Re: [O] Remove Org from Emacs repository?

2016-12-18 Thread Maria Shinoto

Some thoughts from a beginner:

Now that Emacs has had package.el for some years, and Org is
installable directly from GNU ELPA, would it be a good idea to remove
Org from Emacs's source repository?

Beginners are overwhelmed with the options and traps, to do something 
wrong. It is almost impossible to start with Emacs, despite the good 
documentation. This list helped me out in the beginning, and I am glad.

I started using Emacs without deep technological background and without 
any help around. I started using it because of org-mode, and I was _so_ 
happy that org-mode was included.

"All inclusive" packages are the best for beginners. Download, use as is 
and get used to it. After that, one may start with Elisp and packages.

I think the fact that this is an issue at all is an indication of a
shortcoming in Emacs' package-management system. I wish package
management happened "invisibly" (ie, (package-initialize) happened all
by itself). Emacs then would come bundled with certain packages -- Org,
Dired, Gnus, Tramp, etc.

The package manager is not difficult as soon as one has got used to 
Emacs. But it is certainly not a good idea to ask people to use it when 
they start trying Emacs. I am collecting my impressions on my way 
getting used to Emacs and would like to write a short list of ideas to 
make the package manager easier to use, if you like.


Re: [O] TODO keyword faces do not work when tags are globally set

2016-11-27 Thread Maria Shinoto


Thanks for your answer.

It was another beginner's fault that happened during some polishing of 
my init file.

After all, the init file loaded my TODO file before before setting the 
TODO keywords and their faces; now the files are loaded in the end of 
the init process, and everything works again.

Sorry for bothering you!


PS I feel uneasy upgrading to 9.01 at the moment, since I am not yet 
comfortable with emacs and org mode and may explanations on the web 
still do not apply to 9.0, which changed a lot, as far as I understand.

Am 27.11.16 um 20:16 schrieb Nicolas Goaziou:


Maria Shinoto <> writes:

I have set TODO-keywords in my init.el file and also set colors etc.
for the different TODO keywords, works fine.

Today I wanted to set tags globally in the init file as well, but then
the TODO keywords do not seem to be recognized any more. They get the
same color and font face as the headline.

I simply set

   (setq org-tag-alist '("@haus" .))

and tried it both before setting the TODO keywords and the font faces
as well as afterwards.

I am working with Org-mode 8.3.6, and my emacs is 25.1

Could you try again with latest release (Org 9.0.1)?


[O] TODO keyword faces do not work when tags are globally set

2016-11-27 Thread Maria Shinoto


I have set TODO-keywords in my init.el file and also set colors etc. for 
the different TODO keywords, works fine.

Today I wanted to set tags globally in the init file as well, but then
the TODO keywords do not seem to be recognized any more. They get the 
same color and font face as the headline.

I simply set

   (setq org-tag-alist '("@haus" .))

and tried it both before setting the TODO keywords and the font faces as 
well as afterwards.

I am working with Org-mode 8.3.6, and my emacs is 25.1

Thanks for your help!


Re: [O] Sharing documents with bibtex bibliography from org to non-org users

2016-08-16 Thread Maria Shinoto


Am 17.08.16 um 11:00 schrieb Ken Mankoff:

Pandoc does work well, but I notice you didn't say tables. Does it

> that for you well? For me, they are unreadable, with each column a
> full
> page width, and the table therefore far too wide.

You could write the tables in Latex, Pandoc accepts that. But I think in 
this case you cannot work with .docx -- I am not sure. But you can also 
work on the default template and change the settings for tables. I have 
several templates (Latex, beamer) for several purposes, really a nice 

Anyway, in pandoc "x" is properly exported as a math symbol, but it

> doesn't look very good and has a box around it. The m^-3 is not exported
> properly. I see a "m", and then an empty math box, and then the
> superscript "-3".

If I do Org -> ODT, the "x" is not technically correct, but looks

> better. It is just italicized. The exponent is properly written next to
> them without an empty math box between the two.

Both problems can be solved in the template either. You can have a look 
at the Latex Pandoc produces, then change to what you need and enter 
this into the template.


If someone has a different suggestion for how to write this in Org

pandoc->DOCX, I'd be grateful, because references and figures are
handled better by pandoc than Org -> ODT.


Re: [O] Sharing documents with bibtex bibliography from org to non-org users

2016-08-16 Thread Maria Shinoto


in the recent year and a half I have been writing in Pandoc Markdown, 
exchanging documents and research papers with others as .docx documents 
that I converted directly in Pandoc, or, if a biblatex bibliography was 
involved, via Latex document.

