page where
table starts is discarded or invisible on conversion to pdf.  It seems no page
breaks are getting put into the table, just runs off end of first page in pdf.

-- Herb

Re: [O] Bug in pdf export of tables with latest development version

2011-10-28 Thread Herbert Sitz
Nick Dokos nicholas.dokos at writes:
 You probably should try using a long table: section 12.6.4 in the manual
 or evaluate
 (info (org) Tables in LaTeX export)

Nick --- Thanks, that did the trick.  Sorry to trouble you, upgrading to 7.7
development version and could have sworn same thing worked fine in the 7.4 I was
using, but I'm sure I was mistaken. Thanks again.   --- Herb

[O] Clocktable summary at ... line not showing up right in export

2011-10-27 Thread Herbert Sitz
I'm exporting a file with a clocktable and the first line of the Clocktable
shows up with no date or time info, just:

Clock summary at [followed by nothing]

The rest of the clocktable shows up fine, and has lines that look like:

#+begin: clocktable :maxlevel 1
Clock summary at [2011-10-27 Thu 14:29]

| Headline|   Time |
| *Total time*| *5:11* |
| DONE Tasks and States   |   1:01 |
| FIXME Custom agenda views   |   0:01 |
[ . . . ]

I'm using Org 7.4 and Emacs 23.1.  Don't know if this bug has been reported or
addressed but didn't see it in quick search of the archives.  Is something wrong
on my end?

-- Herb

[O] How to include comments on export? org-exp-blocks.el?

2011-10-24 Thread Herbert Sitz
I'm trying to see if there is a way to include comments on export, to show up as
something like the comments boxes you see in MS Word.

I see Eric Schulte did some work on this and that somehow it ended up (I think)
as part of what you could do using the org-exp-blocks addon.  But I'm not sure
how you actually use it.

Can someone give an example of how org-exp-blocks (or anything else) could be
used to export comment blocks as graphic notes in the text?



Re: [O] How to include comments on export? org-exp-blocks.el?

2011-10-24 Thread Herbert Sitz
Herbert Sitz hesitz at writes:

 Can someone give an example of how org-exp-blocks (or anything else) could be
 used to export comment blocks as graphic notes in the text?

Just to add a bit.  I do have the following line in my .emacs:

  (require 'org-exp-blocks)

and I have a comment like this in my document:

--- sample text below --
* Heading one
text here
some comment text here
* Heading two
--- sample text above --

When I export it the headings and text print out but the comment doesn't.  I
assume I need to do something more than have the 'require' for org-exp-blocks in
my .emacs but I can't figure out what it is.

-- Herb

Re: [O] Output to shell when calling emacsclient?

2011-10-23 Thread Herbert Sitz
Herbert Sitz hesitz at writes:

 Can't get it to work in Windows, though.  In Windows it runs in the gui server
 with correct output in Emacs server in the Messages buf and on the minibuf
 command line.  But not output in the terminal.

In case anyone cares -- I know the number of people using emacsclientw is
probably tiny -- the workaround I'm using in Windows is just to 
pipe it to 'cat'.  So this does work to output on the terminal:

 emacsclientw --eval ^(message \^Hi there\^)^ | cat

-- Herb

[O] Output to shell when calling emacsclient?

2011-10-22 Thread Herbert Sitz
I'm running --eval commands from the shell using emacsclient (and on windows

The --batch option does not seem to be an option with emacsclient, although it
works fine with plain emacs.  However, I would still like to print output to the
shell that I'm issuing the emacsclient command in.  Is there some way to do 



Re: [O] Output to shell when calling emacsclient?

2011-10-22 Thread Herbert Sitz
Nick Dokos nicholas.dokos at writes:
 The message function will cause output to the echo area of emacs as well 
 as to the
 standard output of the emacsclient command:
 | $ emacsclient --eval '(message Hi there)'
 | Hi there

Nick --  Thanks, it does indeed work for me in Linux.  

Can't get it to work in Windows, though.  In Windows it runs in the gui server
with correct output in Emacs server in the Messages buf and on the minibuf
command line.  But not output in the terminal.

Strange because I can get the shell to redirect the output to a file:

 emacsclientw --eval ^(message \^Hi there\^)^   output.txt

But if I don't enter the redirect to a file the output never shows up in the

Maybe someone knows the explanation for this?

-- Herb

Re: [O] Org, Diffs, and Version Control

2011-10-16 Thread Herbert Sitz
Eric Schulte schulte.eric at writes:

 Additionally you could try the --word-diff option to git, i.e.,
   git diff --word-diff
   git diff --word-diff=color
 which returns diffs which ignore whitespace changes and which show
 changes on the word rather than line level.  I believe it is possible to
 make this behavior default for a git repository but I've never done so
 and don't know how such a default would be specified.
 Hope this helps -- Eric

Thanks for the tip.  Here's some info that I think shows how to make --word-diff
option the default for a particular type (e.g., .org) fie:

-- Herb

[O] How do I automatically run a function whenever an org file is loaded?

2011-08-27 Thread Herbert Sitz
I'd like to put a function in my .emacs file to run each time an org file is

I don't see any hook for this among org-mode hooks; I assume this is something
that's accomplished using generic Emacs.  

Can someone tell me how to set this up?



Re: [O] How do I automatically run a function whenever an org file is loaded?

2011-08-27 Thread Herbert Sitz
Herbert Sitz hsitz at writes:
 I'd like to put a function in my .emacs file to run each time an org file is
 I don't see any hook for this among org-mode hooks; I assume this is something
 that's accomplished using generic Emacs.  
 Can someone tell me how to set this up?

Sorry for the trouble, I think it is indeed one of the org-mode hooks,
specifically 'org-mode-hook'.  -- Herb

[O] problem with find-file in --eval from command line

2011-08-24 Thread Herbert Sitz
I'm trying to start emacs from the command line and using an --eval section to
open a file and do some operations.  I'm having a problem with the Linux 

Here's how I do it without error using the strange quoting in Windows:

---  emacs --eval ^( find-file c:/users/myname/\^ )^

In Linux I'm not sure how to do the quoting.  I tried this:

---  emacs --eval ( find-file /home/ )

And I get the error:

   Symbols' value as variable is void:  /home/somefile\.org

It seems there's some problem with the period in the filename, but maybe it's
more than that.  Can anyone explain how to properly quote the Linux commandline
version?  (File comes up fine if I just do find-file in a running emacs.)



Re: [O] problem with find-file in --eval from command line

2011-08-24 Thread Herbert Sitz
Achim Gratz Stromeko at writes:

 Bash needs this instead
 emacs --eval ( find-file ''/home/'' ) 
 THere may be other solutions for bash, but I never really got the hang
 of their quoting rules.

Achim -- 

Thanks a lot, that Bash version works great.  I'll have to check into quoting
rules for the Linux shells.



Re: [O] problem with find-file in --eval from command line

2011-08-24 Thread Herbert Sitz
Viktor Rosenfeld listuser36 at writes:
 This works on Bash (tested on 4.2.10) and should be easy to remember:
   emacs --eval (find-file \/home/\ )

I thought I had tried already that but I hadn't.  Thanks Viktor. 

