Hi all,

First time on the mailing list. Been using org-mode for about half a year.

I'm trying to add a custom display to the agenda view, similar to org-habit. I'm want to pull information from a task's `:LOGBOOK:` drawer and display some stats next to the item in the agenda view.

I've written the code that parses the stats I'm interested in, but I can't seem to figure out how to show them in the agenda. Looking through the org-habit code it seems I need to first use `org-add-props` (or `add-text-properties`) to add a custom `text-property`, which I can then process in an `org-finalize-hook`.

The problem is that there doesn't seem to be any hook available for me to add a prop during the agenda creation process. Am I missing something? Or do I just need to modify `org-agenda-get-scheduled` directly?


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