The route back to Pandoc was copy and paste, which was not as time 
consuming as one might suppose. I had to go over the changes anyway.

I am an archaeologist, so there are no problems with equations ;)

A lot of idea exchange is via email, and composing ideas in Pandoc 
Markdown before sending the mail was a well organised way of developing 

Now I hope to get org-mode running the same way, either using direct 
export to word or Pandoc.


Am 16.08.16 um 20:41 schrieb Ken Mankoff:

Hi Martin,

The workflow I've been using for the past few months is this:

1) Export to ODT and then use LibreOffice to convert ODT to DOC with,

(use-package ox-odt
  :ensure nil
  :config (progn
(setq org-odt-preferred-output-format "doc")
(setq org-odt-convert-processes
"/Applications/ --headless --convert-to %f%x 

Note that LibreOffice *cannot* be open/running while exporting, or the 
conversion fails.

2) Clean up the DOC file using the following LibreOffice macro (you can give 
its own toolbar button for easy access). This removes some LaTeX-specific 
formatting (examples: \( and \), \begin{equation}, \ref, etc.) and replaces 
some (examples: ^{-2} to -2).

Sub ReplaceTeXStrings
  Dim mTeXStringsNO(99) As String
  Dim mTeXStringsCNVfrom(99) As String
  Dim mTexStringsCNVto(99) As String
  Dim n As Long
  Dim oDocument As Object
  Dim oReplace As Object

  mTeXStringsNO() = Array("\(", "\)", "\ref", "\mathrm", _
"\begin{equation}", "\end{equation}", "\left", "\right", _
"\singlespacing", "\doublespacing", "\,")

   mTeXStringsCNV() = Array("\sigma","σ", "\rho","ρ", "\sum", "∑", _
   "\phi","ɸ", "\partial","∂", "\Theta","Θ", "^{th}","th", "^{{th}}","th", _
   "^{-1}","-1", "^{-2}","-2", "^{2}","^2", "^{3}", "^3",  "^{-3}", "^-3")

  oDocument = ThisComponent
  oReplace = oDocument.createReplaceDescriptor
  For n = lbound(mTeXStringsNO()) To ubound(mTeXStringsNO())
oReplace.SearchString = mTexStringsNO(n)
oReplace.ReplaceString = ""
  Next n
  For n = lbound(mTeXStringsCNV()) To ubound(mTeXStringsCNV()) Step 2
oReplace.SearchString = mTexStringsCNV(n)
oReplace.ReplaceString = mTexStringsCNV(n+1)
  Next n
  End Sub

At this point, the DOC file is in decent shape, but equations are in raw LaTeX. 
The text does say things like see Figure {fig:foo} and Equation {eq:bar}. 
Figures are all numbered SEC.N, where SEC is the section number, and N restarts 
at 1 each section. References appear correctly as (Someone, 1942), or inline as 
Someone (1942), but there is no bibliography. It is easily readable, decently 
formatted, and much better than asking a co-author to read the raw LaTeX.

3) Export to PDF and compile the final product

4) Send both PDF and DOC to co-authors. Let them know they can read and mark up 
the DOC via Track Changes, but the PDF is the canonical version and should be 
used when looking at Equations, Figures, Bibliography, or anything else that 
appears suspect in the DOC file.

5) I manually integrate changes back into the Org file.

Alternative workflows I've used in the past include Org -> LaTeX and then using 
Pandoc LaTeX -> DOCX. This version includes a bibliography, but overall I found the 
DOC more poorly formatted than the above workflow. If you prefer a cut-and-paste method, 
I'd consider Org -> HTML and then cut-and-paste that, rather than cut-and-paste PDF 

I hope this helps,


On 2016-08-16 at 03:36, Martin Leduc  wrote:

Hi orgers,

People using org-mode or LaTeX to write scientific papers inevitably
face problems when time comes to share a manuscript with co-authors for
reviewing. Unless one decides to restrict the choice of his co-authors
based exclusively on their knowledge of LaTeX, collaborators generally
use Microsoft Word to write their documents.

One way to share LaTeX documents with non-LaTeX users is to simply
copy-paste the LaTeX file into a Word document. You can then share this
file with other people along with a pdf-compiled version of the
manuscript allowing them to see all references, bibliography, equations
and figures. This is the most convenient approach for the first author,
who can simply copy-paste back the text into a tex file after the rounds
of review and then compile the LaTeX manuscript again following some
minor debugging.