 -- Herb

Re: [O] How to add entry in the Agenda view

2011-08-03 Thread Herbert Sitz
Xin Shi shixin111 at writes:
 I usually have a dedicated window (frame) for Org Agenda view. I found it
would be very convient to be able to add item directly from the Agenda buffer,
however, I don't see that command in the manual. (A closer one is the refill,
which moves the entry to another category)

It may work fine to you to just use Capture from the Agenda to add a new outline
item to a capture file.  You invoke capture from the Agenda, then just refresh
the agenda after creating the new item.  Russell Adam's video demonstrates this
use at roughly 14:00 to 19:00:



Re: [O] problem with command-line call to emacsclient

2011-07-02 Thread Herbert Sitz
 (defun test-kill-buffer (fname exp-function)
   (let ((buf (find-file fname)))
 (funcall exp-function)
 (kill-buffer buf)))
 (test-kill-buffer /tmp/abc.txt 'some-function-to-call)
 will do the trick.
 Regards, Olaf

Olaf -- 

Beauteous, thank you, that did indeed do the trick.  

-- Herb

[O] problem with command-line call to emacsclient

2011-07-01 Thread Herbert Sitz
I'm making a call to an emacsclient and trying to figure out how to get the
buffer to unload at the end of the function I'm calling.  I know kill-buffer
isn't supposed to unload the buffer but I can't figure out what will.  I've
tried server-edit and server-kill-buffer in place of kill-buffer below and they
also haven't worked.  The buffer gets pushed to the kill buffer, but remains

The problem with having buffer remain loaded is when I redo the command-line
call after editing the org file outside of emacs it prompts user for whether to
reload changed file.  One option would be to simply disable that prompt, I
guess, but I'd rather be able to clear the buffer.

Here's the function I'm calling:
(defun vimorg-export-publish (fname exp-function)
  (find-file fname)
  (funcall exp-function nil)
  (kill-buffer) )

And here's sample command line that calls it.  Strange characters are because
it's on Windows system, but it works fine other than that the buffer is not
unloaded at end of vimorg-export-publish function:
c:\users\herbert\emacsclientw.exe --eval ^(vimorg-export-publish
\^~/\^ 'org-export-as-html-and-open )^

Thanks for any tips.

-- Herb

Re: [O] org-babel -- Improper syntax error in session mode?

2011-06-27 Thread Herbert Sitz
Eric Schulte schulte.eric at writes:
 There are times when I explicitly do not want a session to start fresh.
 Generally this is related to caching, for example if I have some value
 which is expensive (say a couple of minutes of computation) to compute,
 and it is currently alive in the session, then I'd probably rather keep
 my session active across multiple exports as I'm working on other (say
 visual/prose tweaks) to the exported document.
 Does that make sense?
 If the user did want to refresh the session on _every_ export I believe
 they could add such a function to the `org-export-preprocess-hook'.
 Cheers -- Eric

Eric --

That makes perfect sense.  However to the extent reproducibility is a concern it
would make me uneasy to have a default that does nothing to enforce
reproducibility; and instead to have it controlled in a hook behind-the-scenes.

An acceptable alternative it seems to me, would be to put an elisp source block
at begin of document to reset the session, and then to use that block to control
whether session is reset.  That way it's clear to user exactly what's happening.

-- Herb

Re: [O] org-babel -- Improper syntax error in session mode?

2011-06-27 Thread Herbert Sitz
Eric Schulte schulte.eric at writes:

 You are suggesting that code to be run interactively should be written
 to an external file then loaded into the interactive session.  

Generally, yes, because babel's definition of interactive (execute an
arbitrary collection of code lines all at once) is different from an interactive
shell session's (execute a single statement of statement block at a time, giving
output after each).

 would certainly work around the syntax limitation of the current setup.
 My two concerns here are that
 1. users who use interactive babel blocks side-by-side with the session
may be used jumping into the session to play with code interactively
and debug, in such cases rather than seeing their code in the session
history they would only see execfile('/tmp/blahblah').  Note I do
recall discussion on list related to user's reading their session
code in the inferior session buffer.

I see your point, that's a valuable tool.  Ideally, it seems to me, the session
blocks could be evaluated _either_ interactively (with a history in shell
session) or as a block-as-a-whole.  Having a named session (e.g., ':session
debug') designated to use the interactive mode and other :sessions use
non-interactive mode would be one way to do this.

 2. similarly error messages would now point into this temporary file,
rather than back into the session history

I think the ':session debug' behavior in paragraph above could get around this.
 (I think there are also ways to feed the source lines through stdin but that
doesn't get around your issue 2., anyway.)

 Basically you would prefer more decoupling from the interpreter and I'm
 not sure for the average user if this would be a worthwhile exchange
 simply to be able to avoid syntax errors like your originally mentioned
 example (which was the first such post I've seen on this list).
 I'm disinclined to make such a change without a wider base of support
 for the request from the Babel/Python user community -- or at least
 without more complaints about the existing behavior.

Yeah, I completely get you here.  If there are no other complaints about
existing behavior, and with limited resources, there's no good reason to change



Re: [O] tangle paths

2011-06-27 Thread Herbert Sitz
Eric Schulte schulte.eric at writes:
 skip scp0801 at writes:
  Is there a way I can produce output of tangle blocks to specific file paths?
 The manual is useful:

Eric --

I was wondering similar thing, but manual wasn't clearing things up for me.  As
far as I know, 'basename' conventionally refers to a filename (root plus
extension) that does _not_ include a directory path to the file itself.  See,

Is the manual using 'basename' to refer to a full path designation, minus the
extension?  E.g.,


-- Herb 

Re: [O] tangle paths

2011-06-27 Thread Herbert Sitz
skip scp0801 at writes:
 Is there a way I can produce output of tangle blocks to specific file paths?

I haven't tested, but one way might be to use the org-babel-post-tangle-hook to
write a function to move files wherever you want: 

-- Herb

Re: [O] org-babel -- Improper syntax error in session mode?

2011-06-21 Thread Herbert Sitz
On Mon, Jun 20, 2011 at 5:08 PM, Nick Dokos wrote:
 Herbert Sitz wrote:

 ... (and, it turns out, _avoid_ blank lines in other cases)

 What are those cases?


_Every_ spot where a blank line occurs that is followed by
unindented line of (uncommented) code.  By design, the blank line in
interactive shell terminates a highest-level block and triggers its
output.  So you _can't_ have blank lines within a level-1 block, all
lines in the block must have text.  I just noticed, though, that you
can include comments and that the indent of comments is irrelevant, so
these blank lines could merely have a '# sign prepended to them to
transform them into comments.  (Existence of unindented comments
needs to be taken into account for the regex that adds blank lines,
though, since they're to be ignored for that purpose.)

So this works fine in interactive shell with Eric's patch:
#+begin_src python :results output :session mypy
x = 1
y = 1
z = 1
for i in range(1,2):
x = x + i
print x
# comment here
for y in range(10,11):
print y
# comment here
for z in range(5,6):
print z
while y  0:
print y

print Did it work?

but this doesn't
#+begin_src python :results output :session mypy
x = 1
y = 1
z = 1
for i in range(1,2):
x = x + i
print x

for y in range(10,11):
print y

for z in range(5,6):
print z
while y  0:
print y

print Did it work?

