Re: [O] Can't export in 7.8.11 and can't get 8.0.4 to work

2013-07-16 Thread Paul Whipp
Thanks for your help. I had failed to include (package-initialize) in my
.emacs which was why 8.0.4 was not working.

Problem solved!

On 16 July 2013 17:06, Bastien wrote:

 Hi Paul,

 Paul Whipp writes:

  If I use the package installer to upgrade org I get version 8.0.4 but
  it then fails to complete my initialisation with: Symbol's function
  definition is void: org-defvaralias

 Please share the parts of your configuration that are relevant to
 this, e.g. your package initialization and your Org initialization.



Description: Binary data

[O] Can't export in 7.8.11 and can't get 8.0.4 to work

2013-07-15 Thread Paul Whipp
I'm using emacs 24.2.1 in Ubuntu 13.04.

In the supplied org-mode version 7.8.11, I cannot export. When I attempt to
export (c-e c-a) I get: Can't find library org.

If I use the package installer to upgrade org I get version 8.0.4 but it
then fails to complete my initialisation with: Symbol's function
definition is void: org-defvaralias

This is the backtrace:
Debugger entered--Lisp error: (void-function org-defvaralias)
  org-defvaralias(org-agenda-filter-preset org-agenda-tag-filter-preset)
  byte-code(\300\301\302\\210\300\303\304\\207 [org-defvaralias
org-agenda-filter-preset org-agenda-tag-filter-preset org-agenda-filter
org-agenda-tag-filter] 3)
  (lambda nil (if (y-or-n-p-with-timeout Update notes? 7 t) (progn
(message Updating ~/notes...) (shell-command-to-string svn update
~/notes))) (org-agenda-list) (switch-to-buffer (get-buffer *Org

If I try to export in 8.0.4 I get the Symbol's function definition is
void: org-defvaralias error again.

I don't really mind if I use 7.8.11 or 8.0.4 but I need it to load my
org-files without breaking and I need to be able to export them (usually as
html but pdf is great too on occasion).

Does anyone have a workaround or fix for this?

Re: [O] Can't export in 7.8.11 and can't get 8.0.4 to work

2013-07-15 Thread Paul Whipp
I followed the instructions and I did that.
Then I started a new session with it installed which is when I got the bug.

On 15 July 2013 16:43, Bastien wrote:

 Hi Paul,

 Paul Whipp writes:

  If I use the package installer to upgrade org I get version 8.0.4 but
  it then fails to complete my initialisation with: Symbol's function
  definition is void: org-defvaralias

 If you use the package installer, you need to install Org in a fresh
 Emacs session, where no Org feature has been loaded.

 Hope this helps,


[O] org-mode no longer picking up scheduled tasks when upgraded to 8.0.3

2013-07-02 Thread Paul Whipp
I use org-mode all the time and find it invaluable. I recently upgraded my
ubuntu environment to 13.04 and emacs 24.2.1 came with it. org-mode was
working fine within it out of the box except it failed with Symbol's
function definition is void: org-defvaralias when I restarted the machine
this morning.

Not finding much on google I decided to upgrade org-mode to the latest
release so I added
(require 'package)
(add-to-list 'package-archives '(org .;) t)
(unless package-archive-contents;; Refresh the packages descriptions
(setq package-load-list '(all)) ;; List of packages to load
(unless (package-installed-p 'org)  ;; Make sure the Org package is
  (package-install 'org))   ;; installed, install it if not
(package-initialize);; Initialize  Install Package

to my init as per This gave me org-version

Now my agenda is completely blank with no tasks displaying at all (they
also fail to display in the other views).

A message org-agenda-skip: Wrong type argument: stringp, nil appears when
I try to recalculate the agenda view.

I know that something is now failing in one of my org files because if I
reset org-agenda-files to a simple test file it works. However, I have
literally dozens of org files, some of which are many thousands of lines
long because I use them for client documentation. They were working fine in
the previous version of org-mode.