However, the latter approach may not be suitable in situations where the
document is intended to stay into a word format for whatever reason. It
could be for instance because 

Re: [O] How to safely update from ver. 8.2.10 to 8.3.x

2016-08-15 Thread Maria Shinoto

Thanks again, this was really helpful, and I understand the logic.

To explain what worked:

- My Emacs was simply the downloaded version of "EmacsForOSX", which 
resides in the application folder.

- The path to the emacs file that opens from the Terminal turned out to be

- So the Terminal commands was

 /Applications/ -Q

- After checking that only the 2 regular buffers were active and orgmode 
not loaded, I installed the package with the package manager.

It worked well, my org-mode is now the newest version, and updating this 
way was really easy.

May I suggest that the procedure that Malcolm explained so well will be 
part of the explanation/wiki/manuals?

Beginners like me can become confused -- software bug, stupid user bug, 
what else...

Cheers to the list,

Am 16.08.16 um 13:19 schrieb Cook, Malcolm:

Answers are out of order:

(2) - oops , you are correct.  What you want is:

emacs -Q -batch -eval "(progn (require 'package)
(package-initialize) (package-refresh-contents) (package-install

(1) - you have 2 copies of emacs installed on your mac probably one
in /usr/bin/emacs .  How did you install the gui version?  If
Homebrew, then the other is in /usr/local/bin/emacs.  If EmacsForOSX
then, if I remember correctly, it is in /Applications/ which
is really just a folder and which contains in it Emacs the actual
emacs program to run.  In any case, just replace emacs in the above
command line with the full path to the emacs you are using, like

/usr/local/bin/emacs -Q -batch -eval "(progn (require 'package)
(package-initialize) (package-refresh-contents) (package-install

or this

/Applications/ -Q -batch -eval "(progn (require
'package) (package-initialize) (package-refresh-contents)
(package-install 'org))"

(3)  yes - start a fresh emacs and don't load your init.el file,
using the -Q option, like this

/Applications/ -Q

And then don't load any .org files!!! Go directly to the package
manager and refresh your org installation like any other package.


________ From: Maria Shinoto
<> Sent: Monday, August 15, 2016 6:06 PM To: Cook,
Malcolm Subject: Re: [O] How to safely update from ver. 8.2.10 to


so, it was good that I asked, thanks for your advice.

I got the idea, but there are two questions left. I prefer simple
org since I am a beginner and want to start with the standards.

emacs -Q -batch -eval "(progn (require 'package) (add-to-list
'package-archives '(\"org\" . \"\;))
(package-initialize) (package-refresh-contents) (package-install

Note: I use org-plus-contrib from melpa instead of org.  If you
want just org, you could simply:

emacs -Q -batch -eval "(progn (require 'package)
(package-initialize) (package-refresh-contents) (package-install

(1) When I check my emacs version in the Terminal (running Mac OS X
10.11), I get version "GNU Emacs 22.1.1", while asking from the GUI
shows version 24.5 (9.0). I do not understand why this can happen,
how these are separated and how they influence each other.
Furthermore, if they are separate, how should an installation from
the Terminal influence the situation in the GUI?

(2) Your second script is different, but it still deals with
"org-plus-contrib". Could you verify the script so that I can be
sure that I install the right org-mode version?

(3) Is there a way to safely install the org-mode package from the
GUI package manager? This would be easiest, since I intend to go on
with the GUI emacs. In other words, I am looking for a way to start
the GUI without org-mode loaded (similar to "emacs -Q" in the

Thanks again, Maria

[O] How to safely update from ver. 8.2.10 to 8.3.x

2016-08-14 Thread Maria Shinoto

Hi all,

this weekend I got through lots of troubles, because I updated my 
orgmode version with "manage emacs packages" menu command and somehow 
got mixed preferences.

Now, after a clean install, I have org mode 8.2.10 and would like to
update to version 8.3.x (20160808) which is shown under the menu command
"manage emacs packages".

How can I do this safely, without creating a mess again?

Thanks for all advice,

[O] Bug: keys C-c C-c do not update in Emacs app, but in Terminal emacs [8.2.10 (release_8.2.10 @ /Users/home/.emacs.d/elpa/org-20160801/)]

2016-08-14 Thread Maria Shinoto


I am learning Org-mode and Emacs on a Mac, and got everything working
fine, except for the key combination C-c C-c. It should update states in
contexts, e.g. toggle the state of a check box and the counter of tasks
finished in the header of such a check box list.

In the Emacs UI for Mac (not Aquamac), this key combination does not
work. It does work when I call emacs from the terminal though.

Is there something wrong with the GUI?