Re: [O] org-babel -- Improper syntax error in session mode?

2011-06-21 Thread Herbert Sitz
Thomas S. Dye tsd at writes:
 Aloha Herbert,
 I think you're right about the potential to improve the documentation.
 That's an on-going process.  Could you suggest some specific changes?
 All the best,

Tom -- 

I would suggest just adding specific warnings that session-based evaluation may
throw syntax errors with valid code.

Here's what Org manual says regarding :session evaluation with :results output':

The code is passed to the interpreter running as an interactive Emacs inferior
process. The result returned is the concaOrg tenation of the sequence of (text)
output from the interactive interpreter. Notice that this is not necessarily the
same as what would be sent to STDOUT if the same code were passed to a
non-interactive interpreter running as an external process. . . .

All that needs to be added is a warning:

IMPORTANT:  Note that Org provides only a thin wrapper around a language's
interactive shell, so valid code that executes properly in non-session mode may
fail in :session mode.  This is because Org feeds the lines in a :session block
to the interactive interpreter exactly as written.  In come cases the lines may
require special formatting in the source block to be executed properly in the
interactive shell.  For example: . . . 

I think the above issue should be moot for some of the main interpreted
languages (viz., Python, Perl, Ruby) where there are various ways to execute a
block of code non-interactively despite being in the interactive shell.  (One of
those methods is the example I gave in previous message.)  In that case
identical code will run the same whether it's in an interactive-interpreter
session or not.  It seems to me that switching to that approach for languages
that support it should both (1) simplify the Org Babel code, and (2) provide Org
users with more flexibility and power.

Also, it seems the real power of :session evaluation is to share state between
Org/Babel source code blocks, not merely to act as a kind of Org-internal
scratchpad.  As a user trying to take advantage of that state-sharing power I
would generally want my Org document exports to start from fresh sessions.  That
is, I would write my :session blocks so that they depended on results of code
run in previous :session blocks, BUT I would want the first :session block to
start with a fresh session,with a known state.   So on export I would generally
want any existing named session to be closed and restarted anew for an 
Org export.

I hope that all makes sense.  I should say I'm not a big Babel user, and I could
easily be misunderstanding something.  But it seems this is the way the
:session-based stuff should work, when possible.

-- Herb

Re: [O] org-babel -- Improper syntax error in session mode?

2011-06-21 Thread Herbert Sitz
Thomas S. Dye tsd at writes:
 Aloha Herb,
 [ . . . ]
 Is it the case that the Ruby and Perl interpreters won't run code that
 does run in non-session mode?
 All the best,

Tom -- 

I don't know about Ruby and Perl, have only done some basic testing in Ruby and
it works fine.  My guess would be that generic Ruby and Perl code in :session
mode is more likely to run without error than Python, because of Python's
special reliance on cr and indentation as syntax items, and the way that
affected design of the Python interactive shell.

-- Herb

Re: [O] org-babel -- Improper syntax error in session mode?

2011-06-20 Thread Herbert Sitz
Eric Schulte schulte.eric at writes:
 I've changed the python session evaluation so that it explicitly sends a
 RET to the inferior Python process after every line of input.  The
 attached patch makes this change.  

 I can confirm that this fixes the
 problem in your example (when an empty line is placed between the block
 and the subsequent print statement)

Eric --

I did confirm that the patch works with this block:

#+begin_src python :results output :session mypy 
x = 1
for i in range(1,5):
x = x + i
print x

print Did it work?

But it doesn't work with the block below, which _is_ valid Python code.  I'm not
sure whether you're aware that it isn't working with the code below (and were
thinking that the code below is _not_ valid python), or whether you were going
to require the user to input blank lines at appropriate spots:
#+begin_src python :results output :session mypy 
x = 1
for i in range(1,5):
x = x + i
print x
print Did it work?

The above block is valid Python, it's just because of the quirk of the
interactive python shell that it has to have a blank line inserted before the
[print Did it work?] line.  

The locations where the blank lines would need to be inserted in code are
wherever the line indent goes from 0 back to 0.  A user could be required to
insert these, of course, but since it's valid python to leave them out it seems
like something org-babel should do behind the scenes.  

The '0 indent' for purposes of python execution is the smallest indent in the
org-babel source.  So even though all source code lines are indented in above
org block, the line 'x=1' has zero indent for python eval purposes.  The
relevance of this is just to show that extra lines for shell/babel evaluation
are necessary only when code indent goes back to zero, not when indent merely
becomes smaller.  So the code below works fine, even though indent shrinks after
'print y' and 'print z' statements::
#+begin_src python :results output :session mypy 
x = 1
y = 1
z = 1
for i in range(1,5):
x = x + i
print x
for y in range(10,15):
 print y
for z in range(20,25):
 print z

print Did it work?

Like the simpler example, though, it doesn't work with with the blank line
omitted, which it should.

I hope I'm not confusing things.  The patch does help, but doesn't address the
extra-line insertion issue.

-- Herb

Re: [O] org-babel -- Improper syntax error in session mode?

2011-06-20 Thread Herbert Sitz
On Mon, Jun 20, 2011 at 2:15 PM, Eric Schulte wrote:

 As far as I can tell the problem with the block below (missing the
 space) is due to problems with the Python interpreter.

It's not due to any problem with the interpreter itself, it's due to a
purposeful design decision about the way the interactive shell should work.  It
makes good sense to require that extra line in interactive mode, given Python's
reliance on carriage-returns and indents as part of its syntax, along with
decision that the interactive output should be provided at the end of every
level 1 block.  The blank line is the only way to end a level 1 block without
starting a second level 1 block.

 I hope I'm not confusing things.

 No worries, however, I maintain that it is beyond the scope of Babel's
 Python interaction to address examples such as the one given above which
 do not work when typed into the Python verbatim session by the user.

 The patch does help, but doesn't address the extra-line insertion

 Fair enough.

Maybe adding the extra lines is beyond Babel's scope, strictly speaking.  I can
think of some good reasons for doing it though:

(1a)  Babel is not an interactive shell.

(1b)  It's not obvious to the Babel user that sessions are being processed using
Python's interactive shell.  Even if that is known (I know it's somewhere in the
docs), it's not clear to a user why Babel would require a user to insert the
extra lines (and, it turns out, _avoid_ blank lines in other cases), which make
sense in interactive environment but not within Babel's non-interactive
environment.  Even if this particular idiosyncrasy is documented somewhere it's
going to cause confusion for users who skim the docs and just expect regular
Python code to work without problems.  (If I'm first to report the issue maybe
there aren't many Org users trying to use :session mode with Python, though.)

(2)  Isn't the blank-line issue an easy fix?  I think it requires just these two
simple changes to source block before submitting to python shell:  (a)  Regex
search replace to add a blank line before any unindented line that is preceded
by an indented line (actually it may work fine to just put blank line before
_any_ unindented textline in the source-block); and (b) deletion of all blank
lines in the source-block that are followed by indented text on next line.  