Another, possibly related issue is that when emacs opens and the agenda is
calculated, the test file buffer is marked as changed when it is not

Is there some way I can easily narrow down the issue or perhaps restore the
robustness of the previous org-mode version?

[O] emacs24 datetree always entering events under today

2012-09-02 Thread Paul Whipp
The datetree functionality for org-mode capture is very appealing but
google has let me down trying to get it working.

I set it up using as follows:

template entry:
(e Event entry (file+datetree ~/notes/
 * %^{Title} %?

My versions are:
GNU Emacs (i486-pc-linux-gnu, GTK+ Version 2.20.1)
 of 2012-07-28 on kutjera, modified by Debian
Org-mode version 7.8.11

Starting with a blank file, the current year month and today are
generated as the tutorial describes but all entries appear under it,
whatever year or month or day I actually set for them  using C-c, C-s to
schedule a date (or by just associating a date with them).

* 2012
** 2012-09 September
*** 2012-09-03 Monday
 test for tomorrow again
SCHEDULED: 2012-09-05 Wed
 TODO try me as a task for tomorrow
SCHEDULED: 2012-09-04 Tue
2012-11-03 Sat 10:31
2012-09-03 Mon 10:30
 just one date perhaps
SCHEDULED: 2012-09-04 Tue

Can anyone help with what I'm doing wrong or is this a feature that is no
longer working?


Re: [O] Is there a way to selectively change the line spacing for visual line mode?

2012-08-05 Thread Paul Whipp
Thanks Brian, but that does not help me adjust the line spacing or height
of a line.

I use emacs24 for organising, programming in Python, PHP and for writing
fiction. Visual line mode is perfect except for the minor irritation of my
having to put in that extra linefeed to clearly visually separate

Being able to turn visual mode off is handy too - each paragraph ends up on
one line - its effectively folding for fiction ;) - very handy when
scanning a 10k+ word story.

The 'enhancement' I'm after is being able to make the explicit newline take
up more screen height than the implicit newline used in visual-line-mode so
that there is no need to put in two explicit newlines to separate
paragraphs clearly. I think this would be universally appreciated.

I guess I could possibly dig into the code and rebind the line-spacing
within the visual-line-mode relevant scope but it would take me an age to
work out how to do that.


On 5 August 2012 01:53, brian powell wrote:

 * --very intereting...

 ** This may explain why you found no help thru google:

 Visual line mode is a new mode in Emacs 23 that is on by default.

 * The following code convinces visual-line-mode to wrap at a given column
 by expanding the right margin of the buffer’s window. It’s worked pretty
 well for me, although it depends on being the only one that fiddles with
 the margins. --JamesWright

 (defvar visual-wrap-column nil)
 (defun set-visual-wrap-column (new-wrap-column optional buffer)

 ** To use the original behavior put the following in your .emacs:

 (setq line-move-visual nil)

 On Sat, Aug 4, 2012 at 8:06 AM, Paul Whipp wrote:

 I can adjust the line-spacing variable but I'm looking for a way to
 separate paragraphs when writing large amounts of text in org-mode.
 Sticking in an extra carriage return works and has become my habit but it
 is annoying when the text is copy/pasted or exported to certain formats
 (such as libreoffice).

 I'd like to be able to set the line-spacing such that there is a nice
 visible vertical gap where I've actually hit the carriage return to create
 a new paragraph and a smaller vertical spacing where visual line mode has
 emulated a carriage return for readability. This would probably help in my
 elisp or python code too because it would make it easy to distinguish
 wrapped and new lines.

 I've tried google but I can't see any way to do this. Can anyone suggest
 where I should look for a solution?

 Paul Whipp

 Office: 07 3103 2894
 Mobile: 0410 545 357

 Do more business with your website!

 Joomla, Python, PHP and MySQL web application 

[O] Is there a way to selectively change the line spacing for visual line mode?

2012-08-04 Thread Paul Whipp
I can adjust the line-spacing variable but I'm looking for a way to
separate paragraphs when writing large amounts of text in org-mode.
Sticking in an extra carriage return works and has become my habit but it
is annoying when the text is copy/pasted or exported to certain formats
(such as libreoffice).