Thanks for your help and for your efforts,

Emacs  : GNU Emacs 24.5.1 (x86_64-apple-darwin13.4.0, NS 

 of 2015-04-11 on
Package: Org-mode version 8.2.10 (release_8.2.10 @ 

current state:
 org-tab-first-hook '(org-hide-block-toggle-maybe
 org-speed-command-hook '(org-speed-command-default-hook
 org-occur-hook '(org-first-headline-recenter)
 org-metaup-hook '(org-babel-load-in-session-maybe)
 org-confirm-shell-link-function 'yes-or-no-p
 org-after-todo-state-change-hook '(org-clock-out-if-current)
 org-from-is-user-regexp "\\"
 org-src-mode-hook '(org-src-babel-configure-edit-buffer
 org-agenda-before-write-hook '(org-agenda-add-entry-text)
 org-babel-pre-tangle-hook '(save-buffer)
 org-mode-hook '(#[nil "\300\301\302\303\304$\207"
   [org-add-hook change-major-mode-hook org-show-block-all
append local]
 #[nil "\300\301\302\303\304$\207"
   [org-add-hook change-major-mode-hook
org-babel-show-result-all append local]
 org-babel-result-hide-spec org-babel-hide-all-hashes)
 org-archive-hook '(org-attach-archive-delete-maybe)
 org-ctrl-c-ctrl-c-hook '(org-babel-hash-at-point
 org-cycle-hook '(org-cycle-hide-archived-subtrees org-cycle-hide-drawers
  org-cycle-hide-inline-tasks org-cycle-show-empty-lines
 org-confirm-elisp-link-function 'yes-or-no-p
 org-metadown-hook '(org-babel-pop-to-session-maybe)
 org-agenda-files '("~/")
 org-clock-out-hook '(org-clock-remove-empty-clock-drawer)

Re: [O] Bug: keys C-c C-c do not update in Emacs app, but in Terminal emacs

2016-08-14 Thread Maria Shinoto

Aloha Axel and Tom,

You both pushed me in the right direction.

I did a clean install and did not load any new packages, now it works 
like it should.

Thanks and all the best from Japan,

Am 14.08.16 um 17:09 schrieb Maria Shinoto:


o yes! I made a mistake in my test file on the Macbook. Now, with the
list as a real list, the setup on my Macbook works great.

So, the problem is definitely the emacs/org-mode set up on my iMac, the
list file there was OK.

I will now re-install the whole emacs application and try to keep
everything clean. Then I will test exactly the same way like on the
Macbook and write again on this list, whether it worked.

Best and thanks a lot,

Am 14.08.16 um 16:46 schrieb Axel Kielhorn:

Am 14.08.2016 um 08:55 schrieb Maria Shinoto <>:

Now, I will explain the behaviour on my Macbook.

My test buffer (file, in org mode) looks like this:

* A test todo [/]
 [X] checkbox
 [ ] another checkbox

Two things I observe:

**1** As far as I understand, the counter in the headline should
update with C-c C-c. Instead, I am asked to enter a tag, and this tag
will then be set.

You have to be on the [/].
If you are anywhere else on the line the default behavior is indeed to
set a tag.

**2** When I try C-c C-c with the cursor on the checkbox line, it
should change the state of the line and that of the counter -- if I
understand correctly. But I get another message "C-c C-c can do
nothing useful at this location.“

Right, because you are not in a list, use:

* A test todo [/]
 - [X] checkbox
 - [ ] another checkbox

BTW, you should get exactly the same behavior in the shell.

In case you want to use the same Emacs in the shell and in GUI, add

  ^^^ adjust as appropriate

to your PATH.

And again we see the usefulness of the ECM, long live the ECM.

Re: [O] Bug: keys C-c C-c do not update in Emacs app, but in Terminal emacs

2016-08-14 Thread Maria Shinoto


o yes! I made a mistake in my test file on the Macbook. Now, with the 
list as a real list, the setup on my Macbook works great.

So, the problem is definitely the emacs/org-mode set up on my iMac, the 
list file there was OK.

I will now re-install the whole emacs application and try to keep 
everything clean. Then I will test exactly the same way like on the 
Macbook and write again on this list, whether it worked.

Best and thanks a lot,

Am 14.08.16 um 16:46 schrieb Axel Kielhorn:

Am 14.08.2016 um 08:55 schrieb Maria Shinoto <>:

Now, I will explain the behaviour on my Macbook.

My test buffer (file, in org mode) looks like this:

* A test todo [/]
 [X] checkbox
 [ ] another checkbox

Two things I observe:

**1** As far as I understand, the counter in the headline should update with 
C-c C-c. Instead, I am asked to enter a tag, and this tag will then be set.