 Does it work for other normal Python interactive code blocks?  Have
 you noticed any places where the previous version worked but the new
 version doesn't?  If it seems safe then I would like to apply it.

I think the Results start with a stray blank line before what should be the
actual output.  Otherwise It does seem to be working well with the few more
complicated things I've created to throw at it.  

I'm not really a big Python user, was just doing some testing in my
vim-Org-clone with Python when I noticed the problem.  If you end up not
addressing the line-insertion issue I may put it on my todo-list for my first
real adventure in learning elisp.



Re: [O] org-babel -- Improper syntax error in session mode?

2011-06-20 Thread Herbert Sitz
Eric Schulte schulte.eric at writes:

 Babel sessions explicitly are thin wrappers around the interactive mode
 of the language in question (whatever that may be).  That is why Babel
 happily doesn't implement sessions for all languages, the contract
 simply is that if a language supports interactive evaluation, Babel will
 try to allow access to that functionality.

That the Babel session is only a thin wrapper is not clear at all from the
docs.  The docs do mention 'interactive session'--and even that the output may
be slightly different from the non-session mode.  The docs don't mention
anything about the user needing to do extra preparation to avoid syntax errors
in evaluation of already valid code.  If I take an existing Org block of
non-session code and stick a :session on I don't expect to get syntax errors.
 If that's the expected behavior then it needs to be emphasized more in the
docs, otherwise most users will think something is broken in Org.

 If the contract was rather simply Babel provides session based
 evaluation, then we'd be on the hook for implementing session
 evaluation where it doesn't already exist and may not make sense (e.g.,
 C, ditaa), and normalizing everywhere else as you're suggesting here.
 Which would in turn requires us to spell out Babel-specific semantics of
 session based evaluation -- something we have thus-far avoided.

Again, the docs reference 'Session based evaluation' in big bold letters and
don't indicate the thinness of the wrapper.

 Some positive points *for* the thin wrapper approach include;
 1. It is the simplest to implement
- easier to implement support for new language
- easier to maintain -- especially if interactive tools change
- easier to reason about -- thinking about bug fixing here
- works with alternate back-ends e.g., ipython

I think I have a solution for Python that gives full session-based evaluation
and which is better than the current thin wrapper for all four concerns above
(See bottom of my message for an example.)  This same approach, I think, would
work for Ruby, but I would need to do a little digging to find exact method. 
Let me know if you want me to do that digging.

 2. It is the least surprising.  I'd maintain that for users familiar
with using Python sessions this behavior is the easiest to quickly
understand and use.  As opposed to if we did something fancy (even if
it was an improvement) it would be another environment for language
users to have to familiarize themselves with -- they'd have both
normal session rules and babel session rules

As a sometimes Python user it had me totally confused.  I don't think of
session-based as having any essential tie to interactive shell at all.  Why
would I worry about state being maintained between statements in an org block? 
State is already maintained between statements in non-session Org blocks. The
only difference with session-based blocks is the starting state may not be

When I look at Org and think of session-based blocks, I see a potential big
benefit in having multiple source-blocks throughout my document share the same
session.  That way I don't need to use Org's (clever and useful but) somewhat
clunky and inflexible method of passing data explicitly.  In statistics-based
docs, for example, I can imagine that the sheer amount of data would make using
Org's explicit variable-passing method unfeasible.  Using
session-based-evaluation is at the same time both simpler and more heavy-duty.

I never thought the use of session-based code blocks as something like a
scratchpad was much more than toy. If you're typing in code that's not intended
to be an integral part of an Org doc then you could just as well jump to the
shell and enter it there.

Here's an example of how to run a block of Python code of any length in the
interactive session and save its output in a file.  Note that this is _not_
interactive, even though the command runs in the interactive shell's session:

Start with this block of code:
#+begin_src python :results output :session mypy 
x = 1
y = 1
z = 1
for i in range(1,2):
x = x + i
print x

for y in range(10,11):
print y
# comment here
for z in range(5,6):
print z
while y  0:
print y

print Did it work?

Strip out the block of empty space at the left side and save in a file in
current directory (say, '') with a couple commands prepended and
# beginning of file
# prepend code to redirect stdout to file
import sys
saveout = sys.stdout
fsock = open('pyfile-output.log','w')
sys.stdout = fsock

# code block here, with beginning space block removed
x = 1
y = 1
z = 1
for i in range(1,2):
x = x + i
print x

for y in range(10,11):

[O] org-babel -- Improper syntax error in session mode?

2011-06-19 Thread Herbert Sitz
I have a code block that evaluates fine in non-session mode but which gives
syntax error in session mode.  Since it works fine in non-session mode I assume
this is a bug?:

#+begin_src python :results output :session mypy 
x = 1
for i in range(1,5):
  x = x + i
  print x
print Did it work?

: File stdin, line 4
: print Did it work?
: ^
: SyntaxError: invalid syntax

Re: [O] org-babel -- Improper syntax error in session mode?

2011-06-19 Thread Herbert Sitz
Eric Schulte schulte.eric at writes:
 Hi Herbert,
 I can confirm that I see the same behavior.  Also, if I manually type
 the body of the code block into the session I get the same error output
 from Python, so I don't believe this is due to a problem with Babel.

Eric -- Thanks.  Surely this is a bug that should get reported _somewhere_.  If
not Org or Babel, where?

-- Herb

Re: [O] org-babel -- Improper syntax error in session mode?

2011-06-19 Thread Herbert Sitz
Eric Schulte schulte.eric at writes:
 I can confirm that I see the same behavior.  Also, if I manually type
 the body of the code block into the session I get the same error output
 from Python, so I don't believe this is due to a problem with Babel.

It appears the problem is that the python session is interactive and is built to
emit output after each Python block (e.g., the 'for' block), before another
block of Python is entered.  If this is the way it's designed then it seems to
me that it's Babel's obligation to feed the Python blocks to the Python session
as required and then assemble the output pieces as appropriate.  Or am I missing
something? -- Herb

Re: [O] org-babel -- Improper syntax error in session mode?

2011-06-19 Thread Herbert Sitz
Nick Dokos nicholas.dokos at writes:
 Having said that, however, I think there *is* a problem:
 If you just start the python interpreter and start typing into it:
 --8---cut here---start-8---
 x = 1
 for i in range(1,5):
   x = x + i
   print x
 print Did it work?
 --8---cut here---end---8---
 the problem becomes obvious: the interpreter is still in indented mode
 and complains about the last print, because it is not properly
 indented.  OTOH, if you exit indented mode by pressing another RET
 before the final print, the interpreter is happy. This is a kludge used
 by the interactive interpreter to accommodate python's reliance on
 indentation to delimit block structure.
 That however does not work with babel: even if I leave empty lines
 between the print x and the last print, the error persists. Apparently,
 babel does not send the empty lines to the interpreter. If there is a
 bug in babel, it seems to me this is it.

