[O] Error message triggered by fill.

2017-12-19 Thread Richard Fieldsend
Hi All,
Recently I declared Emacs bankruptcy and rebuilt my initialisation files
from the ground up.

For a while now I have managed my initialisation files by having everything
in a folder (~/emacsLisp) which contains the .emacs file which calls a
series of 'themed' initialisation files for things like LaTeX, appearance,
programming etc. I then have a .emacs in my home directory which is just a
soft link to the .emacs in the folder.

This time I decided to build Emacs from source and to do the same with the
various plugins.  The source for these is stored in a separate folder,
respectively pulled from GitHub and linked into the files as appropriate.
The ~/emacsLisp folder is in a GitHub repository which means I can keep my
various computers in sync.

I have a laptop at home, and two desktops at work (I work in two separate
buildings) so this syncronising is useful.

However, I have hit a problem which only occurs in org-mode. On my laptop
and one of my desktop PCs the org-mode stuff works fine.  But on my main
work machine when I have an org file I can add text, but when a line gets
long enough to word-wrap to the next line I get an error:

org-element--cache-find: avl-tree--dummyroot accessing a non-avl-tree-

the line doesn't wrap and the line continues.

I have updated all the repositories and rebuilt the code where appropriate,
and the problem persists.  Both systems have the same version of Linux (I
have just updated both to Mint 18.3).

Looking in the lisp directory for org-mode there doesn't seem to be a match
for avl. Looking at the lisp directory under the Emacs build there is
(including entries in the changelog).

Any thoughts would be gratefully received.

Best wishes


[O] Strange, issue when I hit word wrap limit.

2017-12-15 Thread Richard Fieldsend
Dear Gurus,
I have an odd issue with org-mode, which I'm hoping people can help with.


I recently decided to declare Emacs bankruptcy, and started building a
fresh new Emacs.

To do this I pulled a copy of the source from github, built it and then
started on my initialisation files.  As much as possible I have been using
built in customisations or I have also built the extensions from github

I keep a folder in home called 'emacsLisp' which I populate with .emacs and
a group of subject based files (emacsLatex.el, emacsExperimental.el etc)
which I link in from .emacs.  I then have a soft link to .emacs in the home

The latest thing I have added in has been org-mode, and as before, I have
pulled it from source and built it using 'make autoloads'

On my home laptop org-mode works as expected (I have a minimal
installation, using org-bullets and it timestamp when a todo is completed,
but I haven't gone hog wild yet).

However, with the same code on my work computer when I am writing text in
org-mode and the cursor reaches the end of the line and should wrap I get
an error that flashes up in the buffer at the foot of the screen.

The error message reads:

org-element--cache-find: avl-tree--dummyroot accessing a non-avl-tree-

Google has failed to find an answer.

I have tried installing org-mode from the package manager on my work
computer, but the problem persists.

Any thoughts  gratefully received