You have to be on the [/].
If you are anywhere else on the line the default behavior is indeed to set a 

**2** When I try C-c C-c with the cursor on the checkbox line, it should change the 
state of the line and that of the counter -- if I understand correctly. But I get 
another message "C-c C-c can do nothing useful at this location.“

Right, because you are not in a list, use:

* A test todo [/]
 - [X] checkbox
 - [ ] another checkbox

BTW, you should get exactly the same behavior in the shell.

In case you want to use the same Emacs in the shell and in GUI, add

  ^^^ adjust as appropriate

to your PATH.

And again we see the usefulness of the ECM, long live the ECM.

Re: [O] Bug: keys C-c C-c do not update in Emacs app, but in Terminal emacs

2016-08-14 Thread Maria Shinoto

I appreciate your help! It seems, the problem is a bit more difficult...

Before accessing this mailing list, I have already done some 
installations and updates (whole emacs, org mode packages etc.), but all 
to the same result. I get along with R, Latex, Pandoc etc., in console 
mode or GUI, yet I could solve all problems, even with mixed languages 
like German, Japanese, English and Korean. But emacs, after 10 days, 
still is opaque.

Now I tried another new installation of Emacs GUI on another Mac (both 
Macs run El Capitan, 10.12), but I get another strange behaviour with 
this unmodified version.

Now, I will explain the behaviour on my Macbook.

My test buffer (file, in org mode) looks like this:

* A test todo [/]
  [X] checkbox
  [ ] another checkbox

Two things I observe:

**1** As far as I understand, the counter in the headline should update 
with C-c C-c. Instead, I am asked to enter a tag, and this tag will then 
be set.

**2** When I try C-c C-c with the cursor on the checkbox line, it should 
change the state of the line and that of the counter -- if I understand 
correctly. But I get another message "C-c C-c can do nothing useful at 
this location."

When asking for the org-version (M-x org-version), I get the same answer 
like on my iMac:

Org-mode version 8.2.10 (release_8.2.10 @ 


My file path looks a bit better on the new installation without org-mode 

("/Library/Application Support/Emacs/24.5/site-lisp"
"/Library/Application Support/Emacs/site-lisp"

I hope that someone can guide me to a solution, otherwise Emacs looks 
inaccessible for me... :(


Am 14.08.16 um 11:17 schrieb Thomas S. Dye:

I'm not an expert, but instead of trying to adjust the initialization
files I'd re-install Org mode following the instructions here:


Maria Shinoto writes:

So should I delete the line


and leave the one on top




Am 14.08.16 um 10:35 schrieb Thomas S. Dye:

According to the web site, you should see the path to the latest
Org mode.  Yours points to the Org mode that ships with Emacs.  If
you've updated Org mode independently of Emacs, then Emacs isn't finding
the latest Org mode correctly.


Maria Shinoto writes:

and again...

I got the load-path variable with C-h v load-path RET, it looks like this:

load-path is a variable defined in `C source code'.
Its value is
"/usr/share/emacs/site-lisp/org" "/Library/Application
Support/Emacs/24.5/site-lisp" "/Library/Application

Re: [O] Bug: keys C-c C-c do not update in Emacs app, but in Terminal emacs

2016-08-13 Thread Maria Shinoto

So should I delete the line


and leave the one on top




Am 14.08.16 um 10:35 schrieb Thomas S. Dye:

According to the web site, you should see the path to the latest
Org mode.  Yours points to the Org mode that ships with Emacs.  If
you've updated Org mode independently of Emacs, then Emacs isn't finding
the latest Org mode correctly.


Maria Shinoto writes:

and again...

I got the load-path variable with C-h v load-path RET, it looks like this:

load-path is a variable defined in `C source code'.
Its value is
"/usr/share/emacs/site-lisp/org" "/Library/Application
Support/Emacs/24.5/site-lisp" "/Library/Application



   This variable may be risky if used as a file-local variable.

List of directories to search for files to load.
Each element is a string (directory name) or nil (meaning
Initialized during startup as described in Info node `(elisp)Library

In my beloved BBEdit, I created this list:

"/Library/Application Support/Emacs/24.5/site-lisp"
"/Library/Application Support/Emacs/site-lisp"

So, another /org path is there. Could this be the problem, or anything else?

Looking forward to answers and getting to grips with emacs an

Re: [O] Bug: keys C-c C-c do not update in Emacs app, but in Terminal emacs

2016-08-13 Thread Maria Shinoto

and again...