Yep, that's what I was thinking.  Experiment a little I found that wrapping it
in a function gets around part of the problem.  This works fine in the terminal,
although it doesn't work from the equivalent Babel source block:
--8---cut here---start-8---
 def myfunc():
...for i in range(1,5):
...   x=x+i
...   print x
...print Did it work?
Did it work?
--8---cut here---start-8---

I don't know whether having Babel feed things in pieces and assemble output is
complicated for the general case.  It seems to me it wouldn't be that bad, it's
only the lines where an indent reverts to zero indent where pieces would need to
be broken up.  As a partial solution, having Babel insert the requisite blank
line after the last line of a function def would be helpful, and I think the
output would then all end up in a single block, no need to reassemble (or maybe
output reassembly is just simplified a little).

-- Herb

[O] Batch mode evaluation of source code?

2011-06-17 Thread Herbert Sitz
The Org manual gives an example of a batch mode --eval that runs code to tangle
code from Org files.  I assume there's also a way to simply run a source code
block and get its output in the terminal but I can't see how to do it.

To give a concrete example, the Org manual uses this Python source block as
example illustrating the difference between :session and non-session results
output.  How would I evaluate it from the command line and get the results
output back in the terminal?:

#+begin_src python  :results output
print hello
print bye

-- Herb

Re: [O] Batch mode evaluation of source code?

2011-06-17 Thread Herbert Sitz
Eric Schulte schulte.eric at writes:

 The following org-mode file and minimal elisp file can be used 
 to print
 the results of evaluating a code block from a batch Emacs 
 this is using Emacs24, so Org-mode/Babel do not need to be 
 I used the following command line
 : emacs --batch -l run-code.el 2 /dev/null

Eric -- Thanks, very cool.  I'm toying around with this approach to do dynamic
code-block evaluation in the Org-mode clone I'm making in Vim. No problem with
on-export-evaluation, since the vim-org-clone just saves the file and issues a
batch mode org-export or org-publish command to emacs, which takes over from

I think this dynamic evaluation could be useful, but it also seems like a new
server is getting called for each emacs --batch mode call.  That's cumbersome
for this dynamic-evaluation stuff because of start-up overhead for emacs on 
each call.  Is that the way its supposed to work?  

I'm working on Windows7 and have an Emacs client running when I issue the 
batch command, which I assumed also means there is a running emacs server.  
Is the
call getting made to the running emacs server?  If so, is there some way to
avoid the startup overhead (which seems to come from 'Adding c:/program files
(x86)/emacs/EmacsW32/lisp/ to load path.').  Or, if my batch call is _not_
making use of the running Emacs server is there some way to get it to use that

Thanks again,


Re: [O] Batch mode evaluation of source code?

2011-06-17 Thread Herbert Sitz
Herbert Sitz hsitz at writes:

 I'm working on Windows7 and have an Emacs client running when I issue the 
 batch command, which I assumed also means there is a running emacs server.  
 Is the
 call getting made to the running emacs server?  If so, is there some way to
 avoid the startup overhead (which seems to come from 'Adding c:/program files
 (x86)/emacs/EmacsW32/lisp/ to load path.').  Or, if my batch call is _not_
 making use of the running Emacs server is there some way to get it to use that

I can confirm that a new emacs process is getting created to run each batch mode
command.  I don't really understand the emacs-client/emacs-server setup is
supposed to work.  So I guess my question is whether my batch-mode command can
be made as a client of the existing emacs-server.  I'm guessing the answer is
'No', but if so maybe there's some other way to speed up creation of the new
emacs process when it's used solely to process an Org source-code-block?  

-- Herb

Re: [O] Batch mode evaluation of source code?

2011-06-17 Thread Herbert Sitz
Nick Dokos nicholas.dokos at writes:

 You do M-x server-start on the running emacs to start the server
 part. Then you invoke emacsclient from the command line to connect to
 it - check the manpage of emacsclient for details: you might be able to
 arrange something with the --eval argument.

Nick -- Thanks, also found a previous newsgroup post on same subject here:

I'll toy around and see what I can get working.  Seems like if I can
get the quoting in Windows shell for the eval segment then I should
be able to get result I want. . . 

-- Herb

Re: [O] Batch mode evaluation of source code?

2011-06-17 Thread Herbert Sitz
Eric Schulte schulte.eric at writes:
 By connecting to a persistent Emacs instance much of the .el script I
 attached could be removed assuming Babel has already been configured in
 the running Emacs server.
 Hope this helps -- Eric

Eric, Nick:

Thanks, yes it does.  Using also Nick's tip about using --eval (batch doesn't
seem to work when calling a client process) I've got things working at least
part of the way.

I can do the following command in the terminal:

  c:\program files (x86)\emacs\emacs\bin\emacsclientw.exe --eval ^(progn 
((org-confirm-babel-evaluate nil)) (find-file \^\^)
(org-babel-next-src-block) (print (org-babel-execute-src-block

This gets processed properly by the running client, but print command output
goes into the *message* buffer rather than to the terminal used to enter the

Any tips on how to redirect the output to my terminal?  If not, saving to a file
is a decent alternative (though I don't know how to do that either, lol).

-- Herb

[O] Problem with ditaa when doing export from command line

2011-06-10 Thread Herbert Sitz
I'm trying to do an export by calling emacs from the command line like so:

emacs -batch --visit=myfilename --funcall org-export-as-html

The export works fine except the ditaa png from ditaa source block doesn't get

I've run the export from within emacs and the ditaa png does get created.  The
export also stops to present me with dialog asking whether I want to process the
ditaa code, to which I respond Yes.  I don't get any dialog when I do the export
from the command line.

Is there some way to get the ditaa code working when I do the export from the
command line.

I'm running this on Windows7 if that makes any difference.



Re: [O] Problem with ditaa when doing export from command line

2011-06-10 Thread Herbert Sitz
Carsten Dominik carsten.dominik at writes:

 On Jun 10, 2011, at 9:33 AM, Herbert Sitz wrote:
  I'm trying to do an export by calling emacs from the command line like so:
  emacs -batch --visit=myfilename --funcall org-export-as-html
 maybe you need to do
 emacs -batch --visit=myfilename --eval '(setq org-confirm-babel-evaluate nil)'
--funcall org-export-as-html

After adding the eval switch the export terminates shortly after starting.  I
get messages:
Adding c:/Program Files (x86)/Emacs/EmacsW32/lisp/ to load-path
End of file during parsing

Same message has happened in several files, doesn't matter whether there's ditaa
code block in .org file or not.  I also get basically same result if I load my
.emacs file explicitly, although in that case I see some 'Loading . . .'
messages before OVERVIEW and End of file message.

 Also, note that when you run emacs with -batch, you init file is *not*
evaluated, . . . 

Thanks for those tips, had forgotten about loading of settings, though .emacs
was still getting loaded. . .

 P.S.  How is the VIM port coming along?

It's coming along slowly but fairly steadily.  I'm trying to wrap up the current
loose ends and get a major update out.  For first time I will have menu system
and some (very) basic documentation.  Lack of discoverability and docs have
(understandably) hindered adoption for many people so far, I think.



Re: [O] Problem with ditaa when doing export from command line

2011-06-10 Thread Herbert Sitz
Herbert Sitz hsitz at writes:

 Thanks for those tips, had forgotten about loading of settings, though .emacs
 was still getting loaded. . .

