When I try to export file.org  using C-c C-e the window with the list of
possibilities appears. But it appears incomplete(visualization), so I try
to use the mouse to view the other export options and the system is
completely blocked. Every mouse click is captured and displayed in the
command window. And it doesn't allow you to do anything else. I am forced
to cancel the command without completing it.
Apparently C-c C-e is capturing all events and not just keyboard events!

*André Duarte Bueno*
*Professor Associado LENEP/CCT/UENF*
*Chefe Setor Modelagem Matemática e Computacional*

*UENF* - Universidade Estadual do Norte Fluminense - Darcy Ribeiro
*CCT* - Centro de Ciências e Tecnologias
*LENEP* - Laboratório de Engenharia e Exploração de Petróleo
Rodovia Amaral Peixoto, km 163, Avenida Brenand S/N
CEP:   27925-310 - Imboassica - Macaé - RJ - Brasil
Fone:   +55 (22)  2765-6500 geral / *(22) 2765-6563 *sala / (22)
99954-2635 cel
Fax:     +55 (22) 2765-6565
e-mail:  <andreduartebu...@gmail.com>
e-mail institucional: <bu...@lenep.uenf.br>
Site do Professor:  https://sites.google.com/view/professorandreduartebueno/

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