I got the load-path variable with C-h v load-path RET, it looks like this:

load-path is a variable defined in `C source code'.
Its value is
"/usr/share/emacs/site-lisp/org" "/Library/Application 
Support/Emacs/24.5/site-lisp" "/Library/Application 

  This variable may be risky if used as a file-local variable.

List of directories to search for files to load.
Each element is a string (directory name) or nil (meaning 
Initialized during startup as described in Info node `(elisp)Library 


In my beloved BBEdit, I created this list:

"/Library/Application Support/Emacs/24.5/site-lisp"
"/Library/Application Support/Emacs/site-lisp"

So, another /org path is there. Could this be the problem, or anything else?

Looking forward to answers and getting to grips with emacs and org-mode,


Am 14.08.16 um 09:14 schrieb Maria Shinoto:

Aloha again,

now I checked as far as I could.

I get this response to "M-x org-version":

Org-mode version 8.2.10 (release_8.2.10 @

This should be OK according to the FAQ.

Next step would be to go through the output of "list-load-path-shadows"
according to the FAQ. But: What is it, how can I get there, how can I
modify, what do I have to look for?

Thanks for any help,

Re: [O] Bug: keys C-c C-c do not update in Emacs app, but in Terminal emacs

2016-08-13 Thread Maria Shinoto

Aloha again,

now I checked as far as I could.

I get this response to "M-x org-version":

	Org-mode version 8.2.10 (release_8.2.10 @ 

This should be OK according to the FAQ.

Next step would be to go through the output of "list-load-path-shadows" 
according to the FAQ. But: What is it, how can I get there, how can I 
modify, what do I have to look for?

Thanks for any help,

Am 14.08.16 um 08:58 schrieb Thomas S. Dye:

Aloha Maria,

When I press Ctrl-h v and type org-planning-line-re , I get this:

| org-planning-line-re is a variable defined in `org.el'.
| Its value is "^[]*\\(\\(?:CLOSED\\|DEADLINE\\|SCHEDULED\\):\\)"
|   This variable may be risky if used as a file-local variable.
| Documentation:
| Matches a line with planning info.
| Matched keyword is in group 1.

I'm not an expert, but I think your installation might be mixed, which
sometimes happens installing Org mode from ELPA.  See


Maria Shinoto writes:


Thanks a lot for your help、I tried the options, but CUA Keys were not
selected. There is nothing about CUA keys in my .emacs file either.

Now I put on the Debugger -- unfortunately, I do not know anything about

I set the cursor on a list item line with checkbox marked "X" and typed
C-c C-c, getting the typical message:

"Symbol's value as variable is void: org-planning-line-re"

This is the message I got in the Debugger, I hope this gives a hint to
my problem:


Debugger entered--Lisp error: (void-variable org-planning-line-re)
  org-element--current-element(330 element planning nil)

\n" beginning-of-line throw exit :parent re-search-backward 

   :end outline-next-heading input-pending-p time-less-p current-time
interrupt org-element--current-element
:structure org-add-props plist-put org-element--cache-put plain-text eql
headline section inlinetask
plain-list item property-drawer node-property table table-row
:contents-end (plain-list table) ...] 9)


   [next restriction object-data completep objects parent
org-element--object-lex throw exit
:end get-text-property 0 plist-get nil :begin found :parent
org-add-props plist-put t
element property cache-limit pos object --dolist-tail-- value v] 6)
:begin get-text-property 0
plist-get throw exit :end :contents-begin :contents-end (32 9) (32 9)
plain-text property pos
last cend cbeg end org-element-object-restrictions restriction] 7)
org-element--affiliated-re org-element-parsed-keywords tag
org-complex-heading-regexp end org-comment-string ...] 7)

  call-interactively(org-ctrl-c-ctrl-c nil nil)



PS I had to delete all byte-code in order to get the message sent.
Really feel like a beginner...

Am 13.08.16 um 19:45 schrieb Axel Kielhorn:
   >> Am 13.08.2016 um 09:41 schrieb Maria Shinoto <>:
   >> Message-ID:
   >> Hi,
   >> I am learning Org-mode and Emacs on a Mac, and got everything working
   >> fine, except for the key combination C-c C-c.
   >> C-c C-c should update states in certain contexts, e.g. toggle the
state of a check box and the counter of tasks finished in the header of
such a check box list.
   >> In the Emacs UI for Mac (not Aquamac), this key combination does not
   >> work, it is org mode version 8.2.10.
   >> It does work when I call emacs from the terminal though, where
org-mode version is 4.67c.
   >> Is there something wrong with the newer Org mode versions?
   > You probably have „Options | Use CUA Keys“ set in the GUI Version.
   > This maps C-C, C-X, C-V to copy, cut, paste.
   > Since the default is off (nil) you may have activated it somehow,
maybe an init.el you copied from somewhere?
   > I have the same Emacs you have and here everything ist fine.
   > Axel

Re: [O] Bug: keys C-c C-c do not update in Emacs app, but in Terminal emacs

2016-08-13 Thread Maria Shinoto

Aloha Tom,

this seems to be the right direction. I updated from Melpa, which was 
recommended in several web pages about org mode. Will try to figure it 
out and write about my findings.