That was a typo, meant to say, I thought .emacs was still getting loaded.

Re: [O] Problem with ditaa when doing export from command line

2011-06-10 Thread Herbert Sitz
Nick Dokos nicholas.dokos at writes:
 Works fine for me here, so there is probably a syntax error in the lisp
 file(s) you load or the lisp code you eval - try using a minimal setup
 file as shown below:
 I do
emacs -batch  -l export.el --funcall org-export-as-html
 with export.el containing the following:
 --8---cut here---start-8---
  setq org-confirm-babel-evaluate nil)
  require 'ob-ditaa)
  setq org-babel-temporary-directory tmp)
setq org-ditaa-jar-path /home/nick/elisp/org-mode/contrib/scripts/ditaa.jar)
 --8---cut here---end---8---

Nick -- Thanks very much, I did get it working with your help.  

However I could not get it to work if I used an --eval in the 
command line, had to move the assignment into setting.el to get it to work.  
Did you get it to work with an --eval statement in the command line?

-- Herb

Re: [O] Problem with ditaa when doing export from command line

2011-06-10 Thread Herbert Sitz
Nick Dokos nicholas.dokos at writes:
That's a quoting problem (you are on Windoze, right?) The command line
on Windoze sucks raw eggs (well, not just the command line, but I'm biased .

You are correct, sir!  Thanks, it is indeed a quoting problem.

 On Linux, I used two kinds of quotes in order to protect the 
 vulnerable characters
 inside each lisp sexp (you could also use backslashes strategically):
emacs -batch --visit --eval '(setq org-confirm-babel-evaluate 
 --eval (require 'ob-ditaa)\
 --eval '(setq org-babel-temporary-directory
 --eval '(setq org-ditaa-jar-path
 --funcall org-export-as-html
 Inconvenient, but it works.

Okay, here's what seems to work on Windoze.  Don't laugh:

emacs -batch --visit ^
   --eval ^(setq org-confirm-babel-evaluate nil)^ ^
   --eval ^(require 'ob-ditaa)^ ^
   --eval ^(setq org-babel-temporary-directory \^tmp\^)^ ^
   --eval ^(setq org-ditaa-jar-path \^/home/nick/elisp/org-mode
/contrib/scripts/ditaa.jar\^)^ ^
   --funcall org-export-as-html

There is actually some reason to the rhyme, which is explained here:

Thanks again.

-- Herb

[Orgmode] Re: Does Effort support hours only?

2011-02-18 Thread Herbert Sitz
Lawrence Mitchell wence at writes:
  Is it possible to specify estimated effort in something other than hours
  (0.5, or 0:30)?
  Being able to specify suffixes like `d' for days or `w' for weeks would be
  awesome. But I guess it's very, very complex, though.
 Turns out probably not, unless I've missed something.  I think
 this set of patches does what's necessary to allow duration
 strings in effort properties.  And as a bonus its backwards
 compatible to the old style.  Try it and see if it works, if it
 does I'll roll it into a proper patch.

Lawrence -- 

I didn't test the patch, but it looks like it's hard coded to treat 24 hours as
1 day, 168 hours as 1 week, etc.  This seems like it would create more confusion
than there was before.  

In the context of measuring effort I think it's far more common to treat, e.g, 8
hours as the equivalent of a day's work.  Most people have 5 day works weeks,
but some don't. Etc.  In any case, giving user ability to set their own
conversion factors seems like a much-needed part of this.

-- Herb

Emacs-orgmode mailing list
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[Orgmode] Are Org manual and/or the compact guide themselves org files?

2011-02-17 Thread Herbert Sitz
I'm wondering if the online manual or compact guide are generated from org
files.  Seems like they could be, but I haven't been able to find mention of it
anywhere, and I haven't seen anywhere where they could be downloaded in .org
format.  Am I missing something?


Herb Sitz

Emacs-orgmode mailing list
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[Orgmode] calling to Emacs server to export to PDF

2010-12-07 Thread Herbert Sitz
I'm trying to call a function in an Emacs server to export a file to PDF using
the following command:

c:\program files (x86)\emacs\emacs\bin\emacs.exe -batch --visit=[myfile]
--funcall org-export-as-pdf

It works okay but it doesn't seem to use the default latex class that I've
defined in my .emacs.  I can alter the LaTeX output by embedding #+LATEX_HEAD
lines in my file, but those come after the \documentclass command and all the
other default preamble lines Emacs is inserting.

Printing from the same Emacs instance directly does seem to use the .emacs
configuration for LaTeX-related variables.

So I have a couple of questions.

(1)  Is behavior I'm seeing expected?  That is, when I call org-export-as-pdf
remotely it ignores settings in the .emacs file?

(2)  Is best workaround to just alter the default LaTeX class definitions in

Thanks for any help.

-- Herb

Emacs-orgmode mailing list
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[Orgmode] Re: calling to Emacs server to export to PDF

2010-12-07 Thread Herbert Sitz
Nick Dokos nicholas.dokos at writes:

 Yes, --batch implies -q, so you have to load your .emacs explicitly (or 
 strip it down to its essentials and create a minimal .emacs for such a use).
 Probably not: try
   emacs --batch --load $HOME/minimal.emacs --visit file --funcall

Nick -- Beautiful, thanks.  -- Herb

Emacs-orgmode mailing list
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[Orgmode] Update on Org-mode clone in Vim

2010-11-25 Thread Herbert Sitz
Just wanted to update anybody interested that I'm still making progress on my
Vim org-mode clone.  Agenda view and flexible agenda searches on dates, todos,
and tags all work pretty well now.  I've got basic clocking and clock table
generation done, and some other things.  All is available at github:

Another video on very basic date spec and agenda viewing stuff is here:

I have a list of videos I want to get done in short order on:
(1) specifying tags and tag editing and searching
(2) specifying todos and editing todos and searching
(3) agenda searches on dates, tags, todos, their combinations, other properties,
(4) clocking in and out and clock tables

All this stuff is very similar to how Emacs Org-mode works, so the videos won't
be too interesting to most of you.  But I think they'll be quite helpful to
people coming from Vim, some of whom have never even heard of Org-mode (if you
can imagine that).


Herb Sitz

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[Orgmode] Re: Update on Org-mode clone in Vim

2010-11-25 Thread Herbert Sitz
Carsten Dominik carsten.dominik at writes:
  All this stuff is very similar to how Emacs Org-mode works, so the  
  videos won't
  be too interesting to most of you.  But I think they'll be quite  
  helpful to
  people coming from Vim, some of whom have never even heard of Org- 
  mode (if you
  can imagine that).
 You know what gut feeling I have when I see you write about your  
 I am jealous.  It must be a lot of fun to write Org mode from scratch,  
 with a clear final feature set and detailed functionality already  
 cleanly in your mind, and no legacy code to keep running and no  
 detailed backward compatibility to worry about. :D
 I am very curious to find out if Org's philosophy and ideas will get  
 as much traction in the vi world.  It seems to me that they should.   
 Even though there is little overlap between these worlds because an  
 Editor choice is such a basic thing, I guess we are all the same geeks.
 - Carsten

Carsten -- Yes, it is nice to code having a design spec that is already
fleshed out and time-tested in the real world.  I know there's a huge
amount of time, effort, and careful decision making that's gone into
the design of Org-mode.  It feels good to be able to piggy-
back off of it.