I'd like to be able to set the line-spacing such that there is a nice
visible vertical gap where I've actually hit the carriage return to create
a new paragraph and a smaller vertical spacing where visual line mode has
emulated a carriage return for readability. This would probably help in my
elisp or python code too because it would make it easy to distinguish
wrapped and new lines.

I've tried google but I can't see any way to do this. Can anyone suggest
where I should look for a solution?

Paul Whipp

Office: 07 3103 2894
Mobile: 0410 545 357

Do more business with your website!

Joomla, Python, PHP and MySQL web application

[O] capture whenever

2012-07-12 Thread Paul Whipp
I had trouble getting org-capture to behave from a hotkey:

It worked fine but would not give the emacs buffer focus making it pretty

I worked around the problem using wmctrl (which is in the debian/ubuntu
repos). I created a small script:


wmctrl -Fa 'emacs@dev'
emacsclient org-protocol:/capture:/foo/

where 'emacs@dev' is the title of my main emacs window when it comes up.

The script works fine even though the window's title changes when I use
multiple windows.

Now when I hit the pause key, the script runs and I can capture the thought
or snippet without interrupting what I'm doing.

I'm sure there is a better way but this works. It would be nice to avoid
needing wmctrl (I searched in vain for the 'give focus' option on
emacsclient) and to be able to drop the '/foo/' (without which it breaks).

Thanks for the help getting there.

Paul Whipp

Office: 07 3103 2894
Mobile: 0410 545 357

Do more business with your website!

Joomla, Python, PHP and MySQL web application

[O] org-remember from anywhere

2012-07-08 Thread Paul Whipp
Hi there,

I've been enjoying org-mode for a good few months now and I love it.

I'm using the following versions in both Ubuntu 10.04 on my desktop
and 12.04 on my laptop.

#+BEGIN_SRC lisp
Org-mode version 7.8.11
Org-mode version 7.8.11
GNU Emacs (i486-pc-linux-gnu, GTK+ Version 2.20.1)
 of 2012-05-25 on muntries, modified by Debian

I've recently started using org-remember/capture and its working well
although I found the presence of org-remember and org-capture

I have been trying to get the capture working from anywhere using
[[][this guide]]
so that it drops the captured note into my misc journal. It works fine
when I'm in emacs (which is about 50% of my working time). Here is my

#+BEGIN_SRC lisp
;;; Capture setup
(setq org-directory ~/notes/)
(setq org-default-notes-file (concat org-directory
(setq org-remember-default-headline Incoming)
(define-key global-map \C-cr 'org-remember)
(setq org-remember-templates
  '((Todo ?t * TODO %^{Title} %u\n%?\n%i\n%a\n)))

;;; Capture from anywhere
(require 'org-protocol)

(defun org-protocol-capture (data)
  ;; Capture (ignore data for now)

(add-to-list 'org-protocol-protocol-alist
   :protocol my-org-capture
   :function org-protocol-capture))

(start-server) is called earlier in the setup.

I intend to stick the command line invokation onto a hot key
combination so I can enter emacs notes from anywhere.
(orb-protocol-capture) works in emacs but when I try the command line
I get this:

~ $ emacsclient org-protocol://org-capture//
Waiting for Emacs...
\*ERROR*: Wrong type argument: stringp, org-capture
~ $ emacsclient org-protocol://org-capture//foo
Waiting for Emacs...
\*ERROR*: Wrong type argument: stringp, org-capture

What am I doing wrong?

Feel free to point me at the right manual or guide. From the notes it
looked like this feature might once have been built in.

Paul Whipp

Office: 07 3103 2894
Mobile: 0410 545 357

Do more business with your website!

Joomla, Python, PHP and MySQL web application developer

PS: I usually export the org as html but for some reason the above
headed section just did nothing. A separate issue I'll look into
sometime but if anyone knows the answer I'd be grateful.