Am 14.08.16 um 08:58 schrieb Thomas S. Dye:

Aloha Maria,

When I press Ctrl-h v and type org-planning-line-re , I get this:

| org-planning-line-re is a variable defined in `org.el'.
| Its value is "^[]*\\(\\(?:CLOSED\\|DEADLINE\\|SCHEDULED\\):\\)"
|   This variable may be risky if used as a file-local variable.
| Documentation:
| Matches a line with planning info.
| Matched keyword is in group 1.

I'm not an expert, but I think your installation might be mixed, which
sometimes happens installing Org mode from ELPA.  See


Maria Shinoto writes:


Thanks a lot for your help、I tried the options, but CUA Keys were not
selected. There is nothing about CUA keys in my .emacs file either.

Now I put on the Debugger -- unfortunately, I do not know anything about

I set the cursor on a list item line with checkbox marked "X" and typed
C-c C-c, getting the typical message:

"Symbol's value as variable is void: org-planning-line-re"

This is the message I got in the Debugger, I hope this gives a hint to
my problem:


Debugger entered--Lisp error: (void-variable org-planning-line-re)
  org-element--current-element(330 element planning nil)

\n" beginning-of-line throw exit :parent re-search-backward 

   :end outline-next-heading input-pending-p time-less-p current-time
interrupt org-element--current-element
:structure org-add-props plist-put org-element--cache-put plain-text eql
headline section inlinetask
plain-list item property-drawer node-property table table-row
:contents-end (plain-list table) ...] 9)


   [next restriction object-data completep objects parent
org-element--object-lex throw exit
:end get-text-property 0 plist-get nil :begin found :parent
org-add-props plist-put t
element property cache-limit pos object --dolist-tail-- value v] 6)
:begin get-text-property 0
plist-get throw exit :end :contents-begin :contents-end (32 9) (32 9)
plain-text property pos
last cend cbeg end org-element-object-restrictions restriction] 7)
org-element--affiliated-re org-element-parsed-keywords tag
org-complex-heading-regexp end org-comment-string ...] 7)

  call-interactively(org-ctrl-c-ctrl-c nil nil)



PS I had to delete all byte-code in order to get the message sent.
Really feel like a beginner...

Am 13.08.16 um 19:45 schrieb Axel Kielhorn:
   >> Am 13.08.2016 um 09:41 schrieb Maria Shinoto <>:
   >> Message-ID:
   >> Hi,
   >> I am learning Org-mode and Emacs on a Mac, and got everything working
   >> fine, except for the key combination C-c C-c.
   >> C-c C-c should update states in certain contexts, e.g. toggle the
state of a check box and the counter of tasks finished in the header of
such a check box list.
   >> In the Emacs UI for Mac (not Aquamac), this key combination does not
   >> work, it is org mode version 8.2.10.
   >> It does work when I call emacs from the terminal though, where
org-mode version is 4.67c.
   >> Is there something wrong with the newer Org mode versions?
   > You probably have „Options | Use CUA Keys“ set in the GUI Version.
   > This maps C-C, C-X, C-V to copy, cut, paste.
   > Since the default is off (nil) you may have activated it somehow,
maybe an init.el you copied from somewhere?
   > I have the same Emacs you have and here everything ist fine.
   > Axel

Re: [O] Bug: keys C-c C-c do not update in Emacs app, but in Terminal emacs

2016-08-13 Thread Maria Shinoto


Thanks a lot for your help、I tried the options, but CUA Keys were not 
selected. There is nothing about CUA keys in my .emacs file either.