I just wish I knew Emacs and elisp a little better
so I could see how certain functions were implemented in it.  Some
things seem obvious; I expect I'm doing them very similarly in Vim
to the way they were done in Org-mode.  Other things, not so much.



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[Orgmode] Re: Update on Org-mode clone in Vim

2010-11-25 Thread Herbert Sitz
Matt Lundin mdl at writes:
 I'm curious to see how hyperlinks and capture might work in a vim
 environment. Being able to call org-capture from anywhere in my Emacs
 ecosystem (or should I say operating system) has spoiled me. :)

Matt -- Regarding the hyperlinks there's a Vim plugin that already
seems to have pretty complete hyperlinking functionality.  Just put
it in your plugin folder and you're good to go with it.  You
can find it here:

I haven't done any checking to see what needs to be done to make 
it compatible with Org-mode hyperlinking markup.  I don't think it 
should be too bad.

At least before 'conceal text' was available in Vim73 I don't 
think there's any good way to hide link details and have just
the link text appear in the document.  I haven't used Vim73
or looked at conceal text much, but it seems that feature
might make it possible to closely replicate the way
Emacs does things.  I'd be happy to hear suggestions from
people who know more about this. . . 

I think there are some other existing Vim plugins that can
be made use of.  There's a footnoting plugin that I want
to look into adopting at some point.  

Also, I have done
nothing at all to implement any of Org's table editing
functionality.  This is pretty much independent of Org
itself, and I was hoping there was an existing Vim plugin
that would be somewhere along lines of what's in Org, 
but I haven't found anything close yet.

-- Herb

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[Orgmode] Couple more videos of Org-mode clone in Vim

2010-11-09 Thread Herbert Sitz
For anybody interested I've posted a couple more videos of features in the
would-be Org-mode clone.  First is showing basics of sparse-tree-search:

And second is on tags:

I'll try to put something together showing the agenda date views and custom
searches, which is what I've spent vast majority of time on. . . .


Herb Sitz

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[Orgmode] An Org-mode clone for Vim

2010-11-05 Thread Herbert Sitz
I've been working on a Vim plugin that is file-compatible with Org-mode and that
clones a good subset of features.  It's gotten to the point where I'd like to
put it up on Github and see if anyone wants to use it and/or help develop it
with me.  So far I've implemented a good subset of Org's functionality and,
though it has a few rough edges, right now it could be perfectly usable for
certain people out there who prefer Vim as a text editor, but who have been
drawn to Emacs' Org-mode because of its features.  My project isn't at the point
where it has all the features or the polish of Org-mode, but many Org-mode users
use only a small subset of Org.  For people who prefer Vim and have subsets
coinciding with my project it could be an option.

I've made a video showing what it looks like and demonstrating some of the basic
outlining stuff.  I just uploaded it to Vimeo, and it tells me it will be
available for viewing in a couple hours (i.e., around 3:15pm PST today, Friday
Nov. 5,2010).  When available it will be viewable at this link:

For someone who asks, 'Why would you bother to do this for Vim when it's already
done in Emacs?, I would have these responses:

1.  A lot of people don't like Emacs.  It is of course an insanely powerful
piece of software, but a lot of people can never get accustomed to the chord-key
command system, or if they do get semi-accustomed they don't like it or it
causes them physical pain.
2.  Some people are of the opinion that, while Emacs is admittedly a great
operating system/development environment, it lacks a decent text editor.  ;)
3.  Emacs and Vim (or Vim and Emacs) are king and queen atop the pile of text
editors.  What one has the other should have to, to the extent possible.
4.  I consider myself a Vim person, but I moved to Org-mode and Emacs myself
(made almost palatable to me by Viper and Vimpulse) because I wanted to be able
to publish outlines to PDF and HTML.  Vim has a couple decent outliners but
nobody has bothered to create good export systems for quality output.  I had
written some (non-publishing-related) extensions for one of the Vim outliners
and I knew it wouldn't be that hard to write something in Vim that was
file-compatible with Org-mode, which would then be able to publish to PDF and
HTML simply by calling out to an Emacs server.  This was my original goal and
it's done and works great.
5.  As I did some work I became more curious about all the task management and
organization features in Org-mode, and how they might be implemented in Vim.  So
I started coding up stuff for the various Org searches, agenda views, sparse
trees, column views, date management, etc.  This is actually fun to do and Vim
is well-suited for doing it.  So I've kept going.  I'm hoping someone else might
have an interest in doing this with me.
6. As I said in 5., developing this stuff is fun.

That's about it.  If there's any interest I'll do more videos showing how other
Org-mode features have been implemented in the Vim plugin, and where they stand
right now in the Vim plugin compared to Org-mode.


Herb Sitz
Seattle, WA 

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[Orgmode] Re: An Org-mode clone for Vim

2010-11-05 Thread Herbert Sitz
John Hendy jw.hendy at writes:

 Wow! This is pretty neat. You've done some really cool things.

John -- Thanks for the kind words.  I've responded to some of your comments
below to clarify just what my project is and what it isn't.

 I started learning emacs only for org-mode and have never really used vim
except for editing a few config files when nano is not available. Since I
started with emacs and it has what I want (org-mode), I can't think of a 
reason to learn yet another program with it's own set of shortcut 
 oddities :) I can relate to the shortcuts... Sometimes two in a row 
 involving ctrl makes me scratch my head. Though with emacs I'm 
 pretty sure you can literally change anything you want.
 Also, since you're using the export features of org-mode, 
 and as you said you can use vimperator or whatever to 
 emulate vim keystrokes in emacs... is there
 anything really that you can do with the vim version that emacs 
 can't do? I completely understand #5 below -- do it just to 
 do it and it's fun. Other than that, though, aside from some 
 navigation differences and the (#_of_lines) at the
 end of folded headers I was unsure what was to be different. 
 Now you work in vim and just call org-mode to export?

You've got it right.  For someone who is comfortable with Emacs 
and Org-mode there's no reason at all for them to be interested 
in what I'm doing.  The appeal of my project is pretty much 
limited to those people who have a strong preference for using 
Vim rather than Emacs.  Even the people who strongly 
prefer Vim, if they are heavy Org-mode users and depend on a 
wide range of it features and multitude of options, might 
have little use for my project in its current state.

 2.  Some people are of the opinion that, while Emacs is admittedly 
 a great
 operating system/development environment, it lacks a decent text 
 editor.  ;)
 I've heard this but never understood what was being said.

That comment is mostly an often repeated joke. I think it gets to a 
major difference between Emacs and Vim, which is that Emacs is used 
by many to become the central application they use, with all their
sub-applications implemented in Emacs-lisp.   Vim isn't really used 
that way, partly because it's not as suitable for it, and partly 
because its main author has taken a
stance against that sort of use, in favor of a more Unixey-approach
of merely interacting with outside applications.

