org-thtml - static html site in pure org + Emacs

2020-04-25 Thread Juan José García-Ripoll

I have created this standalone framework for building static HTML sites
using Emacs and org-mode

The github repository has a sample mini-site, but you may want to see a
more mature one at my homepage It only
requires emacs.

The example requires a recent version of org-mode. The stock one seems
to have a problem resolving file: links in files that have been


Juan José García Ripoll

Bug: org-publish-sitemap messes absolute sitemap paths [9.3.6 (9.3.6-25-g685b2c-elpa @ c:/Users/juanj/OneDrive/Library/Emacs/elpa-26/org-20200316/)]

2020-04-18 Thread Juan José García Ripoll
irm-function 'yes-or-no-p
 org-html-format-drawer-function #[514 "\207" [] 3 "\n\n(fn NAME CONTENTS)"]
 org-html-format-headline-function 'org-html-format-headline-default-function
 org-src-window-setup 'split-window-below
 org-icalendar-use-deadline '(event-if-todo event-if-todo-not-done
 org-directory "~/Nextcloud/Documents/Notes"
 org-icalendar-alarm-time 60
 org-publish-project-alist '(("homepage-blog" :base-directory
  :recursive t :base-extension "org"
  :exclude "^" :section-numbers nil
  :with-toc nil :with-date nil :html-template
  #[(contents info)


[info input-file date title root contents 
plist-get :input-file org-publish-find-date :with-title :title org-export-data 
templated-html--relative-path expand-file-name :root-directory :base-directory 
message "->date: %s, %s" format-time-string "%b %d, %Y" "\n\n  \n" "\n\n\n" "\n" "\n" "" "\n\";>\n\";>\n\n\n\";>\n\n\n" "\n  
\n  \n\n\n  " "\n  \n\nJuan José García 
Ripoll\nSenior scientist\n\";>IFF-CSIC\n\n\n 
 \n\n\";>\n\n\n\";>\n\n\n\";>\n\n\n\";>\n\n\n\";>\n\n\n\";>\n\n\n  \n\n  
\n\n" "\n  \n 
   " "\n  \nBlog\n\"; id=\"menuLink1\" 
class=\"pure-menu-link\">Work\nLectures\n  \n\n" "\n\n
\n  " "" "" "\n  " "Published on " "" "\n\n\n" 
"\n  \n  Created using Emacs and org-mode\n  
(c) Juan José García Ripoll 2019\n\n" "\n  \n
\n  \n\n"]


Re: OrgNV - alternative to deft

2020-03-23 Thread Juan José García-Ripoll
Bob Newell  writes:
> You might take a look at my 'scraps' package. I created it a
> little while back and it does a fair amount of what you
> mention.

Thanks, looks very interesting. Does some of what I need, but I differ
in some design choices:

- I prefer the incremental search scheme a-la-deft instead of dired.
- I also do not care for file names and prefer to have editable titles /
- A reason for this is that I care about linking and backlinking
notes. Fixing file name <-> title association makes the database static
and difficult to edit.
- I am also into having multiple folders for separating big categories
and areas of interest (hence the recursive approach).
- I also would like to attach multimedia / PDF's / images to the notes as
linked or embedded assets. This is easy if directories are allowed and
files filtered by extension.

In any case...

> I've got over 3,000 files taking up over 64 MB and it's still quite
> fast.

... your work proves that using grep is not such a bad idea after all
because of available memory and SSD's, as you say in the PDF.

Juan José García Ripoll

Quantum Information and Foundations Group -

OrgNV - alternative to deft

2020-03-23 Thread Juan José García-Ripoll

I have started a personal project, with no aims to create a package yet,
to create an alternative to deft. I have very specific reasons:

- Open the library to being used programatically, similar to how
  completing-read works.
- Built around 'grep', to allow more sophisticated queries in the
- No databases. No "Xapian"-like interfaces. No cache files.
- Multiple source directories.
- Focus on org-mode nodes.
- Easier interface to org-mode for creating links directly from an
  org-mode file.

The result feels pretty snappy. Reading 1000 files with 'grep' and
parsing them takes less than 0.5s in an old laptop. It is so fast that
I don't really feel like adding a cache around it.

I feel this paradigm can scale to more interesting features, such as
querying #+KEYWORD or tags in files, which I am using in my personal
knowledge database.

Feedback is very much welcome. This is the first such "interactive"
project I start with Emacs and I am unfamiliar with the programming


Juan José García Ripoll

Quantum Information and Foundations Group -