Now I put on the Debugger -- unfortunately, I do not know anything about 

I set the cursor on a list item line with checkbox marked "X" and typed 
C-c C-c, getting the typical message:

"Symbol's value as variable is void: org-planning-line-re"

This is the message I got in the Debugger, I hope this gives a hint to 
my problem:


Debugger entered--Lisp error: (void-variable org-planning-line-re)
  org-element--current-element(330 element planning nil)

\n" beginning-of-line throw exit :parent re-search-backward 
  :end outline-next-heading input-pending-p time-less-p current-time 
interrupt org-element--current-element
:structure org-add-props plist-put org-element--cache-put plain-text eql 
headline section inlinetask
plain-list item property-drawer node-property table table-row 
:contents-end (plain-list table) ...] 9)


  [next restriction object-data completep objects parent 
org-element--object-lex throw exit
:end get-text-property 0 plist-get nil :begin found :parent 
org-add-props plist-put t
element property cache-limit pos object --dolist-tail-- value v] 6) 
:begin get-text-property 0
plist-get throw exit :end :contents-begin :contents-end (32 9) (32 9) 
plain-text property pos
last cend cbeg end org-element-object-restrictions restriction] 7) 
org-element--affiliated-re org-element-parsed-keywords tag 
org-complex-heading-regexp end org-comment-string ...] 7)

  call-interactively(org-ctrl-c-ctrl-c nil nil)



PS I had to delete all byte-code in order to get the message sent. 
Really feel like a beginner...

Am 13.08.16 um 19:45 schrieb Axel Kielhorn:
  >> Am 13.08.2016 um 09:41 schrieb Maria Shinoto <>:
  >> Message-ID: 

  >> Hi,
  >> I am learning Org-mode and Emacs on a Mac, and got everything working
  >> fine, except for the key combination C-c C-c.
  >> C-c C-c should update states in certain contexts, e.g. toggle the 
state of a check box and the counter of tasks finished in the header of 
such a check box list.

  >> In the Emacs UI for Mac (not Aquamac), this key combination does not
  >> work, it is org mode version 8.2.10.
  >> It does work when I call emacs from the terminal though, where 
org-mode version is 4.67c.

  >> Is there something wrong with the newer Org mode versions?
  > You probably have „Options | Use CUA Keys“ set in the GUI Version.
  > This maps C-C, C-X, C-V to copy, cut, paste.
  > Since the default is off (nil) you may have activated it somehow, 
maybe an init.el you copied from somewhere?

  > I have the same Emacs you have and here everything ist fine.
  > Axel

[O] Bug: keys C-c C-c do not update in Emacs app, but in Terminal emacs [8.2.10 (release_8.2.10 @ /Users/home/.emacs.d/elpa/org-20160801/)]

2016-08-13 Thread Maria Shinoto


I am learning Org-mode and Emacs on a Mac, and got everything working
fine, except for the key combination C-c C-c.

C-c C-c should update states in certain contexts, e.g. toggle the state 
of a check box and the counter of tasks finished in the header of such a 
check box list.

In the Emacs UI for Mac (not Aquamac), this key combination does not
work, it is org mode version 8.2.10.

It does work when I call emacs from the terminal though, where org-mode 
version is 4.67c.

Is there something wrong with the newer Org mode versions?

Thanks for your help,

Emacs  : GNU Emacs 24.5.1 (x86_64-apple-darwin13.4.0, NS 

  of 2015-04-11 on
Package: Org-mode version 8.2.10 (release_8.2.10 @ 

current state:
  org-tab-first-hook '(org-hide-block-toggle-maybe
  org-speed-command-hook '(org-speed-command-default-hook
  org-occur-hook '(org-first-headline-recenter)
  org-metaup-hook '(org-babel-load-in-session-maybe)
  org-confirm-shell-link-function 'yes-or-no-p
  org-after-todo-state-change-hook '(org-clock-out-if-current)
  org-from-is-user-regexp "\\"
  org-src-mode-hook '(org-src-babel-configure-edit-buffer
  org-agenda-before-write-hook '(org-agenda-add-entry-text)
  org-babel-pre-tangle-hook '(save-buffer)
  org-mode-hook '(#[nil "\300\301\302\303\304$\207"
   [org-add-hook change-major-mode-hook org-show-block-all
append local]
 #[nil "\300\301\302\303\304$\207"
   [org-add-hook change-major-mode-hook
org-babel-show-result-all append local]
 org-babel-result-hide-spec org-babel-hide-all-hashes)
  org-archive-hook '(org-attach-archive-delete-maybe)
  org-ctrl-c-ctrl-c-hook '(org-babel-hash-at-point
  org-cycle-hook '(org-cycle-hide-archived-subtrees org-cycle-hide-drawers
  org-cycle-hide-inline-tasks org-cycle-show-empty-lines
  org-confirm-elisp-link-function 'yes-or-no-p
  org-metadown-hook '(org-babel-pop-to-session-maybe)
  org-agenda-files '("~/")
  org-clock-out-hook '(org-clock-remove-empty-clock-drawer)