 - Navigation. I definitely feel the emacs shortcut pain for certain 
 things. I don't mind exporting. I'm so used to it that 
 do C-x C-s C-c C-e p without blinking to publish to PDF. 
 But, I highly dislike things like C-c C-[n/p] or C-c C-[f/b] for 
 navigating headlines. Your arrow navigation was appealing, 
 perhaps only because I'm not as used to these shortcuts as 
 others. I find myself using two finger scroll, pg[up/dn] and 
 crtl+[right/left arrow] to move around much
 more than the emacs built-in shortcuts. As I said earlier, 
 though, surely they can be changed...  I just haven't.

Yes, I agree that having navigation keys as multi-keypress chord 
combination is sub-optimal.  I'm sure remappings could be done in 
Org, hard thing might be deciding on what key combinations.  
The section-moving commands in Org-mode are already mapped to 
keys similar to the ones I use, don't require multi-keypress
chords even now.

 Great work and very cool project. Thanks for sharing and I 
 really enjoyed the video!

Thanks again,


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Re: [Orgmode] Re: suggestion: simplify depth stepping of document structure (outline) visibility

2010-09-03 Thread Herbert Sitz
On Thu, Sep 2, 2010 at 6:26 PM, Bastien wrote:

  Now I did a rewrite for some improvements, mainly to support dive in
  and out of headings also in a variant that leaves the visibility of
  siblings. The code is at the end.

 Michael Brand writes:
 It tested the code, works nicely - thanks!

 I just noticed two oddities: (1) it has no notion of content, it's just
 about headlines, right?  Okay, I can always combine `C-' with the usual
 TAB command but it's a bit surprising first;

Yes, it shows only the structure not the body text.  This is exactly what I
want.  The built-in visibility cycling always expands body text and that
makes it nearly useless in most of my documents, which have large amounts of
body text under each heading.  As soon as you try to do a tab cycle all
you can see is the body text under the heading, none of the subheadings.  So
the regular visibility cycling is useless at revealing document structure.
(For some documents the built-in tab visibility cycling is useful, but for
me it's a very limited set.)

The focus of Michael's function on headings invites a complementary function
that focuses on body text.  The function Im thinking of would toggle body
text visibility on a subtree, operating only on the visible headings in the

The other thing that I would like added is to have another step built-in,
which in step after last heading level in subtree is revealed it will toggle
body text on for all headings in subtree.  For example, for a 4 level
subtree the C- operation would go successively like this:

a.  Reveal headings thru Level 2,
b.  Reveal headings thru Level 3,
c.  Reveal headings thru Level 4,
d.  show body text for all headings in subtree.

(2) the first press at C-
 and C- sets the content relative view to 1, whatever the initial
 state was.  Feels a bit unintuitive to me...

Yes, I agree, starting from current view depth is a bit of polish that
should be added.

I'll help with whatever is needed.  As I told Michael, I think all of the
above can be done fairly easily by creating a new function based the
built-in show-children function.


Herb Sitz
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[Orgmode] Re: tab visibility cycling doesn't work over putty/ssh with viper-mode enabled

2010-05-21 Thread Herbert Sitz
Jan Böcker jan.boecker at writes:
Visibility cycling with TAB works both in command and insert mode.
 I can also access the agenda using C-c a a.
Looks like putty is misconfigured. While quickly 
scanning through
putty's configuration menu, the only setting I 
noticed was Connection
- Data - Terminal-type string, which is 
set to xterm here.
However, I did not modify the default values, 
so it should work out of
the box.
You can try logging in with putty, executing 
sleep 5, and interrupting
that with C-c. If that does not work, 
the problem is definitely not
emacs related.
HTH, Jan

Jan --

Thanks, but I still haven't solved this yet 
and I don't think there's any
problem with PuTTY configuration.

However, my problems with TAB key and C-C appear 
to be quite different, and only the TAB key one 
appears to be unique to using PuTTY/ssh.

First, regarding C-c a not working to bring up 
agenda-view, this problem exists on my 
emacs instance in Ubuntu even when 
using it directly, not through ssh. 
Pressing C-c a gives error message 
'C-c a is undefined', despite the fact that
agenda-view works fine when accessing it 
through the menu system.  Frustrating,
but it has nothing to do with PuTTY.  
(And PuTTY does send C-c properly to stop
the 'sleep 5' process in a bare terminal.)

Second, the problem with TAB key in viper-mode 
does seem specific to PuTTY/ssh,
since it works fine when working directly.  
This doesn't seem possible that it's
a PuTTY problem, since so far as I can tell 
TAB works properly in all other
modes, and it works properly to cycle 
visibility as soon as I turn viper-mode off.

Thanks for the suggestions though!  
I'm wondering if you have any others?. . . 



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[Orgmode] Re: tab visibility cycling doesn't work over putty/ssh with viper-mode enabled

2010-05-21 Thread Herbert Sitz
Herbert Sitz hsitz at writes:
 First, regarding C-c a not working to bring up 
 agenda-view, this problem exists on my 
 emacs instance in Ubuntu even when 
 using it directly, not through ssh. 
 Pressing C-c a gives error message 
 'C-c a is undefined', despite the fact that

Sorry, the issue with 'C-c a' was stupid error on my part.  I had forgotten that
you have to put the 'C-c a' key definition in the .emacs file.

So the TAB problem with viper-mode is the only real problem I have.

-- Herb

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[Orgmode] tab visibility cycling doesn't work over putty/ssh with viper-mode enabled

2010-05-19 Thread Herbert Sitz
I'm trying to run orgmode/emacs over an ssh connection with PuTTY.  Win7 client
and Ubuntu host.  

With viper-mode enabled all I get is a bell when I click on tab to cycle the
visibility of a heading in viper's normal mode.  

Shift-tab works okay, as does a tab key if I am in viper's insert mode (but of
course it merely inserts tab then rather than cycling visibility).  

Tab cycling seems to work properly if viper-mode is disabled.

I'm new to emacs/orgmode (coming from vim) and to ssh sessions, stumped on this
tab key issue though I suspect it's nothing complicated.  Can someone tell me
how to get tab cycling working in my putty client when using viper-mode?  

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[Orgmode] Re: tab visibility cycling doesn't work over putty/ssh with viper-mode enabled

2010-05-19 Thread Herbert Sitz
Herbert Sitz hsitz at writes:
 With viper-mode enabled all I get is a bell when I click on tab to cycle the
 visibility of a heading in viper's normal mode.  
 Shift-tab works okay, as does a tab key if I am in viper's insert mode (but of
 course it merely inserts tab then rather than cycling visibility).  
 Tab cycling seems to work properly if viper-mode is disabled.

It seems there are some other keys that don't work in PuTTY.  One of the most
obvious is CTRL-C, which I think works only if preceded by some other meta key.
 E.g., CTRL-X, CTRL-C works normally to quite emacs.  But when a sequence starts
with CTRL-C the bell goes off and no keypress is recognized.  This makes it
impossible to use keys to enter agenda view, which is accessed via CTRL-C,a.

I assume my setup is common enough (Win7 PuTTY client accessing openssh server
on Ubuntu 10.04) that someone has worked out these problems?  Thanks for any
tips.  -- Herb

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